
2021-09-17 06:34:16
Special Focus 2021年4期

历经百年沧桑,武汉大学历史悠久的老建筑里走出了一代代青年才俊。With a history of more than a century,the old buildings of Wuhan University have nurtured generations of young talents.




The last 100 years have actually witnessed two golden eras,resembling two periods of one’s youth,exerting extraordinary significance in the history of Hubei.

The beautiful mountains and waters in this land have witnessed and recorded all the trivial and monumental events of the past 100 years.People used to drink bowls of muddy water,barely being able to afford drinking tap water,but now for the sake of health,people here can buy purified water to drink.In the past,cities in the province were frequently submerged in the muddy water because of flooding,but now,people enjoy parks along the riverside,where they can enjoy the breeze and take in the scenery.In addition,it would be difficult for a resident to see what the cities offer in a single day,but now they can travel around the world in one day.All the developments and changes have now become golden memories with the passage of time.

Past experiences can be seen on people’s faces,while the vicissitudes of the earth are written into a splendid chapter.Memories are the most beautiful thing in the world.Recalling the past,no matter how bitter the old days were,we can still feel the sweetness.No matter how hard the work may be,the people of Hubei can sense their due responsibilities.

面对疫情,1000 多名建设者连续奋战10 天10 夜,圆满完成了火神山、雷神山等建设任务。2020年1月29日晚上,火神山医院建设工地正在进行吊装作业。( 梅涛 摄)Hoisting operations on the construction site of Huoshenshan Hospital on the evening of January 29,2020.In facing the highly contagious COVID-19 epidemic,more than 1,000 workers worked for 10 days and nights without rest and successfully completed the tasks of building Huoshenshan and Leishenshan Hospitals.(Photo by Mei Tao)

2020年3月12日,武汉市武昌区下徐家湾社区工作人员和下沉党员干部在搬运外地捐赠的爱心菜。(梅涛 赵广亮 摄)Workers from Xiaxujiawan Community in Wuchang District,Wuhan City and officials volunteering here are carrying foods and vegetables donated by compatriots from other parts of the country on March 12,2020.(Photo by Mei Tao and Zhao Guangliang)

2020年2月4日晚,国家紧急医学救援队(广东)援鄂医疗队57 名队员抵达武汉。(蔡俊 摄)57 medical workers from the National Emergency Medical Rescue Team (Guangdong) arrive in Wuhan on the evening of February 4,2020.(Photo by Cai Jun)

2020年1月26日拍摄的武汉黄鹤楼和长江大桥(熊琦 摄)The gloomy Yellow Crane Tower and empty Yangtze River Bridge in Wuhan on January 26,2020.(Photo by Xiong Qi)

超市是最方便放心的生活物资销售场所,居家物资一应俱全。(倪娜 摄)Supermarkets are the most convenient and safest places to buy living necessities.(Photo by Ni Na)

现在买什么自选,直接刷脸就可以结算离店。Smart stores employ facial recognition technology and e-banking so customers can conveniently pay for shopping.

上世纪城市居民买粮难。Last century,it was not easy for urban residents to buy food.

20世纪80年代,武汉商场举办“金秋购物节”场景。A scene in the 1980s when a Wuhan shopping mall held a “Golden Autumn Shopping Festival.”

当年,孝感应城的杨小运超卖万斤粮后最大的心愿就是能买到一辆永久牌自行车。这辆车至今保存在该市档案馆。(刘振宇 摄)Decades ago,the biggest wish of a peasant named Yang Xiaoyun,from Yingcheng County,Xiaogan City and who had over-sold 10,000 jin (5 tonnes) of grain to the government,was to buy a Yongjiu bike.That very bike is kept in the Municipal Archives to this day.(Photo by Liu Zhenyu)

上世纪中后期,物资紧缺,买什么都要凭票。During the mid and late 20th century,materials and goods were in shor t supply,and almost everything was bought through a ticket allotted by the government.These tickets become collector’s favorites.

