
2021-07-06 00:08:03
China Textile 2021年3期





In the past five years, the main characteristics of printing and dyeing machinery technological progress can be simply described as automation, digitalization.The application of control technology in equipment provides technical support for energy saving and emission reduction. High-efficiency shortprocess printing and dyeing equipment better meets market demand; With the change of fabric structure in the market, the proportion of knitted fabrics gradually increases, and the continuous knitted fabric pre-processing equipment gradually shows its advantages; The double-layer energy-saving hotair tentering and setting machine equipped with digital energy consumption monitoring system and waste heat recovery system has been successfully developed to realize batch production, which significantly improves the efficiency of production and energy utilization. For example, full-mode dyeing machine not only can meet airflow atomization dyeing, gasliquid split dyeing and overflow dyeing all-mode ultralow bath ratio dyeing in a dyeing machine, but also can dye multiple tissues at the same time with multiple dye units according to the specific production requirements, which improves the adaptability and production efficiency of equipment products and reduces energy consumption. Through numerical control of multi-objective optimization and product modular design, full-set of digital control equipment for raising, shearing, ironing and finishing can realize the single-machine numerical control integration and synchronous linkage control of the raising machine, carding machine, shearing machine, sanding machine and natural luster fininshing machine in the cashmere fabric finishing production line.

In the past years, equipment and technology of contious wet processing in knitted fabric has gradually recieved by customers. Equipment manufacturing enterprises continue to improve machines, apply a large number of numerical control technology, and gradually improve equipment processes, which makes the sales volume of such products increase year by year. Using continuous equipment to treat knitted fabrics has the advantages of saving water, high efficiency and reducing the risk of fabric damage, which has been known by many knitting enterprises. In recent years, the sales volume of this kind of equipment has been increasing continuously.

Intermittent dyeing machines are widely used for dyeing and washing knitted and chemical fiber fabrics. The technology is mature and the quality of fabric products is good. Water saving is the main line of this kind of equipment development. Domestic air-flow dyeing machines basically adopt the structure of single blower for centralized air supply and combined nozzles, which significantly reduces the energy consumption of blowers and keeps the dyeing bath ratio at a low level. Energy saving and emission reduction of water in dyeing stage is still important of technical development in printing and dyeing machinery. The application of numerical control technology will greatly promote cleaner production in printing and dyeing industry.

In addition, as a new printing methods, under the pandemic, digital ink jet printing fully showed its advantages of small batch and quick response. Flexible production management, less labor and less impact subjected by pandemic provide new market increasing point and challenges to transformation and upgrading. According to the statistics of Textile Machinery Association, the market of digital direct ink jet and high speed transfer ink jet is quite fast, which keeps increasing trend in the past 5 years.

應用案例 Application cases





Huafang Co., Ltd.

At present, there is one intelligent printing and dyeing workshop in operation in Huafang Co., Ltd., including 26 printing production lines. The intelligent printing and dyeing workshop in operation is an intelligent printing and dyeing demonstration pilot workshop of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and China National Textile and Apparel Association, which has realized the comprehensive interconnection and control of printing and dyeing equipment, printing and dyeing process, the intelligent and accurate distribution of dyes and chemicals and the digital production scheduling. There are 2 comprehensive intelligent printing and dyeing workshops under construction, including 16 production lines. After the completion of the project, it is estimated that the annual output of high-end printing and dyeing fabrics will be 144 million meters (including 96 million meters of clothing fabrics and 48 million meters of home textile fabrics).

As printing and dyeing full-set equipment intelligent production line enterprise, the company has the following major improvements and changes: optimazing process execution and ensuring stable quality; Accurate distribution od gye chemicals sdditives ensures execution and improve efficiency; The process state is fully recorded and automatically intervened, and the production process is transparent and controllable; Promoting management reform and enhancing overall value,which leads high-speed, high efficiency and online operation.

The intelligent application has improved the company in many aspects: Quality improvement-reducing the repair rate by 5%-10% on average; Increased production efficiency-average production efficiency increased by 20%; Inventory reduction-an average reduction of 10%-20%; The production cycle is shortened-an average of 20%; The circulation of unfinished products is accelerated-the average unfinished products is reduced by 50%; Labor saving-the average operation efficiency is increased by 20% (saving labor by more than 40%); Correct rate of equipment fault diagnosis ≥ 95%; Once accuracy of the product is ≥ 92%; Average energy consumption per unit product (equivalent to coal standard) is reduced by 20%, and water consumption is reduced by 30%.

