Exploration and Practice on the Construction Mode of Biopharmaceutical Training Base in Application-based Colleges and Universities

2021-05-12 07:46ZhongweiCHENHebinLIYingZENGQihuangLINRuonanHEXuanHONG
Medicinal Plant 2021年2期

Zhongwei CHEN, Hebin LI, Ying ZENG, Qihuang LIN, Ruonan HE, Xuan HONG

Xiamen Medical College, Xiamen 361023, China

Abstract By using the methods of literature analysis, field investigation, exploration and research, experience summary, comparative inductive analysis, etc., through the search of the latest literature and policy materials, production enterprises and domestic application-based undergraduate universities with related majors have been investigated on the spot. By analyzing the failed cases and drawing lessons from the successful experience, this paper explores the transformation and practical construction of the biopharmaceutical training base in application-based colleges and universities. This paper innovates and designs a new construction mode of biopharmaceutical training base in application-based universities, which provides reliable experience and valuable research results for the construction or transformation of biopharmaceutical training base in application-based colleges and universities. It has a very important potential value for promoting the social and economic benefits.

Key words Biopharmaceutical, Training base, Construction mode, Reform and innovation, Exploration and practice

1 Introduction

In recent years, driven by the national policy, application-based colleges and universities have developed rapidly as a new type of undergraduate universities. As a result, compared with traditional research-oriented or teaching-oriented colleges and universities, application-based colleges and universities have adopted transformation, innovation and reform in educational development mode, school-running concept, talent training goal, teaching mode and so on. A lot of excellent experience has been explored and studied, and some good results have been achieved. However, the exploration of the construction mode of the practical training base of the application-based colleges and universities is rarely studied. In the process of transformation, application-based colleges and universities focus on the construction of application-based undergraduate majors, often ignoring the construction of transformation of professional training bases closely related to "application" and "skills", including hardware construction transformation and soft power teaching transformation[1]. The construction of professional training bases in application-based colleges and universities has a very important influence on the training of "application-based" and "skilled" undergraduate talents and practical teaching[2-3].Exploring and practicing a new, effective and sustainable construction mode of professional training base in application-based colleges and universities is an important factor affecting the future development of application-based colleges and universities. It is not only an important index to measure a qualified application-based undergraduate university, but also a very important index for the application-based undergraduate university to improve the teaching quality and achieve the training goal[4-5]. This study is based on the key development of biomedical industry in Xiamen, taking application-based colleges and universities as the starting point and training applied undergraduate talents as the goal. Based on the requirements of conventional biopharmaceutical production process, this paper explores and practices a new effective and sustainable construction model of biopharmaceutical training base in application-based colleges and universities. It provides reliable experience and valuable research results for the construction or transformation of biopharmaceutical training base in application-based colleges and universities, and has a very important potential value for promoting the social and economic benefits.

2 Core concepts and definitions

The application-based colleges and universities are undergraduate colleges and universities that take application as the orientation of running a school, give priority to undergraduate education, and take the cultivation of applied technical and skilled talents (applied talents) as their mission[6].

Biopharmaceutical refers to a kind of products for prevention, treatment and diagnosis made by using the principles and methods of microbiology, chemistry, biochemistry, biotechnology, pharmacy and so on[7]. With the development of biopharmaceutical technology, biological raw materials purposefully made by humans have become the main source of biological pharmaceutical raw materials, which are used to produce biological products that meet specific needs, such as genetic engineering protein drugs.

The practical training base refers to the practical training place used to cultivate students’ theoretical application ability and technology application ability. It is composed of several experimental training rooms, and is used for students to learn practical skills through the combination of work and learning and the combination of production, learning and research[8]. The training base includes the on-campus training base and the off-campus training base. The research of this subject is mainly based on the on-campus training base, including the basic laboratory, the professional training room, the pilot workshop training room in the school factory model, and so on.

