
2021-09-17 01:30AlineToffoliMartins巴西张佳艺
国际人才交流 2021年8期

文/Aline Toffoli Martins(巴西) 译/张佳艺














China.So many things come to my mind when I think of this place, sometimes so exotic to Western eyes, sometimes so close,since I have a special fascination for Chinese culture.I don’t exactly remember when that admiration started but my parents have told me several times that it may have some relationship with past lives.I confess that I am not sure if I believe in it or not, but I like the idea of imagining that somehow, I’ve already been to China,sharing a lot of sensations that for some reason make me feel comfortable.Anyway, when people ask me why I like China so much, I always say that the reason for that is because I’ve been doing Kung Fu since I was a child.I think it’s easier to answer that way, and obviously these two pleasures maintain a relationship, however, I believe that’s not the main reason.Sometimes, when I myself stop to think, I realize I’ve already felt fascinated by this culture before I even started the martial arts way of life.

The first time I went on an Oriental culture museum with my mother I was still very young, I should be about six or seven years old, and I remember to think that all the paintings, calligraphies,clothes and flowers there exposed were very beautiful.For some reason I felt happy to be there.Besides that, I also carry with me another very special memory that is related to this country, which is to have gone to the cinema to watch Mulan’s film.Besides the happiness of going to the cinema accompanied only by my cousins, all of them still children, I was also delighted with that character so special, a woman who for love to her father pretends to be a soldier and, contrary to all social rules of her time, went fighting in the war.I can’t imagine how much fear she had to face and how alone she must have felt, after all, her life was at stake and she was not only risking losing her own life but was also risking to dishonor all her family.But she resisted bravely, and in the end, she was considered a heroine.In the film there was a scene that even today thrills me out, which is when all the Chinese people, including the Emperor, bow in great respect to Mulan and thank her for saving all China.At that time, she inspired me a lot and since that day I decided to be as strong and courageous as Mulan was.Later,I found out that this cartoon story was a real story of a real woman and I was even more inspired by this remarkable person and even more curious about China.

But here I am, rationalizing the reasons why I approach Chinese thinking.Not just geographically far away, but also distant from our way of thinking.I have once heard that from the point of view of the West, China is simply the other pole of human experience and although there have been existed other civilizations so ancient in human history as China or even older than it, such as Mesopotamia, Inca Empire, and others, all these people no longer exist.In this way, China is the only ancient civilization existing until today and for this reason, it can present such a total contrast, represent such a complete alterity to our eyes born in the West of the map.

I feel that there is no way to continue my Chinese history without first speaking a little bit about my relationship with Kung Fu, after all, it was through this martial art that I established strong ties with Chinese culture.When I was 11 years old, my friends told me that they had begun practicing Kung Fu in a church hall very close to my house.One day, when I was in the car with my mom, I told her I wanted to do Kung Fu.She got mad, said that Kung Fu was a “boy thing” and that, therefore, I could not practice this activity.I insisted for days until she convinced herself to let me go with my father to attend a class, with the vain hope of making me give up the idea by seeing that Kung Fu was very difficult and violent, in my mother’s idea.But contrary to my mom wishes, after checking it for the first time, I was sure that Kung Fu was the path I wanted to tread my whole life.And that’s what I’ve been doing so far.

When I am a teacher of Kung Fu in Brazil, I have several students that I consider part of my family, just as I have a special consideration by my Master for everything that he teaches me,not just about fighting techniques, but also about life.So I can say that much of what I know about life is somehow related to Kung Fu and, therefore, to Chinese culture.In Brazil, the practice of Kung Fu is accomplished in a way that we know as traditional, that is, a practice that requires profound understanding of Chinese customs and traditional Chinese culture.But although our Grandmaster was Chinese, much of what I and my brothers and sisters of Kung Fu knew about the history of our martial art and also about the history of China was what we saw in the famous Kung Fu movies of Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan, in addition to the legends our master used to tell us.So,the idea we had of China was still too full of fantasies.And it was for this reason that I decided to study the Chinese language, after all, I believed that if I knew how to speak Chinese,I could not only read more books and learn more about China,but also could go to the source and research more about the history of this martial art.

Starting to study Chinese brought me great opportunities and in 2015 my great dream of traveling to China came true, but at that moment, I had a strange feeling.Although I was in the place I wanted to be since I was a child, although I was in the place where I presumptively thought I knew so much, even so for some reason I was feeling like I was in a place very different from my idea.Where were all those Chinese dressed in the old way, with those clothes with silk buttons pinned in the middle of a coat that could be stamped with flowers or Golden Dragons.Where were all the rickshaw and the tea houses? Where were all the mountains and rivers and all those people playing flutes living in those small community huts in the Beijing old style of construction? And more important for me, where was Kung Fu?

