2021-04-15 01:58
浙江社会科学 2021年6期


The Practical Way and Trend Prospect of the Centennial Process of Marxism Sinicization

Liu Tongfang

(School of Marxism,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310058)


Abstract:The combination of Marxism and the practice of Chinese revolution,construction and reform has shaped the centennial process of the sinicization of Marxism,and the integration of theory and practice has constituted the basic rational path of the sinicization of Marxism.The early revolutionary movement of China promoted the spread of Marxism in China and highlighted the ideological leading significance of Marxism in the Chinese revolution.The Chinese communist movement,whose mission is to save the nation from subjugation,has become the driving force of the sinicization of Marxism and opened the journey of the sinicization of Marxism with both theoretical and practical implications.Along with this journey,the CPC has a clearer understanding of the relationship between the historical task and the realistic goal of the sinicization of Marxism.The communist party of China based on their own practice,in the global field of vision,taking the international communist movement as the external driving force of Marxism,grasping dialectically the overall situation of the international communist movement and practice effect,expands the problem domain and theory of the form and development to the sinicization of Marxism.The sinicization of Marxism promoted by the leadership of the Communist Party of China is unique in its inherent and overall significance of historical practice.Facing the great changes that have not been seen in a century,we should define the development theme of the new era with a high degree of historical consciousness,promote the in-depth development of theoretical innovation and practical creation of the sinicization of Marxism in the new era,and contribute wisdom to the contemporary development of Marxism and the construction of new forms of world civilization.

Key words:Marxism;sinicization;centennial process;practical way;prospect

Several Basic Issues of“Localization of Marxism in China”——Pondering based on the 100-year History of the Chinese Communist Party

Chen Peiyong

(School of Marxism,Peking University,Beijing 100871)


Abstract:Choosing Marxism is a historical choice in China,not the choice of a specific historical time point,but the choice of historical inevitability.It is a destined choice from a dependent country dominated by capital logic to a country actively pursuing socialist modernization,and the accidental subject choice of advanced intellectuals presents the inevitability of history in the subsequent historical stage.“Localization of Marxism in China”cannot be proposed through pure textual research or theoretical logical deduction.It is essentially opposed to dogmatism,which has a dogmatic understanding of Marxism,and empiricism,which attaches too much importance to experience and fails to see the value of ideas and theories.It contains the scientific methodology of treating Marxism scientifically.“Localization of Marxism in China”is the unity of Marxism and China,the unity of process and result,and the unity of“Localization of Marxism in China”and“Marxism with Chinese Characteristics”.The epoch will open up new realms of thoughts and entrust originality to thoughts.Marxism must continue to open up new realms,to make original contributions in order to guide the progress and development of society.The main thread that should be grasped in the research and propaganda of the Localization of Marxism in China is:appreciating the wisdom of Chinese Communists in governing the country and understanding the power of Marxism with Chinese Characteristics.The academic purport which should be adhered to is:facing China’s real dilemmas,making academic responses,advancing the development of ideas,and boosting the progress of practice.

Key words:localization of Marxism in China;Marxism;the Communist Party of China;Marxism with Chinese Characteristics

The Centenary Exploration,Practice and Original Contribution of the Communist Party of China to the Beautiful Social System

Li Baogeng,Lu Minmin

(College of Marxism Studies,Ningbo University,Ningbo 315211)


Abstract:A better social system has been the unremitting exploration of the Chinese nation over the past thousand years.The classical Marxist writers pointed out the lofty ideal of realizing communism,a beautiful social system of human beings.The history of the continuous struggle of the Communist Party of China(CPC)since its founding is a grand epic of exploration and realization for mankind’s vision of a beautiful society through institution construction.Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China,we have established,developed and improved fundamental and important systems in the course of long-term practice and exploration,thus forming the system of socialism with Chinese characteristics.The successful practice of the Chinese system has further confirmed the possibility of crossing the“Kafudine Gorge”,enriched and developed socialism in theory and practice,ushered in a bright prospect for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation,and provided original Chinese wisdom and Chinese solutions for global governance and a better future for mankind.

