
2021-03-10 02:30张乐乐柯媛媛柳彬彬MuhammadAhmadHassan李金才
中国农业气象 2021年2期

张乐乐,陈 翔,柯媛媛,柳彬彬,Muhammad Ahmad Hassan,张 妍,许 辉,李金才,2**


张乐乐1,陈 翔1,柯媛媛1,柳彬彬1,Muhammad Ahmad Hassan1,张 妍1,许 辉1,李金才1,2**

(1.安徽农业大学农学院/农业农村部华东地区作物栽培科学观测站,合肥 230036;2.江苏省现代作物生产协同创新中心,南京 210095)



小麦(L)是世界三大粮食作物之一,全球约60%的人口以小麦为主食[1]。2050年世界人口预计达到97.3亿,小麦产量年均增长率要达到2.4%才能满足全球人口增长对粮食的需求,但目前全球小麦产量年均增长率仅为0.9%[2−3]。同时随着全球气候变暖,极端低温灾害事件频发重发,严重影响了小麦的稳产、丰产[4−5]。低温灾害给中国、美国、澳大利亚以及部分欧洲国家的小麦生产造成了极大的损失[6−11]。据报道,1995−2010年美国堪萨斯州的低温灾害事件发生次数多达41次,导致小麦减产超过538kg·hm−2[6]。澳大利亚昆士兰和新南威尔士北部每年因低温灾害导致小麦减产10%[7],年均经济损失达1亿澳元[8]。1980−2020年中国小麦主产区发生近20次大规模低温灾害事件,其中尤以黄淮冬麦区的倒春寒(Late Spring Coldness,LSC)危害最为严重,该地区发生频率可达40%,在2009、2013、2015、2018和2020年均有发生[9−11]。因此,倒春寒已成为限制中国小麦稳产丰产与优质的主要农业气象灾害。

小麦倒春寒灾害主要指在拔节−孕穗期遭遇突然降温天气,造成幼穗受伤或死亡,部分小穗不结实甚至全穗不结实,从而导致小麦减产的一种农业气象灾害[12]。前人从光合作用[13]、呼吸作用[14]、活性氧代谢[15]、渗透调节[16]、内源激素代谢[17]以及蛋白质组学[18]和基因标记技术[19]等方面对倒春寒危害机理[20]进行了大量研究,但其致灾机理尚未明确。同时由于倒春寒的发生具有随机性与不可预见性,且受害症状具有隐蔽性,从而导致灾前预防和灾后减灾措施难以及时到位,因此,小麦生产中应对倒春寒的防灾减灾能力不强。选用抗倒春寒品种是小麦生产中降低倒春寒危害的重要手段,但由于缺少准确有效的鉴定方法和指标体系以及相关标准,使得抗倒春寒品种的选育面临重大难题。因此,本研究通过总结和综合评价前人研究的冬小麦品种抗倒春寒性能(Tolerance against Late Spring Coldness,TLSC)鉴定方法和指标,提出相关鉴定原则和程序,并对未来的研究方向进行展望,旨在为抗倒春寒小麦新品种选育和减灾保产提供理论参考。

1 冬小麦品种TLSC鉴定方法

1.1 鉴定方法分类


图1 冬小麦品种TLSC鉴定方法分类

1.2 鉴定方法的优劣势分析

1.2.1 直接鉴定法


FIM是在倒春寒发生后对田间受害植株的器官或组织以一定的标准进行评价和比较,根据作物受灾表现评价其抗寒性的一种直观鉴定方法。该方法是引种栽培应用最广泛的一种鉴定方法,也是公认最早、最有效的鉴定方法之一[21]。农业农村部标准《NY/T 1307−2007》[22]中提出的小麦抗寒性分级就是利用这一方法将冬麦区春季阶段的小麦抗寒性分为5级,即1级(无冻害表征)、2级(叶尖受冻发黄)、3级(叶片冻死一半)、4级(叶片全枯)和5级(植株或大部分分蘖冻死)。乔玉强等[23]在倒春寒发生年份对同一品种进行不同播期试验,调查了田间异型穗率、残缺穗率和无籽穗率,结合其它相关指标通过聚类分析得出同一品种在不同播期和不同地区的TLSC强弱表现均有差异,表明田间栽培管理措施和不同地区易灾期以及冻(冷)害敏感期等因素影响着品种的TLSC评价结果。FIM虽然能较好地鉴定冬小麦TLSC,但由于鉴定周期漫长且工作量较大,一定程度上影响了抗倒春寒新品种选育和推广效率。





1.2.2 间接鉴定法(IIM)


1.2.3 综合鉴定法(CIM)


1.2.4 数学分析方法

主成分分析法(Principal Component Analysis Method)[42]、聚类分析法(Cluster Analysis Method)[43]、极点排序法(Polar Ordination Method)、隶属函数法(Membership Function Method)[44−45]、加权法(Weighting Method)以及模糊评判法(Fuzzy Evaluation Method)[42]等是TLSC鉴定常用的数学分析方法。主成分分析法通过降维和去噪,加快对样本有价值信息的处理速度,常被用来筛选TLSC鉴定的关键性指标。马德栗等[46]利用主成分分析法对湖北省1951−2010年的倒春寒灾害事件建立了评估模型,并对其危害程度做了等级划分。隶属函数法、加权法和模糊评判法在小麦TLSC鉴定的使用过程中需设定各指标的权重值,相对于主成分分析法,其主观性较强。此外,鉴定中也常用到一些数学模型,例如累计低温度日(Accumulated Cooling Degree Days,ACDD,℃·d)也能作为数学分析方法较好地量化不同低温胁迫强度和持续时间的综合效应[1,47]。