That year, I came to the city of Wuhan and I hardly knew that this was one of the cities that most developed year after year in China.I would never imagine that I would find, in Mulan’s homeland, so many buildings, all very tall, even taller than the buildings of Sao Paulo.I would never imagine finding so many cars, so many horns, so many people in a lifestyle so similar to ours on the other side of the planet! At that time my sensation brought me a mixture of excitement and disappointment.At first, I felt a little disappointed that I did not could find what I was looking for, but then, every time we understand more about Chinese culture, my enchantment and my curiosity increased.After all, China had, in fact, many particularities to be uncovered.But my first trip to China was just an introduction and returning to Brazil, I decided I needed to go back to China and uncover the mysteries of that enigmatic land.I decided that the first trip would be just the first one of many other yet to come.

My second trip to China is a journey that arose at a time when I was experiencing emotional conflicts brought on by day-to-day difficulties that were making me restless and sad about myself.For that reason, I decided to take my bags and my heavy heart and come to China try to find a little bit of inner peace, beyond the clear goal of studying Chinese.The current journey is a school exchange which, at first, would be a one-year trip, but that after long stumps and difficulties became a six-month exchange and now returns to the initial proposal to live in China,so dreamed distant land of my childhood, for a year.I am risking a lot in this endeavor, because to stay here longer I assumed to finance the studies and the cost of life by myself.It won’t be easy, but I understand that’s an essential opportunity for me to carry out a project, that I can call as a life project.What does this life project consist of? Consists in understanding a culture that for me is still so loaded with enchantments built since childhood, merged with a shock of reality taken from the constant exercise of criticality, my Western heritage.

Wuhan has been my hometown in the last six months.I am studying at Hubei University, in Wuchang district, a region where there are also other colleges, museums and one of the most famous postcards of the city, called as Yellow Crane Tower, built in 223 AD and deeply portrayed by Cui Hao poetry,during the Tang dynasty.At that time, the tower was the highest point of the city and many artists, among them poets and calligraphers, felt inspired to create their works there.It is not difficult to imagine why they felt inspired there, after all, even today, we can feel the freshness of the flowers that are open in spring, and realize that the sweetness of osmanthus is everywhere; The chirping of Gray Magpies, even in wet winters,they fly back and forth in the chaos of big cities, completing the daunting task of survival; and there are also the rivers and lakes and along with them the giant lotus flowers that dance with the sound of music that comes from everywhere.And just as Wuhan inspired the poets of the Tang dynasty, it has also inspired me to go after my goals.

Besides all the natural beauty of Wuhan, another aspect that also inspires me is the fact that the city has a very rich history.In ancient China, Wuhan was a city with important historical significance and a cultural cradle in southern China, located in the famous state of Chu, one of the fighting countries in the Warring States period, with more than 3,500 years of history! How could you not imagine, as you saw the city from above, in the top of the already mentioned Yellow Crane Tower or, then, from the top of the imposing Mo Shan mountain, located in Donghu Park, how many battlesand how much Kung Fu-have happened on this earth, on this ground that I am centuries later stepping on.Often, when I walk in these places to inspire myself, just as the ancient poets did, I wonder what the landscape of Wuhan was like so long ago.But history is not only in the distant past, after all, the well-known Wuchang Uprising the first shot of 1911 Revolution, which made the long dynastic period end and introduced the Republic.Thus, the city has an important historical significance that the Chinese people make a point of preserving not only within the museums, but also, in the everyday life, reflected by the various large red bands with black characters that decorate the city from end to end and also remind everyone of the still strong presence of the Communist Party in their daily lives.How much history and how much fighting this land has seen, this is what I’ve been thinking when I walk down the streets of this impressive city.

But what about the Chinese language learning? Like the well-known motto“Wuhan, different every day”, there are days that I feel like my Chinese is better, but in other days, it seems like I still have a lot to learn.It’s not a surprise, coming from such a difficult language for us from the West as is Mandarin.We don’t have a tonal language, but here the tone makes all the difference, a matter of survival I dare to say.In any case, between errors and hits,after many days awake until dawn to be able to deliver the lessons in time and a lot of dedication, I feel that I am increasingly close to understanding a little more about China from the contact with those who can tell its history as anyone else: the Chinese people themselves.And so, I follow studying and staying here for another five months, when I return to Brazil with so many good Chinese stories to tell.

This is my Chinese story so far.Every word recorded here is inhabited by the experiences of someone who came to China with the first goal of learning to speak Chinese-but who never hid that brought with herself ulterior motives and endless intentions-and came across a world of contradictions, after all,being a foreigner was never an easy task, even more in a land so far away.And now I conclude my unfinished Chinese story by saying that: Yes! I met Mulan’s homeland! Right here in Hubei, who would have ever imagined!Also met Wudang and Shaolin Temple, two places that were once only in my imagination.China, in Mandarin, literally means “middle nation”.Curiously, Laozi so long ago said that in the pursuit of the path of life, which he called asDao, it is preferable to remain in the middle and it seems to me that this is what the Chinese people look for, what expresses to me what is this chaotic and at the same time so organized place.Following this thought,China seems to me to be a place where freedom can be found in the perfect harmony and in the order of things.Will there be a better place to find inner peace? I believe not…

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