Joan: Indoor concerts are still few and far between in America, as cities are recovering from the global pandemic at their own pace. But late last month, I was surprised and delighted to attend a festival of choral singing.
Valery: Arent most countries still wary of singing, especially in large groups, since the virus spreads through droplets? Im glad Chinas situation is so much better.
Joan: Many cities in America have relaxed their COVID restrictions, so people can gather indoors with sufficient precaution. This usually means limiting seating capacity. To ensure that concerts can take place, performers wear masks both in rehearsal and performance to reduce the risk of exposure to the public and themselves. The performance I attended featured the May Festival Chorus in Cincinnati, a city in the middle of America that rose in prominence in the early 19th century from both trading and industry because it is located along a major river connecting with the East Coast. Many German immigrants settled there and built the city. As you might have guessed, Germans love music!
Valery: So along with the opera and symphony orchestra, the old German traditions of choral singing were also transplanted to Cincinnati?
Joan: Indeed. Choral singing is part of civic life. While the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra and the Cincinnati Opera were founded as professional organizations, the May Festival Chorus is an avocational group. The month of May marks the arrival of spring, and people all over Germany celebrate with music and events. Naturally, the German immigrants in Cincinnati founded a music festival (in 1873), which actually led to the building of Cincinnatis Music Hall, an architectural landmark completed in 1878. It is still one of the citys tourist attractions today.
Valery: So theres a long history of choral singing, where members dont get paid but perform solely because of their love of music! I could see from the photographs that the singers were using special masks that were more comfortable and allowed more space for their lips to move.
Joan: The program for this years May Festival clearly reflected the impact of COVID. The chorus usually features more than 120 singers performing largescale choral symphonies or oratorios, with audience seating of nearly 2,300. This time around, only a chamber choir of 24 women performed for a similarly reduced audience. (The 24-men chamber choir had their chance to perform the week before.)