2021-04-15 03:12:25
浙江社会科学 2021年7期


Do R&D Subsidies Transform the Low-Price Competition of Firms’Export?

Liu Bin,Xin Weitao

(University of International Business and Economics,Beijing 100029)


Abstract:With the intensification of competition in the international market and the prevalence of global trade protectionism,it is urgent to transform the export mode of“low-price competition”.R&D subsidies are not only an industrial policy tool for stimulating innovation,but also an important type of subsidy allowed by WTO subsidy rules.The effects of R&D subsidies,as the“visible hand”,on firms’export has been mainly examined in this paper.The results show that R&D subsidies increase the export prices but reduce the export quantities,with no significant effect on export volume.The quality improvement at the“vertical level”within products and the technical complexity increase at the“horizontal level”among products are the important influencing mechanism of R&D subsidies on firms’export.Further heterogeneity analysis results show that R&D subsidies mainly affect the export of firms in highly competitive and intellectual property-intensive industries.Therefore,full attention to and rational use of R&D subsidies can help firms foster new advantages in export competition.This paper enriched the research on subsidies and trade,and provided a reference for the reform of WTO subsidy rules and the transformation and upgrading of export trade.

Key words:R&D subsidies;firms’export;industrial policy

The Institutional Mechanism and Incentive Effect of Co-investment of Enterprise Managers——Empirical Evidence from Project Co-investment of Listed Real Estate Companies in China

Yu Xiaofen,Hua Yukun

(School of Management,Zhejiang University of Technology,Hangzhou 310023)


Abstract:The effective incentive of managers is a hot issue in the long-term study of economics.This paper analyzes the mechanism of the manager’s internal co-investment institution in China’s corporate governance arose in recent years,and finds that compared with the traditional incentive institutions such as the stock option or the profit sharing based on the human capital to obtain the residual claim,the co-investment institution helps to overcome the contractual defects of the unequal income and risk.Its mechanism lies in that the managers invest material capital in advance as“mortgage”to undertake the operation risk,which can enhance the managers’organizational commitment and loss aversion,drive the managers to achieve the dual governance goals of self-motivation and self-restraint,and thus reduce the explicit and implicit agency costs.Based on the empirical test of project co-investment of listed real estate companies in China,it is found that the internal co-investment institution can reduce the explicit agency cost,improve the business performance and inhibit the opportunistic behavior of excessive risk-taking,but the incentive effect is generally dynamic marginal decreasing and tends to short-term incentive goals.The enlightenment is that it is an important way to innovate the property right incentive institution of human capital in modern enterprises that the way of managers to get residual claim is changed from purely based on human capital into the one of managers add material capital in advance at the same time and thus form a compound incentive contract arrangement,but the long-term incentive goal is inseparable from the continuous institution supply.

Key words:residual claim rights;co-investment;human capital;property right incentive;agency cost

Legal Regulation on the Risk of False Basic Transaction in Factoring——On the Basis of Article 763 of the Civil Code

He Yinglai

(China Foreign Affairs University,Beijing 100037)


Abstract:The main reason for the frequent occurrence of factoring disputes is that creditors and debtors make up accounts receivable to defraud for factoring.Article 763 of the Civil Code limits the debtor who fabricated accounts receivable to defense on the ground of that the accounts receivable do not exist.The rule is based on the principle of no defense,and supplemented by the exception of“the factor knows”,while assigning the burden of proof to the debtor who raises the defense.It is successful to prevent the occurrence of credit risk with lower social cost.Therefore,it is a measure in line with cost-benefit theory.However,the proviso improperly expands the scope of protection for the reliance interest of bona fide third parties.In the context of the same code,the standard of power appearance responsibility should not be multiple.In terms of legal interpretation,it is advisable to fill in the loopholes in the exception of“the factor knows”,which should be interpreted as“the factor knows or should know”in accordance with the legal principle and the mainstream view of referee,so as to effectively resolve the conflict of system interpretation.

Key words:factoring;fictitious accounts receivable;debtor’s defense;bona fide third party;reliance interest;responsibility for appearance of right

Is Illegal Construction Entitled to Real Right in Customary Law?