Key words:a better society;social system;The Communist Party of China;original contribution

Research on the Way of Industrial Policy Curbing Manufacturing Enterprises“Shifting from Real to Virtual”

Han Chao,Yan Mingzhe

(Center for Industrial and Business Organization,Dongbei University of Finance and Economics,Dalian 116025)


Abstract:Maintaining a stable proportion of the manufacturing industry is an important foundation for the future high-quality economic development of China,while the signs of“shifting from real to virtual”in the manufacturing industry need to be curbed in time.There is still no clear answer to restrain manufacturing companies from“shifting from real to virtual”,especially how the government intervention can guide manufacturing companies to concentrate on their main business.Relying on the listed manufacturing companies,this article explores the possible inhibitory effects and their influence paths of the key industrial policies identified in the Five-Year Plan financialization of manufacturing enterprises.The study finds that the key industrial policy has significantly inhibited the financialization trend of manufacturing companies.This conclusion is still valid under a series of robustness tests.Further analysis finds that restraining effects of the key industrial policies on the financialization of manufacturing companies are more significant for non-stateowned companies,higher financing constraints companies and lower government financial resources companies.This paper finds that the key industrial policies inhibit the financialization of manufacturing companies through loan support and tax relief,we further infer that the main motivation for the financialization of Chinese manufacturing companies comes from preventive savings.This study provides empirical evidence for the government to further restrain corporate financialization with industrial policy guidance.

Key words:industrial policies;manufacturing company;corporate financialization;shifting from real to virtual

The Impacts of Industrial Robots on Factor Income Distribution

Zhou Minghai1,Zheng Tianxiang2,Wang Qiushi3

(1.School of Economics,University of Nottingham Ningbo China,Ningbo 315100;2.London School of Economics and Political Science,London WC2A 2AE;3.China Academy of Information and Communication Technology,Beijing 100191)


Abstracts:Using provincial panel data on China’s industrial sector,this paper examines the impacts of industrial robots on factor income distribution.We find that application of industrial robots significantly lowers the distributional shares of labor factor in the industrial sector in China.By decomposing components of labor’s share of income,the paper further analyzes the impacts of industrial robot on factor income distribution.The negative impacts of the technology on the changes of labor’s share of income are mainly through employment substitution effects and mildly through wage promotion effects,but not through the effects of efficiency gains.Both direct impacts and channel analyses support the short-run success of the“replacement of workers with robots”incentive policy.Whether the application of industrial robots is biased towards capital and imposes negative impacts on factor income distribution through wage channel remain to be verified in the long run.

Key words:industrial robots;factor income distribution;labor’s share of income;replacement of workers with robots;policy evaluation

Reconceptualizing the Autonomy of Law

Yu Xingzhong

(Anthony W.and Lulu C.Wang Professor in Chinese Law,Cornell University Law School)


Abstract:The autonomy of law is a significant issue in legal studies and an essential theoretical pillar upon which the modern legal system is built.Traditional legal theories have discussed the autonomy of law to varying degrees.However,critical jurisprudence and postmodern jurisprudence have been skeptical of the autonomy of law.The interaction between intelligent technology and law offers the possibility for further consideration of traditional legal thinking and legal issues.Rethinking the autonomy of law in a new context facilitates a deeper understanding and anticipation of the function and role of law as a social phenomenon after it incorporates technological content.Such an understanding will help deal with emerging legal relations and problems,with science in law and law in science.Concepts and practices such as intelligent networks,blockchain,smart contracts,data spaces,algorithms,etc.,are to a certain extent characterized by autonomy.The laws that regulate them are,to some extent,also autonomous.If the autonomy of law in the absolute sense is only an ideal or even a myth,then the autonomy of law in the relative sense is not unattainable and cannot be ignored.

Key words:autonomy of law;intelligent technology;relative autonomy;data space;systemic jurisprudence;code as law

The Autonomy of Law and Its Methodological Function

Chen Jinzhao

(East China University of Political Science and Law,Shanghai 201620)


Abstract:The autonomy of law is the classical problem of jurisprudence.However,in the nearly one hundred years of western jurisprudence,this concept has been criticized and dispelled by Anti-foundationalism jurisprudence,and then lost its function as a concept of thinking with rule of law in the discourse system.Due to China’s lack of systematic research on the basic propositions of the establishment and realization of the rule of law,this has led to the autonomy of law being submerged in many relational speculations.The autonomy of law is a concept fictionalized by jurists,which refers to the ideology of the rule of law that human or fictional subjects need to uphold when competing with factors such as law and context in the process of thinking and making decisions.Its core is to advocate the autonomy of legal decision-making.Both the construction of the way for thinking with rule of law,and the function of the discourse of rule of law and the legal methodology require the concept of the autonomy of law.

