Studying abroad or not

2022-03-12 12:43浙江
疯狂英语·新读写 2022年2期

浙江 江 丽


While there are many pros to studying abroad, it may not be for everyone.If you are considering going abroad for study, you should consider the advantages and disadvan⁃tages that come with it.

To begin with,living abroad broadens your perspective on life—you'll have new friends,new experiences, and amazing stories to tell when you get back home.Besides, you can learn another language by immersing(沉浸)yourself in a place and it is the fastest and the best way to become fluent.Furthermore,through your study abroad you will be exposed

(接触)to a new style of education, new culture and different learning techniques.Mean⁃while,you're sharing your culture with others.Studying abroad is also a process of learning to live independently in a completely new environment.And lastly, all of the skills from your experience will be useful when you are looking for employment and in your personal life.

However,studying abroad has many disadvantages as well.Studying abroad can be ex⁃pensive: international travel fare, student insurance, tuition, and room and board.Looking for scholarships and funding opportunities can be a good choice.Also, studying abroad can come with culture shocks and homesickness.Studying and living abroad may be even harder if you don't speak the language of your host country.It's certainly best to have a general sense of your host coun⁃try's culture and language before you depart your home coun⁃try.Try not to stress out—feeling homesick is natural along with other emotions that you will feel when you are studying abroad.

To me, the positives of studying abroad outweigh the disadvantages.I hope this post helps to bring some clarity between the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad.Through all of my experiences abroad, I can certainly testify that living away from your home country can be difficult at times.However, experiencing other countries is rewarding and life⁃changing.



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________________________________Studying abroad or not__Introduction___Conclusion Arguments Consider the advantages and disadvantages if you're going to study abroad.__________Studying abroad will help you:♦1.______your perspective on life♦learn another language quickly♦get 2.______to new education,culture and learning techniques♦share your cultrue with others♦learn to live 3.______♦gain skills for your future employment and personal life However,studying abroad can:♦be 4._____________________♦come with culture shoc______________________________________________ks_and_5.______The positives of studying abroad 6.______the disadvantages._____________________



Sentence for writing

If you are considering going abroad for study, you should consider the advantages and disadvantages that come with it.如果你正在考虑出国学习,你应该考虑到它的优缺点。

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