
2021-02-27 19:48
疯狂英语·新策略 2021年11期



Activity A Reading for understanding

Ⅱ. Text-centered sentences

一、as引导的定语从句As the saying goes,“Where there is a will,there is a way.”


He often gets up at 7:00,has breakfast at 7:30,leaves home at 7:45 and reaches school at 8:00.Activity B Reading for writing



It tells us how the author discovered a broader definition of“cool”by redefining himself.


1. An example is his brother who is good at running and playing basketball and football.

2. After his brother left for college and he came to a new school where he joined the Science Olympiad team

3. By discovering his own interests

4. Feeling neglected

5. Feeling inspired, confident and cool

6. Being cool in his own way


My understanding of “cool”

Good morning, everyone! My name is Li Hua. Today I am very glad to have the opportunity to make this presentation. My topic is about“cool”.

Since my early age, I have been admiring those who could play the piano well on a big stage,which was really cool. But now, no longer do I admire others, I start to find my own way of being cool. In my view, playing football well is cool because I can show how strong I am. Also, helping the poor is cool because it can give them hope and bring me pleasure.

Thank you for listening!


Activity A Reading for understandingⅡ. Text-centered sentences


Here lies my bedroom, facing south, spacious and bright.


The house would be very beautiful when decorated in this way.

Activity B Reading for writing


(一)内容分析The author received a lot of help from different strangers after the Hurricane Katrina, making him understand human beings' kindness.


1.Hurricane Katrina 2.ruined 3.leave 4.Florida

5.James 6.A poet 7.human beings are kind af

ter all


Dear Mr Wang,

I'm writing to express my gratitude for your timely rescue, without which my life couldn't have returned to normal so quickly.

This summer, extremely frightening floods struck my hometown, which left many houses in ruins. Shocked to find everything destroyed, I burst out crying. Thankfully, stranger as you are, you have done everything in your power to help me have a shelter to live in and enough food and water to survive on. Therefore, I can't express my gratitude to you too much.

All the best of luck to you!


Li Hua



Reading Check


Language Study

Ⅱ. Theme-centered writing

Hello, everyone. I feel it a great honour to deliver a speech here. Today, I would like to talk about how to live a healthy life. First of all, it is necessary for us to do sports every day, which can help us keep fit. What's more, we should eat healthy food. Only in this way can we feel energetic. Last but not least, we should never ignore the importance of developing good living habits.

I sincerely hope that everyone can form such habits and live healthily.


Reading Check

1~4 DCBD


Reading Check

1~4 CBAD


Reading Check

1~4 BCDB


Reading Check

1~4 CCAB


Reading Check

1~4 DACC


Reading Check

1~4 CDCA


Reading Check

1~4 CDBA


Reading Check

1~4 ADAB



Paragraph 1:

At the moment, the doorbell rang and Peggy ran fleetly to answer it. Then I heard a man talking heartily to her and went to the door. He was a delivery man whose arms were full of parcels.“This is a mistake,” I said, but he read the name on the parcels and they were for me. With surprise and curiosity, we opened the parcels, inside which were a huge doll, a lot of candy and chocolate, and a beautiful leather purse. Incredible! I looked for the name of the sender—it was the teacher. I was moved to tears.

Paragraph 2:

Our dinner the night was the most delicious I had ever eaten. My child and I ate and laughed together in happiness. At this moment, I forgot I had no money for the rent, only fifteen dollars in my purse and no job. I just wanted to give my girl a happy Children's Day. After dinner, we played games with the doll and had some candy and chocolate. Then I put Peggy to bed, a sweet peace flooding me, thanks to the precious presents for us.However difficult it might be, I will not lose hope for life, as there is still love and kindness in the world.



Dear Sir/Madam,

I'm Li Hua, a Chinese student taking the English course at our school. I'm interested in Music Club at Weekend and I'd like to join it if possible. I'm good at playing the piano. I have been playing the piano for more than 14 years and I once won the third place in a nationwide piano playing competition. Also I can sing Chinese folk songs very well. As for my personalities, I'm openminded, friendly and easy-going, and above all, I really enjoy making friends with people from all around the world. I would be very happy if I could be admitted into the club!

Look forward to your reply!

Best wishes!


Li Hua


Good morning everyone, I'm Li Hua. It's my honour to introduce a traditional Chinese festival to you—the Dragon Boat Festival.

The Dragon Boat Festival falls on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, so it's also called the Double Fifth Festival. On that day, we usually eat zongzi—sticky rice dumplings wrapped in bamboo leaves. As the festival's name shows, people hold dragon boat races to celebrate it, especially in the southern places, in memory of Qu Yuan, a great poet of ancient China. Therefore, it's regarded as a day of mourning and cherishing the memory.

Thanks for your listening.


Every year, the top leaders of our country award medals to the scientists who make a great contribution.

