A new explanation to homeopathy: analysis of the pharmacological property of homeopathic remedies

2021-12-25 00:30:17DipangkarDeb
Medical Theory and Hypothesis 2021年1期

Dipangkar Deb


Abstract Although the biological system is a combination of different chemical processes,many of the mechanisms can not be explained by general chemical processes.Therefore,as a driving force of biological system,a distinct entity called 'vital force' can be imagined.But this is not essential to explain homeopathy.From the analysis of different phenomena it apparent that biological system has a tendency to maintain a balanced state.Such a good example is catch-up growth.A stimulus is required to disrupt the balance.This stimulus must enter the body from outside or in case of disease it must arise from within inside.This is the primary stimulus.Infection,chronic poisoning,etc.help the expression of the internal stimulus.These are secondary stimulus.The active dose of similar drug acts on the terminal site of the disease process.This causes the actual reversal of the disease process.Allopathic dissimilar drugs act on different stages of the disease process and alter the course of the disease process.The effect of allopathic drugs does not destroy the effect of disease and compete with the effect of the disease.Potentized homeopathic remedies neutralize the effect of disease but do not alter the course of the disease.As a result,either symptoms of the disease are neutralized or the disease process is accelerated.Different other phenomena support that the property of the potentized remedy is not similar to the original substance.It is a new property which is negative pharmacological property.

Keywords: Homeopathy,Biological system,Pharmacological property,Homeopathic remedies


Hahnemann claimed that the biological system is governed by a hypothetical force named vital force.But in modern scientific ideas,the existence of vital force has been refuted.In modern allopathic medicine,an opposite effect is created by drugs to bring the biological system to a balanced state.But different facts suggest that the body itself has a tendency to maintain a balanced state.The required action is to remove the obstacle to the balance.Negative pharmacological property of potentized remedy can do so.It is claimed that the property of the potentized remedy is the same as the original substance.But different other evidence suggests that what pharmacological property it is.

1 Vital force

In modern scientific concepts,the existence of vital force has been refuted.But still,I think it is necessary to analyze some facts.Firstly,the biological system has a tendency to maintain a balanced state.For this different simple and complex mechanisms are responsible.Such mechanisms of the human body include regulation of blood pressure,regulation of temperature,regulation of plasma osmolarity,etc.Secondly,the regeneration of the liver after removing a part of it.After part of the liver is removed by surgery,it is regenerated to the former size.But in this process previous gross structure of the liver may not be restored.Here one thing is to note that,the liver is restored exactly to its former size; neither more nor less.The Liver is the largest organ of the body and it controls many mechanisms of the body.It plays an important role in maintaining the homeostasis of the body.At the time of regeneration,although the size of the liver is less than normal,the homeostasis of the body is not disturbed rather body retains it in some other special way [1].Thirdly,an increase in the size of one kidney after nephrectomy.Kidneys remove the nitrogenous waste products from the blood and perform some regulatory functions.Removal of one kidney does not result in those functions impaired by half rather the remaining kidney holds it gradually being increased in the size [2].Fourthly,hormesis.Hormesis is a process in which the effect of a low dose of a substance on the organisms is opposite to the effect of a high dose [3].

The effect of the small dose does not occur mildly but like a large dose.Fifthly,adaptation.If an organism is suddenly exposed to an adverse situation,then it causes harm to the organism.But if it is exposed to the same situation from lower to higher,then the higher can do no harm to the organism [4].Sixthly,dependence,and tolerance to some drugs.Dependence is a condition where a sudden stoppage of drug results in some characteristic symptoms.For example,Opioids.Tolerance is a condition where repeated exposure to a drug results in less responsiveness.For example,Opioids and Nitrates [5].According to modern pharmacology,these matters are poorly understood.Seventhly,the most important thing I want to mention is catch-up growth.Catch-up growth has been defined as "a height velocity above the statistical limits of normality for age or maturity during a defined period of time,following a transient period of growth inhibition".Here growth means height.Growth occurs in increased velocity after removal of the cause of retardation which results in growth achievement suitable for that age.For the explanation of catch-up growth,two hypotheses have been proposed.One is the neuroendocrine hypothesis and another is the growth plate hypothesis.But none of the hypotheses have been proved satisfactory [6,7].Besides an increase in height,catchup growth is also observed in an increase in weight.

