著:(美)乔纳森·巴奈特 译:徐搏谦
1 汉堡市汉堡港城的马可波罗台地,由巴塞罗那Miralles Tagliabue EMBT事务所设计,用以允许Elbe河在洪泛期可淹没下层低空间。水位下降后,广场可被快速清理,一年中的大部分时间人们都可以走近水岸。上层与街道有相同标高的公共空间则不受洪泛影响。允许汛期河水淹没的设计,将成为滨水空间开发必不可少的一部分The Marco Polo Terrassen, Hafen City Hamburg is designed by the Barcelona Firm, Miralles Tagliabue EMBT so that the Elbe river can flood the lower levels as shown in this photo. When the water goes down, the terraces are easily cleaned,and people can access the edge of the waterfront for most of the year. The portions of the public space up at street level are safe from flooding. As river flooding increases, designing to accommodate it will be a necessary part of waterfront development
3 照片来自澳大利亚新南威尔士政府,展示了山火后的2处住宅。图中左下的住宅被树林紧密围合,山火轻易地蔓延并烧毁了建筑。图中右上的住宅则因周边空旷而未受影响。在有山火风险的地区,分隔建筑和荒野地、分隔社区和荒野地是基本的设计原则This photo from the government of New South Wales in Australia shows two houses after a wildfire, called a bushfire in Australia. The house at lower left was surrounded by trees, and the fire easily jumped to the building and destroyed it. The house at upper right survived because it is in a more open setting. Separation of individual buildings from wildland, and separating communities from the edges of wildland, are basic principles for designing in places where wildfire is likely
4 北澳大利亚达尔文市跨主商业街建造了这一实验性的遮阴结构,为行人和汽车降温,这一地区的气候不宜遮阴树成长。设计本意是让中间种植池内的藤本植物生长攀爬并覆盖构筑物。尽管从照片拍摄至今植物有一定的生长,但藤本植物仍未生长至完全覆盖构筑物,稍显遗憾。如果这一遮阴结构成型,这条街的其他街区也同样可以复制。如果可以营造一条连续的遮阴廊道,当地的微气候将变得更清凉。也可选择在类似的结构上覆盖织物The city of Darwin, in northern Australia, has built this experimental shade structure across a principal retail street to cool pedestrians, parked cars, and traffic in a climate where shade trees will not grow to be big enough to make a meaningful improvement. The shade is to come from vines which are intended to grow from planters in the middle of the street and spread over the structure. There has been some disappointment that the vines have not yet grown across the whole structure, although there has been progress since this photo was taken. If the shade shelter does become successful,others like it can be built on additional blocks of the street. If an entire shade corridor can be created, it will have a substantial cooling effect for the local microclimate. An alternative method would be to cover a frame similar to this one with fabric
5 中国修复了黄土高原5%的土地,吸引了全球关注,其中包括埃及西奈半岛也尝试了类似的修复。2张照片展示了20世纪90年代中期和近几年的地貌景象。这种转变的产生需要与当地农民紧密合作,改变他们过去的种植、伐木、放牧经验,再从非常细微的尺度重新设计、重新种植。这种生态再生方法可以增加当地降雨量、提升农田产量、改善区域环境The regeneration of about five percent of the land in China’s Loess Plateau has attracted international attention, including plans to attempt a comparable re-greening of Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula. The two photos show the condition of the landscape in the mid-1990s and a few years ago. The transformation required working closely with local farmers to change planting, tree-cutting, and grazing practices and then a redesign and replanting of the landscape at a very detailed level.This kind of landscape regeneration can increase local rainfall, making farms more productive and improving the climate for the whole area
6 加拿大蒙特利尔Lufa Farms的屋顶温室建造于现有仓库结构之上。目前有大量的屋顶可增建温室,也可以在建设新的工业、停车、商业建筑时增建温室。在城区种植食物可以减少运输成本和尾气排放,如果应用于足够多的建筑,这种设计能够提升粮食供给总量This rooftop greenhouse belonging to Lufa Farms in Montreal, Canada was built on top of an existing warehouse structure.There are many hectares of rooftops with the potential to add greenhouses; and greenhouses can also be included when new industrial, parking, or retail buildings are constructed. Food grown in urban areas reduces the costs – and emissions –for transportation; and such designs, if adopted for enough buildings, can improve the over-all food supply
乔纳森·巴奈特及其宾夕法尼亚大学同事马蒂耶斯·布尤所著的新书Managing the Climate Crisis将于2022年由Island Press出版社出版。
图1 © Flor!an根据知识共享署名3.0协议;图2 ©2021 Google;图3 ©新南威尔士州政府;图4 ©2021 Google;图 5 © Ideaa.edu根据知识共享署名4.0协议;图 6 © Lufa Farms根据知识共享署名2.0协议。
Author: (USA) Jonathan Barnett Translator: XU Boqian
Predictions about the dangers created by climate change depend on assumptions about how successfully the nations of the world limit emissions of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. However, all predictions are similar up to the middle of this century, because there has been so much greenhouse gas emitted already,especially in the last fifty years. More greenhouse gases continue to be added every year; and so far there has not been much progress in reducing the rate of accumulation. There is already enough greenhouse gas added to the atmosphere to create climate threats right now and bigger threats by 2050. Problems began much faster than scientists thought likely even a few years ago: rising tides along the coasts, more flooding along rivers, more extreme rain events, increased risk of wildfires,longer heat waves and shortages of food and fresh water.