Wu Congzhou

(Law School,Taiwan University,Taiwan 106319)


Abstract:In the legal precedents of Chinese Taiwan,buyers of illegal constructions are entitled to the“de facto right of disposition”.However,a recent judgement changed such attitude and almost confirmed its nature as“real right in customary law”,which deserves to delve deeper.The de facto right of disposition constitutes incomplete ownership functions,which specifically does not incorporate contents of the de jure right of disposition and the right to claim for the return of property.Given that the“Construction Law”of Chinese Taiwan does not protect the proprietary right on an illegal construction and laws can also set restrictions on a property right,the property right of an illegal construction shall not be accepted by the civil law,and its corresponding legal protection shall be weaken based on its illegal nature.Meanwhile,the return of possession and the return of possessory interest are theoretically distinguished as unjustified enrichment in payment type and unjustified enrichment in non-payment type.To sum up,when requesting the return of possession,the buyer of an illegal construction does not have the right to claim for return,the right to claim damages of property right or the right to claim for return of unjustified enrichment,and he is merely entitled to conduct remedies based on infringement of possession.

Key words:illegal construction;de facto right of disposition;real right in customary law;unjustified enrichment

On the Purpose of Action in the Risk Society

Zhang Kangzhi

(School of Public Administration,Zhejiang Gongshang University,Hangzhou 310018)


Abstract:Under the condition of low complexity and low uncertainty in the industrial society,there is a dialectical relationship between action objective and purpose.Generally speaking,action objectives are the concretization of a purpose.A purpose can be reflected by multiple objectives,while the realization of multiple objectives means approaching the purpose.The purpose is contained in the multiple objectives,and also exists in the process of action towards the objectives.The action objectives must be reasonable in the sense of scientific rationality and technical rationality.Organizations are actors,and all objectives with social attributes are achieved through organizational action.The basic organizational form of industrial society is bureaucratic organization,while in the risk society with its high complexity and high uncertainty,the appropriate actor is cooperative organization.Bureaucratic organizations always act on the basis of objectives.Except for the leaders of the organizations,few people pay attention to the purposes of the organizations.Different from the bureaucratic organization,the high complexity and high uncertainty of the basic condition of action means that the cooperative organization cannot set objectives for itself,rather it always carries out the purpose of human symbiosis and co-existence,and undertakes tasks and conducts action directly for this purpose.

Key words:risk society;action;purposiveness;rationality;cooperative action

Research on the Influencing Factors of China’s Urban-Rural Income Gap from the Perspective of Income Structure

Fang Yi1,Wei Jian2

(1.Business School,Jilin University,Changchun 130001;2.Guizhou University of Finance and Economics,Guiyang 550001)


Abstract:The income gap between urban and rural areas is an urgent social problem in the new period after China gets rid of absolute poverty,and the income structure of rural residents has a significant impact on the income gap between urban and rural areas.The author selected CFPS data and used quantile regression method to systematically analyze the current situation and causes of urban-rural income gap in rural areas of China.It is found that the wage income,operating income,property income and transfer income of rural residents have different impacts on the income gap between urban and rural areas under different quantile conditions,and operating income is still the most important source of income for rural residents.After 2014,the role of wage income and property income in curbing the income gap between urban and rural areas has become increasingly prominent.Transfer income improved after 2016.Based on this,the author puts forward relevant policy suggestions.

Key words:income gap;inequality of income;income structure;quantile regression

Basic Equality and Limited Difference:Theoretical Logic and Simulation Assessment of Endogenous Fairness in Endowment Insurance

Zhong Chao

(School of Government,Nanjing University,Nanjing 210023)


Abstract:Equity is a controversial long-term core issue in the key redistributive field--endowment insurance.And endogenous equity is an essential issue which has been neglected for a long time in the research of endowment insurance equity in China.From the perspective of evolution and development of distributive equity theory,the eclectic view of equity oriented by“basic equality-limited difference”is surpassing the liberal view of equity oriented by“starting equality and process equality”and the egalitarian view of equity oriented by“result equality”,becoming a shared value of equity.In the field of endowment insurance,the endogenous equity logic combining“basic equality”and“limited difference”has gradually become an international consensus.Based on the simulation assessment,this paper finds that there is a serious lack of endogenous equity in the basic endowment insurance of Chinese enterprise employees,among which the“basic equality”of basic pension is extremely insufficient and the“limited difference”of individual account pension is relatively insufficient.This leads to a huge gap in endowment insurance benefits among employees with different income levels,wage growth rates and payment years.At its root,the current system distorts and dissimilates the equity value.At the crucial point of promoting the national pooling of endowment insurance and building a moderately prosperous society in all respects,it is extremely realistic and urgent to enhance the endogenous equity of endowment insurance.