2 冬小麦品种TLSC鉴定指标

2.1 鉴定指标分类


2.2 鉴定指标的适用范围与筛选


形态与农艺指标一般用于田间自然鉴定法,它包括形态、穗部结实特性以及产量等指标,且常以数量、质量、颜色和形态变化等作为参考项。研究表明[48−49],倒春寒会导致小麦叶片发黄、皱缩甚至枯萎,农业农村部标准《NY/T 1307−2007》[22]将小麦叶片受害症状作为TLSC分级的重要指标。小麦遭遇倒春寒后,茎的生长点受到损伤会导致节间变色、粗糙、裂开、塌陷或节扩大等症状[50]。大量研究表明[51−55]倒春寒对小麦穗部危害更大,在拔节后期至孕穗期主要影响幼穗小花的发育[51],导致结实率大幅降低,从而造成减产。由于同一麦穗不同穗位的小花发育顺序不同[52],如果该时期遭遇倒春寒,会导致退化、不孕小花和小穗数增加[53−54],出现异形穗、残缺穗或无效穗[23]等症状。胡新等[55]利用加权平均法构建残穗指数来评价冬小麦TLSC,同样发现残穗指数越大,危害发生越严重。

图2 冬小麦品种TLSC鉴定指标分类








3 冬小麦品种TLSC鉴定原则及程序

3.1 鉴定原则






3.2 鉴定程序


图3 冬小麦品种TLSC鉴定程序

4 新兴技术在冬小麦品种TLSC鉴定中的应用


5 总结与展望

5.1 深入冬小麦抗寒生理研究,完善TLSC鉴定方法和指标体系


5.2 加快推进新兴技术在冬小麦品种TLSC鉴定上的研究与应用


5.3 加快研究和开发冬小麦品种TLSC鉴定产品


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An Inclusive Comparison of Identification Methods and Indices of Winter Wheat Tolerance against Late Spring Coldness

ZHANG Le-le1, CHEN Xiang1, KE Yuan-yuan1, LIU Bin-bin1, MUHAMMAD Ahmad Hassan1, ZHANG Yan1, XU Hui1, LI Jin-cai1,2

(1.College of Agronomy,Anhui Agricultural University/Crop Cultivation Science Observatory in East China of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rurad Affairs,Hefei 230036,China;2.Collaborative Innovation Center of Modern Crop Production in Jiangsu,Nanjing 210095)

Late spring coldness is an important factor limiting the stable and high yield of wheat in Huang-huai winter wheat region. New wheat varieties with tolerance to late spring coldness is an important strategy to reduce the damage of late spring coldness. It is of great significance to establish a simple, easy to popularize and comprehensive evaluation methods and indices system of wheat tolerance to late spring coldness for ensuring food security. In this paper, the methods and indices for identification of winter wheat tolerance to late spring coldness were summarized, compared and evaluated, and the identification principles and procedures were also put forward. (1) The identification methods of winter wheat tolerance to late spring coldness mainly consisted of direct identification method, indirect identification method and comprehensive identification method. Direct identification methods consisted of field natural identification method, artificial climate chamber method and growth recovery method. The field natural identification method had the characteristics of most widely used in the introduction and cultivation, but it had long cycle and heavy workload. Artificial climate chamber method had the characteristics of short cycle and strong repeatability, but it had high requirements for equipment and technology. The growth recovery method was widely used in the identification of freezing injury before winter, but it was less used in the identification of tolerance to late spring coldness. The indirect identification method was helpful to study the temperature threshold of late spring coldness, but the relationship between the indices and cold resistance had not been clear, so its application was limited. The comprehensive identification method had the characteristics of comprehensive and accurate appraisal results, but it had high requirements for technology, cost and workload. Therefore, in the identification process, it was necessary to combine the actual situation, reasonable collocation and comprehensive use of a variety of methods. (2) The identification indices mainly consisted of morphological and agronomic, physiological and biochemical, meteorological and ecological indices. Morphological and agronomic indices were generally used in field natural identification, and the quantity, quality, color and morphological changes were often used as reference items. Physiological and biochemical indices were generally used for indirect identification, including reactive oxygen species, osmotic adjustment substances, endogenous hormone content, antioxidant enzyme activity, photosynthetic and respiratory characteristics, etc. Meteorological and ecological indices were often used in various identification methods. Air temperature, ground temperature, canopy temperature, half lethal temperature and minimum temperature of restoration growth were often used as identification indices, while factors such as light, CO2, humidity and fertility could affect the accuracy of results. (3) Appraisal principles and procedures. This paper put forward the identification principles, such as the regionality of identification results, the pertinence of indices selection, the comprehensiveness and practicability of identification methods and indices, etc. The identification procedures were mainly composed of disaster prone period, variety sensitive period, sensitive organs, identification methods and indices, low temperature degree, field or pot experiment, evaluation and classification of cold resistance by mathematical analysis method and writing report. Finally, the prospects of cold resistance physiology research, identification research and application of emerging technologies and identification product development were made.

Winterwheat; Late spring coldness; Identification; Index; Method






