文/克鲁伊夫之道 译/河之洲
Lionel Andrés Messi is a footballer whose career brings envy to whosoever hears his name.Who wouldn’t want to have his ability to put defenders down, week in, week out, with just a drop of the shoulder? What striker wouldn’t want to be so prolific that a season with less than fifty goals seems like a disappointing one? Who wouldn’t want to compete with the elite midfielders for assists year after year and beat them every single time? Who wouldn’t want to have a career as glittering as Messi’s?
利昂内尔·安德烈斯·梅西是一个足球运动员,听到他名字的人都对他的球员生涯羡慕不已。有谁不想拥有他那样的球技,一周接一周的比赛,他只要探探肩,就能把防守人耍得团团转?进球数不足50 个的赛季会让他感觉失落,有哪个前锋不想像他一样多多进球呢?谁不想与精英中场球员比拼助攻,年年过招,又年年赢呢?谁不想拥有梅西那样辉煌的职业生涯呢?
2He has deservedly earned the accolade of the best player on the planet and his individual trophy cabinet, as well as personal feats, emphasizes this even further.Even with all that he’s done on the pitch, with all the goals, all the assists and ever-growing list of honours,the Argentine2指梅西,他是阿根廷人。still has his doubters.A major complaint they have against Messi? His ability, or lack thereof, to be a captain.Lionel Messi, with the ball at his feet, is undoubtedly the best in the world but being the best on the team isn’t enough of a qualification to be a captain.It shouldn’t even be part of the criteria.
3To be the leader of a team as grandiose as Barcelona isn’t something that happens overnight.It takes years to prove that you deserve to wear the Senyera armband3巴塞罗那足球队的队长袖标,以加泰罗尼亚令旗为底,上面是球队队徽。Senyera加泰罗尼亚令旗,金色为底,上覆四道红色条纹,源自阿拉贡王国的纹章。加泰罗尼亚是西班牙的一个自治区,巴塞罗那是其首府。and lead the team through triumph and downfall.In Spain’s top flight, captains are often picked on the basis of seniority, but at Barça, things are done differently, with the Culés4加泰罗尼亚语Culé,来自于culer,意为屁股(西班牙语trasero)。据说过去巴萨球场只有两层看台,容纳不下众多的加泰罗尼亚球迷,很多人不得不坐在球场的围墙上,从外面看映入眼帘的是一溜的屁股,因此Culés 后来就演变成了巴塞罗那队的绰号。putting it to a vote.As per the 2018 elections, Messi emerged as the clear winner with Busquets as vicecaptain, Piqué in third and Sergi Roberto fourth in line for the captaincy.
4It has to be said that no two captains are the same.Some are loud, others are calm but wherever they lie on the spectrum5spectrum 范围,幅度。这里指无论属于各色人等中的哪一种,或属于哪种特点。, their role is pivotal to the success of the team.
5Well, to begin with, it’s his personality.
6“I am more worried about being a good person than the best player in the world,” said Leo6梅西名字Lionel 的昵称。back in October 2012, “when all this is over7all this is over 字面意思是“这一切都结束了”,可理解为退役不踢球了或一场比赛结束的时候。, what are you left with?” Before commanding respect, you need to earn it and no one will waste their time trying to listen to someone who they don’t respect.No one wants to have an arrogant, pompous personality leading them into games, or anything for that matter.Managing to get the entire locker room on your side is essential to building harmony and coherence among the players of the team.It makes the whole environment more conducive to work.
6“我更在乎的是做个好人,其次才是做世界上最好的球员。” 2012 年10 月的时候,利奥说,“当离开球场的时候,你还剩下什么呢?”被人尊重前,你要去赢得这种尊重,没有人会浪费时间听一个他们不尊重的人指挥。没有人想跟着一个目中无人的家伙去打比赛,同样也不会做其他什么事。努力获得更衣室全体球员的支持,对构建队员间的融洽关系和增强凝聚力至关重要。这让整体氛围更利于工作。
7有件事梅西常做,要我说,他做得相当不错,就是帮助状态低迷的球员找回自信。回顾一下2015 年,梅西正与克里斯蒂亚诺·罗纳尔多角逐金靴奖,巴塞罗那队获得一个罚点球的机会,梅西因此有机会上演帽子戏法。尽管比分来到7-0,梅西看到内马尔还没有斩获进球,就把点球机会让给了他,巴西人一蹴而就把球送入球门。他屡次三番这样做,像对阵塞维利亚时他让点给了信心低落的库蒂尼奥,对阵皇家马德里、阿拉维斯、韦斯卡的时候他都让点给了苏亚雷斯。队长不仅要自己球技精湛,还要能把队友的全部潜力激发出来:激励他们更加强大,信心不足时帮他们找回信心。这个小个子的男人对干这种事儿烂熟于心。
7Another thing that Messi does quite often, and quite well if I may add, is building the confidence back up for those players enduring a rough patch8patch 艰难的时期,痛苦的日子。.Taking a look back at 2015, in the race for the Golden Boot against Cristiano Ronaldo, Barcelona were awarded a penalty with Messi on a hat-trick9hattrick 足球比赛中的帽子戏法,即一个球员一场比赛打入三个进球。.Having seen that Neymar hadn’t yet gotten on the scoresheet despite it reading 7-0, he gave him the spot-kick which the Brazilian slotted home.This is something he repeated against Sevilla when Coutinho was low on confidence, as well as for Suárez against Real Madrid, Alavés and Huesca.Not only must captains be adept at playing, but they must also be able to bring out the best in their teammates: to inspire them to be greater, to instill confidence where it’s lacking.For the little man, this is something he’s mastered.