Key words:endowment insurance;redistribution of income;equity;equality;difference

The Phenomenology of Person and“the Synthetical Principle A Priori”

Ni Liangkang

(Department of Philosophy,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310058)


Abstract:Husserl once mentioned“the synthetical principle a priori”,and some of his disciples also understood phenomenological methods as“the synthetical principle a priori”in a certain sense.On this account,the transcendental clue of development from Descartes—Kant—Fichte to Husserl and his followers contains a descriptive vein of methodology of“the synthetical principle a priori”.“Apriori-aposteriori”and“form-material”are not two pairs of overlapping concepts.The“a priori”and“synthetical”of the phenomenology of consciousness can be given the broad senses as follows:“a priori”means some potential capacity that consciousness originally owns;“synthetical”refers to a synthetic act converting the various sense data or experiential phenomena into some individual correlate of consciousness or the correlate of consciousness as a whole.A priori is a latent capability whereas synthetic is a real act.They correspond to the phenomenology of capability and that of act respectively.The phenomenologists of consciousness need this“the synthetical principle a priori”to reply and deal with Husserl’s remark of“all the widths and depths of phenomenological philosophy,all its complexity”.

Key words:a priori posteriori;form-matter;the phenomenology of potentiality;the phenomenology of act

On the Dialectic Meaning of Copula“is”in Judgment:From the Perspective of the Unity of Dialectics,Epistemology and Logic

Zhang Dongfeng

(Zhejiang Academy of Social Sciences,Hangzhou 310007)


Abstract:In the basic form of judgment“S is P”,copula“is”is the core of judgment,but it is also the most difficult to understand.Different logicians have different interpretations of“is”,and different opinions are unanimous on“is”.On the one hand,this paper studies the meaning of the copula“is”in judgment from the perspective of the unity of dialectics,epistemology and logic.Standing on the height of Marxist epistemology and materialist dialectics,it goes beyond the logic paradigm and broadens the truth meaning of“is”.On the other hand,from the standpoint of Marxist theory of reflection and practice,this paper criticizes the one-sided and narrow understanding of copula“is”by Hegel’s logicalism,logical empiricism and logical Transcendentalism,and demonstrates the essence of judgment and the dialectical meaning of its copula“is”.The development from the law of contradiction to the theory of contradiction of Marxism has objective inevitability,and the contradiction of Marxism is the fundamental law that governs the whole real world and social life.

Key words:judgment;copula“is”;dialectics;Hegel;law of contradiction;theory of contradiction

Restoring the Legitimacy of Anthropocentrism——Scruton’s Animal Ethics and Its Comment

Ding Yichao

(Institute of Philosophy,Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences,Shanghai 200235)


Abstract:Since Richard Ryder coined the term speciesism,anti-speciesism has been the ideological foundation of the contemporary animal protection movement.Scruton argues that anti-speciesism shares a similar logic with left-wing liberalism.Neither utilitarianism nor deontology can reverse the fundamental flaws of anti-speciesism.In order to curb unrestricted personal interests in the age of computational reason,Scruton attempts to restore the legitimacy of anthropocentrism and construct a conservative-friendly view of animal ethics.

Key words:Scruton;speciesism;piety;animals

Research on Wang Yangming’s Teaching Facts in Wenming Academy——An Analysis Centered on A Series of Letters by Xi Shu to Wang Yangming

Liu Hengwu1,Chen Mingyang2

(1.Faculty of Humanities and Communication,Ningbo University,Ningbo 315211;2.College of Marxism,Shanghai University of Finance and Economics,Shanghai 200433)


Abstract:The period of teaching in Guiyang is very important in the formation process of Wang Yangming’s philosophical system.However,the related historical records about Wang Yangming’s activities in Wenming academy in Guiyang are too deficient to make clear the detailed facts.Yuan Shan Anthology(《元山文选》)written by Xi Shu(席书)who had ever been the official in charge of Guiyang’s education.Yuan Shan Anthology contains five letters and one article written by Xi Shu for Wang Yangming.These letters and document cover the historical details of Wang Yangming’s teaching in Wenming Academy of Guiyang,and show:During some period between the summer of 1508 and April of 1509,Wang Yangming was invited by Mao Ke to give lectures in Wenming Academy of Guiyang.From leap September in 1509 to December in 1509,Wang Yangming accepted the invitation by Xi Shu to teach in Wenming Academy for the second time.Wenming Academy is the main platform for Xi Shu and Wang Yangming to know each other.During this period,the two scholars both hold similar attitude toward the imperial examination and identical views on the purpose of Spring and Autumn Annals.Besides,they exchanged their ideas on Lu Jiuyuan’s philosophy and the theory of the unity of knowledge and action.

