看轨交,地下交通圆梦泉城。5年间,济南市轨道交通实现零的突破,1号线、3号线一期开通运行,2 号线一期实现试运行,总长度84.1公里的“H”型轨道骨干网络基本建成。轨道交通二期建设规划正在全力以赴加快建设之中。
Transportation is regarded as a channel for presenting the image of the city. The condition of transportation has been a top priority when deciding whether go to this city. What means of transport do we use? How can we get to the destination when we arrived? Convenient transportation helps create a favourable first impression of the city. During the 13th Five-Year Plan, Jinan has made enormous efforts to improve transport system, developing railway, road traffic, air transport, rail transit and waterway in an all-round manner, so as to satisfy the peoples need for transportation.
Jinans air transport has been upgraded and expanded, and the construction of high-speed rail has been advanced, with 300 high-speed rail lines linking 254 cities across the country. Highways radiate in all directions, with integrated road network being established at a faster pace. All rural roads have been hardened, the coverage reaches 100%. Rail transit starts operation, which is a history-making breakthrough for Jinan. “Two horizontal three longitudinal” air corridor has been set up. 136 bottleneck roads were renovated, solving the peoples transportation difficulties. At the same time, Jinans public transport infrastructure has been constantly improved, opening 581 bus lines and realizing 100% coverage of public transport within 500 meters around communities.