The icy beauty of the Arctic感受极地冰封之美

2021-09-17 01:53高娜娜
疯狂英语·读写版 2021年8期


北極每年都吸引着成千上万的游客来参观当地的野生动物和美妙的景观,同时体验 当地文化。

The icy beauty of the Arctic attracts thousands of visitors every year to see its wonderful wildlife, landscape and local cultures. Visitors can take ships on a voyage along the Arctic Ocean or take flights to cities along the Arctic edge. No matter how one gets there, they should wear warm clothes and get ready to take in the attractions.

'"Travelling to the Arctic leaves an unforgettable impression on the visitors. Its vast expanse and the fragility (脆弱)of its environment are two things that really blow away people,"said Cheryl Rosa, the director of the US Arctic Research Commission.

Visitors to the Arctic Circle will have a lot of activities to choose from if they want to see all that the region has to offer. Hiking with snowshoes, dog sledding (雪橇)and kayaking (皮艇9动)are

com?mon activities. Visitors with sharp eyes are likely to spot polar bears. To get even closer to the animals of the sea, visitors can go polar snorkeling (潜泳) with seals. Of course, Arctic adventures aren't com?plete without viewing the wonders of the Arctic Cir- cle"s large glaciers and icebergs as well.

One of the most impressive attractions and maybe the most difficult to see is the Northern Lights, one of the seven natural wonders of the world. They are natural lights that glow a brilliant green and light up the horizon. Sometimes they appear as waves that dance across the sky in different colors.

The best places to view the Northern Lights are in Northern Norway, Sweden"s Abisko National Park, Iceland, America's Alaska or Canada's Yukon, according to space&com. Charles Deehr, an expert at the University of Alaska Fairbanks'Geophysical Institute, recommended planning a trip between winter and spring, especially when there is a new moon.

Even though the Arctic is a popular tourist destination, don't forget that people live here too. is recommended that  visitors     go wit,                                    tour groups   that         are    respectful      of Arctic             residents  (居民)

and their culture,"said Rosa."Too m$+y /('/-e c$+ dist*rb the )5$-- villages. Fi+di+g to*r gro*/) th$t work with local communities is important."

1. What does the underlined part "blow away"in paragraph 2 probably mean?

A. Teach. B. Affect.

C. Interrupt. D. Impress.

2. What can we know about the Northern Lights?

A. They only produce green lights at night.

B. They are natural lights and hard to see.

C. They seldom occur between winter and spring.

D. The best time to view them is when there is a full moon.

3. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?

A. Tour groups are not welcome among Arctic residents.

B. The Arctic's population has been rising in recent years.

C. Visitors should choose tour groups properly when visiting.

D. Tour groups should get permission from local communities.

4. What is the purpose of the author in writing this text?

A. To inform visitors of local cultures.

B. To recommend some activities to visitors.

C. To introduce a popular tourist destination.

D. To share a travel experience in the Arctic.

Sentence for writing

"It is recommended that visitors go with tour groups that are respectful of Arctic residents and

their culture,"said Rosa.羅莎说:“建议游客参加尊重北极居民及其文化的旅游团$

【信息提取】It is recommended that...意为“建议........ ”$


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