
2021-09-17 01:30张昕
国际人才交流 2021年8期





当天一早,总台外籍员工乘坐科技部安排的专车来到中国共产党历史展览馆。走近展览馆,大家立刻被它的恢宏气势所震撼。中国共产党历史展览馆传承了人民大会堂、国家博物馆等经典建筑的文化基因,建筑风格简约、大方、质朴,气势恢宏、庄严肃穆。拾阶而上,进入大厅,《长城颂》巨幅漆画映入眼帘,蜿蜒起伏于红色群山之上的巍巍长城在红色大理石地板的映衬下愈显雄伟。展览以“不忘初心、牢记使命”为主线,精心设计了“建立中国共产党 夺取新民主主义革命伟大胜利”“成立中华人民共和国 进行社会主义革命和建设”“实行改革开放 开创和发展中国特色社会主义”“推进中国特色社会主义进入新时代 全面建成小康社会 开启全面建设社会主义现代化国家新征程”4个部分,通过约4500件(套)文物实物,2600余幅图片,全方位、全过程、全景式、史诗般展现中国共产党波澜壮阔的百年历程。








习近平总书记在参观“‘不忘初心、牢记使命’中国共产党历史展览”时强调:“党的历史是最生动、最有说服力的教科书。” 100年来,中国共产党团结和带领中国人民不断开辟社会主义道路新境界,开拓为人民谋幸福的政党发展新格局,开启人类文明发展新路向,更引发了国际舆论的持续强烈关注。中国共产党为什么能?中国特色社会主义为什么好?马克思主义为什么行?作为长期生活在中国的国际媒体人士,总台外籍员工同样渴望找到这些问题的答案。科技部组织此次观展活动恰逢其时,影响广泛。展览在集中、全面、生动展示中国共产党百年奋斗历程的同时,有效传播了中国主张、中国智慧、中国方案,精彩诠释了“人类命运共同体”理念,有助于引导国际社会形成正确的“中国观”“中共观”。


On June 24, invited by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (MOST), around 30 China Media Group(CMG) expatriate employees from countries such as the United Kingdom, Australia,Russia, Romania, Japan and Lao PDR, along with other Beijingbased foreign experts visited the opening exhibition of the Museum of the Communist Party of China, becoming the first group of foreign visitors to do so.The exhibition, which was titled “Staying True to the Party’s Original Aspiration and Keeping its Mission Firmly in Mind”, explained and illustrated the 100-year history of the Communist Party of China.

Following in the “red footsteps” and catching a glimpse of the centennial cause of the Communist Party of China

Earlier that day, the expatriate employees from CMG arrived at the Museum of the Communist Party of China.Approaching the museum, everyone was immediately amazed by its grandeur,which inherits the cultural genes of classic buildings such as the Great Hall of the People and the National Museum with a style that is simple and solemn, but reflects an appropriate architectural taste.

Climbing up the steps and entering the hall, visitors were greeted with a giant lacquer painting named the “Ode to the Great Wall”.This depiction of the Great Wall meandering through the maroon mountains looks even more majestic against the crimson marble floors of the hall.Revolving around the theme of “Staying True to the Party’s Original Aspiration and Keeping its Mission Firmly in Mind”, the exhibition features four meticulously designed parts, namely, the “Founding of the Communist Party of China to Win the Great Victory of the New Democratic Revolution”,the “Founding of the People’s Republic of China to Carry out Socialist Revolution and Development”, “Promoting Reform and Opening-up to Create and Develop Socialism with Chinese Characteristics” and “Ushering in a New Era of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics to Build a Well-off Society and Embarking on a New Journey to Build a Modern Socialist Country in an Allround Way”.The exhibition showcases a century of the glorious history of the Communist Party of China through an epic, comprehensive, all-encompassing and panoramic display of around 4,500 pieces (sets) of cultural relics and During the visit, expatriate staff listened carefully to the guides, carefully observed the exhibits, and took part in various immersive activities, as well as musing about some of the displays and exchanging their own reflections.In front of the Shanghai Stone Gate model, Robert James Raschke from Australia and Ahmad Syukri bin Azmi from Malaysia carefully studied the introduction of the Party’s early activities in Shanghai.In front of a huge picture depicting the Founding Ceremony of the People’s Republic of China, Sy Leng from Cambodia and Evangelia Papazi from Greece raised their cameras to capture this precious historical moment.Romanian national Check name order – Tomozei sounds like surname and other expatriate staff purchased first-day covers at the venue’s themed post office and took photos to mark the occasion.

Of the thousands of exhibits on display, one particular item from the China Media Group (CMG) carried extra significance to the expatriate staff.This was a special edition of a poster titled “Go China!” which was published on February 10th, 2020-a critical moment in China’s fight against COVID-19-by the Russian daily Rossiya Gazeta.During the fight against the epidemic last year,a Russian expatriate employee, Konstantin Shchepin, known in China as ‘Xie Ping’, wrote dozens of articles for the Rossiya Gazeta, giving objective and accurate accounts of China’s fight against COVID-19, refuting the smears and slanders of some foreign media outlets, and actively seeking greater understanding and support from Russia and the international community for China’s fight against the epidemic during that critical time.Xie Ping said he felt touched and excited at seeing this exhibit.In an interview with the China News Service, he said there was some “noise” coming from some international corners that attempts to separate China’s development achievements from the efforts of the Communist Party of China.This exhibition is proof enough that China and the Communist Party should not be seen separately, and that China’s development could not have been achieved without the leadership of the Communist Party of China.Those seeking to separate China and the Communist Party should indeed come and have a good look at this exhibition for themselves, he said.