The construction mode of biopharmaceutical training base in application-based undergraduate colleges is a construction mode of "school factory" training base based on work-study combination, which focuses on undergraduate education, aims at cultivating high-tech application-oriented talents with biopharmaceutical technical ability, and has the functions of teaching, training, scientific and technological development and production[9].

3 Present situation and value of the same research field at home and abroad

TheDecisionoftheStateCouncilonSpeedinguptheDevelopmentofModernVocationalEducationin 2014[GuoFa(2014) No.19], National 13thFive-Year Plan (2016-2020) andNoticeontheFormulationoftheConstructionPlanofthe13thFive-YearPlanfortheDevelopmentofIndustry-EducationIntegrationProject[FaGaiSheHui (2016) No. 547] issued by the Fifth Plenary Session of the 18thCPC Central Committee all clearly put forward that it is necessary to guide the transformation and development of ordinary undergraduate colleges and universities, and guide a number of ordinary undergraduate colleges and universities to transform into applied technology colleges and universities by means of pilot promotion, demonstration and guidance. In December 2017, Implementation Opinions on Promoting the Development of Biopharmaceutical and Health Industry in XiamenfurthermadeitclearthatbiomedicineandhealthindustryisoneofthekeystrategicemergingindustriesinXiamen.Relevantdatashowthattherearemorethan700productionenterprisesinbiomedicalandhealthindustryinXiamenatpresent.Therapiddevelopmentofbiomedicalindustryisinevitablyaccompaniedbytheurgentdemandforbiopharmaceuticalprofessionals,especiallyappliedskilledtalents.Inordertomeetthedemandoflocaleconomyforprofessionalskilledtalents,wemustvigorouslydevelopthetrainingofbiopharmaceuticalprofessionalsinlocalapplication-basedcollegesanduniversities[10-11].

4 Research methods

4.1 Literature analysisThe purpose of checking the latest literature and policy data, analyzing and comparing the latest achievements in related research fields is to understand the current situation, grasp new trends in time, find deficiencies, seek solutions, innovate ideas and methods, and provide the theoretical basis for exploring and studying.

4.2 Field investigation methodIt is to conduct on-the-spot investigation of production enterprises, go deep into the front line of enterprise production, and study the job requirements and skill requirements for applied talents in each production link. It is to investigate the applied undergraduate universities with relevant majors in China, more truly understand the construction of practical training bases for applied skills-based biopharmaceuticals at the present stage, learn good experience and good reform suggestions, understand the problems, puzzles and deficiencies they face, and collect the most realistic and direct data for exploratory research.

4.3 Exploratory research methodTaking the existing training base of Xiamen Medical College as the object, it explores the transformation and practical construction of biopharmaceutical training base in application-based universities from two aspects of hardware construction and software construction.

4.4 Experience summary methodThrough the above transformation practice construction, it systematizes, and theorizes the experience in the practice exploration and research. It analyzes the experience of failure, takes it as a warning, and sums up the successful experience for other colleges and universities to promote and use for reference.

4.5 Comparative inductive analysisIt summarizes the research results and forms a new effective and sustainable construction model of biopharmaceutical training base in application-based colleges and universities, and provides reliable experience and valuable research results for the construction or transformation of biopharmaceutical professional training base in application-based colleges and universities.

5 Research results

Biopharmaceutical enterprises cover the upstream, middle and downstream technologies of biopharmaceutical technology in the technological process of R & D and production. Taking the production process of genetic engineering protein drugs as an example, the upstream technology is mainly genetic engineering DNA recombination technology, the middle process technology is mainly fermentation engineering technology, and the downstream process technology is mainly separation and purification technology. The upstream, middle and downstream technologies of the biopharmaceutical process complement each other, which jointly promote the development, initial production and final production of genetic engineering protein drugs.

