
2021-12-06 23:26
疯狂英语·新策略 2021年12期



Activity A Reading for understanding

Ⅱ.Text-centered sentences


She is so warm-hearted that she always lends a helping hand when others are in need.


Zhang Guimei has devoted herself to helping girls in poor areas to pursue education,which moves tens of millions of people in China.Activity B Reading for writing



It tells us the person who influences the author most.




3.creates a happy and interesting family atmosphere

4.helps neighbors with different things

5.Lost many chances of study but has never given up learning

6.went through many difficulties but has not lost heart at all

7.keeps learning with a strong will


Dear John,

Glad to hear from you.I would like to introduce my grandpa who influences me most to you.

My grandpa was a son of a poor family.After years of hard study,he was admitted to China Medical University and after graduating from the university,he served as a doctor.He was so kind and patient that his patients all thought highly of him.What's more,he often went to the poor villages to attend to the old for free,which touched me deeply.

All my grandpa's good qualities are always leading me to be a better man.


Li Hua


Activity A Reading for understanding

Ⅱ.Text-centered sentences


Only through our tireless efforts can we achieve our goals.


He always tells jokes to amuse his wife and children,creating a happy family atmosphere.

Activity B Reading for writing



It tells us about Zhang Guimei and how she built up a free high school for girls as well as helped girls be admitted to university.


1.Background 2.Characteristics 3.education 4.poverty 5.Beginning 6.reality 7.resigned 8.responsibility


The person I admire most

The person I admire most is a miracle educator,who is a teacher with the name of Zhang Guimei.She has changed many girls'fate by education.Witnessing many girls having no equal access to education like boys in the mountains,she determined to establish the Huaping High School for Girls,which does not charge tuition fees.Zhang Guimei is an ordinary yet a great woman who bears great responsibility for the girls,the society and the country.So unselfish,kind,dedicated,professional and conscientious is she that she deserves all the respect from others.



Reading Check


Language Study

Ⅱ.Theme-centered writing

Dear friends,

As to the scientist that I respect most,I will choose Tu Youyou.Tu was admitted to Peking University in 1951.After graduation,she has been working in China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences,and now she is the chief scientist there.In 2015,she was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for discovering artemisinin.

Not defeated by failures,Tu Youyou has been devoting herself to the research on traditional Chinese medicine.She has made such a great contribution to the medical field that I respect her very much.


Reading Check

1~4 BADC


Reading Check

1~4 CACD


Reading Check

1~4 CABD


Reading Check

1~4 BBDA


Reading Check

1~4 DBBA


Reading Check

1~4 DCBD


Reading Check

1~4 DBBA


Reading Check

1~4 DBDB



Paragraph 1:

She kept on trying to calm me down,but I wasn't ready to listen.I was sure that she didn't understand how I felt.However,Miss Smith explained that she was pretty sure I was having an anxiety attack.She said,“When I was your age,the same thing happened to me.”She described how she'd felt to me,and it was almost exactly how I was feeling.She also explained that this kind of feeling was caused by anxiety.I was shocked.I had no idea that there was someone out there who really understood my feelings.

Paragraph 2:

When I realized that she really did understand my anxiety,I felt so relieved.Miss Smith asked what had happened to me.She was willing to help me.I told her I'd been going through a tough time.My best friend had moved to a new school,and I wasn't sure how to fit in with the girls in my class.She said,“Just take a deep breath and relax.Tell yourself it will be fine and focus on something else.I'm sure you can deal with it.”Thanks to Miss Smith,I got rid of the anxiety.



A holiday I have taken

Last winter vacation,I went to Hainan with my parents.It was my first flight,so I felt a bit nervous,but excited.

The first day,we went to the beach.The sky was clear and the sea was blue.What impressed me most was diving.I saw many colorful tropical fishes and coral reefs.It was so exciting!The next day,we visited the Ends of the Earth,where I had dreamed of going.There we took many photos.During my visit,I tasted many delicious local foods,especially sea food.

We had a wonderful time there.I look forward to travelling there again.


