
2021-08-23 02:24
重庆与世界 2021年7期







During the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, the Communist Party of China (CPC) was not the ruling party, and it was difficult to implement its proposed foreign policy in a direct and comprehensive diplomatic manner. Yet the CPC was increasingly valued and recognized by the international community as an important political force in China, and also as an important force in the world against fascism. With the increasing number of foreign contacts, the Southern Bureau of the CPC Central Committee expanded its international contacts from civil to official levels, with the US and UK as the key targets, gradually gaining new ground for its diplomatic policies and initiating a 'semi-independent diplomacy'.

Not only was United States the world's number one power but it was the most dominant force in the anti-fascist camp. Zhou Enlai attached great importance to gaining the United States' understanding of the CPC and support for China's war effort. In Chongqing, on behalf of the CPC, Zhou Enlai met with Mr. Nelson Trusler Johnson, the US Ambassador in China, and Mr. Lauchlin Currie, economic adviser to the president of the United States, among other US government officials, to brief them on the CPC's anti-Japanese advocacy and the arduous efforts of the Eighth Route Army and the New Fourth Army in fighting the war.

Immediately after the Southern Anhui Incident, Zhou Enlai contacted Currie, the special envoy of the US President, and provided him with documents relating to the friction created by the Kuomintang diehards, with a focus on the fact that if Chiang Kai-shek did not change his anti-communist policy, it would inevitably lead to a civil war in China, which would extinguish the resistance efforts and allow Japan to advance southward. Right after receiving the report, the US government asked Currie to make clear with Chiang Kai-shek that "the US government is unable to provide substantial aid to China until the dispute between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party of China is resolved, and that no progress can be made on various economic and financial fronts between China and the US." To establish direct contact with the U.S., Zhou Enlai invited the U.S. to send an official delegation to visit Yan'an on several occasions between 1942 and 1943. From July to August 1944, the United States Army Observer Group, consisting of 17 members with David D. Barrett as its chief, arrived in two batches in Yan'an. Through their fieldwork and conversations with the Chinese Communist leaders, the group members not only gained a direct understanding of the situation in the anti-Japanese base areas, but also gained a deeper sense of the Communist Party's desire to cooperate with the United States in the battle to defeat Japan and build a new China. Zhou Enlai spoke highly of this: "We should not regard their visit and observation as an ordinary action, but as the launch of our united front among the international community, the beginning of our diplomatic work. Even though this diplomacy is still semi-independent".

The UK, as an important member of the anti-fascist camp, also had an important influence on the Kuomintang government and Zhou Enlai attached great importance to the role of the British Embassy in China. He proactively engaged with the British Ambassador to China, Sir Archibald Clark-Kerr, who was impressed by Zhou Enlai's gentle and cultivated manner and warmth and gained a deeper understanding of the Communist Party's anti-Japanese ideas and achievements. After the Southern Anhui Incident, Zhou Enlai called on Clark-Kerr's apartment and exposed the inner workings of the Kuomintang's diehards in staging the Southern Anhui Incident, and Clark-Kerr immediately reported the situation to the British Government. In early 1942, when Clark-Kerr left China for the Soviet Union, Zhou Enlai not only attended Clark-Kerr's farewell party, also instructed the Xinhua Daily to publish two editorials, bidding farewell and expressing good wishes to him, calling him 'a good friend of China'. In 1945, Zhou Enlai arranged for Horace Seymour, the British Ambassador to China, to meet with Mao Zedong, who attended the Chongqing negotiations, and they had a good talk.

Besides, Zhou Enlai and other leaders of the Southern Bureau of the CPC Central Committee often talked with Soviet Ambassador Alexander Panyushkin and Military Attaché Vasily Ivanovich Chuikov on issues such as the relations between the Communist Party of China, the War of Resistance and Soviet aid, and won their support and understanding. At the same time, Zhou Enlai kept Mr. Zinovi Pechkoff, the French Ambassador to China, and Major General Victor Wentworth Odlum, the Canadian Ambassador to China informed of the situation of China's resistance efforts and the relations between the CPC and Kuomintang to show the CPCs firm determination in resistance against the Japanese aggression, hoping to strengthen the unity and cooperation among the allied countries.

