文/陈冰琳 译/郭晓阳
A record-breaking bridge in southwest China passed a demanding load test, clearing the way for faster travel along a belt and road corridor that will facilitate links to Southeast Asia.
2In an eight-day test that began on July 11, trucks carrying up to 1,280 tonnes of cargo drove back and forth non-stop over the Luzhijiang Bridge in the southwestern province of Yunnan,according toScience and Technology Daily.
2据《科技日报》报道,7月11 日开始的8 天荷载试验过程中,加载总重量最大达1280 吨的卡车在位于中国西南省份云南境内的绿汁江大桥上不停地来回行驶。
3The 800-metre-long bridge, which holds the record for the world’s longest single-tower suspension bridge, is expected to cut travel time between the cities of Yuxi and Chuxiong from 1½hours to just two minutes.
3大桥全长800 米,创造了最大跨度单塔单跨悬索桥的世界纪录。玉溪、楚雄两座城市间的通行时间预计将由1.5 小时缩至仅2 分钟。
The area around Yuxi and Chuxiong includes some of China’s least developed counties near the border with Southeast Asia.Yuxi is known for tobacco production, while Chuxiong has one of the world’s largest deposits of dinosaur fossils.
4The Chinese government built the Luzhijiang Bridge as part of a new 200km expressway through Yunnan to improve connections with countries including Myanmar, Vietnam and Laos.
The expressway is an infrastructure project under the Belt and Road Initiative, China’s plan to promote regional links and economic integration with more than 140 countries.
4中国政府修建绿汁江大桥,是作为一条贯穿云南省、全长200 公里的新建高速公路的组成部分,意在加强与缅甸、越南、老挝等国家的互联互通。这条高速公路是“一带一路”倡议下的一个基础设施建设项目。中国计划通过“一带一路”促进与140 多个国家的区域联系及经济融合。
5The bridge will “greatly improve the infrastructure of the counties and towns on both sides of the bridge, promote transport and economic exchanges in the surrounding areas, improve the investment environment, and open up a fast channel for the people along the line to increase their income and become rich”, said theScience and Technology Dailyreport.
6The bridge’s gravity-defying design features just one support tower and spans a deep valley with cliffs rising more than 300 metres above ground.
The cliffs are prone to landslides and other geological hazards, according to engineers with the project.
6大桥采用反重力设计,只有一座支撑桥塔,横跨有着300 多米高峭壁的峡谷。
7After evaluating several proposals,the project team chose the most challenging one, with a single span reaching 780 metres.
7在评估多项提案后,项目团队选择了最具挑战性的方案,单跨跨度达780 米。
8When construction started in 2019,the engineers were given a three-year deadline.Despite the pandemic and repeated lockdowns, they finished the project in time with the help of robots,according to the engineers.
82019 年大桥开工建设时,对工程师的要求是3 年内完工。工程师们说,尽管受到疫情及反复封控的影响,但他们在机器人的帮助下仍及时完成了项目。
9Each of the super-long steel cables had to be secured deep inside the mountain with an anchor.To house the giant anchor, the engineers drilled a tunnel over 100 metres long into the cliff.
9超长钢缆每条都须用锚锭固定在山体深处。为安放巨大的锚锭,工程师在崖壁上开凿了一条100 多米长的隧道。
10Drilling these tunnels in such a challenging landscape typically requires lots of manpower and years of effort.
But the tunnelling time was reduced to around four months thanks to smart machines that could complete the process almost entirely without humans,said the project team with the China Railway Major Bridge Engineering Group in a paper published in the domestic journalWorld Bridgein March.
但中国中铁大桥局集团有限公司的项目团队3 月在国内期刊《世界桥梁》上发表的一篇论文中说,由于智能机械能几乎完全不靠人力完成施工,隧道挖掘时间被缩短至4 个月左右。
11These deep tunnels also allow the suspension cables to ascend from the mountain at an angle of 54 degrees,providing extra strength and support to the bridge.
11深深的隧道也使悬索锚倾角达到54 度,进一步增强了强度及对大桥的支撑。
12The previous record holder for longest single-tower suspension bridge,the Jinshajiang Hutiaoxia Bridge on the Beijing-Tibet Expressway in western China, spans 766 metres.■
12单塔单跨悬索桥最大跨度的前世界纪录保持者是位于中国西部京藏高速公路上的虎跳峡金沙江大桥,跨度为766 米。□