立信CHTC Fongs

迎難而上 谱写新篇


此次随行参与的集团品牌涵盖:立信染整、特恩、高乐、立信门富士和纱力拉。展示的内容包括:FONGS立信染整高温筒子纱染色机ENERWIN、THEN特恩混合功能高温染色机AHY、GOLLER高乐梭织及针织布用水洗单元 CYCLONA MODUL和MONFONGS立信门富士高效节能型定型机MONFONGS 888 TwinAir。


恒天立信集团将以智能制造、全面创新的舞台迎接全球到访者,向客户集中展示集团最新研发成果和设计制造理念。除了实物展示以外, 今年我们投入了大量资源以虚拟实景VR技术在展台上呈现恒天立信引以为傲的一站式染整一条线染厂情景,从织物染色前处理,染色以至染色后整理及染厂自动化智能设备都能一一饱览,相信会给客户带来耳目一新的感觉。欢迎全球客户莅临观摩指导, 与公司共同探讨恒天立信所提供的绿色环保、智能化的一站式可持续染整解决方案!

立信染整 FONG

高温筒子纱染色机 ENERWIN



混合功能高温染色机 AHY



梭织及针织布用水洗单元 CYCLONA MODUL

高乐结合过去五年间于针织领域上的宝贵经验, 再重点针对梭织物的吸液特性, 设计出了一款糅合了针织物水洗单元中低张力转鼓转子水洗模式的优点, 及能满足梭织物水洗单元中上下导辊水洗模式需要的梭织及针织布用平幅水洗单元。


★ 下层的转鼓转子水洗装置使用了针织物Sintensa Cyclone水洗单元的专利Cyclone转子结构为基础, 配上全新设计的同轴转子机构, 藉此可把新单元的机速提升至100米/分钟, 利用转子产生的涡流确保织物有充分的吸水, 让高速移动的织物也能瞬间进入全面水洗的状态;

★ 配合上层的上下导辊水洗模式, 运用小轧辊, 液上及液下喷淋加强水洗效率, 织物完成上下导辊水洗后再折返转鼓转子水洗装置进行深度的涡流式水洗, 确保织物内外的杂质均能经水交换而被排离织物;

★ 最后, 织物经与Sintensa Cyclone系列产品能互换共享的模块化斜轧车结构的斜轧车排出深层杂质及水份, 完成整个新设计水洗单元的水洗流程。

新设计的Cyclona Modul糅合多个不同的水洗要素于同一单元内, 再配合经精心布置的水洗流程, 保证无论是梭织或是针织物均能于单元内达成最高效的水洗过程。高乐的设计理念源于为客户的未来而设想的观点, 新设计的Cyclona Modul为针梭织物的平幅水洗带来新的定义。


拉幅定型机 MONFONGS 888 TwinAir

MONFONGS 888 TwinAir高效节能定型机在原有德国门富士定型机的基础上, 糅合目前最先进的节能系统技术, 为客户提供性价比更高的定型机选择。



TwinAir 双风道:门富士专利设计的双风道系统使上下风量可以完全独立调节,烘干时不会产生痕迹并可使温度最均匀。

标准形喷风咀系统CAD Stream:其“Lay-on-air”气垫式喷风咀使织物飘游于空中, 产生蓬松效果, 尤其轻微的振动效果,可提高产量,减低成本及增加利润,还具有更高的蒸发能力, 并且织物连悬浮于空中,就算在箱体之间接合点也不中断。

Qualitex 750 Plus:新的控制系统Qualitex 750 Plus可以适配OPC协议运行。该系统仍然继承了对目前Monfongs软件和最新开发的各种装置的适配性,如Q-soft、Monformatic、手机应用程序和Eco-booster热回收装置、Dis-O-Clean装置、Themat等。该系统为织物拉幅定型工艺提供了先进的控制技术,并可与市场上最流行的中央控制系统兼容连接。




纱力拉XO系列节能型真空调湿定形机自推出以来,已广泛应用于改良纱线以及成衣定型领域。经过纱力拉 设备的XO-汽蒸系统处理,可均匀地对纺织品进行调湿、定捻、化纤预缩、消除静电、数码印花布固色和成衣 预定形等。



Innovate for a Smart Future

CHTC Fongs International Co. Ltd. (CHTC Fongs), one of the world-famous textile dyeing and finishing machinery manufacturers is participating in the ITMA ASIA + CITME 2020 from Jun 12th to Jun 16th 2021 at the National Exhibition and Convention Center, Shanghai, China. CHTC Fongs, together with its well-known brands: FONGS, THEN, GOLLER, MONFORTS FONGS, MONFORTS, and XORELLA, are taking this opportunity to proudly present the “One-Stop” Sustainable Solution in Dyeing and Finishing Range of “pre-treatment, dyeing, post-treatment and waste water treatment” at Hall 6, D04 and yarn conditioning and heat setting at Hall 8, D33.

