Step 1 感知·阅读导航
“人间烟火气,最抚凡人心。” “摆摊”一词,似乎在一夜之间成了人人讨论的话题。2020年的两会以来,政府将“稳就业、保民生”放在相当重要的位置,为激发经济活力,“地摊经济”由此重启。本文简要介绍了“地摊经济重现活力”这一社会现象,以及人们对它的看法。读完本篇文章,你对“地摊经济”有哪些看法呢?
1. 梳理文章结构及段落大意,判断观点态度,形成对时事类文章结构的整体把握;
2. 整合文章,理清信息间的逻辑关系,形成结构化知识并进行概要写作;
3. 养成辩证地看待问题、有层次地表达观点的思维习惯,能进行创造性写作。
Since March 15 last year, Chengdu has eased control measures over mobile stalls. According to China Daily, by the end of May, Chengdu had set up at least 36,000 mobile stalls, creating jobs for at least 100,000 people. The move won the applause of Premier Li Keqiang during the Two Sessions this year.
Such stalls not only appear in Sichuan, but also in 27 areas including provinces and cities such as Liaoning, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Nanjing and Jinan, according to a Xinhua report.
Mobile stalls are not new in China. Years ago, they were scattered everywhere across the country. But as cities tightened their control over urban environments, the number of mobile stalls decreased sharply.
As China's economy is recovering from COVID-19, street stalls have been coming back, with the “stall economy” flourishing again.
Zhou Xueren, a researcher of the School of Economic and Social Development at Dongbei University of Finance & Economics, told China Daily that street markets, which do not require much investment, can stimulate the independent employment of individuals, increase their income and bring new vitality to the recovery of local economies from the impact of the novel coronavirus outbreak.
Yet the returned stalls are not exactly the same as before. According to Chengdu authorities, new instructions have been issued for the stalls. The mobile stalls are only allowed to set up in certain areas, so that they would not affect traffic. Meanwhile, the vendors are in charge of the sanitation (衛生) around their stalls. For the food stalls, each table should be equipped with a trash can, and no plastic bag or kitchen waste is allowed on the floor.
There are also new forms of mobile stalls. According to CGTN reports, at Anyi Night Market in Shanghai, there are book stalls, claw game machines(抓娃娃机) and some booths set up by designers and artists.
The return of mobile stalls fulfills Chinese consumers' demands as the pandemic wanes in the country. “The vitality of the city has come back,” a resident in Chengdu told CGTN. “And it costs me only 10 to 20 yuan for dinner at such stalls.”
While providing more space for economic and social development, street vendors mean more, according to Huang Ning, manager of Shanghai Branch of Kerry Properties Ltd. “The Anyi Night Market is not only a public space, it is also a window for communication with the world in terms of humanism, nature and art. Just like New York City's Bryant Park and London's Covent Garden,” he told CGTN.
Step 2 理解·文本解读
1. What is the topic of this article?
2. Reading for the structure
This article can be divided into 5 parts. Can you summarize the main idea of each part?
3. Reading for details
(1)Why does the author mention the numbers like 36,000, 100,000 and 27 in paragraph 1 and 2?
(2)Why did many stalls disappear years ago? And for what reason do street stalls come back now?
(3)Are there any differences between the returned stalls and the stalls before? If yes, what are they?
4. Reading for opinions
Please fill in the table with only one word for each blank.
Step 3 运用·读写整合
1. Please write a summary of the article.
2. In spite of many advantages of the stall economy, there are some people complaining about the unguaranteed goods quality, the lack of after-sales service and even that it may disturb normal life. In response to these complaints, can you think of some measures to promote better development of the stall economy?
Step 4 提升·素养建构
1. 电商经济
习近平总书记在陕西省柞水县小岭镇金米村直播平台考察时表示,电商作为新兴业态,既可以推销农副产品、帮助群众脱贫致富,又可以推动乡村振兴,是大有可为的。由此便出现了一个新词——“电商扶贫”(poverty alleviation through e-commerce)。
2. 直播经济
直播经济在中国开展得如火如荼,国外媒体也给予其高度关注,BBC News专门报道了中国
One of them is 28-year-old Li Jiaqi, whose maverick sales technique has won him the nickname “Lipstick Brother No. 1”. Once an unassuming shop assistant earning a modest salary in Nanchang in southeast China, he now has more than 40 million followers on Douyin.
In one of his live-streaming sales sessions he sold 15,000 lipsticks within five minutes. Unlike many beauty bloggers he always demonstrates the lipsticks he's selling on his lips, rather than his arms. It seems to be paying off, as he now has a great net worth.
There is also 35-year-old Wei Ya, whose 1 April sale of a rocket launch on Taobao amazed the nation and attracted international publicity. So much so that Taobao had to issue a statement confirming the sale was real and not an April Fools' joke.
Wei Ya has been a familiar face in China's live-streaming sales circle. Her followers call her “Queen of Goods”.
The official China Daily says this was“the world's first live broadcast of a rocket sale”. More than 620,000 Weibo users have used the tag #WeiYaSellsARocket# and more than two million online viewers tuned in to watch the sale.
直播经济 live-streaming economy 直播间 direct broadcasting room
直播销售员 live-streaming salesperson 网络红人/意见领袖 key opinion leader (KOL)
男主播 anchorman 女主播 anchorwoman
圈粉 attract followers 秒杀seckilling