穿着的时代语言:作为汉派时装代表的武汉,每年都举行各种各样的时装秀。(倪娜 摄)Fashion is the language of the age:Wuhan,as a representative of Han-style fashion,holds various fashion shows every year.(Photo by Ni Na)

时装已经步入个性化时代。(倪娜 摄)Fashion has entered the era of individuality nowadays.(Photo by Ni Na)

20世纪80年代,服装和面料渐渐丰富起来。In the 1980s,clothing and fabrics were gradually increased and diversified.People’s clothes became colorful.

20世纪70年代知识青年这样穿。In the 1970s,intellectual youths wore this style of dress.

东西湖柏泉新苑社区市民饭后跳广场舞。Residents of Dongxihu Baiquan Xinyuan Community dancing in the square after dinner.

如今,市民穿梭在宽敞明亮、干净整洁的地铁站台之间。(魏铼 摄)Today,citizens shuttle through spacious,bright,clean subway platforms.(Photo by Wei Lai)

20世纪80年代末,武汉市民一出门就挤公交车。(周立新 摄)Wuhan citizens crammed onto buses like sardines at the end of the 1980s.(Photo by Zhou Lixin)

20 多年前,恩施太阳河山河村村民卖猪,要十几个青壮年轮流抬出山。现在马路修到家门口,抬上车就可以运走。More than 20 years ago,when villagers in Shanhe Village,Enshi City,sold pigs,they generally asked dozens of young adults to bundle a pig,and carry it together out of their mountains to sell in town.Now cement roads have been connected to each household,and the goods of the villagers can be easily transported away by a pickup truck.

恩施巴东境内沪渝高速公路泗渡河特大桥在浓雾中蜿蜒。Sidu River Bridge,a part of the Shanghai-Chongqing E xpressway in Badong Enshi,winds through heavy fog.

轮渡曾经是武汉人过江的重要工具,随着过江隧道一条接一条开通,汽车、地铁过江抢走了轮渡的生意,摆渡人只好把渡船业改向旅游观光,生意照样红火。(倪娜 摄)Ferry travel was once an important tool for Wuhan’s citizens to cross the Yangtze River.As river-crossing tunnels opened one after another,cars and subways take over the ferry’s business.The ferrymen had to change their ferry business to focus on river sightseeing.Now their new tourist business is as booming as the old ferries were.(Photo by Ni Na)

过去武汉人过江喜欢坐轮渡。Residents in Wuhan used to take a ferry to cross the river.

湖北创造了第一个开放小商品市场——汉正街小商品市场。俯瞰立有“新汉正街”牌坊的汉品北商品交易中心。(田悦 摄)Hubei has created the first open small commodity market—Hanzheng Street Small Commodity Market.Overlooking the Hankou North Commodity Exchange Center is a memorial archway that reads “New Hanzheng Street.” (Photo by Tian Yue)

2011年汉正街整体搬迁,商贩把余货搬到街上售卖。(田悦摄)Before the relocation of the entire Hanzheng Street Market in 2011,shop owners put their unsold goods on the street for sale.(Photo by Tian Yue)

20世纪80年代到汉正街打货的各地商贩。Vendors from other parts of the country purchase goods at Hanzheng Street in the 1980s.

2006年拍下的老汉正街狭窄的巷子和纠缠不清的电线。(田悦 摄)The narrow alleys and unorganized wires along the old Hanzheng Street photographed in 2006.(Photo by Tian Yue)

十年后的光谷生物城园区一角。A corner of the Optics Valley Biolake in 2019.

微信不仅把亲人带到跟前,还是生活的好帮手。(田悦 摄)WeChat not only helps people stay in touch with loved ones,but also makes many parts of life easier.(Photo by Tian Yue)

腾讯公司微信平台工作场景。(田悦 摄)The office of Tencent’s WeChat team.(Photo by Tian Yue)

2009年,建设初期的光谷生物城一角。The Optics Valley Biolake at its initial stage in 2009.

上世纪,投递员是人们最期待和敬重的工种。Last century,mail delivery was regarded as a good job anticipated and respected among people.

20世纪80年代,书信还是重要通信方式。(田悦 摄)Letters were still a key means of communication in the 1980s.(Photo by Tian Yue)

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