Guide for Authors

2021-11-28 04:00:23

The journal of Progress in Natural Science:Materials International (the abbreviation in SCI-JCR is PRO NAT SCI-MATER) is sponsored and organized by Chinese Materials Research Society (C-MRS),and co-sponsored by International Union of Materials Research Societies (IUMRS),and started to publish(bi-monthly) its f irst issue in November,2010.The journal has been produced and hosted by Elsevier B.V.from 2012.

The Progress in Natural Science:Materials International provides the materials researchers throughout the world with a central vehicle for the exchange and dissemination of basic theoretical studies and applied research of advanced materials.The emphasis is placed on original research,both analytical and experimental,which is of permanent interest to materials researchers,covering all aspects of new materials and technologies,such as,energy and environmental materials;advanced structural materials;advanced transportation materials,functional and electronic materials;nano-scale and amorphous materials;health and biological materials;materials modeling and simulation;materials characterization;and so on.The latest research achievements and innovative papers in basic theoretical studies and applied research of material science will be carefully selected and promptly reported.Thus,the aim of this journal is to serve the global materials science and technology community with the latest research f indings and make the great contributions to the cooperation and exchanges of material science in the world.

The Progress in Natural Science:Materials International is searched and collected by SCI Citation system.The impact factors of the journal has been steadily increasing during the last years,and the ranking of the journal among the multidisciplinary materials science journals is positioned in the part of Q2 from 2014.

Types of Manuscripts

The Progress in Natural Science:Materials International accepts research papers,review articles and letters.

Research Papers

A research paper presents the results of in vestigations on a rele vant subject matter.

The length should not normally exceed 6000 words and 8 diagrams— this corresponds to 6–8 journal pages.

Review Articles

A review article summarizes the recent progress on a specif c subject of active research,including the current state of knowledge of the topic b y discussing the f ndings presented in recent research paper s.The length should not nor mally exceed 8000 words and 15 diagrams—this cor responds to approximately 10 jour nal pages.


A letter informs the scientif c community about recent research,which the authors wish to publish as quickly as possible,without writing a detailed full length research paper.The activities of IUMRS adhering bodies are also included in this par t.The length should not nor mally exceed 2000 words and 4 diagrams—this cor responds to approximately 4 jour nal pages.