
2021-07-06 03:46:04
China Textile 2021年3期



今年我们有三家会员企业参加ITMA AISA + CITME,瑞典Vandewiele AB(原IRO AB)和Eltex都专门从事提高织布机性能的系统。中国是世界纺织强国不可否认,这两家瑞典公司将所有主要的OEM织机生产商都作为客户,同时也为新安装和现有的生产线改造提供专业技术。



ES Automatex是第三家将在ITMA ASIA + CITME展会上展出的TMAS公司,他们是自动化方面的专家,致力于为家居用品,如床上用品、毛巾、窗帘和桌布等生产提供定制的裁剪、缝纫和折叠设备解决方案。


ITMA ASIA + CITME是第一个使我们会员能够再次参加的展会。他们已经找到了替代方案,但在提出解决方案时,实体会议带来了在另一个层面参与的机会。自从去年春天受到疫情的严重打击后,现在我们已经看到了一定的复苏。我们有几家会员公司的订单已经满了,现在的商业环境与一年前的今天完全不同。客户们对于高质、高效的解决方案的需求对于瑞典机械制造商来说非常有利。

2020年,中国纺织品出口增长近30%,超过1500亿美元。中国的纺织制造商对新的先进技术有一种几乎被压抑着的需求,这种需求可以使他们在竞争激烈的市场中得到進一步发展。预计本次我们将在上海展出的创新产品会引起中国客户的强烈兴趣。我们也相信ITMA ASIA + CITME将会取得巨大成功。

Demand for high quality, efficient solutions has been very beneficial for the Swedish machinery

Interview with Therese Premler Andersson, Secretary General of TMAS

Speaking from a Swedish perspective, we are a small country, highly dependent on international trade, so the shutdown of other countries had a big impact, even though Sweden itself never went into a total lockdown. Some orders were canceled and others had to be put on hold, and the fact that the majority of TMAS members have production both in Sweden and internationally did of course led to logistical challenges. Sales, service, installation and support have all been a challenge due to the strong travel restrictions.

In general, Swedish companies adopted to the new situation well, by utilising digital tools for meetings, remote services for installation and support and a lot of creativity to solve the logistical challenges. One TMAS member was even able to launch a production site for PPE production from scratch in just a few weeks. The Swedish government also offers recovery programmes which helps a lot.

Three of our members will be participating at ITMA ASIA+ CITME this year, and both Vandewiele Sweden AB (formerly IRO AB) and Eltex specialise in systems for enhancing the performance of weaving looms. China, of course, remains the weaving powerhouse of the world, and these two companies count all of the major OEM loom producers as their customers, while also supplying their specialised technologies both for separate new installations and as retrofits to existing lines.

As the trusted market leader in the field of weft yarn feeding and tension control units for many decades, Vandewiele Sweden today benefits from being a member of one of the leading groups in textile machinery worldwide. Following significant investments in R&D capabilities at its base in Sweden, the company has introduced a number of new innovations to further automate the weaving process that it will be show- casing in Shanghai. Its feeders incorporate innovative energy efficient permanent magnet motor design, easy “plug and play” for connecting intelligent accessories and an improved threading-up system. They are already taking weft insertion on weaving looms to a new level for many mills in China.

Eltex is meanwhile achieving considerable success with its yarn fault detection and tension monitoring systems, including special units for warping and weaving and advanced systems for the sewn products sector.

ES Automatex, the third TMAS company which will exhibit at ITMA ASIA + CITME, is a specialist in automated concepts, providing bespoke cutting, sewing and folding equipment solutions for the production of household textiles such as bedding, towels, curtains and table linen.

China is one of the most important production hubs in the world, where automation will be the key driver and sustainability an absolute priority. Indeed, the developments that are taking place highlight the fact that China is setting the agenda for the global textile and garment industry. Swedish companies invest heavily in R&D and are at the forefront of automation and look forward to working closely with Chinese customers on this exciting journey.

ITMA ASIA + CITME is the first show any of our members have been able to attend for over a year. They have found alternatives, but physical meetings bring the opportunity to engage on another level when presenting solutions. After initially being hit hard by the pandemic last spring, we are now seeing a proper recovery. Several of our member companies have full order books and were seeing a completely different business climate than a year ago. The demand for high quality, efficient solutions has been very beneficial for the Swedish machine builders.

Exports of textile goods from China increased by almost 30% in 2020, to over $150 billion. There is a pent-up demand from the countrys textile manufacturers for the latest advanced technologies that can further their progress in a highly competitive market. We anticipate heightened interest in the Swedish innovations that will be showcased in Shanghai. These are the key reasons we believe ITMA ASIA + CITME will be a big success.

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