Cerebral corridor creator for resection of trigone ventricular tumors:Two case reports

2022-03-18 02:16XingWuLiuWeiRongLuTianYiZhangXuShengHouZhiQiangFaShiZhongZhang
World Journal of Clinical Cases 2022年6期


The trigonal area of the lateral ventricle is the predilection site of intraventricular tumors,particularly primary meningiomas[1,2].Due to the fluid cavity,tumors in this area are usually asymptomatic at the early stage and are considerably large upon diagnosis[3].To date,complete resection is recommended for the majority of brain tumors.However,the surgical procedures can be challenging,especially for deep brain tumors[4,5].The lateral ventricular trigone is situated deep within the cerebral hemisphere and is in close proximity to essential neural structures,such as the optic radiation(OR)[6].The OR spans from the lateral geniculate body to the calcarine cortex and forms the apical wall of the lateral ventricular trigonal area.A common complication is postoperative visual field defect(VFD)due to OR damage[7].Hence,one big challenge for the neurosurgery community is to create corridors to reach deep-seated tumors and achieve complete tumor resection without causing VFDs.

Behind the house, too, there was a great court-yard, with stables for horses and cows, and the very best of carriages; there was a magnificent large garden, too, with the most beautiful flowers and fruit-trees, and a park quite half a mile long, in which were stags, deer, and hares, and everything that could be desired

Conventional neurosurgery operations require brain spatulas to create a corridor for exposure.The brain spatulas are asymmetrically pressed on soft brain tissue,which frequently cause brain damage,especially when multiple brain spatulas are used in continuous retraction[8].Additionally,brain spatulas may cause ischemia in local normal white matter due to contact pressure[9].A longer retraction time causes greater risk of white matter injury.Minimally invasive surgery has been proposed to minimize operation-induced brain damage and is associated with lower surgical-related morbidity[10-12].

Minimally invasive techniques,such as tubular retractor systems,are effective and safe for the resection of deep-seated lesions and have shown satisfactory outcomes.Tubular retractors exert even pressure to the surrounding white matter tracts rather than focused retraction pressure,thus decreasing the likelihood of severe brain damage[10,13].The cerebral corridor creator(CCC)(Shineyard Medical Corp.,Shenzhen,Guangdong Province,China)is a tailored tubular retractor which represents an innovative minimally invasive method to create a surgical corridor(Figure 1).The CCC can be used for the removal of deep-seated tumors,blood clots associated with hemorrhages,and foreign matter.Diffusion tensor imaging(DTI)and intra-operative ultrasound enable identification of the best route to the trigonal region with minimal damage to white matter tracts compared with conventional surgical techniques,potentially diminishing morbidity.

We here report the successful resection of lateral ventricular trigonal tumors in two patients using the CCC.We presented our experience of surgical techniques and peri-operative management using this new brain retraction tool.


Chief complaints

Acute vomiting,headache,and dizziness for 3 d.

When they approached the capital, all the people came out to meet them with great joy and acclamation, and when the King reached his palace the Queen met him on the threshold; beside her stood the Prime Minister, holding a little cradle in his hands, in which lay a new-born child as beautiful as the day

The patient had a 2-year history of stage IV colon adenocarcinoma,and all tumors were surgically removed.

Headache for 2 mo.

History of present illness

The patient was a 63-year-old healthy woman with acute vomiting,and she had headache and dizziness for 3 d.A computed tomography scan at a local hospital revealed an intracranial mass lesion,and she was referred to our institution.

The patient was a 53-year-old woman patient who had suffered from headaches for 2 m.

History of past illness

The patient had no past medical problems.

The tune2 stopped suddenly. Granddad said, It s a fine girl your father s going to marry. He ll be feeling young again with a pretty wife like that. And what would an old fellow like me be doing around their house, getting in the way? An old nuisance(), what with my talks of aches and pains. It s best that I go away, like I m doing. One more tune or two, and then we ll be going to sleep. I ll pack up my blanket in the morning.

The Fairy smiled at Sylvia s unfeigned disgust at her late experience; but after allowing her a little time to recover she sent her to the Court of the Princess Cynthia, where she left her for three months

Physical examination

In both patients,physical examination of the nervous system showed no obvious abnormalities,including visual deficits.

Laboratory examinations

Laboratory evaluation was performed before surgery,and no abnormalities were found in both patients.

