
2021-03-24 11:28吴建华蓝利霞解光琼林建深
广东教育·高中 2021年1期

吴建华 蓝利霞 解光琼 林建深


Book 2 Unit 1

An amazing cave

Once a mountain-climber claimed he had seen a dragon in Mount A. Hearing this, the locals followed the clues the climber provided and mounted the mountain to look for the dragon that might have disappeared .

There they found a temple without a roof and a huge cave. The cave was likely to be a historic site with old traditions. Stepping into the entrance, they saw a creative mirror standing there, reflecting the light from the outside onto a sheet of a painting of a dragon inside. It was really amazing.

Back to the village they immediately made a proposal to preserve the cave. A committee was established to prevent the cave from any damage. To make sure this issue could go well, it has turned to the public and set up a fund,to which people could donate their own money, a way to make contributions to the heritage. Surely this will go further forever.





A problem with a game software

“Republic war”is a hot application(APP). All players home and overseas can enter the game. However, the number of users once reached a limit within a week. Then, at the exit of the game the server had a bug. As a result, some players lost their codes to identify themselves, which led to a loss. Some players conducted protests throughout to express their demands. They quoted law items and the case went into legal process.

The relevant departments attempted to promote the improvement of this APP. They asked some professionals to take part in the project and investigated the opinions of many players, which was thought to be hard, but worthwhile. Soon, the problem was solved. Besides, the digital images of the characters in the game were greatly improved. In comparison to the former pictures, the latter was obviously superior. Anyhow, the latter kept a balance between their original quality and their inner beauty. The company gave way to its customers and it was forgiven. The APP has now been downloaded by millions of players.





Book 2 Unit 2

The Sacred Prince of Wildlife Protection

Peter has learnt to enjoy the beauty of wildlife on earth since childhood. His plain parents often took him to the zoo to observe deer, dolphins and kangaroos with binoculars. Sometimes, they observed insects in the neighborhood. Every day, they told him stories about animals like koalas, whales and Yangtze River dolphins. He felt concerned after hearing that sharks were reduced greatly because some people ate shark wins. Therefore, he decided to make a contribution to wildlife protection. In school he often put up posters about endangered or extinct species and their habitats. It made masses of average students aware of the importance of protecting animals from dying out. Graduating from a famous college, he immediately landed a job in Tibet to fight against illegal hunters, which raised his parentsalarmed emotion. They reminded him of the danger and intended to prevent him at any rate.

However, he insisted going there. He adapted to Tibetan life soon although his skin got sunburnt first and recovered later. Gradually, he made out the local authorities had made much progress in wildlife protection but were still under pressure. This was because illegal hunters shot herds of antelopes for fur as goods to make great net profits. With Peters unusual effort, many illegal hunters were caught. It stirred up anger among other illegal hunters, who threatened to attack or even kill Peter.

Peter was not alarmed. Instead, he presented more effective measures for the authorities to watch over the reserve. Besides, he searched for illegal hunters with his colleagues day and night. Eventually, all illegal hunters were caught. Now there exists no harm to living creatures, and Tibetans live with them in harmony. Tibetans name Peter the Sacred Prince of Wildlife Protection due to his contribution. This has finally removed his parents concern and made them proud.






Book 2 Unit 3

Benefits of the Internet

The Internet benefits us a lot. I often blog about singer Taylor and use Baidu, a search engine, to keep track of and stream her most updated music. Alipay reduces the trouble of cash payment and makes our lives more convenient. I once went through a tough time, with only one computer to keep me company. Then I was inspired to start a club to let everyone have access to the Internet regardless of distance. Now that the club runs quite successfully, next Ill establish a charity website. The particular functions of the network have brought me many benefits, but it is not the case with Amy.

As a resident of Zhejiang Province, where the World Internet Conference is annually hosted,Amy  downloads different software to help her stay in shape, find discounts from databases, add money to her bank accounts, and make her phone battery last longer. However, she always presses the button to confirm the connection of public Wi-Fi. Worse still, she doesnt use a false name when chatting online. As a result, her identity information was stolen and she was made fun of, which made her upset. So what guidelines should we follow to protect privacy and stay safe while surfing the Internet?

The following are my tips. Firstly, dont be the author of mean comments or click on anything illegal. Secondly, never give out your actual address or phone number, for youll be likely to suffer identity theft. Plus, when doing online shopping, use a quality website you are familiar with. Above all, do keep in mind that you mustnt be rude if you dont want to be others target. Being polite online will do as much benefit to you as in reality.






Book 2 Unit 4

Peter, who believed in the Confucius philosophy, was an artist and poet. Here are three short stories about him.

He was born in a rich family in a small county, which was located near the ocean. The nearby port and landscape were his individual kingdom, and therefore, he was not eager to break away from his hometown. To ensure he could get a position and make some achievements in the future, every day he went to the gallery belonging to a famous local artist to appreciate artworks and create his own works.

He was generous with his money. It was a custom to honour their ancestors on April 13. On the morning, Peter rolled up his sleeves, announcing he was going to a pub to buy a large amount of wine, beer, butter, honey, as well as some snacks. When he arrived at the pub, the owner greeted him warmly but charged him a little more than the actual prices. Although Peter was aware of it, he didnt care. Thats because he knew it was not easy for a businessman to make money. On the way home, he saw a boy knocked down by a cow. Peter helped him up and gave him a few dollars to comfort him, saying“Keep your eyes open for cattle on the road next time.”

One day, a battle broke out. There was evidence that the bridge which joined the port to the gallery was destroyed by the enemy. Filled with anger, Peter and a crowd of students from a legal college joined the army when a military chief called on people to be in defence of the country. As the teenagers took some creative approaches, it was not long before they surrounded and defeated the enemy.






Book 2 Unit 5

A Music Talent with Brain Disease

Lucy fell in love with music as a child, which enabled her to have great energy. Every day she was absorbed in classical music. Sometimes, she played the piano, or stringed instruments in a band. Because of her music talent and repetition of practice, she got an opportunity to perform in a virtual choir organized by one famous studio, which was founded by a romantic conductor. In addition, This studio provided a stage for unemployed composers and other performers to share their original compositions. There, some composers proved themselves, won many awards, and thus became phenomena. One day, when Lucy performed, she ached in the brain. So she visited a doctor. The docotr said he was not capable of curing the disease as it was very severe.

She was very sad. But music cured her soul somehow. She aimed to make an online concert before passing away. She set out equipment and tried out her previous compositions online. Surprisingly, it became successful altogether and had a good impact on ordinary people. They got great satisfaction from her music and asked her to make an album. One day, Lucy was playing the piano online for her fans when, with her head aching,she leant onto the piano and then fell down.

It scared her fans as they assumed that her being was good. From then on, they prayed for Lucy. Moreover, they raised money for her to get good treatments. To their relief, Lucy had a gradual recovery. What they did moved Lucy. She composed a song with various rhetorical skills like simile, metaphor, and personification. It outlined her positive reaction to the disease and thankfulness to her fans. Nowadays, its still popular and inspires people to get through difficulties.






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