As shown in Fig.1, in accordance with the characteristics of undergraduate education, the construction mode planning of biopharmaceutical training base in application-oriented undergraduate colleges is divided into two parts: professional basic laboratory and productive training workshop. According to the requirements of biopharmaceutical production technology and undergraduate education talent training program, it is necessary to fully tap the use efficiency of the same type of laboratory. The professional basic laboratories are set up as follows: genetic engineering laboratory (molecular biology laboratory), fermentation engineering laboratory (microbiology laboratory), biological reaction engineering laboratory (chemical principle laboratory), biological separation and purification engineering laboratory, protein engineering laboratory (diagnostic technology laboratory), cell engineering laboratory, biopharmaceutical laboratory (analysis and detection laboratory), microbial aseptic operation room, auxiliary laboratory (including microbial culture room, sterilization room, strain preservation room, sample pretreatment room, chemical and waste temporary storage room),etc. The productive training workshop is set up as follows: fermentation room, separation and purification room, pure preparation room, changing room,etc. The professional basic laboratory can be used for the experimental teaching of professional courses, and it can also be connected with the productive training workshop through the channels such as pass box (window) and airlock room, which plays the role of assisting the functional laboratory.

Fig.1 A new construction model of biopharmaceutical training base in application-based colleges and universities

6 Discussion

The application-based colleges and universities are a group of colleges and universities in China, which are different from traditional research universities and traditional educational universities, as well as higher vocational colleges. They are a kind of colleges that meet the needs of modern economic development. Promoting the transformation of ordinary undergraduate colleges and universities to applied technology universities is of great practical and theoretical significance to training high-level and advanced applied talents for China’s social and economic development and promoting the rapid development of higher education in our country[12-13]. The cultivation of applied talents must reflect the characteristics of "the combination of work and learning", enterprises must be introduced into schools and production and education must be combined. It is necessary to introduce the production site of the enterprise into the school, establish a "school factory" productive training base for school-enterprise cooperation, create a real work scene, and establish a training base in line with the production process of the enterprise, to meet the requirements of practical teaching, staff training, vocational skills assessment and appraisal[14]. In the process of transformation, application-based colleges and universities focus on the construction of application-based undergraduate majors, often ignoring the transformation of professional training bases closely related to "application" and "skills"[15-16].Therefore, the construction of practical training bases in application-based universities should be strengthened, which is related to the survival and development of application-based colleges and universities. Biomedical and health industry is one of the key strategic emerging industries in Xiamen. In order to meet the needs of local economic development in Xiamen, we must vigorously develop the training of high-tech talents in biopharmaceutical majors in local application-based colleges and universities[16]. Therefore, it is of great social and economic value to explore and practice a new, effective and sustainable construction model of biopharmaceutical training base in application-based colleges and universities.

This study explores and practices a new type of effective and sustainable construction model of biopharmaceutical training base in application-based colleges and universities. The main innovations are as follows: (i) Idea innovation. The construction of experimental training rooms in traditional undergraduate colleges and universities is basically due to the needs of theoretical teaching. Even in the construction of experimental training rooms by some application-based colleges and universities, they simply take the application-based undergraduate professional talent training program as the starting point, to carry out ineffective construction. One of the innovations of this study is to transfer the starting point of the train of thought to the production front line of production enterprises, start from the needs of the production process, and consider the content of undergraduate education, to explore and study the construction mode of productive training bases in application-based colleges and universities.(ii) Content innovation. The content of this study is a new construction mode of "production line" training base, which embodies the characteristics of "combination of work and learning", introduces enterprises into the school, combines industry and education, and establishes a "school factory" productive training base for school-enterprise cooperation.(iii) Practice innovation. This study will not merely stay in the theoretical aspects of empty talk, and it should also start from the hardware and software construction for practical exploration. The integrated teaching mode of industry-university-research is used to test the construction mode of biopharmaceutical training base in application-based colleges and universities established by this research, in order to ensure the effective and sustainable development of the results. It can basically realize the "five-in-one" of practical training and teaching, that is, the unity of the identity of students and enterprise employees, the unity of training base and production site, the integration of training content and production tasks, the integration of vocational ability training and production activities, the integration of technical skill level evaluation and the quality of production tasks[17].