Novel mutations of the Alström syndrome 1 gene in an infant with dilated cardiomyopathy:A case report

2022-03-15 06:05PingJiangLiangXiaoYuanGuoRongHuBoYiZhangYiHe
World Journal of Clinical Cases 2022年7期


Alström syndrome(AS;MIM# 203800)is an unusual autosomal recessive genetic disorder that involves multiple systems and progressive dysfunction and is characterized by visual disturbance,hearing impairment,cardiomyopathy,hypertriglyceridemia,accelerated nonalcoholic fatty liver disease,and recurrent respiratory disease[1].It is caused by mutations of the Alström syndrome 1gene,which is located on chromosome 2p13.Thegene contains 23 exons and encodes a 461.2-kDa protein of 4169 amino acids[2].To date,over 268 variants inhave been identified[2].The ALMS1 protein localizes to centrosomes and the base of cilia[3];however,the function of the protein is not clear,and the explicit molecular pathological mechanisms of dilated cardiomyopathy(DCM)have not been fully demonstrated.Here,we present the case of a 1-month-old girl who was initially diagnosed with DCM induced by a novel mutation of thegene and describe the likely pathogenesis of DCM as a result of variants in.


Chief complaints

A 1-month-old girl was brought to the hospital because of cyanosis and dyspnea.

History of present illness

She had a persistent cough with recurrent choking for 4 d,and the symptoms deteriorated in the last 12 h,manifesting with cyanosis and dyspnea.

History of past illness

She had a history of recurrent respiratory infections and had nystagmus at birth.

You don t know about that, said the youth; I know well enough what it is that lies so heavy on your mind, and I know also of a plan to get the money paid

Personal and family history

In follow-up at 6 mo,clinical laboratory tests indicated that the N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide level decreased to 1879 pg/mL,the cTnT concentration declined to normal,and there was no arrhythmic burden in repeated 24-h Holter ECG monitoring.Further,TTE revealed that cardiac function of the infant had not deteriorated with the current medication(Figure 1D).

Soon after Kay made his appearance in large thick gloves, and with his sledge19 at his back. He called up stairs to Gerda, “I’ve got to leave to go into the great square, where the other boys play and ride.” And away he went.

Physical examination

Her body weight was 4.5 kg,and her body length was 50 cm.Her heart border was enlarged to the left midaxillary line,and she had a few rales in both lower lungs.

Laboratory examinations

Clinical laboratory tests indicated a plasma triglyceride level of 3.17 mmol/L(normal < 1.7 mmol/L),high-density lipoprotein(HDL)cholesterol level of 0.99 mmol/L(normal 1.15-2.25 mmol/L),serum cardiac troponin T(cTnT)level of 0.05 μg/L(normal< 0.024 μg/L)and N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide level of 23 681 pg/mL(normal < 125 pg/mL).

While they were talking the night fell, and then, to their great surprise, wonderful coloured lights began to shine in all directions, and splendid fireworks blazed out before them; all the forest was illuminated46 by them, and even felt pleasantly warm, though it had been bitterly cold before

Imaging examinations

Twelve-lead ECG documented high voltages in the left precordial leads and diffuse T wave inversion(Figure 1A).There were two episodes of paroxysmal atrial tachycardia in 24-h Holter ECG monitoring,and the maximum heart rate was 180 beats/min,whereas ventricular arrhythmia was not recorded.Chest radiography demonstrated cardiac enlargement and pulmonary congestion(Figure 1B).Transthoracic echocardiography(TTE)indicated severe left ventricular dilatation and heart failure with reduced ejection fraction(Figure 1C).

Further diagnostic work-up

Nuclear genomic DNA was extracted from peripheral blood samples of the infant and her parents for amplification with targeted capture of the coding regions of the genome.Then,amplicons were subjected to whole-exome sequencing by a NextSeq500 sequencer(Illumina,San Diego,CA,United States).Novel genetic mutations inwere identified,and genetic analysis showed that thegene(NM_015120)had two mutations on chr2:73829360(c.12160C>G,p.R4054G)in exon 20 and chr2:73827805-73830431 deletion in exons 18-21(Figure 2).The mutations were confirmed by the Sanger sequencing method,which revealed that c.12160C>G(p.R4054G)and a deletion removing the entire exons 18-21 were acquired by paternal and maternal inheritance,respectively.


According to diagnostic criteria for AS[4],the infant met two major criteria and one minor criterion.The mutation sites associated with clinical features were in favor of the diagnosis of AS.


