设计单位:DS+R 建筑事务所
项目合伙人:Elizabeth Diller,Ricardo Scofidio
项目总监:Dirk Hebel,Eric Bunge
设计团队:Charles Renfro,Reto Geiser,David Huang,
Karin Ocker,Andreas Quadenau,Deane Simpson,Lyn Rice
项目面积:8 万平方呎
项目日期:1998 年委托;2002 年5 月15 日开放;2002 年10 月21 日关闭
Architects:Diller Scofidio+Renfro
Partners:Elizabeth Diller and Ricardo Scofidio
Project Directors:Dirk Hebel and Eric Bunge
Design team:Charles Renfro,Reto Geiser,David Huang,Karin Ocker,
Andreas Quadenau,Deane Simpson,and Lyn Rice
Size:80 000 sqf
Time:Commission 1998;Opening15th May 2002;Closed 21st October 2002
模糊建筑整体水雾弥漫,是自然与人类的合力之作。纳沙泰尔湖(Lake Neuchâtel)湖水经水泵抽出并过滤后,再由3.5万个高压喷嘴喷射成绵绵细雾。智能天气系统随时检测温度、湿度、风速、风向等不断变化的气象条件,调节各个区域的水压压力。一踏入“模糊建筑”,眼前雾气蔼蔼,耳旁淅淅沥沥,视觉与听觉也会变得模糊起来。沉浸式环境通过越发精湛的科学技术追求高清高保真的视觉体验。而“模糊建筑”逆道而行,极尽朦胧之所能。该展馆设计尝试摆脱周边环境的束缚。游客置身其中,活动无拘无束,目之所及似有似无,宛如梦幻。层层阶梯在水雾中若隐若现,通向蓝天。公众踏着阶梯,可登上天使甲板(Angel Deck)。这座建筑选址湖边。水不仅是其主要材料,也令游客置身其中,宛若步入瑶池,仿佛畅饮琼浆玉液。艺术大师克里斯蒂安·马克雷(Christian Marclay)还采用轻质张拉整体结构,为其内部打造了沉浸式的声学环境。该结构由四根立柱支撑,75英尺高、300英尺宽、200英尺深。
The Blur Building is an architecture of atmosphere—a fog mass resulting from natural and manmade forces.Water is pumped from Lake Neuchâtel,filtered,and shot as a fine mist through 35,000 high-pressure nozzles.A smart weather system reads the shifting climatic conditions of temperature,humidity,wind speed and direction and regulates water pressure at a variety of zones.Upon entering Blur,visual and acoustic references are erased.There is only an optical “white-out” and the “white-noise” of pulsing nozzles.Contrary to immersive environments that strive for visual fidelity in high-definition with ever-greater technical virtuosity,Blur is decidedly lowdefinition.In this exposition pavilion there is nothing to see but our dependence on vision itself.It is an experiment in de-emphasis on an environmental scale.Movement within is unregulated.The public can ascend to the Angel Deck via a stair that emerges through the fog into the blue sky.Water is not only the site and primary material of the building;it is also a culinary pleasure.The public can drink the building.Within,is an immersive acoustic environment by Christian Marclay.The lightweight tensegrity structure measures 300 feet wide by 200 feet deep by 75 feet high and is supported by four columns.
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水循环图 water circulation
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模型 physical model