If considerable weight is lost due to long term suffering from any disease,then after the full recovery of the disease rate of weight gain increases than the normal.According to modern ideas organisms are considered to be a super-complex combination of chemical substances.But the above-mentioned phenomena cannot be explained with the principles of general chemical processes.For this,a distinct entity called vital force can be imagined as the directing force of the various activities of the organism.But the existence of vital force is not required to explain homeopathy.From our daily experience,we can understand how powerfully the biological processes occur.For example,if we stop breathing for a while,we understand how powerful it is.Breathing is not a separate process in the body rather it is related to different other internal mechanisms.If the force of breathing is so strong then a tiny biochemical reaction or blood flow in a tiny capillary related to this must be strong at their corresponding level.Such a powerful process that tends to maintain a balanced state cannot be deranged spontaneously.For this,a stimulus must be required.

This stimulus is required to enter the body from outside.If no stimulus is entered from outside,then it must be expressed from inside of the body.From the phenomena of catch-up growth we see that,if any biological process is interrupted then as soon as the cause of the interruption is removed,the process is forcefully restored to a balanced state.If no stimulus is entered from the outside,it must be released from the inside of the body.From the phenomenon of catchup growth,we can see that when a process in the body is obstructed,as soon as the cause of the obstruction is removed,the process is restored to a strong balance.Therefore,in the case of disease,if the effect of its stimulus can be eliminated somehow,the body will be restored to a balanced state due to its natural tendency.Whether it is a biochemical process or vital force,I want to compare it to a rubber pipe through which water flows in one direction.The disease is like obstruction of the flow.Due to the blockage water accumulates at the side of pressure and dilates the pipe.Potentized remedies remove the blockage and force of healing comes from the intensity of the flow of accumulated water as the intensity of the energy flow of the biological system.Now the question comes that,how active doses of allopathic drugs perform the same process by opposite effect and restore the biological system to a balanced state.To make this clear I will present three paragraphs on the same subject.

2 Opposite effect vs neutralizing effect

In allopathic medicine,a variety of effects are caused by an active dose of drugs against the disease process.For example anti-inflammatory effect in case of inflammation,antipyretic effect in case of fever,antiemetic effect in case of vomiting,etc.If these processes are caused by a microbial infection,the drugs that cause the effects are applied in combination with antimicrobial drugs.In this way,the biological system is brought into balance in allopathic medicine.Pharmacological opposite effects are new processes created in the body and can never mix with the disease process or destroy each other [8].The pharmacological process and the pathogenesis are separate and the pathogenesis is suppressed by the effect of the stronger pharmacological mechanism.On the other hand,potentized homeopathic remedies act only on the effect of disease and destroy or neutralize it.As a result,the disease is cured by the strong tendency of an organism to maintain a balanced state.

3 Allopathic treatment vs homeopathic treatment by potentized remedies

In the current allopathic medical system,different effects can be made against the same disease process by different drugs acting on different target sites.For example- If anybody suffers from inflammation of soft tissue,then the person can be treated in three different ways.For example,if treated with opioid painkillers,it will act on the brain to stop the feeling of pain,so that the pain will not be felt along with the pain all over the body,but the inflammation and other harmful changes will continue to increase.Now if anti-inflammatory drugs are used,it will work much closer to the disease process.This will block the inflammation a lot,but if the tissue is destroyed it will continue.If antibiotics are applied,it will act on specific causes and the disease will be cured for that time.If there is reinfection,symptoms will reappear.On the other hand treatment with potentized homeopathic remedies will neutralize the effect of the internal stimulus of the disease.This action will be properly performed on the marginal site of the disease process and will actually destroy or neutralize the disease.As a result,the first three types of large dose drugs will not be needed to cure the disease.