Imaging examinations

Preoperative magnetic resonance imaging(MRI)and DTI were performed with a Philips 3.0 T scanner using a standard radio-frequency head coil.Pre-processing was performed using FMRIB Software Library v5.0(http://www.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/fsl,created by the Analysis Group,FMRIB,Oxford,United Kingdom),as previously reported[14].Then,diffusion metrics were calculated to obtain each diffusion tensor model and fractional anisotropy results.Following these steps,tract-graphic reconstruction was performed by using Diffusion Toolkit and Track-Vis software(http://www.trackvis.org/dtk/)[15].The regions of interest of the OR were the lateral geniculate body and the calcarine cortex[16,17].The reconstructed tracts were also overlaid onto T1-weighted images.Based on preoperative DTI images,surgical trajectories were planned to avoid crossing the OR in the lateral ventricular trigone.

MRI revealed a well-defined lesion in the left lateral ventricular trigone with maximum diameter of 16 mm.A benign meningioma was initially suspected(Figure 2A).DTI depicted the close relations between the OR(green)and the lesion(pink,arrow head in Figure 2C).The OR under the tumor had shifted slightly.

A heterogeneously ring-enhancing lesion(21 mm × 18 mm)in the left lateral ventricular trigone was found on the brain MRI(Figure 2E).The DTI-reconstructed OR tract was wrapped around the lesion and on its path through and intersecting the tumor(Figure 2G).


Case 1

Meningothelial meningiomas.

Case 2

The patient’s headache resolved immediately after surgery.The 7-d postoperative MRI confirmed the total removal of the tumor and barely showed any sign of the surgical corridor(Figure 2F).Postoperative DTI showed that the OR fibers along the surgical corridor were successfully preserved(Figure 2H).

The journey had also tired Kaela; but she was always fatigued,that was the worst of it. So they sent for Sophy, and she was takeninto the house to reside with them, and her presence there was a greatadvantage. Mamma-in-law acknowledged that Sophy was not only aclever housewife, but well-informed and accomplished38, though thatcould hardly be expected in a person of her limited means. She wasalso a generous-hearted, faithful girl; she showed that thoroughlywhile Kaela lay sick, fading away. When the casket is everything,the casket should be strong, or else all is over. And all was overwith the casket, for Kaela died.

I said, Honey, look, why don t we decorate some lives today instead of some old trees? When I told her what I always do on Thanksgiving, she got excited. I said, Let s go someplace where we can really appreciate who we are, what we are capable of and what we can really give. Let s go to Harlem! She and several of my business partners who were with us weren t really enthusiastic about the idea. I urged them: C mon, let s go to Harlem and feed some people in need. We won t be the people who are giving it because that would be insulting. We ll just be the delivery people. We ll go buy enough food for six or seven families for thirty days. We ve got enough. Let s just go do it! That s what Thanksgiving really is: Giving good thanks, not eating turkey. C mon. Let s go do it!


Operations were performed under general endotracheal anesthesia.The patient was placed in the prone position with the head fixed toward the opposite side of the tumor.First,a curvilinear skin incision was made,followed by a temporoparietal-occipital mini-craniotomy.The intra-operative ultrasound(ALOKA a7,Japan)was used to localize the lesion,to determine the entry point and to confirm that the entry route was parallel to the major white matter fibers over a non-eloquent gyrus(Figure 3A).The balloon catheter was used to gently puncture the lateral ventricular trigone based on the preoperative images(Figure 3B).After placement of the balloon catheter,saline was injected into the balloon to create an operative corridor from the cortical to the white matter by intermittent dilatation(Figure 3C).

When an adequate corridor was created,the outer tubular retractor was slowly pushed into the wellexpanded corridor,and the inner balloon catheter was removed(Figure 3D).When the inner balloon was properly filled and contracted during the pushing process,the tubular plate was easier to insert.The tumor was resected using standard bimanual microsurgical methods under a microscope(Carl Zeiss Shanghai Co.Ltd.,China)through the tubular retractor(Figure 3E).

The diameter(15 mm)of the retractor allows satisfactory visualization with sufficient lighting and a three-dimensional view.The direction of the tubular retractor can be gently adjusted to reach the margin areas of the tumor.Routine brain tumor resection techniques,including suction,tissue-biting,and bipolar cautery were used to remove the tumor until the intra-operative gross total resection was achieved.Following tumor resection,meticulous hemostasis was performed by standard bipolar coagulation.The tubular retractor was then gently withdrawn(Figure 3F).When withdrawing the transparent retractor,the surrounding regions were assessed for re-bleeding.The dura,skull,and skin were closed following the standard procedure.