The practice of urban design is already changing in response, and will be transformed by mid-century because the environmental context for designing cities will be so different.
Modern city design everywhere in the world has depended on the assumption that the natural environment would remain the same for decades,even centuries, and that the engineering profession can always remake the landscape in response to concepts about cities and their infrastructure.
Decisions about building along coasts and rivers, made without question only a few years ago,are beginning to look less safe. Dams, sea-walls,bridges and underground infrastructure that met all engineering requirements when they were built may now be at risk.
Places where land is levelled, or where lowlying land is raised with fill; places where streams are enclosed in pipes; places where almost all the land is covered by buildings or by pavement,places where prime agricultural land is becoming urban – the design decisions that are creating all these places may become unsustainable and need to be corrected.
Glass-walled buildings that need extensive artificial heating and cooling, building placements made without reference to air circulation,heavy dependence on cars and trucks for local transportation - all will need to be rethought.
What needs to be done to keep people safe from climate change now and in the future will be different from place to place. Future risks must be determined using the best scientific information,and responding to these risks with resilient designs for cities will be a central task for urban designers and planners, as well as architects, landscape architects, and engineers.
Rising sea levels can subject coastal areas to repeated flooding, and in a big storm the tidal surge can be more forceful, and extend much farther inland, than has ever been seen before. Increasing volumes of water in rivers can over-top flood-walls and possibly wash them away. Heavier rainstorms can overwhelm local flood management. Designing protections and possibly relocating people away from the most dangerous areas will be a priority task.
In some places more intense and frequent wildfires will also require protections, or people moving to safer places. Longer periods of extreme heat will make cities unhealthy and will require improved outdoor shade and air circulation, and heat-resistant buildings. Periods of drought and extreme heat can endanger water supplies, and cause crops to fail. Designing for food security will be a high priority.
China’s Urban Design Management Approach,adopted in 2017, offers a template for what will be needed: a national Management Approach for a Warming Climate covering a broad range of urban and landscape design issues, plus climate-specific requirements for planning, architecture, and engineering.
The changing relationships between land and water will require new urban design approaches for developing areas, and redesigns for existing development.
1) Redesigning Waterfront Esplanades. One of the most important ways urban design improves cities has been recapturing waterfronts for public use as the need for industrial land along the edge of the water has diminished. Parks, pedestrian promenades, and waterfront destinations like restaurants have become widespread and very welcome improvements. But a warming climate will inevitably change the design of these esplanades and the way people use them. Rising sea-levels are already bringing higher tides and larger storm surges to the edge of esplanades in coastal cities.Waterfront parks along rivers will also see higher water levels, plus bigger floods from more powerful storm events. By mid-century all public waterfronts will need to be redesigned to accommodate higher water levels and also to help protect adjacent urban development from flooding. The esplanades will need to be both higher and stronger. Places which do not have esplanades now will come to need flood and surge protection, and a new kind of multi-purpose waterfront esplanade, combing public amenities and flood walls will often be the way to protect them. The challenge for urban designers will be to incorporate effective flood defenses while preserving and creating public access and amenities.