AS is an extremely rare autosomal recessive disease induced by a mutation of thegene,with an estimated incidence of 1 case per 1000000 live births[1].In the present case,the patient had mutations inand visual symptoms,DCM,repeated respiratory infection,and hypertriglyceridemia with low HDL levels,which conformed to the diagnostic standard for AS[4].Mutations inare associated with AS in the individual,and both DCM and visual symptoms are cardinal manifestations of AS[1].Consequently,the classic phenotype in infants with AS is closely related to the genotype.Mutations in exons 18-21 ofwere not identified in the mutational hotspots located in exons 8,10 and 16.Variants in non-hotspot exons could result in classical phenotype deficiency or atypical phenotypes,such as the delayed age of obesity and diabetes onset.In contrast,most of the variants inin previous reports were nonsense and frameshift mutations[8],but a large deletion and point mutation simultaneously occurring in the infant caused frameshift and missense mutations,respectively,both of which are reported for the first time.Casey and colleagues[9]also identified two infant siblings with DCM who were finally diagnosed with AS as a result of mutant alleles in exons 20 and 5 rather than in the mutational hotspots.Thus,an increasing number of diseases are caused by variants in thegene outside the recognized mutational hotspots.

Thesharp-tongued cavalier who had caused the flute to be played, andwho was the child of his parents, flew headlong into the fowl-house,but not he alone


Her parents denied a family history of cardiomyopathy and genetic disease.


Both sacubitril/valsartan and dapagliflozin are strongly recommended for adult patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction,according to the 2021 ESC Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic heart failure[5],but not in infants,because the safety and efficacy of both have not been confirmed in infants,and further study is needed for evaluation[6,7].Therefore,drug therapies such as angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors,beta blockers,spironolactone,digoxin and diuretics were administered according to consensus clinical management guidelines for AS[1].

To date,little is known about the mechanism by whichgene mutation can lead to DCM in infants.In our case,the mutations that affected ALMS1 protein expression were missense and frameshift mutations in exons 20 and 18-21,respectively,which can lead to abnormal structure of the ALMS1 protein and subsequent loss of function.A previous study showed that the ALMS1 protein plays an important role in postnatal cardiomyocyte mitosis by affecting centrosomes and regulating cell cycle arrest,and ALMS1 protein deficiency can impair the terminal differentiation of cardiomyocytes[10],leading to cardiac dysfunction or progressive functional deterioration.Additionally,deficiency of the ALMS1 protein can activate β-catenin-dependent WNT signaling[10],which has been demonstrated to contribute to the inflammatory response and fibrosis in tissues and cells in animal experiments[11].The local cardiac inflammatory response and cardiac fibrosis may be important mechanisms in the process of DCM.

The lady-birches waved in the wind; and when the sun shone, everything glittered and sparkled as if it were sprinkled with diamond dust, and great diamonds were lying on the snowy carpet


Informed written consent was obtained from the patient for publication of this report and any accompanying images.


The authors are grateful to the parents of the infant for their agreement to the publication of this report and accompanying images.


The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.

Anne Lisbeth returned to her home, but she was no longer the womanshe had been. Her thoughts were like a confused, tangled skein; onlyone thread, only one thought was clear to her, namely that she mustcarry the spectre of the sea-shore to the churchyard, and dig agrave for him there; that by so doing she might win back her soul.

Natural Science Foundation of Hunan Province,No.2019JJ60087.

We identified novel mutations of thegene and extended the spectrum of knownmutations.It is essential to performgene sequencing in infants with DCM.

Jiang P and He Y reviewed the literature and contributed to manuscript drafting;Hu R and Zhang YB performed follow-up work and interpreted the data;Xiao L and Guo Y analyzed and interpreted the gene sequencing;all authors approved the final version to be submitted.

The authors have read the CARE Checklist(2016),and the manuscript was prepared and revised according to the CARE Checklist(2016).

This article is an open-access article that was selected by an in-house editor and fully peer-reviewed by external reviewers.It is distributed in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial(CC BYNC 4.0)license,which permits others to distribute,remix,adapt,build upon this work non-commercially,and license their derivative works on different terms,provided the original work is properly cited and the use is noncommercial.See:


But the maiden had determined to free her brothers even if it should cost her her life.31 She left the hut, went into the forest, climbed a tree, and spent the night there.32 The next morning she went out, collected star-flowers,33 and began to sew.34 She could speak to no one, and she had no wish to laugh, so she sat there, looking only at her work.

Ping Jiang 0000-0002-4097-5115;Liang Xiao 0000-0003-2035-9697;Yuan Guo 0000-0002-3850-4664;Rong Hu 0000-0002-4226-8246;Bo-Yi Zhang 0000-0001-7008-3452;Yi He 0000-0002-5607-950X.

Liu JH


Liu JH