张菲菲 崔春燕 张传厚 杨延冬
[关键词] 孕晚期;妊娠;卵巢肿瘤;扭转
[中图分类号] R714.25 [文献标识码] C [文章编号] 1673-9701(2021)21-0148-03
A case report of late gestation combined with ovarian tumor torsion
ZHANG Feifei CUI Chunyan ZHANG Chuanhou YANG Yandong
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Affiliated Hospital of Binzhou Medical University, Binzhou 256600, China
[Abstract] Most of the ovarian tumors during pregnancy occur in early gestation, and the incidence gradually decreases with the increasing of gestational age. Torsion is a common complication of ovarian tumor, which refers to the anatomical displacement of the ovary, ovarian tumor, fallopian tube along with the infundibulopelvic ligament. Ovarian tumor torsion during pregnancy mostly occurs in early pregnancy, and rarely occurs in late pregnancy. Due to the atypical clinical symptoms, the diagnosis mainly depends on clinical experience and comprehensive evaluation, which is prone to misdiagnosis and missed diagnosis. Treatment of ovarian tumors during pregnancy should be based on the gestational age, the size of the tumor, clinical manifestations, and the risk of surgical intervention, etc. Emergency surgery is required at any gestational age due to acute abdominal pain caused by torsion or rupture。This paper reports a case of a pregnant woman,who was admitted to the hospital at 36+2 weeks of gestation due to lower abdominal pain. Considering the possibility of ovarian tumor torsion in late gestation, emergency surgery was performed. The patient recovered well after surgery, and the neonate grew well.
[Key words] Late gestation; Gestation; Ovarian tumor; Torsion
患者30岁,孕2产1,末次月经2020年4月22日,自然受孕,孕36+2周因下腹痛3 h急诊入院,不能直立行走,家属搀扶就诊,拟诊早产临产。自述自晨起持续性下腹剧痛,无间歇,无阴道流血流液。查体:生命体征平稳。腹软,未触及明显宫缩。宫高:30 cm,腹围:95 cm,头先露,胎心:150次/min,宫口未开,宫颈管长1.5 cm,居中,质中,先露-3。入院检验结果未见明显异常。胎心监护:正常NST,未见宫缩。入院产科彩超(2021年1月3日):宫内单活胎,双顶径9.1 cm,股骨长7.3 cm,腹围33.3 cm,胎盘位于前壁,回声Ⅱ度,羊水较大前后径5.5 cm,脐动脉S/D 2.1。查看孕期检查结果,孕2个月彩超提示宫内早孕,左附件区囊性病变(5.7 cm×3.5 cm×5.0 cm,内透声可)。孕3个月彩超提示左附件区无回声,大小5.9 cm×3.2 cm×5.3 cm。孕期于我院规律产检,后续彩超结果均未见明显异常。因腹痛原因不明,复查盆腔彩超,提示:左侧腹腔内混合性回声(5.7 cm×3.1 cm×4.7 cm,边界清,内见无回声及中等回声)—左卵巢?结合病史、查体及辅助检查结果,不排除卵巢肿瘤扭转,急症手术探查,术中以头位娩出一早产女婴,体重2600 g,1 min Apgar 評分10分,因早产转儿科治疗;探查见左卵巢表面凸起一大小为6 cm×4.5 cm×3.5 cm肿物,囊实性,包膜完整,左侧卵巢及肿物、输卵管逆时针扭转540°,卵巢表面散在少许紫蓝色斑点。见图1。复位左侧附件,完整切除卵巢肿物,因节假日急症手术,术中无快速病理。探查子宫及右侧附件外观未见明显异常。手术顺利,出血约为200 mL。术后剖视见肿瘤切面两个囊,其一长径约为6 cm,内容油脂及毛发,另一直径约为2.5 cm,内容清亮液体,囊壁均光滑。术后病理诊断:(左卵巢)成熟性囊性畸胎瘤。患者术后恢复好,如期出院,术后42 d(2021年2月14日)复查盆腔彩超,双侧附件未见明显异常,新生儿于儿科住院治疗7 d后(2021年1月10日)出院,现生长发育良好。