
2021-02-14 07:36陕西于艳琴
疯狂英语·新策略 2021年11期

陕西 于艳琴



Each person is blessed with diverse abilities and talents. Some find their talent by themselves while others require a little help from others. Either way, talent is never hidden and can never be avoided. It is a trait that sets a person apart from others and distinguishes him or her from the rest of the crowd. If found at the right age, talent can be nurtured, which can help that person create a career out of it later in his or her life. Similar was the case with Wendo Mbilizi.

Wendo Mbilizi, is known for his multiple strengths. He is one of those strong personalities who experienced the adversities (逆境) of life at a young age and, rather than being disheartened,used them as life lessons. Wendo is a determined individual with set goals and visions and is using his talent in the right direction to achieve them.

Growing up in refugee camps, Wendo had seen life's harsh realities at an early age. At 11,Wendo and his friends formed a music group.Even though it did not have a name, they religiously practiced playing instruments and jammed to songs. Living in a refugee camp, the group made the most out of even the smallest opportunities. Guitars and drums were the only instruments they had to practice their music. After some time, they gained confidence in themselves and began performing in the street and even at parties. This was when Wendo realized that he had a talent in him that should be nurtured.

After Wendo was hit with the realization that he was great at music, he began taking it more seriously. Wendo went to Winooski High School and completed his high school studies in 2020. All this time, he did not abandon his passion for music. Instead, he tried his hand at songwriting.

Life has mysterious ways of rewarding people, and this was how Wendo was rewarded for his good spirit and positive attitude. His journey conveys the lesson of always being strong and never giving up on passions and dreams. Wendo is currently working on his future albums and songs that he intends to release soon.

Reading Check

1. What can be inferred about Wendo Mbilizi?

A. He finds his talent at an early age.

B. He has similar experiences with other peers.

C. His talent is hidden and he needs help from others.

D. He possesses gifts and cultivates them to pursue his career.

2. What can we infer from paragraph 3?

A. Wendo Mbilizi is from a disadvantaged background.

B. Wendo Mbilizi began to play instruments since he was 11.

C. Wendo Mbilizi grew confident in himself with the help of others.

D. Wendo Mbilizi soon earned a household name due to their performance.

3. Which words can best describe Wendo Mbilizi?

A. Positive and courageous.

B. Optimistic and kind.

C. Passionate and ambitious.

D. Generous and considerate.

4. What lesson can we learn from Wendo Mbilizi's experience?

A. Adversity leads to talent.

B. Hide one's talents in a napkin.

C. Stick to your dreams and never give up.

D. Nothing great will be achieved without passion.

Language Study

Ⅰ. Difficult sentence in the text

He is one of those strong personalities who experienced the adversities of life at a young age and, rather than being disheartened, used them as life lessons. 他就是那些拥有坚强品质的人物之一,在年幼时经历苦难挫折,但是绝不气馁,而是把挫折当成人生的经验教训。

【点石成金】本句是一个主从复合句,who experienced the adversities of life at a young age and used them as life lessons中,who引导定语从句,在从句中作主语,从句中and连接两个并列的谓语动词。 rather than表示“而不是”。

Ⅱ. Theme-centered chunks

be blessed with 拥有

set...apart from 使与众不同;使突出;使优于

distinguish...from 使有别于

nurture v. 培养

harsh adj. 残酷的

take...seriously 认真对待

try one's hand at 尝试做

be rewarded for 因……获得奖赏