8As far as restoring confidence and defending his teammates is concerned,Messi is more than ready to quiet the cursing mouths of even his own fans when he needs to.In one instance, once again with Coutinho at the Camp Nou10诺坎普球场,巴塞罗那队的主场。nou 新,加泰罗尼亚语指新场地或新球场。,the fans were jeering him for his belowpar performance against Liverpool.After scoring his first goal and the team’s second of the night, Messi faced the fans at the “Gol Nord11这里指诺坎普球场北球门后的坐席。西班牙语中,gol 进球、球门,nord 北。” gesturing at them to stop whistling at the Brazilian.In the post-match interview, Messi spoke about the team being in a definitive moment,but also rubbished the manner in which the fans conducted themselves, calling their actions “ugly”.He then insisted on togetherness and support whether the player had a good game or not.This was his hundredth game as Barcelona captain and he made sure to set an example for those watching.
8就重树信心和维护队友而言,梅西时刻准备平息非议,需要时他甚至会让自己的球迷闭上嘴巴。有一次,库蒂尼奥在诺坎普再次被球迷奚落,说他在对阵利物浦的时候表现拉胯。当晚在打进个人首粒进球也是球队的第二个进球后,梅西直面北球门后看台上的球迷,举手示意他们不要再嘘巴西人(库蒂尼奥)。赛后接受采访时,梅西说球队状态正佳,他狠狠批评了球迷的表现,说他们的行为“令人讨厌”。他然后呼吁大家团结和支持球队,无论球员是踢了一场好球,还是一场孬球。这是他作为巴萨队长踢的第100 场球,他已决心为球迷们做好表率。
9His defense of his teammates was
9就在不久前,梅西维护队友的举动再次受到媒体和公众的关注。他的公开发言很像伊涅斯塔的进球——虽然少之又少,但总出现在最需要的时候。数周前埃里克·阿比达尔公开说道,球员们太自鸣得意,也不满意埃内斯托·巴尔韦德的执教。法国人(阿比达尔)声称,这些问题,加上更衣室内的沟通问题和比赛技战打法本身,最终导致“蚂蚁”巴尔韦德下课。梅西对此给予反击,他说:“人要为自己的决定负责……运动部门的领导也要承担自己的责任。最后,当提到球员时,应该具体到人,否则我们所有人都被泼了脏水,这也给各种杜撰出来的不实评论留下口实。”无论是外部还是内部狂风暴雨袭来,队长都应该去维护自己的队友,梅西那天就是这么做的。任何诸如此类的讨论都应该关起门来进行,但阿比达尔才不在乎。他让球员成为众矢之的,背负各种评判和谴责。梅西及时向他表明,应该先把事情搞清楚,而不是公开发言矛头直指球员。once again in the spotlight not too long ago.Messi’s public addresses are like Iniesta’s goals—they are few and far in between, but come when they are most needed.Eric Abidal12法国人,原为巴塞罗那队的功勋球员,退役后成为该队的官员。called out the players a few weeks ago for having been too complacent and dissatisfied with Ernesto Valverde.The Frenchman claimed that it was this, alongside communication problems in the changing room and the playing style itself that eventually led to El Txingurri13el 为西班牙语,相当于the。txinggurri 为巴斯克语,意为蚂蚁,是巴尔韦德的绰号,据说是其球员时期的教练法国人哈维尔·克莱蒙特起的,可能是因为巴尔韦德个子较矮。’s sacking.Messi hit back, saying, “People have to be responsible for their own decisions […] The heads of the sports department have to take their responsibilities too.Finally, I think that when players are talked about, names should be given because, if not, we are all being dirtied and it feeds comments that are made and are not true.” A captain should be able to defend his teammates from any storms, whether from outside or within.Messi, that day, did just that.Any such discussion should’ve happened in-house but Abidal didn’t care.He put a target on the players’ backs,opening them up to all sorts of judgment and criticism.Messi duly showed him that he should know better than to come out at the players.