Key words:Wang Yangming;Wenming Academy;Xi Shu;letters

Two Ways in Which New Vocabulary Entered Old-style Poetry in Recent History and the Transition of Its Writing Modes

Zhou Mingchu,Xie Wentao

(School of Humanities,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310058)


Abstract:New vocabulary entered Chinese Old-style Poetry in recent history can be divided into two kinds.One is“New Name Vocabulary”which refers to concrete things and the other is“New Concept Vocabulary”which refers to abstract knowledge.“New Name Vocabulary”was successively used as the theme of common poems like folk songs,the unit to build a poem by progressive poets and the background of a poem by conservative poets.“New Concept Vocabulary”was successively used in the poems by minor poets who could be informed with relevant knowledge and in the common poems in order to spread relevant knowledge.These two different ways is decided by vocabulary’s properties,the feature of different kinds of poem,the cognition and attitude of authors.The fact that these two kinds of vocabulary entered Chinese Old-style Poetry made Chinese Old-style Poetry in recent history unique,and it also impacted on New-style Poetry and other forms of art.

Key words:new vocabulary;poems in recent history;writing modes

The Discovery of Locality and Its Significance in the History of Novels——The Historical Observation and Logic of Reality on Contemporary Local Chronicle Novels

Zhou Baoxin,Jing Yaping

(School of Humanities and Communication,Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics,Hangzhou 310018)


Abstract:As the combination of history and geography,local chronicles have a narrative homology with novels.In the tradition of Chinese novels,many similarities are found between local chronicles and novels,including the exchanging identities of chroniclers and novelists.In the field of Chinese contemporary novels,the discovery of locality and the large introduction of local chronicles into novels are the result of re-balancing the narratives of country/locality and national history/local history in the historical structure of Chinese novels.The historical significance of locality and local chronicles introduced in novels is great.In contemporary novels,it has resulted in a transition of focusing on the small and storytelling from a minute perspective and reconstruction of diversity in geography,history,aesthetics and language of China.

Key words:local chronicles;contemporary novels;historical observation;logic of reality

The Dispute of Jizhong(汲冢)and the Debate about the Authenticity of the Lost Bamboo Slips

Zhou Shucan

(School of Society,Soochow University,Suzhou 215123)


Abstract:Since the unearthed bamboo books such as“The Bamboo Annals”and“The Biography of the Mu Emperor”,they have long been highly valued by academia.So far,however,there are still many unsolvable mysteries on several key issues such as the date of the excavation of the Jizhong(汲冢)books,the owner of the Jizhong(汲冢)tomb and its location.In the absence of materials,complete information and sufficient evidence,it is too absolute and arbitrary to determine the date of Jizhong(汲冢)as a late Warring States tomb,and to discuss the date of Jizhong(汲冢)books,including“The Biography of the Mu Emperor”and“The Bamboo Annals”.Since the 1990s,a large number of lost bamboo slips of unknown origin and unclear background have been sorted out and published one after another.The sorting and publication of various lost bamboo slips provided a wealth of new materials for the study of Chinese classical studies.At the same time,it caused questions about the authenticity of the lost bamboo slips,such as Shanghai Museum bamboo slips,Zhejiang University bamboo slips,Tsinghua bamboo slips,and Peking University bamboo slips,as well as several replies and counterattacks.From the perspective of academic history,the above debates are basically carried out on the academic level,but the nature of the debates is quite complicated and it is worth further thinking.

Key words:Jizhong(汲冢);Tomb owner;location;“The Biography of the Mu Emperor”;the lost bam boo slips

Analysis on the Reform of Faculty Evaluation System in Universities’Construction in the New Era

Lv Lijiang,Wu Jian

(Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310058)


Abstract:The development of faculty team is the key to the“double first-class”construction,and a scientific evaluation system is vital to motivate faculty to engage in creative academic activities.Guided by quality and contribution is the basic trend of faculty evaluation in world-class universities and domestic top universities.And it is also an important subject for the implementation of the“Overall Plan for Deepening the Reform of Educational Evaluation in the New Era”.With the development of over 20 years,the evaluation of faculty in domestic universities has gone through a gradual evolution from quantified performance,classified assessment,focusing on quality to the establishment of a diverse evaluation system,which has strongly supported the construction of a world-class universities.Combined with domestic top universities’reform practice,this article explores the basic trends and implementation priorities of university faculty evaluation reforms,and proposes improvement ideas.

Key words:university faculty;world-class universities;evaluation system

When It Comes to Reading,What Books to Read?

Lu Dunji

(Zhejiang Academy of Social Sciences,Hangzhou 310007)


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