Endovascular stent-graft treatment for aortoesophageal fistula induced by an esophageal fishbone:Two cases report

2022-03-15 06:04HangGongWeiWeiZhongHuangYingHuXianLiLiuZhenHu
World Journal of Clinical Cases 2022年7期


Esophageal foreign bodies are one of the most common reasons for emergency treatment,and fishbones are one of the most common esophageal foreign bodies.Regions of esophageal stenosis are the most common sites of esophageal obstruction and perforation[1].The main causes of aortoesophageal fistula(AEF)are aneurysms,ingestion of foreign bodies,and advanced esophageal cancer.AEF is a rare disease with high mortality,with an annual incidence of 0.007 per million[2].AEF is easily confused with other causes of upper gastrointestinal bleeding,is very dangerous and has serious consequences[3].Currently,considerable controversy remains regarding the appropriate management strategies for this disease.Here,we present our successful experience in managing two consecutive patients with AEF using endovascular stent-graft treatment with multidisciplinary integrated management without combined thoracic operations.

Then she flew into a passion, her hair hung wildly about her face, she pushed him with her foot and screamed: I am not contented35, and I shall not be contented! Will you go? So he hurried on his clothes as fast as possible, and ran away as if he were mad


Chief complaints

A 71-year-old Chinese woman presented to our department complaining of ingestion of a fish bone foreign body,with worsening retrosternal chest pain for 4 d.

A 48-year-old man presented to the emergency room with a history of intense retrosternal discomfort lasting for 2 d after swallowing a fish bone.

History of present illness

There were no complaints of fever,haematemesis,or any other symptoms.

There were no other symptoms.

History of past illness

No special circumstances.

Personal and family history

No special circumstances.

If you have ever gone through a toll1 booth, you know that your relationship to the person in the booth is not the most intimate you ll ever have. It is one of life s frequent non-encounters: You hand over some money; you might get change; you drive off. I have been through every one of the 17 toll booths on the Oakland-San Francisco Bay Bridge on thousands of occasions, and never had an exchange worth remembering with anybody.

Physical examination

No obvious abnormal physical examinations.

Most certainly, said the little tailor: just you take the trunk on your shoulder; I ll bear the top and branches, which is certainly the heaviest part

Laboratory examinations

No obvious abnormal laboratory markers were observed.

A routine blood analysis showed a white blood cell(WBC)counting of 11.34 × 10/L.

Our two cases were unique in that they involved the process of improving clinical competence.AEF is a life-threatening complication,and discharge to a peripheral hospital should be avoided.Based on the presence of such clinical complications,angio-computed tomography should be performed in all cases of foreign body removal,even if the patient is clinically asymptomatic.In the first case,1 d after removal of the esophageal foreign body,the patient suddenly suffered from hematemesis and other conditions,which were suggested to be caused by aortoclasia.The patient was in critical condition and could have died at any time.We performed timely and effective thoracic aorta stent-graft placement and closed the aortic fistula to achieve hemostasis.Based on our experience with the first case,a combined plan was drafted for endoscopic removal of the fishbone with simultaneous closure of the aortic defect using minimally invasive endovascular treatment in the second case.The patient’s hemoglobin was within normal limits,without hematemesis or melena.The order of events involving endoscopic fishbone removal and endovascular stent placement is another concern;a prematurely placed stent could be damaged by the foreign body impaling the aortic wall from the esophagus.We ensured persistent jejunal nutrient and an anti-infectious state(especially against gram-positive bacteria)after conducting sufficient multidisciplinary discussions.Because there were no clinical signs of infection in either patient,we did not perform thoracic surgery at a later stage.It is unprecedented that 2 continuous patients did not develop mediastinal infection and gradually resumed a normal diet.Because the esophageal fistulas were small,the esophagus was allowed to heal naturally.Thus,we did not place sutures through thoracic surgery.Conversely,patients with AEF and clinical signs of infection who arein good physical condition and considered low risk for open surgery should be considered for thoracic surgery.

Imaging examinations

Based on our limited experience with these two cases,we suggest that the management options for AEF patients should depend on the severity of the mediastinal infection,recovery from the esophageal fistula,extent of aortic injury,and the patients’ general condition.Our cases indicate that endovascular stent-graft treatment without combined thoracic operations could be a valuable alternative in selected patients.