Key words:autonomy of law;discourse of rule of law;logic of rule of law;legal method;legal interpretation

Defending the Autonomy of Law:Context,Meaning and Paradox

Zhang Wenlong

(East China University of Political Science and Law,Shanghai 201620)


Abstract:The modernity of law and its idea of the rule of law demand to defend the autonomy of law.In the context of Chinese jurisprudence,the autonomy of law is like the riddle of the Sphinx.For the question on what the rule of law is,there have been three major debates in the field of Chinese jurisprudence.They are the debate between legal transplantation theory and local resources theory,judicial professionalism and judicial popularism,and the doctrine of law and social sciences of law.The autonomy of law is discussed in these three debates at different levels,i.e.,the legal rule level,the administration of justice level and the legal argumentation level.However,these debates have repeatedly concealed the question on the autonomy of law.From the perspective of systems theory of law,the autonomy of law is premised on the differentiation of the legal system,which includes three dimensions,i.e.,the temporal dimension,the social dimension,and the material dimension.The temporal dimension refers to the closedness of legal operation.The social dimension refers to the reflexivity of the institution of law.The material dimension refers to the identity of the legal system.Therefore,the autonomy of law is based on the closedness of legal operation,the reflexivity of the institution of law and the identity of the legal system.Swinging between myth and reality,the problem of the autonomy of law become a paradox.In this regard,the systems theory of law puts forward the distinction between self-description and external-description,and this distinction is regarded as the condition to unfold the paradox of the autonomy of law.Based on this distinction,the description of the autonomy of law by legal theory belongs to the self-description of the legal system.Therefore,regarding the paradox of the autonomy of law,legal theory must undertake the task of deparadoxization.At the meanwhile,this task reveals that the function of legal theory is to reflect on and defend the autonomy of law.

Key words:autonomy of law;modernity of law;riddle of rule of law;legal paradox;systems theory of law

Between Security and Independence:Dependence and Protection in Modern Society——A Perspective of Observing Social Policy

Wang Xiaozhang

(School of Public Administration,Hangzhou Normal University,Hangzhou 311121)


Abstract:No individual can achieve and maintain a normal life only by himself.In any society,individuals are fundamentally“dependent”.If an individual loses all the protective forces he can rely on when necessary,he will not be safe.Once he has no choice but to rely on a certain protective force,he will lose his independence.Marx’s analysis reveals that after the traditional individual’s personal attachment to the small community comes to an end,the workers’safety and freedom(independence)are both destroyed under the proletarian’s unilateral dependence on capital and capitalists caused by the separation of producers and means of production.Modern social policies,as a kind of protection from the state,given individuals(especially the working class)a certain degree of security.However,the so-called“cradle to grave”welfare state system become a“nanny state”,in which Tocqueville’s worries have largely come true:A state that concentrates all social affairs on itself will make individual citizens fully dependent on itself and lose their independence.Since the end of the 1980s,voluntary associations have become a“panacea”in the eyes of many people to cure the defects of the market and the disadvantages of the state(government),and to combine the safety and independence of individuals.But in fact,the strength of voluntary associations is not enough to meet this expectation.On the premise of ensuring the basic security of citizens,modern social policies should promote citizens’right of choice through multiple welfare and service arrangements,and the cultivation and maintenance of multiple social actors.

Key words:dependence;protection;social policy;choice

From Revolution to Reform:“The Governance of Rural Elite”and Its Action Ethics in the Change of Political Discourse——Interpretation Based on“Validity-Legitimacy”Analysis Framework

Jiang Fangbing

(Party School of CPC of Hangzhou Municipal Committee,Hangzhou 310024)


Abstract:In 1929,Liang Shuming made an analogy of“iron hook”and“tofu”,which vividly described the dilemma that the National Government at that time forcefully embedded itself in the countryside and fell into the involution of governance.It provided us with a lot of space for thinking and imagination to explore the problem of“how the rural society can be effectively governed under a unified system”.Based on this,this paper constructs four ideal classification schemes of“the governance of rural elite(gentry)”under the analytical framework of“validity and legality”.That is,the good governance(high legality-high validity),the formalization(high legality-low validity),the disorder(low legality-low validity),and the gray blackness(low legality-high validity)of the governance of rural elite(gentry).According to this classification scheme,in the historical change of political discourse from“revolution”to“reform”,an in-depth study of the action ethics and evolution of“the governance of rural elite”can obtain a sense of the regularity of rural governance:the key to effective governance of rural society does not lie in the existence of nominal“rural elites”,but in the formation of an effective interest communication and balance mechanism between state power and rural society.This also means that in the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy,attention should be paid to reconstructing the“middle layer”between the state and the rural society,especially to the modern transformation of the rural strength,and actively cultivate the social forces such as“new rural elite”,so as to give play to their unique and important role of resource link,communication and coordination.

