实验人员在进行信号测试。An engineer conducting signal testing.
中国光谷集聚了42 所高等院校、56 个国家及省部级科研院所、66 名两院院士、30 多万专业技术人员和80多万在校大学生,是中国三大智力密集区之一;光谷的知识创造和技术创新能力中国第一,是中国10 家“世界一流高科技园区”之一,正在向“世界光谷”进发。
Wuhan,an important modern industrial city,has consistently blazed new trails in the journey of China’s technological development.
Today,Wuhan has formed two major leading industries,namely,the East Lake High-tech Zone (also known as the Optics Valley of China),and the Wuhan Economic Development Zone,respectively playing the leading position in the areas of high technology and advanced manufacturing.
The Optics Valley of China boasts 42 educational institutes of higher learning,56 national,provincial,and ministerial research institutes,66 academicians from the Chinese Academy of Science and the Chinese Academy of Engineering,more than 300,000 professional and technical personnel,and more than 800,000 on-campus college students.It is one of China’s three largest intelligenceintensive regions.Optics Valley’s knowledge accumulation and technological innovation rank first in China,and it is one of China’s 10 “world-class high-tech parks.” Now it is advancing toward the “Optics Valley of the World.”
The Wuhan Economic Development Zone made its start from auto manufacturing.After nearly 30 years of development,the former wild area of field and ponds have grown into a new industrial city and a motor town well-known at home and abroad.At present,the development zone has formed a complete industrial chain.After establishing itself in the two pillar industries of automobiles and electronic appliances,Hubei is exploring the “Chinese solution” for unmanned automobile driving technology with the help of 5G+and BeiDou technology.
长飞光纤光缆股份有限公司,工作人员正在整理光纤产品。Staff at YOFC Optical Fiber and Cable Co.,Ltd.sorting out optical fiber products.
武汉新芯工作人员在工作中。Wuhan XMC workers busy at work.
光纤承绕盘包装车间实景。Full view of the workshop for packaging of optical fiber winders.
院士、专家们到武汉经开区东风汽车公司总部调研。(梅涛 摄)Academics and experts visiting the headquarters of Dongfeng Motor Company in the Wuhan Economic and Technological Development Zone for research.(Photo by Mei Tao)
亚格光电工作人员展示一款红光美容产品。(梅涛 摄)A staffer of Wuhan YAGE Optic&Electronics demonstrating a new red light therapy face mask.(Photo by Mei Tao)
东风旗下最新款新能源概念汽车e.πDongfeng’s latest new energy car model e.π.
工作人员在显微镜下加工元器件A technician processing components under a microscope in a Hubei plant.
航天科工火箭技术有限公司致力于“快舟”系列小型固体运载火箭的研发、制造、销售、服务。专注国际国内商业航天发射服务市场,为全球客户提供低成本、高可靠性、高入轨精度的商业航天发射服务。Expace Technology Co.,Ltd.addresses the R&D,manufacturing,marketing,and launch services of Kuaizhou (KZ) family of solid launch vehicles.It aims at providing global satellite customers with cost-effective,reliable,and accurate commercial launch service.
中国最大的两栖水上救援飞机AG600 试飞成功。The AG600,China’s largest amphibious water rescue aircraft,makes a successful trial flight.
32.5 万吨矿砂船“ORE ZHOUSHAN”号具备靠岸零排放功能,该船设计进行了线型优化,配以高效螺旋桨、消涡鳍、超长冲程主机和各种管理系统,营运高效、便利。“ORE ZHOUSHAN,” a 325,000-tonne ore ship,has the function of zero-carbon discharge when docking.The ship’s design has been streamlined,equipped with high-efficiency propellers,vortex fins,ultra-long-stroke main engines,and various management systems.Its operation is far more convenient and efficient than older ships of this scale.
上世纪邮政物流对于每一个包裹都通过人工分拣。现在分拣已经由机器人自动完成。工作人员只需扫码录入包裹信息,就可以交邮递员投送到小区快递柜里,通知接收人取件。(张朋 摄)Previously,postal logistics depended on the manual sorting of packages.Today,the sorting can be done automatically by robots.The worker only needs to scan the code and enter the parcel information,and then hand it over to the delivery person who drops it in a postal cabinet in the community resided by the intended recipient.(Photo by Zhang Peng)
上世纪,包裹靠人工分拣。Last century,parcels were sorted manually.
投递员将包裹投送到小区快递柜。A courier delivering a parcel to a postal cabinet in a community.
植物源重组人血清白蛋白实验室内,工作人员正在培育水稻种子。A researcher cultivating rice seeds in a laboratory of plant-derived recombinant human serum albumin.
阳新农民忙夏收。Farmers in Yangxin County busy with summer harvest,fifty years ago.
无人机防治病虫害。Today,farmers use new technologies for the control of pests and diseases.
20世纪70年代,阳新农民还靠牛耕人种的生产方式生产,如今,不仅耕种现代化,连病虫害防治都靠无人机了。(田悦 蔡克智 摄)In the 1970s,farmers in Yangxin County relied on animals and manual labor in farming.Nowadays,farming has been modernized.Even the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests can be carried out by drones.(Photo by Tian Yue and Cai Kezhi)