4 Allopathic symptomatic treatment vs.homeopathic symptomatic treatment

Allopathic symptomatic treatment is the application of a number of drugs that compete with the marginal stages of the disease process that produce the symptoms and only temporarily relieve the symptoms.Different results are obtained in different diseases by such symptomatic treatment.In one case,a woman's thumb inflammation was permanently cured by using anti-inflammatory drugs for one week.In this case,if the life span of the disease is short and the initial symptomatic stage of the disease does not progress to the other symptomatic stages and causes any other complications,then a permanent cure is performed.In some cases,the symptoms are suppressed by symptomatic treatment and do not reappear even after discontinuation of the drug until an external secondary stimulus is present.For example,in some viral fevers,antipyretic and antiemetic medications may be used,but the symptoms do not recur immediately after the virus is eliminated.But when the virus re-infects,the symptoms return.In some cases,symptomatic medication does not cure the disease permanently,but the symptoms reappear soon after the medication is stopped.For example,rheumatoid arthritis.In some cases,symptomatic treatment for a symptom may provide temporary relief,but the early biochemical stages of the disease may progress to other symptomatic stages.For example,in the first week of typhoid fever,if only antipyretic drugs are used as an allopathic symptomatic treatment,the temperature will remain low for a while but soon the intestinal ulcers and delirium will develop and make the patient miserable.Thus in the overall discussion,it can be concluded that allopathic symptomatic drugs create a new effect on the body that competes against the effect of the marginal stages of the disease.Both effects remain active without being wasted [8].As a result,the early stages of the disease progress without interruption and create other symptomatic stages of the disease process.This is why in modern allopathic medicine it is necessary to know the biochemical process of the disease in order to block the most possible early step of the disease process.Again if symptomatic medications act on different sites of action,different effects are seen on the disease.On the other hand,potentized remedies act on the marginal stage of the disease process and destroy or neutralizes it properly.This results in the actual cure being performed and the progression to other stages of the disease is hampered.

5 Active dose antidote vs potentized remedies

If symptoms/changes are produced by any active dose drug,then active dose antidote is used to treat those symptoms or changes.Active dose antidotes mainly work on two principles.Firstly,they prevent the drug from reaching the site of action [9].These include chelating agents,chemical antagonists,pharmacological antagonists,etc.Secondly,some antidotes cause opposite effects that compete with the effect of the drug.Such as the physiological antagonist.Both of these types of effects actively interact with each other without neutralizing the effect of the drug.Again it has been observed that also a potentized remedy of any drug can counteract the effect of that drug.It is then necessary to determine what effect the potentized remedy of that drug has on the effect of the drug.An active dose antidote of a drug,although being bound to the site of action of that drug prevents further effect or creates a new effect against the drug that competes with the effect of the drug,it can do nothing about the effect that has already been exerted.Although the potentized remedy cannot exert the above two effects,it can neutralize the effect of its original drug that has been already exerted.For this reason in the treatment of toxicity potentized remedies can be tested.There have also been cases where a patient has died by ingestion of a toxic dose of a drug even after taking appropriate treatment [10].

In case of strong enough effect antidote that prevents the effect of the drug does not bring much benefit.The opposite effect caused by active dose antidote does not cover all the symptoms as a congruent triangle,only act against the main symptoms.If the action of the drug is intense enough,then the opposite effect of such antidote does not bring much benefit as the antidote cannot destroy the effect of the drug.In one case,it was seen that the user had to suffer for several months after consuming a toxic dose of Cantharis.In another case,the smell of Cantharis powder caused an uncontrolled painful erection [11].Benefits can be expected by applying potentized remedies in those cases.Although some of the toxic effects produced by any drug can be alleviated with potentized remedies,it alone may be inappropriate in case of severe acute toxicity.However,potentized remedies can be given along with other measures such as removing the drug from the digestive tract and preventing it from being bound to the target site.

6 Effect on healthy individual and potentized remedy

It is often said that since potentized homeopathic remedies cannot exert any effect on a healthy body,it is not possible to cure the disease by it.But acting in a healthy body means a change in the body's normal physiological process which is very similar to the disease process.Just as a disease inhibits the action of another disease,so the action of a drug with the opposite symptoms in the active dose changes the normal processes of the body that compete with the disease process and both remain active.Hahnemann said that just as acid and alkali,which have opposite chemical properties,mixed with each other,destroy each other's properties and turn into neutralized salts,so the effect of a drug with opposite symptoms and the effect of a disease cannot destroy each other [8].Potentized remedies do not cause any new changes in the body,only neutralize the pathological changes.Therefore there is no need for potentized remedies to act on a healthy body.But Hahnemann again said that potentized remedies act on a healthy body and potentized remedies should be tested in a healthy body.We will see what the results are in the next analysis.