1 0我列出的梅西各种特质的最后一项是,他永无止境地为球队做出贡献。于他而言,目标是通过各种可能的方式帮助球队。无论是进球、助攻,还是仅仅是参与了比赛,这个小个子的阿根廷人要确保的是表现出色。队长必须确立标准,率先垂范,让队友追随仿效。看到一个每场比赛付出1 1 0%努力的人,即便有时候伤痛缠身,还有什么能比这更鼓舞人心的呢。
10Lastly on my list of qualities is Messi’s never-ending contributions for his team.For him, it’s a personal objective to aid the team in whichever way possible.Whether it be by a goal, assist or just general involvement in the game,the little Argentinian makes sure to give a good account of himself.A captain must serve as a role model for his teammates to follow, setting the standards.Seeing someone give 110% in every game even when in pain is more than encouraging for everyone concerned.
11The whole squad knows that they have to put in the same sort of effort on every matchday because the person leading them through battle is doing the same.It enforces teamwork as everyone is fighting for each other.Even during the recently concluded ‘drought’ Messi was enduring under Setién, he remained influential as ever with 6 assists.You can take away his goals but Messi is determined as always to produce something for his sides.He always finds a way to pull something out of his hat.
12As per what we’ve just highlighted,Messi has demonstrated multiple times that he does possess qualities that make him a good leader.He is a paragon for the rest to follow, ready to defend his teammates and there to offer a helping hand when they need to be lifted.He is still human and like everyone else, has areas in his leadership that need finetuning.
13Messi shows emotion and though it isn’t a bad thing, I’m confident both Barça and Argentina supporters get disappointed whenever Messi has his head bowed, hands in the face and seemingly on the brink of tears.Not only does this discourage his teammates, but it also enforces the strength of the opposition.Captains serve as the cornerstones of their respective clubs and when they’re down, everything around them comes crashing down like a house of cards14house of cards 纸牌搭成的房子;不可靠的计划、制度等。.They’re supposed to be the ones who,even when seemingly down and out15down and out 必输无疑;面临失败。,believe their team has enough quality to pull through and win.So many aspects of his game are enviable but not this.It’s something that he, of course, knows about himself and will try to improve.
14As we’ve seen already, captains are the ones that the team looks up to.When Barça have a refereeing decision going against them, it’s incredibly disappointing the way Messi reacts.He barges at the referee, sometimes shouts, points fingers and generally makes a nuisance of himself.If he is acting this way—alongside fellow captains Piqué and Busquets—then expect the others to follow suit.Over the years, Barcelona have developed a reputation of being the side that referees hate to officiate most.They find themselves surrounded by the Blaugranas16blaugrana,加泰罗尼亚语,指蓝色和深红色(blau + grana,blue and deep red)。’ players if something doesn’t go their way and woe unto them if they’re in the Camp Nou.Not only will the players be on their case, but they’ll also find themselves encompassed by jeers from some tens of thousands of people.Sure, frustrations can get to anyone at any given time but as the model of what your team is supposed to act like, players like Messi should know better.
15In summary, Lionel Messi is a different kind of captain.He isn’t one of the noisy ones, he certainly isn’t one you’ll see jumping around with his hands sky high trying to motivate his peers but he gets the job done by motivating the other ten in different ways to most captains.He, of course, has areas in his leadership that need fixing but that will be left to time to take care of.He needs to have a bit more faith in himself and his peers and needs to be a better example to his teammates when things don’t go his way.I believe that if Messi improves those two aspects of his game, he might end up as one of the best captains in his teams’ history.■
15总之,利昂内尔·梅西是个与众不同的足球队长,他不会喋喋不休,当然也不是那种高举双手、上蹿下跳给队友鼓劲的人。他用与多数队长不同的方式来给场上的十个队友打气。当然,在领导球队上他有一些需要弥补的缺陷,但这将留给时间来解决。他需要给自己及队友更多一点信心,如果形势不顺,他应率先垂范,做个好的榜样。我确信,如果梅西在比赛中改善以上两个方面,他很可能最终成为其所在球队历史上最好的队长之一。 □