赵同香 王海英
[关键词] DRGs;疾病诊断相关分组;Citespace;数据可视化
[中图分类号] G353.1;R-05 [文献标识码] B [文章编号] 1673-9701(2021)19-0001-06
Analysis of research hot spots of diagnosis related group system based on CiteSpace
ZHAO Tongxiang1 WANG Haiying2
1.Drug Clinical Trial Office,Shougang Hospital,Peking University,Beijing 100144, China; 2.Shougang Hospital,Peking University,Beijing 100144, China
[Abstract] Objective To analyze the literature data of DRGS research and determine the hot spots and development frontiers of DRGs research at home and abroad. Methods CNKI database and Web of Science database were used as data sources,and CiteSpace software was used to analyze the literature quantity,cooperative network and keyword co-occurrence of the research data. Results The DRGs research in the United States and Germany has a certain world-wide influence. The overall DRGs research in China fluctuated,but its international influence needed to be improved.The cooperation network of domestic authors and research institutions was more scattered than that of international ones,and there was less cross-regional cooperation.Overseas research focused on the payment characteristics and hot issues of DRGs,focusing on the disease research areas not covered by DRGs in the past,while domestic research focused on the reform of payment methods,data quality and performance evaluation. Conclusion China's DRGs system has been localized on the basis of drawing lessons from the experience of other countries,and the DRGs payment system has been promoted nationwide,which requires the joint participation of all parties and coordination of resources to make it applicable to clinical practice and serve hospitals.
[Key words] DRGs; Diagnosis related group system; Citespace; Data visualization
疾病诊断相关分组(Diagnosis related groups,DRGs)是20世纪60年代耶鲁大学学者们研发的根据疾病诊斷、合并症、并发症、治疗方式、病症严重程度等因素,将患者分入若干诊断组进行管理的工具[1]。德国、澳大利亚、法国、英国、波兰、奥地利、泰国、新加坡等国家相继开展了DRGs的相关研究,并取得不错的成果[2]。随着临床数据可得性、编码质量、管理能力的逐步提升,以及各国经验的积累,全球DGRs经历了多个版本的重大演变,DGRs在原来的病历组合、费用控制基础上衍生出风险调整、医院成本管理、医疗服务绩效评价等功能。我国DRGs起步较晚,基于美国、德国等经验和我国政策环境,对DRGs进行了本土化改革[3],2014年国家DRGs质控中心建立了CN-DRGs系统(China diagnosis related groups,CN-DRGs),2017年国家卫健委主导C-DRGs(Classification of cases diagnosis related groups,C-DRGs)改革试点,本文通过以CNKI数据库和Web of Science数据库为基础,分析国内外DRGs研究现状、热点和发展趋势。
①CNKI数据库:检索策略:主题=“Diagnosis Related Groups”或“疾病诊断相关分组”或摘要=“Diagnosis Related Groups”或“疾病诊断相关分组”;时间限定=1981年1月1日至2019年12月31日,剔除背根神经节(Dorsal root ganglion)、神经元(Neurons)、神经组织(Nerve tissue)等与本研究无关的记录,共筛选出中文文献2215篇,全部记录以RefWorks格式输出数据。②Web of Science数据库:检索策略:选择数据库:web of science核心集合,主体:diagnosis-related-groups,时间跨度:1981年1月1日至2019年12月31 日,引文索引:“Science Citation Index Expanded(SCI-EXPANDED)--1900年至今”;共筛选出2483篇文献,全部记录以WOS格式输出数据。