CHTC Fongs is dedicated in the expansion of Smart Dyeing & Finishing Solution. A full line of the most advanced and innovative products and technology will be exhibited including our latest products: FONGS ENERWIN Energy-saving High Temperature Package Dyeing Machine, THEN AHYBRID Airflow High Temperature Dyeing Machine, GOLLER CYCLONA MODUL Washing Unit for Woven & Knitted Fabric, and MONFORTS FONGS MONFONGS 888 TWINAIR. In addition to physical display of our latest products, you could explore the CHTC Fongs one-stop supply of innovative smart dyeing and finishing line at the booth through VR technology.

CHTC Fongs understands that the unpredictable challenge of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) has led to the entry restrictions and quarantine requirements for arriving into China. To all our distinguished overseas guests who are eager to find out the latest dyeing and finishing technology in the textile industry, please stay tuned for our upcoming LIVE Streaming Webinar information.



Energy-saving High Temperature Package Dyeing Machine ENERWIN adopts new liquor pathways in the dyeing cycles. These new pathways contribute to the decrease in overall energy and water consumption for package dyeing. In addition, ENERWIN can be equipped with main pump in lower power configuration when comparing to the previous package dyeing machine model and it further diminishes the energy consumption. Thus ENERWIN empowers your production with a competitive edge over the industry.



Revolutionary Airflow High Temperature Dyeing Machine AHYBRID offers versatile operation modes by switching the combinations of multifunctional nozzles, and eventually offers various dyeing applications for the same batch of fabrics in only one single dyeing machine. Airflow dyeing, hydraulic dyeing, airflow-spray dyeing and hydraulic-spray dyeing can be achieved in one AHYBRID and thus the production effectiveness is greatly enhanced as with the machine, the ranges of application in fabrics and dyeing techniques are broadened.



By gathering the valuable experiences on the knits; based on the characteristic of the absorption on woven fabrics; and finally GOLLER has developed CYCLONA MODUL, a washing unit which combines the advantages of integrated rotor-drum washing together with the updown rollers features.

The followings are the three major sections of the new design:

★The lower section of the unit is equipped with the patented Cyclone rotor as in the Sintensa Cyclone washing unit, and is fitted with the new designate co-axial mechanism which brings the maximum speed up to 100m/min. By means of the turbulence generated by the Cyclone rotor, the fast moving fabric can be achieved entirely swelled which is ready for washing in a very short period of time.

★The upper section of the unit is equipped with several sets of up-down rollers, jockey rollers, and spraying devices which are installed both under liquor and above the rollers. The fabric will firstly pass through the under liquor turbulence washing zone in the lower section, then it goes through the upper washing section with the combined spraying and squeezing, and it turns back to the lower section for under liquor turbulence washing again. This washing sequence is generating the best possibility of liquor exchange, and extracts the impurity & dirt away from the fabric.

★The last section is designed with interchangeable intermediate trough and patented inclined-squeezer developed from the family of Sintensa Cyclone. The fabric will effectively be squeezed before leaving the washing zone.

The new CYCLONA MODUL combines multi washing elements in one single unit, thus a shorter range can finally be achieved for utility saving. “Design for customers future” is the key of our design concept at GOLLER; the new CYCLONA MODUL has turned over a new page of the open-width washing on woven and knitted fabrics.



Monfongs 888 Twinair technology is designed based on the Monforts Germany stenter range. This model combines the most recent developed technology to evolve a more advanced energy saving stenter range.

Advanced squeezing roller: The Matex 6000 of this stenter is equipped with our newest high efficiency parallel padders which could lower the pickup in the same time keep the fabric hand-feel. This could lead to less energy to evaporate the water content of fabric after passing through the padders. This lower energy consumption could contribute the textile industry to achieve low carbon release target a step further.