7 Production of symptoms in a healthy body by potentized remedies

As I mentioned in the previous part,potentized homeopathic remedies cannot produce any symptoms.But Dr.Clark once said that he had a number of annoying symptoms.A few days later,he realized that the symptoms were due to the consumption of the single dose of Natrum Mur 200c potency.Then he opened the book by Jahr,smelled its antidote (Nitri Spiritus Dulcis) and he was immediately and completely cured.But one thing to note here is that the symptoms that the potentized remedies produce are not the same as the symptoms they produce in their active form and another potentized remedy is required to neutralize these.So,The symptoms that potentized remedies produce are produced by expressing the hidden internal stimulus of the disease.The symptoms are similar to the active dose of other drugs and are neutralized by the potentized remedy of that drug.

8 Chronic subacute poisoning

Some drugs (ex-lead,arsenic,etc) produce different symptoms in active doses as well as in long-term consumption of subacute doses.However,there are several differences between the two types of symptom production.Arsenic toxicity is paramount in longterm subacute toxicity.People become victims of this poisoning by drinking Arsenic-contaminated underground water.Symptoms of Arsenic poisoning in a sub-lethal dose are eliminated as soon as the active levels of Arsenic are removed from the bloodstream.But if drinking Arsenic-contaminated water is stopped in the long-term (chronic) low-dose (subacute) toxicity,the symptoms of skin diseases are only slightly relieved.But it does not improve the symptoms of various diseases of the heart and nervous system.Many people do not show signs of toxicity even if they drink more than the prescribed level of Arsenic in the contaminated water.Again,many suffer from symptoms of poisoning by drinking less than the prescribed levels of Arsenic in the contaminated water.Removal of Arsenic from the body by chelating agents has eliminated the cause of acute toxic death and other harmful effects on health.But in the case of long-term (chronic) poisoning,applying the same procedure did not bring much benefit [12].

There are some common symptoms of large-dose acute Arsenic poisoning.But many of the symptoms that result from chronic toxicity also occur without Arsenic contamination.The reason why low levels of Arsenic toxicity produce cancer is not clear.Thus,based on the overall observation,it can be said that the acute toxicity produced by the active dose of any substance is directly produced by the pharmacological property of that substance.But chronic poisoning that is unable to produce symptoms of acute poisoning,cannot produce symptoms by direct pharmacological property of that substance.This type of poisoning produces symptoms by expressing hidden internal stimulus of disease in the body which are similar to symptoms of other drugs in active dose.Again,some studies have shown that the symptoms of subacute long-term Arsenic poisoning can be alleviated by potentized Arsenic.But it is theoretically impossible.A review of the research paper found that the observers did not properly analyze the symptoms as mentioned alleviated.They only mentioned one symptom of any organ in general.They did not mention the whole set of symptoms associated with the symptoms.Here is a brief analysis.For example,observers have noted the relief of these two symptoms,headache,and abdominal pain.But headache and abdominal pain are two general symptoms.Analyzing these two general symptoms gives several specific sets of symptoms.For example,in the case of abdominal pain analysis,it is necessary to consider where the pain is,what the type of pain is,how the pain is relieved,what are the effects of cold and heat,and as a result,a specific set of symptoms can be found.But observers have not analyzed these issues to determine whether the pain is similar to Arsenic.They also did not determine whether those symptoms of headaches and abdominal pain included any remedies other than Arsenic [13].