Chinese government attaches great importance to science and technology. There's no doubt that science and technology play a vital part in a country's development. Those who receive the awards deserve them because, through years of hard work,they have made outstanding contributions to our country. China needs more scientists and inventors like them.

As a senior school student, I'll try my best to learn all my subjects well so as to serve the society and our country.



Ⅰ. 阅读理解


1~4 BCDA

Ⅱ. 完形填空


1~5 BAABC 6~10 ADABC 11~15 BDCAD

Ⅲ. 语法填空


1. a 2. figures 3. making 4. used 5. which

6. be divided 7. combination 8. why

9. traditional 10. consists

Ⅳ. 读后续写

Paragraph 1:

Mel froze as there wasn't any mix-up. She realized she was the one who'd made a mistake. Her little sister had earned the first chair through efforts—and she hadn't even congratulated her. Mel walked down the hall. Most days, she spent her time thinking about softball, her classes and her friends. Every day was so full that she didn't always practice her violin while Abbie played every day. Determined to make a change, Mel decided to have a talk with Abbie.

Paragraph 2:

After school, Mel found Abbie on a bench outside, playing the violin. Mel made up her mind to apologize to Abbie after a brief inner struggle.She cleared her throat and started, “I'm so proud that you're the concertmaster. I'm sorry I've been so mean. I guess I was jealous.” Abbie was surprised,“But you're popular, Mel. You get better grades.You're better at sports. You can do everything.”Mel shook her head, “I can't make a trill like you.” “You can if you keep practicing.” Abbie smiled and asked if Mel would like to play with her. Mel agreed delightedly.


Ⅰ. 阅读理解


1~4 ADAA

Ⅱ. 补全信息

本文是一篇议论文。 文章讨论了人们为什么要在黑色星期五排队。


Ⅲ. 语法填空

这是一篇说明文。 文章讲述了1972年以来,有超过800个重要的文化遗址被添加到世界遗产名录上。 文章介绍了其中两个比较著名的例子——印度的泰姬陵和中国的明清皇陵。

1. have been added 2. examples 3. which

4. obviously 5. to complete 6. celebration

7. a 8. Built 9. but/while 10. of

Ⅳ. 读后续写

Paragraph 1:Finally, the day came. Anxious but excited, I spent the whole day cleaning the house and preparing the food. With everything ready, all guests arrived one by one. Within the next two hours I had six complete strangers laughing, eating,and drinking at my apartment. Music was playing,the conversation was flowing, and new friendships were being formed. It was incredible. One of the people, whom I messaged on Instagram, told me this was one of the most fun experiences he'd ever had. All enveloped in a curtain of darkness, it was time to say goodbye.

Paragraph 2:

When everyone had left, I sat down and processed what had just happened. I couldn't believe that 48 hours before I didn't know any of these people, but later we were all laughing and talking like we'd always been friends. It was a really enjoyable and unforgettable experience for me. It also made me realize that doing something kind for strangers isn't awkward but meaningful. Whether it's paying it forward with a cup of coffee or simply smiling at a stranger, random acts of kindness do make the world a little better.


Ⅰ. 阅读理解

本文是一篇说明文。这篇文章主要介绍了比利时的一个团队研发的一款草莓采摘机器人。草莓采摘机器人可以导航穿过草莓, 检测出成熟的草莓,之后摘下草莓并将它们放进篮子里,且整个过程中不会擦伤草莓。

1~4 ABDC

Ⅱ. 补全信息



Ⅲ. 完形填空

这是一篇记叙文。 文章主要讲述了Trent Johnson在朋友的帮助下,和家人在网上举行了自己的毕业典礼, 这段视频在推特上迅速走红,有近50万的点击量。 Johnson如今是一名医生,他表示自己将继续传播希望和鼓舞的信息。

1~5 BADBD 6~10 CABDC 11~15 ADCBD

Ⅳ. 读后续写

Paragraph 1:

The last two people were Grandpa and me.Entering the room, I saw Grandma sitting on the bed with a blanket around her. I ran forward and gave her the biggest hug with tearful eyes. Grandma, holding me tightly in her arms, said, “I know there's a chance that I won't make it, but I love you forever.” Grandpa patted Grandma on the back and comforted her, “Don't worry, honey. We are all waiting for you here.” Grandma nodded with her usual smile. Then she was wheeled away, leaving us waiting and praying anxiously.

Paragraph 2:

Finally, after the longest morning of my life,the doctor entered the waiting room, smiling.“Mary is out of surgery. You're allowed to visit her as long as you're quiet,” he said. Relief swept over my body and tears began rolling down my face.Thank goodness, I had Grandma back! Once we walked into the room, there lay Grandma, looking peaceful yet painful with so many tubes attached to her. I felt so shocked but so happy. Grandma would be okay. She was taking the first step to become better and go on another walk with us one day.

热门话题 一季报惊喜不多
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