褚继萍 史芳芳 郑剑超 金玉华
摘要 为了明确和田地区设施温棚烟粉虱种群的生物型及设施番茄黄化曲叶病的病毒种类,采集47团温棚7种寄主作物上的烟粉虱,利用特异性引物,通过普通PCR方法鉴定其生物型;对温棚采集的番茄病株,利用番茄黄化曲叶病毒、番茄褪绿病毒的特异性引物,通過RT-PCR检测确定番茄病毒种类。结果显示,和田地区温棚烟粉虱种群生物型均为Q型,番茄黄化曲叶病的病毒种类均为番茄黄化曲叶病毒(tomato yellow leaf curl virus,TYLCV),由此得出和田地区番茄黄化曲叶病由Q型烟粉虱传毒,并提出病虫绿色防控措施。
关键词 烟粉虱;生物型;番茄病毒病;检测
中图分类号 S 436.412.1 文献标识码 A
文章编号 0517-6611(2021)19-0133-02
Biotype of Bemisia tabaci Population and Detection of Tomato Virus Disease in Hotan Area
CHU Ji-ping,SHI Fang-fang,ZHENG Jian-chao et al
(Agricultural Science Research Institute of the 12th Division of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps,Urumqi,Xinjiang 830088)
Abstract The biological types of Bemisia tabaci population and the virus species of tomato yellow and curve leaf disease in the greenhouse in Hotan area were identified.The biological types of Bemisia tabaci on 7 kinds of host crops in 47 groups of greenhouse were identified by using specific primers and common PCR method.The specific primers of tomato yellow-leaf curving virus and tomato chlorosis virus were used to determine the tomato virus species of infected tomato strains collected in the greenhouse by RT-PCR.The results showed that the biological type of Bemisia tabaci population in Hotan area was Q type, and the virus type of tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) was tomato yellow leaf curl virus.It was concluded that Bemisia tabaci was transmitted by Q type, and the green control measures of Bemisia tabaci disease and insect were proposed.
Key words Bemisia tabaci; Biological type;Tomato virus disease;Detection
基金项目 新疆生产建设兵团第十二师向南发展项目(SR2018035);第十二师科技攻关项目(SR2019010)。
作者简介 褚继萍(1970—),女,山东巨野人,高级农艺师,从事蔬菜栽培及病虫害研究。 *通信作者,推广研究员,从事作物病虫害研究。
收稿日期 2021-02-07
随着新疆向南发展战略实施,国家大力扶持南疆设施农业的发展,新疆和田地区47团、224团及和田其他地县立足当地资源优势,建成使用几千座设施大棚,重点打造沙漠经济和优质、绿色、无公害特色农产品,重点培育蔬菜、瓜果、花卉苗木等主导产业。和田地区属暖温带极端干旱的荒漠气候,田间主要种植作物为枣树。近几年根据农作物结构调整和市场需求大力发展蔬菜大棚,为烟粉虱提供了适宜的环境条件和充沛的食物来源,造成烟粉虱在和田地区危害严重。烟粉虱 (Bemisia tabaci) 隶属于半翅目(Hemiptera) 粉虱科(Aleyrodidae)小粉虱 属(Bemisia) [1-2] ,是番茄黄化曲叶病毒(tomato yellow leaf curl virus,TYLCV)和番茄褪绿病毒(tomato chlorosis virus, ToCV)的传播介体,包含至少35个隐种,其中Q型和B型是入侵我国的重要烟粉虱隐种[3]。目前对和田地区烟粉虱种群生物型分布研究较少,2011年段晓东等[4]首次报道Q型烟粉虱入侵新疆,随后迅速蔓延,在新疆一些地区已呈现出Q型烟粉虱逐渐取代B型烟粉虱成为当地优势种群的趋势[5]。