9 The primary and secondary stimulus of disease

As we have seen in previous discussions,a stimulus is needed to disrupt the balance of the organism.It enters the body from the outside or is hidden in the body in case of the disease.This stimulus by directly acting on the body causes a change in its balance.I will call it the primary stimulus.Another type of stimulus does not express any action directly on the body.It provides a trigger to reveal the internal stimulus of the disease hidden in the body.I will call it secondary stimulus.The primary stimulus includes internal stimulus of the disease,active doses of drugs,severe acute injuries,extreme cold or heat,etc.The secondary stimulus includes pathogens,chronic subacute poisoning,abnormal lifestyle,moderate cold or heat,etc.Depending on the situation,a stimulus can be either primary or secondary.For example when Arsenic causes acute toxicity then it is the primary stimulus and when it causes long-term subacute (chronic) toxicity then it is a secondary stimulus.When excessive cold freezes the limbs then it is a primary stimulus and when moderate cold causes symptoms as muscle ache of a drug named Rhus Toxicodendron then it is a secondary stimulus [14].Again,when the skin gets burnt due to excessive heat,it is the primary stimulus.And when one becomes unconscious in the heat of the sun,that heat is a secondary stimulus [15].

We have seen in the previous analyses that,the effect of potentized remedies is not a similar effect and the effect is not due to the minute dose of original substances.Then the question arises whether a similar effect mentioned by Hahnemann occurs.Hahnemann at first used a large dose of drugs.But it was smaller than the allopathic dose of that time.Even then,it would aggravate the symptoms of the disease initially.Dr.Nash termed this aggravation as dangerous [16].Although Hahnemann had not used large-dose drugs for a long time,cure by the large dose or small dose (active doses) was completely true.Dr.Nash in his book mentioned a cure with an active but low dose drug.He did not get any result by using 30c potency and alcohol extract of Digitalis in a weak contraction of the heart where symptoms of Digitalis were present.But he got the result by making 1x preparation from Digitalis powder.He used the 1x preparation mixed with water [17].

Now the symptomatic effect of the disease cannot be neutralized by the large dose or the small dose drugs that produce clear symptoms and mild symptoms respectively.Now,since the symptoms of the disease and the symptoms of the drug are the same,their marginal site of action is the same even though their initial process is different.As both the disease process and the drug process compete for the same site,the speed of the disease process is obstructed or reversed.The body's reaction to the effect of the drug or adaptive response of the body to combined aggravated symptoms of the disease process and the process of action of the drug; both go against the disease process and the disease is cured.This explanation is very similar to Hahnemann's explanation.The explanation that Hahnemann gave for the active dose,also gave the same for the potentized dose.In fact,the effect of the potentized remedies is different,and in the previous parts,its explanations have been given in detail.

11 Why the effect of potentized remedy is not similar?

In the previous parts,I have determined that the effect of potentized remedies is not a similar effect.Potentized remedies gain negative pharmacological property that neutralizes the effect of the disease process.Again cure by the active dose which is able to produce some symptoms is completely true.Now the question comes that,why the potentized remedies have not the same property as original substances.If the properties of the potentized remedy are not the same as the properties of the original substance,then there must be a concentration of the original substance so that the substance does not show any pathogenic or curative properties.In fact,such a matter exists in reality.Common salt (Natrum Mur) which is used as a remedy does not produce or cure diseases in the concentration of food.But when it is potentized in the homeopathic process,it gains healing power.Hahnemann mentioned a few more examples.When pepper is used as a common spice,it does not cure or produce any disease.But can cure disease in potentized condition.Again,if too much pepper is consumed,it produces similar symptoms of the disease.Similarly,potassium iodide produces symptoms in large quantities and cures diseases in potentized form.But the concentration at which it is added to common salt,it does not produce symptoms similar to disease or cures the disease.Hahnemann mentioned that the substances,addition of which to an original substance cause destruction of the pharmacological effect,the same substances cannot do the same to the potentized form of that substance .For example,the addition of little lime or soda with potentized Nitric Acid does not result in the change of curative power of it.So from this analysis,it can be said that the curative property of potentized remedy and the active drug are different.Between these two properties,either at a certain density or within the range of density,both properties are extinct.Some physicians also hold the view that the original extracts (mother tincture) and potentized remedies act on different principles [18].