Energy saving design: A sensor is installed at the fabric outlet opening of the last chamber to detect temperature variation and trigger fan speed control of exhausted air. Excessive incoming cold air to the chambers can also be avoided. This control of exhausted air is also achieved by a photo-electric sensor placing at inlet track. When it detects no fabric at the pins, the system will lower the speed of circulation fans and the fans of exhausted air. This design will avoid unnecessary energy wasting through controlling the air fan speed of exhausted air.

TwinAir: Monforts patented Twin-Air technology allows top and bottom airflow to be regulated separately. It results in drying without marking and the most even temperature possible across the fabric.

Nozzle System CAD Stream: Its “Lay-on-Air” fabric supporting properties in air and with bulking effect through increased volume by its tumbler effect. Attractive cost/benefit ratio with higher evaporation rates. It also provides continuous fabric support even at the chamber transition points.

Qualitex 750 Plus: The new control system Qualitex 750 plus could be adapted to run with OPC protocol. With this system, it still inherits adaptation of current Monfongs software and newest developed device respectively like Q-soft, Monformatic, Mobile appsand Themat, Ecobooster heat recovery device, Dis-O-Clean device and etc. This system gives edged control technology to dry fabric processing and compatible to connecting of most popular central control system in the market.

New Options: By the virtue of new control system, it could adapt to different new options like Oil drop prevention device, Motorized flap door of integrated exhausted duct, Fire extinguisher system and etc.


Vacuum Conditioning and Heat Setting Machine

XORELLAs XO-Series energy saving vacuum conditioning and heat setting machines has been well used in improving the quality of yarn and also heat setting of garment. The Xorella XO-Steaming treatment could even penetrate the textile products for humidification; twist setting, preshrinking the synthetic filament, antistatic, colour fixation of digital printed fabric and heat setting of garment. The latest saturated steam generating system could reduce 30% of connected power loading and save between 15% to 25% energy consumption.

In order to satisfy the requirement of different users, Xorella provides both round and cubical machine and also variety of loading and door opening systems for customer selection. Nowadays, XO-Series machines were used in more than 50 countries in the world.

CHTC Fongs will build on its sustained success in developing the“One-Stop” Sustainable Solution in Dyeing and Finishing Range and creating the best possible user experience of its products. To broaden the development of energy-saving and emission reduction dyeing & finishing equipment, CHTC Fongs will strive and share its dedication to excellence.

桑德森力瑪Santex Rimar


对于面料制造商来说,桑德森力玛集团是备受他们青睐的一站式设备供应商,因为可以满足他们众多的生产需求。桑德森力玛集团联合了在全球纺织机械领域领先的织造、后整理、产业用纺织和水处理及烘干工艺的绿色技术等品牌。其中三个知名品牌将在ITMA ASIA+CITME 2020展会上展示创新产品和旗舰系列产品。











这将是纺织行业很长一段时间以来第一次面对面的重逢,因此桑德森力玛集团热切期待在展会上与各位见面。Santaframe热定型机, 2FAST和 Cavimelt 热熔涂层复合机将是桑德森力玛集团展会上的三个亮点,桑德森力玛集团展台位于后整理区H5丨C34,SMIT展台位于织机区H3丨D08。届时参观者可以在两个展台上置身于极具吸引力的技术世界,同时我们也为感兴趣的参观者安排参观青浦生产现场,以使他们获得更深入的了解。

One-stop supplier of top technology

For fabric manufacturers, Santex Rimar Group is the favored one-stop supplier of machinery, meeting many production needs. The Group unites leading players in the world of textile machinery for weaving, finishing, technical textiles, and green technologies for water treatment and drying processes. Three of these well-known brands will show their novelties and flagship ranges with an impressive technology presentation at ITMA ASIA + CITME 2020.

The exhibition in Shanghai is not only a great opportunity for the Group to present its innovations – but also to spread the news about the recently opened SMIT production site in Qingpu District, Shanghai on the 15th anniversary of Santex Rimar Shanghai, in November 2020. These two modern and highly automated plants comprise three production halls, employing nearly 100 people. All the machines to be shown at ITMA ASIA + CITME will be newly produced in China.

Ingenious solutions

The famous Santex brand in textile finishing has developed a novel air-flow technique for high-quality processing. The fabric is carried on a cushion of air, giving a softer handle and better shrinkage values.

The new Santaframe stenter features ingenious solutions for heated air distribution and exhaust. Its heating element is uniquely positioned, after the circulating air turbine (on the pressure side), in a sealed chamber above the fabric track. This avoids the risk of condensation dropping onto the fabric. Improved loading of the circulating and exhaust air with humidity results in less exhaust air than conventional stenter frams.