Key words:political discourse;the governance of rural elite;validity;legitimacy;action ethics

From Embedding,Drifting,to Integration:on the Process of Migrant Workers Urban Integration

Li Hong

(Ningbo University of Finance & Economics,Ningbo 315175)


Abstract:The urban integration of migrant workers involves the social reform with the largest population,the widest scope,the most profound influence and the most diversified forms.It is closely linked with economic development,industrialization and urbanization in China’s rural areas,and with the reformulation of social policies.This paper,with the social development period and the time of the formulation of major policies as the standards for classification,takes migrant workers’employment,citizen treatment,identity shift,cultural assimilation,and group harmony as factors to analyze the content,features,and evolution of migrant workers’urbanization,which is divided into three development stages:“embedding”,“drifting”and“integration”.In addition,the author probes into the motives,intentions,and individual choice in migrant workers’urban integratation,thus helping the government and the society have a clear and thorough understanding of the specialty,complexity,and difficulty of urban integration.This study sheds some light on promoting new-type urbanization and citizenization for migrant workers.

Key words:migrant workers;employment in cities;urban integrate into;citizenization

Arts Return to Life——from Nietzsche,Rudolf Steiner to Joseph Beuys

Wang Jun

(Department of Philosophy,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310058)


Abstract:Nietzsche’s artistic ideas have had a huge impact on contemporary art.Joseph Beuys is one of the contemporary artists who have been deeply influenced by Nietzsche.However Beuys’acceptance of Nietzsche was largely not direct,but was achieved through the intermediary of Rudolf Steiner and his anthroposophical thoughts.Therefore,from Nietzsche,through Steiner,to Beuys constitutes a development route from modern philosophy to modern arts.This is a path for arts to return to life and to prompt humans to rethink and recognize themselves.Steiner saw the importance of human being and life in Nietzsche’s thought,which contributed to his transformation from theosophy to anthroposophy.The free man and his life,instinct and nature became the core of his thought.These ideas were applied to artistic creations of Beuys.The free will and self-molding of human being became an important theme of his artistic creations.“Everyone is an artist”clarified the natural creativity of the individual life.

Key words:Nietzsche;Rudolf Steiner;Joseph Beuys;anthroposophy;modern arts

Quantitative Analysis:Research Methodology of Linguistic Philosophy in the Background of Big Data

Chen Wei

(School of Humanities & Communication,Zhejiang Gongshang University,Hangzhou 310018)


Abstract:In the era of big data,the research methods of humanities and social sciences have changed from qualitative research to quantitative research in some fields driven by data,it also in linguistic philosophy research.The reason why the quantitative analysis method is getting more and more attention is that it can adapt to the needs of big data and cloud computing,which can improve the accuracy and ensure the accuracy and reliability of the processing results.Quantitative analysis methods in linguistic philosophy mainly include methods based on model technology(computer simulation,mathematical models)and data-driven methods(experimental philosophy,corpus).These methods make a difference in the research object of linguistic philosophy,and it also provides new paradigms in the research of humanities and social sciences,and reconstructs related research practices.In the context of the era of big data,data has become a scientific language that is more accurate,convenient,operable,and computable than natural languages.The study of linguistic philosophy will also undergo a data-based transformation.

Key words:quantitative analysis;big data;linguistic philosophy;methodology;corpus

The Division,Combination and Implication of Moral Existence and Destiny——Centered on Zhu Xi and Yang Ming’s Interpretation of the First Chapter of Mencius

Gao Ruijie1,Guo Meihua2

(1.Department of Philosophy,Shanghai Normal University,Shanghai 200234;2.School of Humanities,Shanghai University of Finance and Economics,Shanghai 200433)


Abstract:Since Confucius and Mencius,there has always been a tension between moral subjectivity and destiny,which has affected the interpretation of this issue by later Confucians.In the interpretation of the first chapter of“Mencius:Full of Hearts”,Zhu Xi takes the presupposition of universal principles as the foundation;based on the entry of“Da Xue”and from a cognitive perspective,he presents a universal diachronic process from knowledge to action in order to highlight the absolute priority of universal nature for real existence.While Yangming regards the three sentences in this chapter as one of the three grades as the approach to learning;combined with the idea of knowing safety,learning to know profit and to act and understanding which are from“The Analects of Confucius”and“The Doctrine of the Mean”,he interprets this chapter as the synchronic difference between the subject’s realistic survival activities and its realm,which overcomes the pure cognitivism approach.However,Yangming still presupposes universal mandatory reason as the innate essence of subjective conscience,which also obliterates the true moral existence.In fact,it is the only way to show the meaning of human existence:revealing the true implication of moral existentialism,drawing a line between destiny and moral existence,and finding the essence of man on his living activities and development.