12 Similar effect vs neutralizing effect

The disease is often exacerbated by similar effect in active dose.This increases the painful symptoms of the disease.Dr.Nash called such an increase as a dangerous increase [16].On the other hand symptoms of the disease are often relieved by neutralizing effect.Although the disease is aggravated,sometimes it occurs due to the acceleration of the disease process and it is not dangerous.Aggravation due to the acceleration of the disease process gives the patient mental relief.For example,if there are itching and discharge in skin disease,then if the disease process is completely accelerated,the discharge will increase but the itching will decrease.For example,in the case of ringworm,in a set of symptoms Sulphur high potency increases the discharge and formation of crusts but decreases the itching.In the neutralizing effect course of the disease is not altered,either accelerated or the symptoms are neutralized.On the other hand,since the similar effect hinders the progression of the disease,it may not cure the disease permanently.

The time interval at which the symptoms reappear as a result of the similar effect is much longer than in the case of neutralizing effect.As a result of neutralization,the symptoms return strongly after the end of the effect of the remedy,until the lifespan of the disease is almost over.This severity of the symptoms is often higher than before the start of treatment.On the other hand,as a result of a similar effect,the symptoms return more mildly than before.However,it may be intense later.

13 Neutralization of disease symptoms and acceleration of disease process

Many people say that potentized homeopathic remedies work deeply in disease and cure the disease permanently.But in fact,potentized remedies act on the marginal stages of the disease process.The disease is cured for its special characteristics,limited lifespan.There are clear differences between the neutralization of symptoms and the acceleration of the disease process.Symptoms are never excited if these are neutralized.Symptoms of the disease may appear to be excited if the disease process is accelerated.New symptoms never come if the symptoms are neutralized.Acceleration of the disease process may result in the arrival of new symptoms.

In many cases,it is seen that a disease that someone has been suffering for a long time can be cured in a very short time only by neutralizing the symptoms.For example,four-year-old psoriasis has been completely cured in two months by simply neutralizing the symptoms.Then there is the question of how a fouryear-old disease can be cured in two months without accelerating the disease process if there is a fixed duration of the disease.Why the disease was not cured spontaneously in those four years.The answer is that,in the untreated state,the effect of the disease's internal stimulus remains active.As a result,the products produced by the disease process remain intact.As a result,congestion of products is created that prevents the formation of new products.Due to the inability to produce new products the disease process slows down.Neutralization of the internal stimulus of the disease results in the destruction of the stimulus and product of the pathogenesis.As a result,the new product is formed rapidly by the new stimulus.This mechanism accelerates the pathogenesis indirectly.

14 More aggravation in lower potency and less aggravation in higher potency

Hahnemann said that as like active large dose causes more aggravation of the disease and active low dose causes less,like that lower potentized remedy (ex-30c) causes more aggravation and higher potentized remedy (ex-1000c) causes less.He termed the lower potencies as a large dose and the higher potencies as a small dose of the original substance.But the 30c potency does not contain any original substance and also the1000c potency.We can explain the reason based on the result of the analysis of observed phenomena.In fact,the disease process is partially accelerated by lower potency homeopathic remedies and accelerated quickly and completely by higher potency.Symptoms appear to be somewhat exacerbated when the disease process is partially accelerated.On the other hand,when the disease process is completely accelerated,the patient does not feel any painful symptoms.For this reason,Hahnemann called low potencies as large doses and high potencies as a small doses of the original substance.

15 Opposite effects of a drug and neutralizing effect

Some drugs produce opposite symptoms in healthy individuals those are not alternating symptoms.Those opposite symptoms can compete with each other.If the drug is potentized,then its positive pharmacological properties will gain corresponding negative pharmacological properties.Now the question is that,whether the corresponding opposite negative pharmacological properties can obstruct the effect of each other.Now the potentized remedies can not produce any symptom in the required dose.Then the potentized remedy of that drug will neutralize one symptom between the two opposite symptoms with one negative pharmacological property.The other negative pharmacological property will remain inactive.

