Texworld Evolution Paris - Le Showroom A new kind of sourcing

2021-08-26 07:16:44
China Textile 2021年4期

With Texworld Evolution Paris — Le Showroom, Messe Frankfurt France has once again confirmed the relevance of this new format adapted to the interna—tional health situation. The trade show organizer is thus reaffirming its role as a key supplier of sourcing solutions for the fashion industry.

The success of the Texworld Evolu—tion Paris Showroom is confirmed. For this second edition organized in the heart of the fashion capital from 5 to 9 July, more than 700 visitors from the textile and clothing sector from 34 countries answered the call,the majority of whom came from France(75%), but also from Spain, Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany. Some of these visitors had never been to Messe Frankfurt France events before, proving the attrac—tiveness of this new formula.

In the meantime, the Messe Frankfurt France team continues to work actively on the installation of Texworld Evolution Paris– Le Showroom, which will be held from 5 to 9 July in the heart of the fashion capital.This second and expanded edition will host the collections of 150 international com—panies and 7,000 products and samples in two exhibition venues (the Atelier Richelieu and the 5 rue du Mail). This intermediary event will allow buyers to exchange ideas with other professionals, to discover new creative approaches and to decode trends for the sourcing of Autumn—Winter 2022—2023 collections.

Welcomed upon invitation and indi—vidually, the buyers were able to discover the 7,000 products and textile samples selected by the Messe Frankfurt France team from 150 international companies.This extended offer, of very fine quality and representative of the major global sourcing zones, was presented this year in two distinct locations: the 5 rue du Mail brought together the fabric trend forum for the autumn—winter 2022—2023 collec—tions as well as a selection of finished gar—ments; the Atelier Richelieu, on two levels,expressed the rich array of fabric, garment and accessory collections by exhibitors from some fifteen countries, with also an Apparel Sourcing trend section.

Over 4,500 requests sent to manufacturers

Thanks to their digital tablets, buy—ers have managed to send nearly 4,500 requests for information to manufacturers during the Showroom (compared to 3,200 in February this year), with requests for in—formation or quotations for nearly 16,000 samples and finished products. A dozen manufacturers' representatives present on the Showroom were able to exchange di—rectly with the visitors, such as the weavers from Korea, Turkey, Holland and Germany,and for clothing, agents and finished prod—uct manufacturers from Poland, Vietnam,China, Bangladesh, Portugal and Mada—gascar, representing a total of about fifty exhibitors.

Providing solutions to the fashion industry

This ability to connect people confirms Messe Frankfurt France's role as an essen—tial sourcing partner. “Texworld and Apparel Sourcing have some twenty years of ex—perience in supporting international manu—facturers, particularly Asian manufacturers in Europe,” says Frédéric Bougeard, Presi—dent of Messe Frankfurt France. “We have shown over the last few months that we are capable of turning a constraint into an op—portunity, not only by enabling our visitors to maintain a business relationship with their suppliers, but also by helping them discover new brands and new sourcing proposals.We claim to be solution providers for the fashion industry.”

Next edition in February 2022

For its next appointment, which will take place in February 2022 at the Parc des Expositions du Bourget in a classic format,Messe Frankfurt France will capitalize on all the experience acquired during the last two showrooms. This major event will offer a chance to reconnect with all the inter—national sourcing operators. In July 2022,Messe Frankfurt France will bring together manufacturers and buyers at the Parc des Expositions de la Porte de Versailles in Paris.The opportunity to develop new services or solutions for buyers.