Most urban waterfront esplanades have been designed to bring people as close to the water as possible, often with boats moored right along the edge. Protecting cities from the changing climate will sometimes mean separating people from the water by introducing an intervening level of breakwaters or perhaps mangroves or other kinds of protective wetlands. A new understanding of ways to retain and manage floods could also move waterfront esplanades back from rivers to make room for an extended flood plain, part of what is meant by turning urban areas into sponge cities that manage floods by safely retaining the water until the flood danger goes down. Where flooding is periodic, waterfronts may be designed with two levels. The lower level can be designed to flood,and then be easily cleaned and reopened to the public, while a higher level is designed to remain permanently above the water and to protect the urban edge (Fig. 1).
2) Redesigning Public Spaces to Manage Water. Floods from heavy rainstorms can overwhelm a city’s drainage system, and more extreme rain events will be one of the consequences of a warming climate. The public open spaces in cities can be redesigned to become a flood management network, a green infrastructure which becomes a part of sponge city policies (Fig. 2). But existing public open spaces were usually designed and placed without reference to natural land contours and the flow of stormwater, so managing stormwater will have to become a major determinant in redesigning these spaces. There will often turn out to be missing connections that will have to be added to the open space system to make it effective for flood management. Private open spaces belonging to groups of buildings should also be redesigned and added to the system. In addition, the existing stormwater infrastructure will need to be evaluated,particularly where pipes that empty stormwater into rivers or the ocean will become blocked as water levels rise.
3) Making Infrastructure More Flood-Resistant. In addition to stormwater systems,underground transit systems, railways and highways along shorelines, the size and location of wastewater pipes, the stability and effectiveness of existing dams and floodwalls will also have to be evaluated and some are likely to require being modified or rebuilt to new design standards. This will be a massive undertaking and studies should begin right away.
4) Making Buildings More Flood-Resistant.Government regulations for buildings will need to be amended to make sure that structures are safe from flooding, especially if they are in locations that are not protected by flood walls. Heating and air-conditioning machinery, elevator hoist systems,and other equipment will have to be on roofs or on a high floor. Parts of buildings where people live or work will have to be located well above the floodplain, which can mean elevating streets, land, and buildings on fill, or raising individual buildings on columns. Existing urban areas at risk from flooding will need to be retrofitted or rebuilt. These kinds of changes in building regulations mean that architects, landscape architects, and urban designers will have to reimagine whole villages or districts of cities to keep people safe.
5) Incremental Removal of Communities That Cannot Be Protected. There will be some communities where flood protections for buildings and infrastructure will be impractical or too expensive, or where raising structures and continuing to provide infrastructure support will eventually become impossible. These places need to be identified, and plans made for people to be relocated in stages, with as little disruption to their lives as possible. By the time these places are no longer inhabitable, everyone should have moved away and the land returned to a nature.
Wildfire is a recurring natural process. It becomes a problem when people and property are in the way. Unlike threats from flooding, which will only continue to become worse, wildfire in forests and grasslands will eventually be self-limiting. Areas will burn; and regrowth can be more appropriate for a changed environment and less likely to burn again – at least for many years. But such large ecological changes will take a long time, and dangerous wildfire conditions are likely to persist through the middle of this century.
1) Designs that Separate Development from Wildlands. The best way to protect people and buildings from wildfire is to keep them separate.Permitting building in places surrounded by woodlands has always been a risk. But, in the past,when cycles of heat and drought were known and understood, people felt they knew what the wildfire risks were, and insurance was often available. But as warm seasons become longer, there is more time for insects to attack trees, and for heat and drought to dry out trees and grass. As plants become less well-adapted to where they are growing, they begin to die. A dry wildland with a lot of dead vegetation is only waiting for a spark – from lightening or from activities by people – for a fire to begin.