16 The same opposite effect in the active dose and potentized dose

Some drugs exert the opposite effect on the disease in active doses.Again those exert the same effect in potentized dose.For example,Ergot (Secale) helps the contraction of the uterus at the time of parturition.Again in that kind of relaxation use of potentized Secale is suggested.It may appear that potentized Secale performs the same action as active Secale.But further analysis reveals that the Ergot alkaloids,constituents of Secale,exert different types of effects on different target sites of the uterus.Again for the effect on the same target site,an alkaloid can act as an agonist,antagonist,and partial agonist.It has been seen that,where large-dose Ergot causes prolonged powerful contraction of the uterus,there low dose causes rhythmic relaxation and contraction of the uterus [19].If Materia medicas' are analyzed,it will be found that just as Secale is applicable for relaxed uterus during parturition,so it is also applicable for threatened abortion.It means,secale is able to produce both of the conditions in active doses.Now if an active dose of Secale is used for a relaxed uterus during delivery,it will exert a new effect that will suppress the effect of the disease.On the contrary,if potentized Secale is used,then it will neutralize the effect of the disease.As a result,the uterus will gain its natural power of contra ction.

17 Rule of re-dosing of different type of drugs and their properties

After the application of one dose of allopathic drug second dose has to be applied before the effect of the first dose is finished.On the contrary,after the application of one dose of potentized remedy the second dose has to be applied after the effect of the first dose is finished.From the mode of re-dosing,we can understand the properties and mode of action of both types of remedies.Disease and allopathic drugs have the same property and their marginal site of effect is different.As a result,the effect they exert on organisms can not destroy each other and they compete with each other.On the contrary,disease and potentized remedies have opposite properties,and they can destroy each other.

The biological system has a tendency to maintain a balanced state.Different regulatory mechanisms are responsible for this.A good example is catch-up growth.In catch-up growth when the cause of growth inhibition is removed,the growth rate is increased than normal.In case of disease,to disrupt the balanced state a stimulus is required.Potentized homeopathic remedies neutralize the effect of the disease.As a result body's balance is spontaneously maintained.Allopathic drugs create a new effect in the body that competes with the effect of the disease.But these two effects are never mixed or neutralize each other.Allopathic symptomatic drugs create a new effect in the body that competes with the terminal stage of the disease.But it can not neutralize the effect of the disease.On the other hand,potentized remedies act on the terminal stage of the disease and actually neutralize it.

As a result,symptoms of the disease are neutralized or disease process is accelerated.In case of the effect produced by the active dose of drug,active dose antidote either prevents the drug to exert a new effect of creates an opposite effect.Potentized remedies can not perform the two effects but neutralize the effect that has been already exerted.Potentized remedies cannot produce symptoms in healthy individuals because they cannot create a new effect in the body.They can only neutralize the effect of the disease.Although sometimes symptoms are produced by potentized remedies,it is due to the expression of the internal stimulus of the disease.In the case of chronic subacute poisoning,drugs produce symptoms by expressing the internal stimulus of the disease.Drugs,the internal stimulus of the disease,etc.affect the body directly.These are the primary stimulus.The things that help the expression of internal stimulus is secondary stimulus.For example microorganisms and chronic subacute poisoning.An active dose of the similar drug also cures the disease.It competes with the terminal stage of the disease process and withdrawal effect goes against the symptoms of the disease.

As a result,the disease process is reversed.But potentized remedies' property is different.The active dose of similar drugs exerts similar effect while potentized remedies exert a neutralizing effect.At a certain concentration,both properties are lost.For example Capsicum.Neutralizing effect nutralizes the product of pathogenesis and facilitates the formation of new products.Therefore,it accelerates the disease process indirectly.Ergot(Secale) is considered to contract the uterus in both active and potentized doses.But the effect of the active dose is due to positive pharmacological property and the effect of the potentized dose is due to the negative pharmacological property.The mode of re-dosing indicates that the effect of the potentized remedy is due to the negative pharmacological property.All the evidence indicates that the property of potentized remedy is not similar to the original substance,rather it is negative pharmacological property.


Hahnemann said that potentized remedy is similar to the original drug.Modern researchers also claim the same.But all the observations suggest that it is different.The pharmacological property of potentized remedy is negative pharmacological property.The biological system has a tendency to maintain a balanced state.A stimulus is required to disrupt the balanced state.Negative pharmacological property neutralizes the effect of the stimulus.As a result,the biological system is restored to a balanced state.