徐国跃 钱淇 方罡 徐晨 李晓鹏 刘初阳
南京大学电子科学与工程学院的顾兆栴团队[47]分析了400~2500nm波段范围内多种绿色植物的光谱特征曲线以及机理,发现绿色植物在550nm、680~780nm、780~1300nm、1450nm和1930nm处都有其独特的吸收峰,因此针对这一特点,他们团队选用了铬绿、聚脲树脂、复配ZnSO4?7H2O/BaCl2? 2H2O制备出的涂层,从图5中可以看出,涂层与桑叶相似的光谱,且涂层整体的光谱反射率和桑叶的光谱曲线比较接近。
目前,针对多探测手段的材料仍处于起步阶段,国内的相关数据库以及Web of Science检索的结果也显示这类文章较少,兼容高光谱隐身的内容几乎没有,但是根据已有文献来看,多波段隐身材料的开发仍以多材料堆叠形成复合涂层或者膜为主。Huang等[48]提出一种多频谱的超表面(MSM),设计方案如图6(a)所示,可以同时实现好的光学透明度、低红外发射率和宽频微波吸收的性能;MSM由顶部的选择频率表面(FSS)、中间的电阻吸收层和底部的完整导电片三层组成。由于FSS的导电面积占比大且FSS具有低通度的特性,允许电磁波穿透FSS进入中间吸收层,同时表面红外发射率低;最终试验结果如图6(b)所示,该MSM可以同时实现在12.03~29.43GHz雷达频段的90%强吸收和在3.0~14.0μm中约0.3的低红外发射率,平均光学透明度高于90%,因此该材料具有良好的多光谱兼容性。国内军械工程学院的宣兆龙等[49]沿用了传统迷彩伪装的想法,制备出了一种在可见光-红外-雷达兼容的迷彩伪装遮罩,这种遮罩的形状是开孔的轻质毯子,表面涂覆隐身涂料后,在红外700~2000nm波段的反射率低于10%且光泽度在2%以下;在8~18GHz的雷达频段,材料对雷达波的吸收达到99%。
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Research Status and Progress of Multi-Spectrum Stealth Materials
Xu Guoyue1,Qian Qi1,Fang Gang1,Xu Chen1,Li Xiaopeng2,Liu Chuyang1
1. Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,Nanjing 210016,China
2. Nanjing Zhi Yin Technology Co.,Ltd.,Nanjing 210016,China
Abstract: In order to enhance competitive strength of military confrontation, stealth technology has always been a national research focus in the modern war, and the stealth materials play a significant role in stealth technology. Through in-depth research on the development status of single waveband stealth materials, the paper summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of radar, visible light, hyperspectral and infrared materials. The new development needs of the various compatible stealth materials are analyzed. The stealth mechanism and research status have been investigated in terms of the radar-infrared, visible-infrared, hyperspectral-infrared and multi-spectrum compatible stealth materials as well as the development direction. With the deepening material research and the breakthrough of related mechanisms, multi spectrum stealth materials will become an important force to support China’s military status in the future.
Key Words: multi-spectrum stealth materials; radar; infrared; visible light; hyperspectral