Further highlights of the new Santaframe include a built-in exhaust ducting device, an emergency standstill system and the choice of heating devices. The renowned Aero-Surf Nozzle System is still a key element, promoting softest handle, excellent shrinkage and uniform heat-setting.

At its original launch in the late 1990s, the Santaframe offered already unmatched performance and ground-breaking technology, which was widely appreciated by finishers.

Perfect for laminating

Cavitec gives fabric the final touch, with sophisticated machinery for coating, laminating, impregnation and prepreg. Finest laminating is provided by Cavimelts rotogravure system – actually a printing technique. Using the hot-melt process this textile laminating machine applies adhesive as dots or in predefined patterns, using an engraved roller, on film, web and textile substrates. Hot-melt technology offers many advantages over conventional coating and laminating processes. Its wide application range, flexibility and high production reliability means producers can choose from a large selection of adhesives and substrates.

The Cavimelt process is user-friendly, as well as sustainable, since its free of solvents and water and doesnt need auxiliary equipment to evaporate exhaust air and any questionable emissions. Cavimelt is gentle to the environment, laminating with a soft touch and performing surface treatments to suit many application-specific requirements.

Welcome back: ITMA ASIA + CITME

It will be the textile industrys first face-to-face reunion in a very long time, so Santex Rimar Group is eagerly looking forward to welcoming visitors at ITMA ASIA + CITME 2021. Santaframe, 2FAST and Cavimelt will be three of several highlights on the Santex Rimar display, located in hall 5 booth C34 in the finishing section, while SMIT will exhibit in the weaving zone in hall 3 booth D08. Visitors can expect to enter a world of fascinating technology at both booths, and interested parties may be able to arrange a visit to the Qingpu production site for even deeper insights.







Y9000 double-layer hot wind tentering and setting machine save energy, land and labor

In this exhibition, Yuanxin Industry Co., Ltd. Will exhibit Y9000 double-layer hot wind tentering and setting machine, which has been researched and developed by the company with an investment of 10 million yuan. Yuanxin Y9000 double-layer setting machine has the advantages of energy saving, land saving, and so on. At the same time, it has obvious effects in intelligence, work efficiency and product quality improvement.

Yuanxin Y9000 double-layer tentering and setting machine not only adopts the mode of vertical rotary chain and double-layer folding running of fabric, but also adopts the vertical polymer chain, without refueling and lubricant, and the track runs smoothly; The center of cloth feeding adopts the products of German E+L Company, the roller adopts the products of Spanish company, the whole machine is equipped with German Lenze frequency converter and motor reducer, and the circulating fan is equipped with Siemens level 2 motor.

The structure of the machine is more compact, which is changed from single-layer design to double-layer, making full use of space and occupying a smaller area; Cloth goes in and out in the same direction, so the distance between operators is short and the contact is more convenient; The tension control and overfeed control of the whole machine are more effective and accurate, and the width, gram weight, shrinkage, front and back, left, middle and right of the cloth are more uniform; Indirect heating avoids the air heating of direct heat source, which makes the setting heating conditions more average, especially when the spandex elastic fabric is pre-setting at high temperature and the finished product is setting, it shows its excellent quality, soft and plump hand feeling; The design of double-layer structure makes full use of the waste heat of the lower oven for heating, and adopts heat energy recycle device, which greatly saves heating energy and makes full use of the waste heat.

The most worth to attention is that the optimized and improved combination device with low level feed is suitable for the technological requirements of various knitted elastic fabrics. Each synchronization unit adopts high-performance automatic tension control system, which makes the tension of different fabrics always in the best state when meeting the requirements of spreading, dewatering and finishing; Real-time monitoring and precisely control of quantifiable process data mining can ensure the quality consistency of processed and further meet the needs of data management and intelligent management. Compared with the double-layer tentering and setting machine on the market at present, which can only be applied to the post-finishing processing of woven fabrics, Yuanxin Y9000 has stronger product adaptability, can be widely used in the postfinishing process of knitted fabrics, woven fabrics and other textiles with simple operation and convenient maintenance.

