Aims and Scope

2021-11-28 04:00:23

The journal ofProgress in Natural Science:Materials Internationalsponsored and organized by both Chinese Materials Research Society (C-MRS) and International Union of Materials Research Societies (IUMRS) started to publish its f rst issue in November,2010.

Progress in Natural Science:Materials Internationalprovides scientists and engineers throughout the world with a central vehicle for the exchange and dissemination of basic theoretical studies and applied research ofadvanced materials.The emphasis is placed on original research,both analytical and experimental,which is of permanent interest to engineers and scientists,cove ring all aspects ofnew materialsandtechnologies,such as,ener gy and environmental materials;advanced structural materials;advanced transportation materials,functional and electronic materials;nano-scale and amorphous materials;health and biological materials;materials modeling and simulation;materials characterization;and so on.The latest research achievements and innovative papers in basic theoretical studies and applied research ofmaterial sciencewill be carefully selected and promptly reported.Thus,the aim of this Journal is to serve the global materials science and technology community with the latest research f ndings.As a service to readers,an international bibliography of recent publications in advanced materials is published bimonthly.

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