Key words:moral existence;destiny;Mencius;Zhuzi;Yangming

From Symbol to Empathy——the Geneological Study of the Empathic Aesthetics

Su Hongbin,Yu Shengjie

(Department of Chinese,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310058)


Abstract:Empathic aesthetics is a very important western aesthetic school,but exactly how the school came into being is still a mystery in aesthetic research.This paper argues that the theoretical source of empathetic aesthetics is Romantic poetics,which regards artistic works as the expression of artists’emotions,and thus faces the problem of how to connect objection with subjective emotions.The German Romantic poetics asserts that art is a symbol of nature,and nature is a product of the spirit,which finds a connection between objects and emotions.This claim was the basis for Friedrich Vischer’s resolution of the controversy between“formalism”and“idealism”in the middle of the 19th century.He believed that art is to express ideas in a symbolic way used by form,and the symbol is generated by the“life transferring”from spirit to matter.His son,Robert Vischer,further explained this“life transferring”as“self-projection”,in which the subject projects the self into the object through imagination so that the object becomes an expression of the self and its feelings.From this,he coined the term“Einfühlung”to explain the“internal feelings”produced by selfprojection.The term was then interpreted as“empathy”,thus laying the groundwork for the Empathic Aesthetics.

Key words:symbol;life transferring;empathy

Stress on Grammar and Great Emancipation of Poetry——on the Syntactic Dimension of Hu Shi’s Poetry Reform

Zhao Liming

(Foshan University,Foshan 528000)


Abstract:Stress on grammar is one of the eight things of Hu Shi’s literary reform.In A Humble Opinion on Literary Reform,Hu Shi explained other meanings in detail,only mentioned this lightly,leaving a lot of doubts.However,based on the reality,Hu Shi’s activities of great emancipation of poetic styles have been in line with Chinese grammar,and the transformation of poetry from a grammatical perspective is another red line of his literary reform:sublation of Song poetry syntax,absorption of its speech,composition factors;negation of the five-seven-character sentence,affirmation of the natural grammar of words;breaking down the barriers between poetry and prose,restoring natural word order;abolishing the level and oblique tones and antithesis,removing the last barrier of classical poetry,and so on.Based on the historical reality of the evolution of Chinese poetic language and the advocacy of the natural grammar of poetry language,the literary revolutionary strategy proposed by Hu Shi is undoubtedly a pioneering strategy,but it also left a lot of stylistic confusion and artistic problems for future generations——how to realize poetic in the form of prose is still a mystery to be solved.

Key words:Hu Shi;grammar;syntax;poetic emancipation

A Study on the Xuyi Goup’s Ethnicity:Also on the Possibility Concerning the King of Yan’s Clansmen to Japan

Li Guodong

(East Asia Research Institute,Zhejiang Gongshang University,Hangzhou 310018)


Abstract:Generally speaking,Dongyi Group can be divided into three stages:Fuxi(Taihao),Shaohao and Chiyou.Judging from the means of livelihood,both Fuxi(Taihao)and Shaohao belong to millet farming stage,while Chiyou belongs to rice farming stage.There is a“Yu”sound evidence chain among Chiyou Jiuli Group,Gaoyao Huaiyi Group and Ruomu Xuyi Group,originated from the Chiyou’s real name“yu”in the Hmong expression.This evidence chain shows that the three groups are in the same line,and the Xuyi Group was the Chiyou’s descentant,belonging to the Hmong’s subline“yu”.After referring to the Japanese archaeological sites and ancient documents,we can also know that the clansmen of the King of Yan really went to Japan,and spread the rice culture to Japan.

Key words:the Dongyi group;the Chiyou’s Hmong name“yu”;Gaoyao group;the king of Yan;the sacred seed“yu”

”Reality”and”Romance”:The Connection in Contradiction?

Jiang Chengyong

(The Institute of Western Literature and Culture,Zhejiang Gongshang University,Hangzhou 310018)