In this paper,we compiled the reports of esophageal foreign bodies complicated with AEF or other aortic injuries in recent years,all of which involve endovascular stent treatment[10-17](Table 1).These experiences indicate that endovascular stent treatment seems to be gaining popularity as a preferred method for AEF,and the severity of infection throughout the course of the disease is directly related to the prognosis of the patient.With regard to the management of esophageal fistula,we consider that the healing of the esophageal fistula could be assessed through esophageal imaging with meglumine diatrizoate and EGD a few days after removal of the foreign body and that the esophagus could be repaired by a viable pedicle flap of the omentum or a pedicled intercostal muscle flap or even through reconstitution of the gastrointestinal tract if a fistula exists[11,12,15].More notably,Mezzetto[14]reported that the presence of a low-flow esophageal fistula could be endoscopically closed by long clips after removal of the foreign body.With regard to surgical management,thoracic surgery may not be necessary if the mediastinal infection gradually improves or if no obvious signs of infection are observed for several days after the operation,as reported by Mezzetto[14]and Zeng[17].In the presence of obvious signs of infection and chest imaging suggestive of aortic pseudoaneurysm,most experts decided to perform immediate thoracic surgery after endovascular treatment for adequate mediastinal debridement,irrigation and drainage[10,11,13,15].However,Kelly[12]reported successful treatment of a patient who had evidence of sepsis,high fever and hypotension with a stent that became infected 51 d after a single insertion of an endovascular stent graft;the patient later underwent definitive open surgical repair in which the stent was removed,the aorta was replaced with a homograft and covered with a left trapezius flap under deep hypothermic arrest,and the gastrointestinal tract was reconstituted.Conversely,in the case of an infected endovascular aorta stent for which no further surgery was performed due to the presence of comorbid conditions,the patient ultimately died,as reported by Rawala[16].

Chest CTA(Figure 2)confirmed that the fishbone puncturing through the esophageal wall was tightly appressed to the descending aortic wall,with mediastinal hematoma.


Case 1

Perforation of the esophagus due to a foreign body with AEF.

Case 2

According to the wishes of the patient and her family,the patient was transferred to an affiliated hospital of a provincial medical college for further treatment.The foreign body was removed from the mouth using biopsy forceps by a local endoscopist on the first day after transfer to the hospital.However,the patient coughed up blood several times the next morning.The management of the patient is unclear due to a lack of medical records.She requested discharge from the affiliated hospital after fluid resuscitation,with relatively steady vital signs.Eventually,the patient was referred to the intensive care unit(ICU)of our hospital for evaluation and remediation.A reexamination with chest CTA(Figure 3)demonstrated thoracic aorta extravasation of contrast medium and swollen and thickened walls of the middle esophagus.We collaborated closely with a multidisciplinary team comprising gastroenterology,cardiovascular medicine,vascular surgery,and cardiothoracic surgery specialists.The patient underwent closure of the perforated aortic cavitya minimally invasive interventional technique performed by vascular surgeons,with cardiothoracic teams on standby in case conversion to open surgery was necessary.An endovascular stent graft(30 mm × 200 mm,Ankura™,Shenzhen,China)was placed inside the descending aorta,and intraoperative high-pressure angiography confirmed successful results,with no extravasation of contrast medium.The patient underwent continuous broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy(intravenous vancomycin for 1 wk,piperacillin-tazobactam and metronidazole for 4 wk),nasogastric tube decompression and total parenteral nutrition for 3 wk after the intervention,during which she was constantly observed for indications of secondary or delayed bleeding or fever.The final chest CTA(Figure 4)demonstrated that the thoracic aortic stent graft was in the thoracic aorta and unobstructed without contrast agent extravasation.In addition,the swollen and thickened wall of the middle esophagus was significantly improved.


Case 1

Perforation of the esophagus due to a foreign body without exclusion of perforating wounds to the descending aorta.

Case 2

After a multidisciplinary consultation,including gastroenterology,cardiovascular medicine,vascular surgery,and cardiothoracic surgery specialists,an aorta impaled by a foreign body was suspected.The angiographic catheter was first guided into the thoracic aorta,and arteriography revealed a 1 cm vascular niche in the descending aorta.Then,an endovascular stent graft that had not yet been released was delivered to the selected location by a vascular surgeon.EGD showed that both ends of the fish bones inserted into the esophageal wall 28 cm from the incisors(Figure 5A);The fish bone was gently removed endoscopically(Figure 5B),with subsequent active blood spurting noted in the esophageal defect(Figure 5C).At the critical moment,the aortal stent graft(28 mm × 200 mm,Ankura™,Shenzhen,China)was immediately released by a vascular surgeon,and angiography showed that the aortal defect was closed well.After endoscopic irrigation with normal saline,two longitudinal ulcers were observed(Figure 5D).A nasogastric tube was inserted to drain the digestive juice.After intervention,the patient fasted and received broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy(intravenous vancomycin for 1 wk,cefoperazonesulbactam and metronidazole for 3 wk).After spending one day in the ICU because of a fever,the patient was transferred back to our department.No active bleeding was observed.He had no fever and no hematemesis or melena.CTA showed a well-positioned aortic stent graft and no contrast extravasation from the aorta(Figure 6).On the 7day after the operation,esophageal imaging with meglumine diatrizoate demonstrated no leakage(Figure 7),and the gastrointestinal decompression tube was removed.


Case 1

The patient started oral intake on the 21postoperative day and was discharged on day 28;later,her treatment was changed to oral antibiotics for 4 wk.The patient’s symptoms improved without fever and hematemesis.The patient was alive at the 19-mo follow-up.