The tireless efforts of Zhou Enlai and others set a new milestone for the CPC's 'semi-independent diplomacy'. Dong Biwu, another leader of the Southern Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, was a member of the Chinese delegation to the San Francisco conference convened from April through June 1945 to draw up the Charter of the United Nations, the first official public appearance of the CPC in the international political arena, breaking the KMT's monopoly on diplomacy and demonstrating that the CPC had entered the international community.







会后,董必武来到纽约,在美国继续停留4个多月,开辟了中国共产党走向世界的又一个重要战场。他广泛接触各方友好人士和海外侨胞,积极宣传中国共产党的政策主张。他还冲破国民党的新闻封锁,在美国筹划出版发行了用英文印刷的《中国解放区实录》5000册,介绍解放区在中国共产党领导下抗击日本侵略者取得的光辉战绩和伟大成就。这些工作对于推动美国民众、海外侨胞和世界人民了解中国共产党起到了重要的作用。 (部分资料由中共重庆市委党史研究室提供)



Following the dissolution of the Communist International in May 1943, the Communist Party of China accelerated its journey to the world, on which Dong Biwu was the initiator and the pioneer.

During the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, Dong Biwu, one of the seven councilors to National Political Council on behalf of the Communist Party of China, was based in Chongqing and took part in leading the work of the entire Southern Bureau of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party in the Nationalist-ruled areas. The CPC's diplomatic efforts to win over the United States and Britain began with the struggle against the third anti-communist upsurge of the KMT's diehards. When the Kuomintang deployed heavy troops to attack the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Area, Dong Biwu took up the responsibility of leading the Southern Bureau across the board. While working with the democratic parties and personages, he explained the truth to journalists and embassy officials in Chongqing and promoted the idea of stopping the civil war and fighting against Japanese aggression in a common endeavor, thus forcing Chiang Kai-shek to change his anti-communist schemes. Mao Zedong highly praised Dong Biwu's work in Chongqing as "very effective".

During the latter part of the war, Dong Biwu strengthened contacts with journalists from Britain and the United States, British and American embassies and the American military delegation, and actively facilitated the visit of a Chinese and foreign press corps and an American military observer group to Yan'an in 1944, which introduced and publicized to the world the situation of the Communist Party of China leading the military and civilian resistance in anti-Japanese base areas in the enemy rear and smashed the blockade imposed by the Kuomintang on the anti-Japanese base areas in the enemy rear.

One of the most important demonstrations of the CPC's global reach was Dong Biwu's role as a delegate of the CPC in the founding conference of the United Nations, held in San Francisco on April 25, 1945. The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China decided to send Dong Biwu to the United States with his associates Zhang Hanfu and Chen Jiakang to attend the convention. On May 1, the Chinese delegation held a press conference with the presence of 600 or more journalists, the most notable of whom was Dong Biwu, neither humble nor pushy and smiling with a manner of statesman or scholar. He received rounds of applause from the audience. Many people were introduced to the real image of the Communist Party of China through Dong Biwu. Dong Biwu participated in the work of the Third Committee of the San Francisco Conference and contributed to the completion of the historic document, the Charter of the United Nations, after hundreds of hours of careful deliberation with representatives of other countries. On June 26, Dong Biwu attended the signing ceremony of the Charter of the United Nations. Together with all members of the Chinese delegation, Dong Biwu was scheduled to sign the Charter at the earliest opportunity. This was followed by participation in the closing ceremony at the San Francisco Opera House, helping the Communist Party of China cut a splendid dash on the world political stage.

After the meeting, Dong Biwu came to New York and continued to stay in the United States for more than four months, creating another important battlefield for the Communist Party of China to go global. He reached out to a wide range of friendly people and overseas Chinese and actively promoted the policy ideas of the CPC. He also broke through the Kuomintang's press blockade and planned the publication of 5,000 copies of The Facts of the Liberated Areas of China, printed in English, to introduce the glorious achievements of the Liberated Areas against the Japanese invaders under the leadership of the Communist Party of China. These efforts have played an important role in promoting understanding of the Communist Party of China among the American public, overseas Chinese and the people of the world.

(Some information provided by the Party History Research Office of the CPC Chongqing Municipal Committee)

Photos / Foreign Affairs Office of Chongqing Municipal People's Government

Editor/Yang Yan