宏華数码Honghua Digital


宏华数码专注数码印花领域发展近30年,是数码印花设备、工艺及耗材整体方案提供者。宏华数码成立于1992年,最早是以开发印染分色设计软件著称,是中国印染分色设计软件的开创者。1999年,宏华研制开发了第一台数码喷射印花系统,奠定了国际数码印花技术领域领先地位,并引领世界领先数码喷印技术,2009年建立国家数码喷印工程技术研究中心。2007,2017年两次荣获中国科技部 - 国家技术发明奖。2020年荣获工信部 - 纺织数码喷印机单项冠军。



Focus on digital print for 30 years

Honghua Digital has been focusing on the development of digital printing for nearly 30 years, and is the solution provider of digital printing equipment, technology and consumables. Founded in 1992, Honghua Digital is famous for developing printing and dyeing color separation design software, and is the pioneer of printing and dyeing color separation design software in China. In 1999, Honghua developed the first digital jet printing system, which established a leading position in the international digital printing technology field. Atexco is leading the worlds digital inkjet printing technology. it established the national digital inkjet printing engineering technology research center in 2009. In 2007 and 2017, Atexco won the National Technological Invention Award of the Ministry of science and technology of China twice. Won the single champion of MIIT textile digital inkjet printing machine in 2020.

VEGA8180BI is the latest super high-speed digital print machine introduced by Honghua VEGA, and it also has the advantages of ink saving, low cost and high speed. It has stable structural transforming, longer length and stable base compared with VEGA3000T/DL. It can support 4-color, 6-color, 8-color and 12-color printing modes with industrial-grade high-precision nozzles, providing 24-hour continuous and stable production with a daily output of up to 14,000 square meters.

The machine adopts the guide belt to continuously convey fabrics, strengthens the intelligent guide belt washing device, automatically and synchronously unreeling with constant tension, hot-pressing patch, linear motor drive, full closed-loop highprecision system, intelligent nozzle cleaning system, automatic ink return system, quadruple nozzle protection system and ink constant temperature circulation system, which can realize the intelligent environmental protection function.

常州宏大Changzhou Hongda

“HAWK VISION柔性智能整纬机”全球首发

本届ITMA ASIA+CITME 2020展会上,常州宏大将对“HAWK VISION?柔性智能整纬机”进行全球首发,将迎接整纬机一个智能化新时代的到来!

据了解,常州宏大专业从事纺织印染数字化在线测控产品的研发,在行业内被誉为“印染电气专家”,其研发的印染工艺参数在线检测产品占据国内市场的90% 以上,引领行业的发展。本届展会常州宏大还将带来INSHK定型智慧系统,智能图像整花整緯机,针织定型自动克重在线测控系统,圆网疵点检测与自动对花系统,双氧水在线检测系统,智能验布机等产品参展。其中,Hawk Vision?智能图像整花整纬机是由“霍克威视”品牌依托其强大的欧洲技术背景和常州宏大深厚的技术研发实力,首创国际领先的“全幅扫描整花整纬技术”。

The worlds first, HAWK VISION Flexible intelligent weft straightening machine

At ITMA ASIA + CITME 2020, Changzhou Hongda will bring Hawk Vision? flexible intelligent weft straightening machine to embrace the coming of intelligent new era.

Changzhou Hongda is specialized in the research and development of textile printing and dyeing digital online measurement and control products, known as the expert of printing and dyeing electrical in the industry. The online detection products of printing and dyeing process parameters developed by Changzhou Hongda occupy more than 90% of the domestic market, leading the development of the industry. This exhibition Changzhou Hongda will also bring INSHK fixation intelligent system, intelligent image pattern and weft straightening machine, knitting fixation automatic weight online measurement and control system, defect detection and automatic design register system, hydrogen peroxide online detection system, intelligent cloth test machine and other products. Among them, Hawk Vision? intelligent image pattern and weft straightening machine is developed by Hawk Vision, relying on its strong European technical background and Changzhous technical research and development strength, which is the first international leading full scanning pattern and weft straightening technology.

邵阳纺机Shaoyang Textile









邵阳纺织机械有限责任公司自主研发的M5473型拉幅定形机, 积累了五十年拉幅定形机制造之经验并吸收当今国外同类产品先进技术基础上开发的新一代产品。

可实现人机对话、在线检测与控制,实现工艺配方;方便组成局域网,实现工厂信息化管理;通过5G网络实现远程监控、调试与软件升级,通过手机APP查看运行、报警数据。 在整个工艺过程中实现了低张力及恒张力运行,保证织物克重的稳定性。温控精度高,烘房内左、中、右温度均匀一致。


纺织导报(2014年2期)2014-03-17 00:49:31