Case 2

The patient started liquid intake on the 7postoperative day and was discharged on day 21,with a home therapy antibiotic course for 4 wk.The patient was symptom-free and alive at the 5-mo follow-up.


The treatments of AEF mainly include the following:(1)Enteral feeding with broad-spectrum antibiotics and proton pump inhibitors,as well as percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy or esophageal fistula bypass,but these approaches are often ineffective due to recurrent bleeding and severe infection[4];(2)Endovascular stent-graft treatment is a rapid,minimally invasive and effective alternative to emergent surgical treatment of AEF and can quickly identify the bleeding site and achieve hemostasis through stent implantation[5];and(3)Surgical repair is the typical treatment approach and was considered the only definitive treatment for foreign body-related AEF before the emergence of endovascular treatment,with in-hospital mortality and reintervention rate of nearly 40% and 50%,respectively[6,7].A left thoracotomy followed by aortic replacement with a prosthetic/cryopreserved homograft is the typical approach for open AEF repair[7].The popularization of endovascular therapy has provided more treatment options for AEF.A study[8]have attempted to close aortic ruptures during the acute phase using endovascular therapy,especially for patients with significant upper gastrointestinal bleeding in

When the Porcelain Maiden was tired of playing in the water she came out to dress herself, but, though she hunted for her clothes high and low, she could find them nowhere

poor general condition who are not suitable for open surgery.In a systematic review,endovascular treatment for AEF offered encouraging perioperative outcomes,with an acceptable 30-d mortality rate(19.4%)[9].However,when fistulas are present in the aorta and esophagus and are markedly contaminated,the use of endovascular stent grafts to close the contaminated fistula can lead to long-term artificial stent infection and a remarkable increase in the area of the aorta that needs to be resected.Currently,there are two main areas of controversy.First,it is questionable whether thoracic operations can be completely replaced by endovascular therapy.Second,if endovascular therapy cannot be fully substituted for thoracic surgery,it is unclear when further thoracic surgery should be performed.

The young man fetched the pillows, and shook out all the feathers, and oh! what quantities of them there were! He was thinking to himself, as he spread them out carefully, how lucky it was that the sun was so bright and that there was no wind, when suddenly a breeze sprang up, and in a moment the feathers were dancing high in the air

As it was Christmas eve, the line was quite hard to get through, especially an overseas call. He tried again and again, never giving up. Finally, he got through... precisely8 at 12:00 midnight. He confessed his love for her and the girl was moved to tears. It seemed that she never got over him! Even after so long, she was still waiting for him, never giving up.

Next morning the wife awoke first, and it was just daybreak, and from her bed she saw the beautiful country lying before her. Her husband was still stretching himself, so she poked10 him in the side with her elbow, and said, Get up, husband, and just peep out of the window. Look you, couldn t we be the King over all that land? Go to the Flounder, we will be the King. Ah, wife, said the man, why should we be King? I do not want to be King. Well, said the wife, if you won t be King, I will; go to the Flounder, for I will be King. Ah, wife, said the man, why do you want to be King? I do not like to say that to him. Why not? said the woman; go to him this instant; I must be King! So the man went, and was quite unhappy because his wife wished to be King. It is not right; it is not right, thought he. He did not wish to go, but yet he went.#p#


Esophagogastroduodenoscopy(EGD)(Figure 1A)and chest computed tomography angiography(CTA)(Figure 1B-D)showed that a fish bone(length 2.0 cm)penetrated the wall of the esophagus and entered the thoracic aorta.


Gong H and Wei W conceived of the study,designed it,and acquired the data;Gong H participated in the design of the study,coordination,and analysis of the data;Gong H and Wei W drafted the manuscript;Huang Z,Hu Y,Liu XL and Hu Z participated in the manuscript preparation and critical revision;all authors read and approved the manuscript.

Consent was obtained from the patients for publication of this report and any accompanying images.

The authors declare that they have no competing interests.

The authors have read the CARE Checklist(2016),and the manuscript was prepared and revised according to the CARE Checklist(2016).

This article is an open-access article that was selected by an in-house editor and fully peer-reviewed by external reviewers.It is distributed in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial(CC BYNC 4.0)license,which permits others to distribute,remix,adapt,build upon this work non-commercially,and license their derivative works on different terms,provided the original work is properly cited and the use is non

Jack Robinson: Jacobs has fun by referencing another Jack in folklore, this time the phrase, Faster than you can say Jack Robinson! The phrase dates to at least 1778 since it appears that year in Fanny Burney s novel, Evelina



Hang Gong 0000-0001-5985-1254;Wei Wei 0000-0002-1377-4369;Zhong Huang 0000-0001-8100-959X;Ying Hu 0000-0002-0555-0541;Xian-Li Liu 0000-0003-4363-8488;Zhen Hu 0000-0001-6436-9497.

Eight years old, pale and skinny, the woman in the green coat who would become his wife had clenched43 her small fingers around the pen and practiced cursive writing alone in her room, hour after hour, until she wrote with the exquisite44 fluidity of running water

Liu JH


Liu JH