The wind can carry fires across open spaces,but only for a limited distance. When individual structures, or small villages, are surrounded by flammable wildlands, structures may survive if a sufficiently wide space is cleared around them.Development on the edge of wildlands can also be protected if there is a wide enough cleared space,called a fire-break, between the edge of the forest and the development. Places at risk for wildfire need to be redesigned to make them more separate.
A more complicated design problem will be to identify places that will be at risk from wildfire by mid-century, and redesign them to insure that people remain safe. Historic parks and woodlands that have long been part of cities and towns should be studied to see what changes may be needed.
2) Making Buildings and Communities Fire Resistant. Building regulations for places at risk from wildfire should require that construction materials for roofs and walls be fire-resistant. It is also necessary for window, door, and ventilation openings be designed so that embers or flames cannot enter the building. Decks, porches, and other structures connected to the building should also be fire-resistant, or kept well away from the main structure (Fig. 3).
3) Incremental Removal of Communities That Cannot Be Protected. As for places at risk from flooding there may be places where protections from wildfire will be impractical or too expensive.Plans will need to be made for people to be relocated in stages, with as little disruption to their lives as possible. This may be an urgent matter as wildfire risk can develop rapidly. By the time these places are no longer inhabitable, everyone should have moved away and the land returned to a nature.
Weeks and even months of extreme heat,with little relief, are becoming normal for cities that seldom if ever had experienced such hot weather. Using artificial cooling machines to moderate building climate indoors not only increases energy use, but the heat is transferred to the areas immediately around the buildings making the outdoor temperatures worse. Architects and city designers need to rediscover natural cooling techniques in use before air-conditioning, and these techniques need to be incorporated into the urban design and building regulations of places where summer temperatures are producing extended periods of extreme heat.
1) Designing Streets, Open Spaces, and Buildings to Facilitate Natural Ventilation. Streets and open spaces can be planned to facilitate ventilation by prevailing winds during the day and – especially important – at night, when cooler air can blow through a city and disperse accumulated heat. Natural ventilation can also be designed into buildings so that cooler air circulating above a city can be brought down into a building from ventilation towers, or cooler air can be let into the lower floors of a building at night, where it can push warm air up and out of the building through the same ventilation towers.
2) Shading Streets and Buildings. Extensive tree planting along streets has been shown to lower temperatures in dense urban areas, not only for people walking in the shade, but also in the surrounding area. In places which are too hot and dry for shade trees, shade structures can be built,perhaps by using a fabric on a metal frame (Fig. 4).
Buildings with glass-curtain walls are a mechanism for heating up the building interior.The heat-gain can be balanced by air-conditioning,but it causes greater energy use and transfers the heat into the surrounding city. Advanced glass technology can reduce heat gain, but external shade structures are a good alternative. They were a fashionable design concept in the middle of the last century, but sleek, reflecting towers have been preferred for a long while. It is time for designers and regulators to give priority to reducing heat-gain in buildings, particularly where extreme heat is an increasing problem.
Diminished rainfall in some areas is a product of a changing climate and is expected to become a more severe problem by mid-century.
1) Limiting Dust-Storms. Dust-storms are one symptom of drought conditions, and it may be possible to limit dust storms by anti-desertification measures, such as planting grasses to hold desert soil in place. Planting cover crops and limiting the amount of soil turned over when planting seeds can reduce wind erosion of cropland. Such measures already need to be adopted at a large scale in areas where drought as a problem, and such efforts need to be widely adopted by mid-century.
2) Regional Ecological Reclamation: China has been a leader in seeking to reclaim large regions from ecological degradation, including forest protection, sand control, and grassland conservation. A success that has attracted international attention has been the Loess Plateau Watershed Rehabilitation Project begun in 1994 with restrictions on where crops were planted, on grazing, and on tree-cutting, followed by extensive replanting. A substantial area has been brought back from dry, near-desert conditions to the green landscape shown in Figure 5. Ecological restoration at this scale can also increase the amount of rainfall, which further reinforces the greening of the landscape.