Dear Peter,

I can't tell you how sorry to hear that you are ill and in hospital.How are you feeling now?Our head teacher told me you would be absent from school for half a month.Do relax and don't worry about your studies.Some classmates are going to visit you on weekends and we are all willing to help you with your schoolwork if necessary.

We all miss you very much and each classmate wishes you a quick and complete recovery.

Best wishes.


Li Hua


Dear Tom,

I'm sorry to hear that you are not well recently and I advise you should have a healthy eating habit.

Having healthy eating habits will help you have a healthy body and mind,and enjoy a happy life.There are many ways to develop healthy eating habits.

Firstly,you ought to start a day with a healthy breakfast.It will improve your performance at school.Secondly,you'd better keep away from the food that is rich in fat,oil and sugar and keep a balanced diet.Lastly,you should eat meals regularly every day.

In a word,healthy eating habits will help you keep active and have a healthy lifestyle.


Li Hua




本文是一篇记叙文。Bruce Bexler梦想去人类从未到过的地方,后来他与澳大利亚和美国的科学家在新几内亚岛发现了一些新物种。

1~4 ABDC




11~15 BACBD



1.mountainous 2.appeared 3.their

4.originally 5.against 6.which

7.has risen 8.built9.living 10.the


Paragraph 1:

About three minutes later,the Category V was coming.The raft raced down the rapids.Water was splashing on the rocks,letting out louder noise.Screaming all the way down,I saw white water all over.I was so nervous because there were five big solitary rocks sticking out.If a little careless,we might hit one and get turned upside down.In the blink of an eye,we turned around the last huge rock,entering a small calm ride.When we settled at the bottom,I wanted to go back up and do it all again.

Paragraph 2:

After racing down all of the rapids,I was no longer scared.“What did you think about that Category V rapids?” my dad asked.“I was super nervous at first.But when we hit the bottom,I wanted to do it once more.” “Would you say you become more confident of yourself?” he continued.“Yes,I would say I become much more confident of myself.” I smiled.We walked towards our campsite.




1~4 ACBD






1.various/varied 2.to reduce 3.was allowed

4.who/that5.on 6.immediately

7.removed 8.the 9.functions 10.going


Paragraph 1:

Holding the man's hand firmly,Michelle took him home.The little girl walked in such a hurry that she even forgot to introduce herself to the man.Her parents were too surprised to believe their eyes.That well-dressed man turned out to be a surgeon,specializing in neural surgery.Later,the little brother was taken away.The operation was completed with payment of one dollar and eleven cents.And it wasn't long before Jack was home again and doing well.Michelle was more than happy.Now she knew the exact price of a miracle:one dollar and

eleven cents,plus the faith of a little child.

Paragraph 2:

When asked why he chose to help the family,the man detailed,“When I was young my self,I was once in the same situation as the little baby.The little girl reminded me of my own sister.It was she who saved my life.Deeply impressed by her innocence,I was determined to help the family out of trouble.It doesn't matter how much money she actually had with her;what matters is her faith,the faith that miracles do exist.”




1~4 DACC






1~5 CABBD 6~10 BCCAD

11~15 ADACB


Paragraph 1:

Hearing this,I took the steps two at a time to the cellar.The next second I was in front of the shelf.I stood on tiptoe and took down the jar carefully.I could hear Dad and Mom laughing upstairs and Mom's hands slapping the dough.Wanting to join them,I hurried up the steps,and my foot caught on the middle one.I put out my hands to steady myself,but I tumbled down.The jar slipped through my fingers and smashed on the floor.Wrong-footed,I burst into tears and heard Dad's footsteps closer and closer.

Paragraph 2:

“Never mind,boy,accidents happen,” Dad said and wiped my tears.These words seemed to have magic and gradually I settled down.How I wished I hadn't hurried.“Next time I will be more careful,”I thought to myself.Having swiftly dealt with the mess,Dad lifted me onto his shoulder and went back to Mom.“Now out of the kitchen,you two,” Mom said.“I'm going to bake my mama's sugar pie,without apple jam!”I followed Dad out and helped him fix that old creaking gate until Mom called us in for Thanksgiving dinner.

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