Case 1

Minimally invasive surgery with the CCC was performed in this patient.As mentioned earlier,resection was performed using the CCC following routine procedure(Figure 4A-F).The pale-white tumor was easily visualized through the tubular retractor,and the bottom part of the lesion was adherent to the choroidal vessels(Figure 4E and F).The tumor could not be sucked out,bipolar coagulation was used to cut off the blood supply on the surface of the tumor,and then the tumor was removed.

Case 2

The patient underwent surgery using the CCC.The procedure was performed in the same manner as in case 1.After placing the tubular retractor,the lesion was not found in the center of vision field.As the surrounding structures were visible through the transparent tubular wall,we adjusted the angle of the tubular retractor for lesion resection.The lesion was firm with moderate blood supply.After cauterizing the surrounding blood vessels,the lesion was excised.


Case 1

Headache and dizziness resolved after surgery.The patient was discharged at day 6 post-operation without additional deficits.The postoperative MRI scan confirmed no residual tumor except for a small amount of hematocele in the operative area(Figure 2B).Postoperative DTI showed the reconstructed OR(green)from the lateral geniculate body with no distinguishable loss of fibers(Figure 2D).The intact OR could be seen clearly spanning from the surgical field to the occipital lobe.

The CCC can be combined with intra-operative ultrasound and DTI to locate the optimal site of incision toward achieving a more precise and less damaging technique.The combination of techniques minimizes the injury during scalp incision and craniotomy,and reduces durotomy size.It has many advantages.For example,it reduces blood loss and operation time,obviates the need for prolonged intensive care unit stay,and reduces the risk of complications such as postoperative pain and postoperative wound infection.The cost of healthcare is reduced,and the patient’s outcome is improved.

Then the little mermaid raised her lovely white arms, stood on the tips of her toes, and glided94 over the floor, and danced as no one yet had been able to dance

But scarcely was he seated firmly on the shell, when the turtle proposed that they should not return to the shore at once, but go under the sea, and look at some of the wonders that lay hidden there

Case 2

Metastatic adenocarcinoma with immunohistochemistry positive staining of cytokeratin,CEA,SATB-2,and Ki-67(80%).

The patient recovered without additional neurological deficit according to follow-up neurologic examinations.She was discharged on day 7 after surgery with an ADL score of 90 and GOS grade 4.She further underwent standard chemotherapy with Capecitabine(1000 mg twice a day)for 2 wk.One month after the operation,she resumed all previous activities with ADL score and GOS grade back to normal levels.The patient will be followed up with imaging to evaluate long-term outcome.


Deep-seated brain lesions(,trigone ventricular tumors)require significant retraction to maintain the surgical corridor open.Traditional retractor systems such as brain spatulas frequently cause severe damage to adjacent normal brain tissue[18].Exposure of deep-seated brain lesions by brain spatulas has been conducted for decades,although significant retraction-associated complications often occur[9].

Novel brain retraction systems have been developed to minimize brain damage.Based on an experimental study,Shahbabian[19]reported that a balloon catheter could access the subcortical lesions with minimal disruption of white matter fibers,which was easier and safer than blunt dissection with a metallic instrument.Kelly[12]proposed the concept of tubular retractor systems with stereotactic craniotomy in the 1980s.For the next 30 years,tubular retractors have been considered an effective technique and revolutionized minimally invasive surgery.Various commercial tubular retractor systems have been developed in recent years,including BrainPath(NICO,Indianapolis,IN,United States),VBAS(ViewSite Brain Access System,Vycor Medical,Boca Raton,FL,United States),and METRx(Minimal Exposure Tubular Retractor System,Medtronic,Memphis,TN,United States)[10,13,20-23].The CCC extends the advantages of existing retractor systems by adding a balloon into the device.The balloon gradually dilatates the brain tissue,whereby white fiber tracts are separated,and the dilation process protected by increasing the balloon diameter.

In this study,we described a novel brain retractor,the CCC,which creates a satisfactory surgical corridor with minimal brain injury.We also depicted the feasibility and advantages of combining the CCC with imaging techniques(intra-operative ultrasound and DTI).Resection in the two patients with lateral ventricle trigonometric tumors was presented as examples.However,evaluation of the CCC in other deep intracranial locations is warranted.Large multi-institutional,randomized clinical trials are needed for clinical implementation of the CCC.Based on our initial experience,patients with other deep intracranial tumors may also benefit from the CCC approach.