3) Using Less Water for Industrial Cooling.Power plants and other industries often draw fresh water from streams for their cooling systems,returning the water to the streams at a higher temperature and with the risk of contamination.A simple alternative, although more expensive to build, is to close the cooling system, with the same water recirculating after being cooled by evaporation on site. This method requires a substantial area for the cooling ponds, so the sites for these kinds of industrial installations will need to be much larger.
4) Conserving Irrigation Water. Agriculture requires large amounts of fresh water. Flooding fields is easy to do, and essential for rice cultivation,but flooding other kinds of crops means major losses of water to evaporation. Spray irrigation,where a sprinkler system covers a large area with artificial rain, also wastes a lot of water from evaporation or from irrigating the wrong places.The irrigation method which conserves the most water is to deliver it at ground level through perforated pipes. The design of the pipe system determines the arrangement of the crops being irrigated, with different pipe volumes and spacing for different crops.
5) Managing Drinking Water Supplies. Many urban pipe systems loose a substantial amount of their water to leaks. If system leakage is more than 10 percent, places with limited water supplies need to plan a program for repair and replacement.Similarly, many household appliances – and home and office cooling systems – use more water than they need to. Over time, replacements that use less water can make a substantial difference to overall consumption. Capturing rainwater for landscape irrigation can replace scarce drinking water for maintaining plantings around buildings, so that designs for residential and commercial landscaping need to take advantage of this option, with the flow of irrigation water pumped from cisterns that conserve water after it rains. Where demand is increasing faster than available water resources,these types of management are essential.
The combination of increasing populations and changing growing seasons makes food shortages likely by mid-century even in countries that have stable food supplies now. As growing seasons change, crops can become less well-adapted to the places where they have been successfully cultivated for centuries. The climate in other places may become more suitable for these crops, but the soil conditions are likely to be different and it is not certain that crops can simply move to stay in synchronization with the most favorable climates for them. The alternatives for importing food may become unreliable as exporting countries keep more of their agricultural products at home because of their own food shortages.
1) Conserving Agricultural Land. Uncertainty about future food supplies is a powerful argument for conserving agricultural land, not just the best land, but all land available to grow crops or trees.The assumption that most land adjacent to urban areas can be urbanized needs to change right away.
2) Making More Use of Greenhouse Agriculture. Protecting crops with transparent structures of plastic or glass can prolong growing seasons and shield plants from excessive cold and, with shading devices, also from excessive heat. The vast acreage of existing urban rooftops can support greenhouses when the structure is suitable. Factories, warehouses, parking garages,and some retail buildings have column structures that can support greenhouses, or can be reinforced to support them (Fig. 6). New buildings can be designed with rooftop greenhouses. If organized at a broad enough scale, greenhouse agriculture can off-set some of the problems created by a changing climate, and add to the growing surfaces available to support the food supply.
It will be a serious mistake to permit urbanization of land that, in a few years, will require expensive protections from floodingor from wildfire - in order to remain usable.Agricultural land that will be needed for food security should not be urbanized. Places at risk of fresh-water shortages also should not be developed to uses that increase the demand for fresh water.These considerations need to be incorporated in procedures for expanding existing communities and for locating new towns. All plans for development in green-field locations will have to include designs for managing climate threats, and many places that met criteria for urbanization in the past will then be understood as places where urbanization should not take place. Because the climate is already changing and a mid-century climate crisis is only a few years away, urbanization policies need to be adjusted now.
Jonathan Barnett, and his University of Pennsylvania colleague Matthijs Bouw, are the authors of a forthcoming book, Managing the Climate Crisis, to be published by Island Press in 2022.
Sources of Figures:
Fig. 1©Flor!an used according to C.C. 3.0; Fig. 2 © 2021 Google; Fig. 3© Government of New South Wales; Fig. 4 Image Capture 2018 © 2021 Google; Fig. 5© Ideaa.edu used according to C.C. 4.0; Fig. 6© Lufa Farms used according to C.C. 2.0.