王娟 朱亚男
Abstract:Accurate and reliable train braking prediction models are of great significance to application fields such as train braking control systems and train accurate parking control.Because the train braking process is affected by objective factors such as line conditions,vehicle model parameters,and external weather conditions,it is a complex Nonlinear system,therefore,an immune RBF neural network is used to approximate the braking system model.This article introduces the construction method of the immune RBF network topology,analyzes the train braking process model,establishes the immune RBF network for train stopping,and extracts the actual train operation data for characterization and then trains the network to realize the train braking precise prediction.The actual vehicle data simulation experiment verifies that the trainstop immune RBF network established in this paper has superior performance,and the predicted parking position coincides with the actual value as high as 96.3%,which has great application value.
Key words:artificial immune system;RBF network;train braking
因此,研究列车制动预测模型,对于列车制动控制系统及ATO列车停车控制实现精准停车等方面都意义重大。由于列车制动过程受线路条件、车型自身参数及外界天气环境等客观因素影响,是一个复杂的非线性系统,而神经网络能够映射高维函数,非常适合应用于制动预测领域。神经网络中的径向基函数(RadialBasis Function,RBF)神经网络(RBF网络)是一种典型的局部逼近网络模型[1],能够逼近任意非线性函数。文献[2]作者提出了一种基于免疫机制的RBF网络设计与训练策略,引入人工免疫系统特有的疫苗抽取与接种机理,从而获得了更为优化的网络性能。本文研究列车制动预测模型,并采用列车制动停车前惰性阶段的列车运行数据作为训练数据集,借助免疫RBF网络对列车精准停车模型进行训练,从而实现列车精准停车。