2021-12-31 23:12
孔学堂 2021年4期

Launched in August 2014,the journalConfucian Academy (Chinese Thought and Culture Review)[ISSN 2095–8536,CN 52–5035/C]is a leading Chinese—English bilingual scholarly journal dedicated to traditional Chinese thought and culture in prompting conversations among world civilizations.

Confucian Academycordially invites the submission of manuscripts for consideration for the next issue.Authors may submit manuscripts in Chinese or English while Chinese–English bilingual manuscripts are strongly preferred,in which case authors will receive a double payment upon publication.The corresponding author of an accepted manuscript will be notif ied and receive credit for payment.Confucian Academyadditionally provides the corresponding author with two complimentary copies of the print issue in which the article appears.

1. Key Topic Areas

Contemporary value of Chinese cultural traditions,Confucian studies,traditional Chinese ecological philosophy,excavated literature and Chinese philosophy,and overseas Chinese studies

2. Manuscript Format and Style

The papers should meet the general criteria of signif icance and academic merits with reliable reference.Chinese manuscripts should generally be 10,000 to 15,000 words in length;English manuscripts no more than 8,000 words.Title,abstract,keywords,biographical notes,text,and references are required in each manuscript.

1) Abstract and Keywords

Submissions must include an abstract of up to 200 words and four to six keywords or phrases for indexing purposes.

2) Biographical Notes,Affi liations,and Full Contact Details

All manuscripts are to be supplied with 200-word biographical notes,academic affi liations,and full contact information for all authors including e-mail,mailing address,and telephone numbers.

3) References and Footnotes

All references are included as footnotes.Manuscripts should indicate footnotes in text by a superscript number starting with “1” and number them consecutively throughout the entire manuscript.Detailed requirements are as follows:

Book:Author(s),Title of book,Edition number (Place of publication:Publisher,Year of publication),Page(s).

Chapter in Book:Author(s),“Title of chapter,” in ch.xx ofTitle of book(Place of publication:Publisher,Year of Publication),Inclusive pages.

Book in Series:Author(s),Title of book,in Title of book series,Editor(s) (Place of publication:Publisher,Year of publication),Page(s).

Article in Journal:Author(s),“Title of article,”Name of the journalVolume number,Issue number (Year of publication):Inclusive pages.

Translation:Translator(s),trans.,Title of book(Place of publication:Publisher,Year of publication).

Non-English Publication with Title Translation:Author(s),Original title of book[Title translation](Place of publication:Publisher,Year of publication),Inclusive pages.

Electronic/Online Sources:Author(s),Title of book,Web sites,Access time.

3. Additional Requirements

1) Manuscripts must be submitted electronically as Word documents to the editor at must not have been previously published nor be under consideration by another publication.Time from submission to publication decision averages three months.

2) All accepted manuscripts are subject to editorial revisions and copyediting for clarity,punctuation,grammar,syntax,and conformity to journal style.The authors bear sole responsibility for all statements made in the manuscript.

3) Articles inConfucian Academywill be included in the China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) database and will be reprinted byReplicated Journalsof the Information Center for Social Sciences,Renmin University of China.Please indicate if you disagree.

Contact the Editorial Offi ces for further information

372 Baoshan North Road,Yunyan District,Guiyang,Guizhou,China 550001

Building No.1,International Center for Chinese Culture Studies,Guiyang Confucius Academy,Huaxi District,Guiyang,Guizhou,China 550025
