黄瑛 邓智超 杨槿 戴思懿
摘要 小城镇兼具城市与乡村社会经济发展特征,应因地制宜制定适合其自身特色的开发强度管控体系。“以人民为中心”思想指导下,小城镇开发强度管控应兼顾开发与保护、效率与公平、共性与特色等多元价值目标,采用“自上而下”与“自下而上”相衔接的管控思路,采取“消极控制”与“积极引导”相结合的管控方法,构建以容积率为核心的多维管控指标体系,形成因地、因时制宜的管控过程。利用GIS、Yaaph等软件,结合定量分析与定性分析,对南京市横梁街道土地利用开发强度进行分区分级管控,促进小城镇发展多元目标的实现。
关键词 开发强度;多元目标;小城镇
中图分类号 TU 984 文献标识码 A
文章编号 0517-6611(2021)19-0242-05
Research on the Management and Control of the Development Intensity of Small Towns under the Guidance of Multiple Targets—A Case Study of Hengliang Community Street, Nanjing City
HUANG Ying,DENG Zhi-chao,YANG Jin et al
(College of Architecture, Nanjing Tech University, Nanjing ,Jiangsu 211816)
Abstract Small towns have both urban and rural social and economic development characteristics, so they should formulate an intensity control system suitable for their own characteristics in accordance with local conditions. Under the guidance of the “people-centered” ideology, the control of intensity should take into account multiple value goals, such as development and protection, efficiency and fairness, commonality and characteristics. Small towns should build a management and control system that connects “top-down” and “bottom-up”, adopt a method that combines “passive control” and “active guidance”, build a multidimensional index system centered on floor area ratio,and form a control process that adapts to the place and time. In the management and control of the intensity of Hengliang Street, GIS, Yaaph and other software are used to carry out quantitative and qualitative analysis to obtain district and hierarchical control, and then promote the diversified development of small towns.
Key words Development intensity;Multiple targets;Small town
基金項目 国家自然科学基金青年项目(41901167)。
作者简介 黄瑛(1978—),女,江苏常州人,副教授,博士,从事城市与乡村规划、城市社区社会问题研究。
收稿日期 2021-01-21
1 小城镇开发强度特征及趋势