李茹婷 林文颖 柯巧红 杨艺娜 杨虹
[关键词] 体外受精-胚胎移植产妇;产褥期;生活质量;影响因素
[中图分类号] R394.2 [文献标识码] B [文章编号] 1673-9701(2021)19-0067-04
Investigation on the current quality of life and influencing factors of women undergoing in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer
LI Ruting LIN Wenying KE Qiaohong YANG Yi′na YANG Hong
Delivery Room, Women′s and Children′s Hospital,School of Medicine,Xiamen University, Xiamen 361003, China
[Abstract] Objective To investigate the current quality of life of in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer women during the puerperium period and analyze its influencing factors. Methods A total of 135 women who went to the Xiamen Maternal and Child Health Hospital outpatient clinic for physical examination at 42 days postpartum from June to December 2019 were selected by convenience sampling method. The self-made general scale and WHO World Health Organization Quality of Life Measurement brief table (WHOQOL-BREF) were used. The total scores of the subjects′ quality of life and the scores of various dimensions were counted, and the factors affecting the quality of life were analyzed. SPSS 20.0 statistical software was used for statistical analysis, mainly including descriptive statistical analysis, t-test, and analysis of variance, and multiple stepwise regression. Results The total score of the quality of life in the puerperium of in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer women was (57.71±11.09) points, and the scores from high to low were physiological, social, environmental, and psychological aspect. Factors such as different personalities, different delivery methods, premature birth, different husband and wife relationships, and different number of caregivers significantly affect the quality of life of women in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer. Conclusion The quality of life during the puerperium of women in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer requires attention, especially the psychological aspect, which requires early understanding and intervention. According to different situations, effective intervention measures should be implemented in different periods to improve the quality of life of the women during the puerperium.
[Key words] Women in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer; Puerperium; Quality of life; Influencing factors
目前,經调查显示15%~20%的中国育龄期妇女患有不孕症,且患病率不断增长,呈年轻化趋势[1-2]。随着辅助生殖技术的发展,越来越多不孕症患者选择体外受精-胚胎移植技术(In vitro fertilization-embryo transfer,IVF-ET)进行治疗[3]。IVF-ET已成为大多数不孕夫妇生儿育女的福音,但据相关研究显示,不孕症患者在治疗过程中耗费大量的时间、精力和资金,承受着巨大的心理负担,甚至影响其家庭、社会关系以及正常生活[4]。而产褥期的产妇经历着躯体、心理、社会各方面的变化,体验着生活角色的转变,打破原本的生活状态,降低了生活质量[5]。IVF-ET产妇这一特殊群体较一般产妇在产褥期更易出现各种负性心理,导致其生活质量的下降。国内外对普通产妇产褥期的生活质量报道较多,但鲜少关于IVF-ET产妇产褥期生活质量的相关报道。本研究旨在调查IVF-ET产妇产褥期的生活质量情况及分析影响因素,为医疗保健机构采取有效的措施、提高产妇生活质量提供理论依据,现报道如下。