01. 荔枝 litchi / lychee
It is a tropical tree native to the Guangdong and Fujian provinces of southeastern China. 荔枝是一種原产地位于中国东南部的广东省和福建省的热带水果。
02. 可食用的果肉 edible flesh
Its a heart-shaped green fruit with edible, sweet and white flesh. 这是一种心形的绿色果实,可食用,果肉白色,味甜。
03. 桂圆;龙眼 longan
I seldom eat lychee and longan. 我很少吃荔枝和龙眼。
I could eat up one kilogram of longan all by myself. 我可以一个人吃掉一公斤龙眼。
04. 榴莲 durian
Durian is a tropical fruit with a strong unpleasant smell but a sweet flavour. 榴莲是一种热带水果,闻起来味道很难闻,但是吃起来味道很甜。
05. 牛油果 avocado
She ate a piece of toast with avocado. 她吃了一片牛油果吐司。
Avocado sold in this market is too expensive. 这个市场卖的牛油果太贵了。
06. 火龙果pitaya / dragon fruit
The yellow pitaya is yellow inside and out. 黄色的火龙果内外均是黄色的。
There are red and white dragon fruits. 有红心和白心的火龙果。
07. 哈密瓜 honeydew melon
Watermelon and honeydew melon contain lots of water as well as healthy, natural fruit sugars for energy. 西瓜和哈密瓜富含大量水分和能量所需的健康天然的果糖。