Addition and Subtraction within 100

2021-07-03 11:10:28江苏张家港市东渡实验学校钱怡凡
疯狂英语(双语世界) 2021年2期

江苏张家港市东渡实验学校 钱怡凡

I. Read and answer.

1. Which number is smaller, 29 or 92? ( )

2. Which number is bigger, 56 or 58? ( )

3. Which number is smaller, 77 or 87? ( )

II. Arrange the numbers in order.

1. Arrange the numbers in order beginning with 19.

87 61 75 32 19 55 26 44

2. Arrange the numbers in order beginning with 99.

99 34 78 56 22 15 94 47

III. Addition and subtraction.

43 + 5 =

26 + 17 =

97–30 =

48–29 =

34 + 20 =

27 + 36 =

47–3 =

51–45 =

IV. Write “>”, “=” or “<”.

V. Tick the right answer.

1. The number is greater than 29 and less than 35. What’s the number?

2. Which one is greater than 30?

VI. Word problems.

1. There were 37 apples on a table. Mike put 11 more apples on the table. How many apples are there now on the table?

2. There were 49 birds in a tree. 13 of them flew away. How many birds are there left?

3. There are 45 students on a bus. 20 of them are girls. How many students are boys?

4. Lucy had 13 erasers. Now Mike gives Lucy 10 erasers. How many erasers does Lucy now have?

5. There were 87 peaches in a basket. David and his friends ate 23 of them this afternoon. How many peaches are there left?


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