Feeling the power of faith, and enhancing the emotional and cultural accumulation to tell Chinese stories well

After the visit, the expatriate staff members wasted no time sharing their experience with overseas audiences through various new media platforms and via traditional media outlets, meanwhile offering advice on improving China’s international communication.Tanzanian national Fadhili Japhet M., a winner of the Chinese Government Friendship Award, produced a special video clip titled “Visiting New Red Landmarks - the Museum of the Communist Party of China” for the Swahili language Internet influencer studio.Fadhili said that by exploiting paintings, sculptures,music, videos and other artistic forms, the exhibition details the grand course of the Communist Party of China in uniting and leading the Chinese people over the last hundred years.He mentioned, in particular, that by building the Tanzania-Zambia Railway, China has made a great contribution to deepening the bond between China and Africa for a shared future.He further proposed more in-depth exploration of the Tanzania-Zambia Railway stories to better reflect the historical depth of China-Africa friendship.Lao national Mittaphone Bounkhong wrote an article titled “The Centennial Grand Party is in its Youth” on the official website of the Lao’s People’s Daily, and posted photos of the exhibition on social media platforms.The article states: “Through the Exhibition of 100-Year History of the Communist Party of China,we have a comprehensive understanding of the establishment,development and growth of the Communist Party of China, and discover the secrets of the success of the Communist Party of China, that is, constant self-revolution, tireless learning from the external world, and tenacious exploration and innovation.”

Sy Leng, a Cambodian national, said in an article titled “The Exhibition on the History of the Communist Party of China” published on his country’s “Tamarind Tree” website, the AMS News website and on the website of the China-Cambodia Journalists Association that he was deeply impressed by the exhibition, and wrote that the history of the Communist Party of China has been arduous and extraordinary, and that each historical stage embodies the Chinese Communists’ hard work, service to the people and sacrifice for their country.In a commentary titled “CPC’s Centennial Celebration: Socialism with Chinese characteristics set China on top in world” published on China Global Television Network (CGTN)official website, Malik Ayub Sumbal, a Pakistani national, pointed out that China’s achievements are the result of the brilliant leadership and unremitting efforts of the Communist Party of China, setting an example for the economic development and social progress throughout the world.

Since early this year, the expatriate staff through harnessing their personal bonds and cultural heritages has been actively participating in introduction and interpretation of the 100-year story of the Communist Party of China.Michael John Harrold,a winner of the Chinese Government Friendship Award and a British national, assisted the production of the special program of the themed show of “The Great Journey”, adding background commentary for the scenes with profound Chinese context and the paragraphs of classic quotes, telling the stories of the great journey of the Communist Party of China and those of the people’s heroes in a voice familiar to the mainstream British and American audiences.Anna Allabert, a Russian national and also a winner of the Chinese Government Friendship Award, visited Ruijin City of Jiangxi Province, the “Cradle of the Republic” and produced and released two micro-videos, triggering a heated discussion in the country’s media.Ajaya Shrestha from Nepal and Faiza Muhammad Mustapha from Nigeria explored the relevance of Chinese and foreign cultures as interpreters of some classic works, and helped to produce New Ideas in Allusions, explaining Xi Jinping’s favorite allusions in easily comprehensible terms,expounding the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind and the people-centered governance strategy adopted in China.Italian national Massimo Carrante published 22 special articles on the centenary of the founding of the Communist Party of China in the country’s mainstream media “Il Giornale” and“Milano Finanza”, and a micro video titled “Youth” commemorating the occasion.CGTN explored several key global issues such as poverty alleviation and development, and dispatched a group of talented expatriate presenters and reporters to the CMG-sponsored Xide County in Sichuan Province to cover the new life of the county’s villagers following the success of poverty alleviation there, giving people abroad an up-close experience of the Communist Party of China’s endeavor to strive for the happiness of the Chinese people.

Building a strong expatriate team to help forge a strategic communication system with distinctive Chinese characteristics

“The history of the Party is the most vivid and persuasive textbook,” the Chinese president Xi Jinping stressed during a visit to the Exhibition on the History of the Communist Party of China.Over the past 100 years, the Communist Party of China has united and led the Chinese people in opening up new realms on the road of socialism, creating a new pattern of political party development that pursues the well-being of the people, and opening up a new path for the development of human civilization.Moreover, it has aroused sustained and intense attention from the international community.How does the Communist Party of China achieve this? How does Marxism work and why is socialism with Chinese characteristics the best choice for China? As foreign media professionals who have lived in China for a long time, the CMG expatriate staff were also keen on finding answers to these questions.While presenting a concentrated, comprehensive and vivid display of the century-long endeavor of the Communist Party of China, the exhibition has also effectively disseminated China’s propositions, wisdom and solutions, and illustrated the concept of “a community with a shared future for mankind”, contributing to the formation of the objective, fair and just “View of the Communist Party of China”and “View of China”.

Through actively improving its internal management and professional competence and promoting integrated communication, the CMG is committed to strengthening its international communication capacity and developing a voice in the global discourse in order to shape a reliable, admirable and respectable image of China.For decades, generations of expatriate staff have actively, quickly and accurately disseminated the policies and propositions of the Chinese Government, objectively and truthfully presented China internationally, carried out goodwill communication and cultural exchanges to enhance people-to-people friendship, and have played a mentoring role to elevate CMG’s international communication at a professional level.For the next step, the China Media Group will, with the strong support and assistance of the Ministry of Science and Technology and other relevant departments, promote the highquality development of expatriate talents, create a better policy and growth environment for the acceptance and cultivation of“Edgar Snow-like talents” of the new era, as well as giving better play to the role of expatriate employees, while building the international communication capacity to a new high.

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