A neurosurgeon carried out a follow-up on the post-operation outcomes based on the activity-ofdaily-living(ADL)scale and the Glasgow Outcome Scale(GOS).Follow-up findings showed that the patient’s ADL score was 85 and GOS grade 4 before discharge.At 1 mo,the ADL score and GOS grade improved to normal levels.At 3-mo follow-up,she was back to normal life.To date,the patient has been observed without further treatment.

Visualization of tumors can be achieved using a microscope or an endoscope.We found that the microscope is preferable to the endoscope in most circumstances.The microscope-assisted approach has several advantages.First,its wider and 3D field of view maintains higher quality visualization.Second and more importantly,the microscope shows the area outside the surgical cavity,whereas the endoscope decreases the scale of movement and results in a narrow work space.Moreover,microscopes facilitate the handling of intra-operative emergencies in a wider operation space.We believe that firmer tumors such as meningiomas and certain gliomas are easier to remove using a microscope.In contrast,soft lesions,such as hematoma,can be removed by suction with the aid of endoscope.Consequently,in our opinion,the firmness and presumed histology of the lesion are two important factors when selecting a suitable viewing device.

By identifying the spatial relationship between tumor and the exact course of the OR,we can significantly improve the preservation of the OR and reduce the risk of postoperative VFD.Furthermore,DTI can predict the functional outcome by quantitatively assessing the integrity of white matter fibers.Our study demonstrated that the CCC can provide satisfactory protection to the surrounding white matter tracts as indicated by DTI.

Although previous studies have reported that tubular retractor systems provide optimal visualization and decrease the incidence of postoperative complications,no direct evidence has been reported on the preservation of fiber tracts[18].In previous studies,fiber tracts with fewer functions were selected as invasion paths.However,insignificance may be mapped to an area simply because of our current lack of anatomical knowledge.Therefore,in the present two cases,we identified the OR fibers in the lateral ventricular trigone using DTI in order to achieve an objective evaluation of the integrity of the white matter fibers.DTI is used for pre-operative evaluation and treatment guidance[20].


On the sand reef lay the wreck of a ship, which was covered withwater at high tide; the white figure head rested against the anchor,the sharp iron edge of which rose just above the surface. Jurgen hadcome in contact with this; the tide had driven him against it withgreat force. He sank down stunned with the blow, but the next wavelifted him and the young girl up again. Some fishermen, coming witha boat, seized them and dragged them into it. The blood streameddown over Jurgen s face; he seemed dead, but still held the young girlso tightly that they were obliged to take her from him by force. Shewas pale and lifeless; they laid her in the boat, and rowed as quicklyas possible to the shore. They tried every means to restore Clara tolife, but it was all of no avail. Jurgen had been swimming for somedistance with a corpse in his arms, and had exhausted his strength forone who was dead.


Liu XW,Fa ZQ and Zhang SZ designed the study,wrote the manuscript and drew the diagrams;Lu WR contributed to the software and project administration;Zhang TY and Hou XS performed the data analysis and interpretation;and Fa ZQ performed the literature search and edited the manuscript;all authors issued final approval for the version to be submitted.

This study(No.2020-KY-093-01)was approved by the Ethical Committee of the Zhujiang Hospital of Southern Medical University.Informed written consent was obtained from the patients for publication of this report and any accompanying images.

The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.

The authors have read the CARE Checklist(2016),and the manuscript was prepared and revised according to the CARE Checklist(2016).

Pretty little creatures, she said, how I wish that your cage was nearer to my room, that I might often hear you sing!So saying she opened a door, and found, to her delight, that it led into her own room, though she had thought it was quite the other side of the palace

This article is an open-access article that was selected by an in-house editor and fully peer-reviewed by external reviewers.It is distributed in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial(CC BYNC 4.0)license,which permits others to distribute,remix,adapt,build upon this work non-commercially,and license their derivative works on different terms,provided the original work is properly cited and the use is noncommercial.See:https://creativecommons.org/Licenses/by-nc/4.0/


Xing-Wu Liu 0000-0002-3698-4983;Wei-Rong Lu 0000-0001-6781-8913;Tian-Yi Zhang 0000-0002-9654-332X;Xu-Sheng Hou 0000-0003-1023-8015;Zhi-Qiang Fa 0000-0002-2306-3747;Shi-Zhong Zhang 0000-0001-8408-2960.

Wang LYT


2. Tumbled out of its ears: This version of the story was sanitized for a Victorian sensibility. In the original story by Charles Perrault, the donkey s feces are gold.Return to place in story.

Wang LYT