
2021-08-12 13:25
考试与评价·八年级版 2021年5期


一、1—5 DDDDC

二、1. have visited; learned 2. is still; hasnt finished; yet 3. was; found 4. havent met 5. Has; finished; yet; has; finished

A Lesson


Joy of Giving

1—4 CCBA


一、1—5 ABBDC

二、1. had; had 2. written; wrote 3. cleaned

4. started; hasnt finished 5. has taught

三、1. already 2. since 3. for 4. yet 5. already 6. yet 7. never 8. ever 9. ever 10. since

四、1. has gone to 2. has gone to 3. has been to

4. has gone to 5. have been to

五、1. never 2. already 3. ever; never 4. yet; already 5. yet

六、1. Where have; been 2. has never been 3. has been away for 4. How many times have; been 5. When did; go

七、1. Have; ever been 2. have never been to

3. Have; used 4. Have; been to 5. has; been there

Positive Thinking

1—4 BDAD

Dont Judge Others Freely

1—4 ADBC


One possible version:

Recently, a survey was done among 20,000 people about the ways of reading. Here is what we have learned from it. 60% of the people like to read on mobile phones or e-readers, while only 40% choose to read paper books. So we can know that more and more people prefer to read e-books rather than paper books. However, whatever way of reading we choose, it can help increase our knowledge and open our eyes.

As for me, I am still used to reading paper books. Whenever I open a paper book, the smell of paper reminds me of the stories in the books from my mom when I was a little kid. Just because of this, I got into the habit of reading. So when I read paper books now, they always bring me the old feelings. On the other hand, compared with the electronic devices, reading paper books is good for our eyes. So you see, I believe e-books wont take the place of paper books in my heart.

Decisions and Consequences

I. 1—5 GDFBC

II. A: What are you going to do when you grow up?

B: I want to be a policeman.

A: Why do you want to be a policeman?

B: If I become a policeman, Ill be able to help people.

A: But sometimes its dangerous.

B: Youre right. So maybe Ill become a teacher. I like working with children.

A: And you have long holidays.

B: Yes. Ill travel. But I think its too tired to be a teacher.

A: Maybe you can become a businessman.

B: Thats a good idea. I can make much money. If I make a lot of money, I can work outside, and I can travel around.


I. 1. painter 2. yours 3. shopping 4. themselves

II. 1. Cool 2. famous 3. arrive 4. eighty

III. 1. yellow 2. never 3. along 4. ourselves

IV. 1. colorful 2. fastest 3. Ours 4. second 5. police- men

Margarets Letter

A. 1. Four oclock.

2. Take the keys.

3. In the fridge.

4. Jacks mother.

5. 5651351.

B. 1. hurry 2. problems 3. left 4. usual 5. sure

C. 1. sweap—sweep 2. rubish—rubbish 3. lok—lock 4. youself—yourself 5. right—night


1. Hollywood 2. Los Angeles, California / America 3. T 4. F 5. D

Rock and Roll

1. rock and roll / rock 2. Bill Haley 3. performers 4. classical

Chores at Home


Volunteer in Holiday!

1—4 ADBC

A School Report


Tiger Woods

1. He was on his first TV show.

2. He became a student at Stanford University.

3. He became the Sportsman of the Year.

4. He became a professional golfer.

5. He won more prize money than any other golfer.

The Monkey and the Turtle


Birthday Gift

1. will arrive 2. trying 3. interesting 4. sent

5. everywhere 6. replay

7. It took

8. 我可以饲养小鸡下蛋或食用。

9. Because it was her birthday.

10. Six.


IQ Test

1. B. The diamond rotates 90 degrees and goes to the bottom, the square reduces in size and goes in the middle and the ellipse rotates 90 degrees and goes to the top. This reverses the analogy originally presented of figures in similar positions.

2. 7. 84/12=7, 14×7=98

3. A. The outer arc moves 90 degrees anti-clockwise, the middle arc moves 180 degrees and the inner arc moves 90 degrees clockwise.

Unit 8重点词语专练

I. 1. towards 2. gun 3. popular 4. treasure 5. island 6. beach 7. land 8. rock 9. technology 10. marks

II. 1. playing 2. finished; reading 3. French 4. to buy 5. to start 6. to go 7. looking 8. to open 9. have; made 10. to grow

III. 1. full of 2. at least 3. put down 4. hurry up

5. have grown up

IV. 1. at least 2. where to buy 3. put it down 4. in two days 5. Who else

Unit 9重點词语专练

I. 1. afraid of 2. deal with 3. raise money 4. proud of 5. no longer 6. safest 7. rapid 8. unbelievable 9. simply 10. progressed

II. 1. itself 2. Japanese 3. peaceful 4. unusual

5. foxes 6. quarters 7. really 8. safe 9. mostly 10. itself

III. 1. have seen 2. on the other hand 3. all year round 4. different kinds of 5. during the daytime


A. 1—5 CADBA 6—10 BDBCC

B. 1—5 BCDAD 6—10 BCBAD

C. 1—5 BCDAD 6—10 ABDAB


A. 1—3 CBA B. 1—3 DCB C. 1—3 CBD

Module 10 Units 3-4巩固练习