
2021-02-14 07:36河北胡金莹
疯狂英语·新策略 2021年11期

河北 胡金莹


俗话说:“一年之计在于春,一日之计在于晨。 ”早餐在我们的生活中起着非常重要的作用,因此,养成正确吃早餐的习惯对我们的身体大有裨益。快来走进下文,让我们避免这些有关早餐的错误做法吧!Whatever reasons you might have read or heard, it just makes sense to have breakfast in the morning. Although you have been resting the whole night, your brain does not shut down and neither does your body._____1 Here are some of the top breakfast mistakes you must avoid.

____2_If you do not have enough time in the morning to prepare breakfast, lay out your breakfast the previous night or at least decide what to eat in the morning before you go to sleep. That way, you do not have to scramble around in the morning looking for things to eat. Stock up on juice and cereal,so you can finish breakfast in a few minutes.

You can eat cereals and milk for breakfast every morning because it is comfortable and does not take too much of your time.__3__Not only will you miss out on nutrients you can get from other stuff, but you will also get bored with it really quickly.

A lot of people wake up half an hour before they have to be at work and grab a bite to eat from the street vendor and eat when they are moving. Not only will you spill food all over you when you do this, but you will also run out of all the energy you get out of the food by running._____4

Food needs to be chewed properly before swallowing. Drinking juice or water to send down the food immediately can make you choke and also make the digestive process slower.__5__Eat slowly and remember that your health is more important than anything else that you may be doing. Only when you stay healthy can you do the things you want to do.

Reading Check

Complete the text with the sentences given below.

A. Even so, you cannot eat them every day.

B. You are still burning energy in your sleep.

C. The lack of time is the most important reason.

D. Food just goes down instead of being broken down.

E. You will gradually get tired of them with time going by.

F. You will feel hungry very soon and tend to pig out on lunch.

G. Not eating breakfast for whatever reasons is what you should avoid.

Language Study

Ⅰ. Theme-centered chunks

make sense 有意义

shut down 停工;关闭

stock up on 存储;囤货

miss out on nutrients 未得到营养

get bored with 厌烦

grab a bite 吃少量食物

run out of 用完;用尽

the digestive process 消化过程

break down 分解

tend to 往往;趋向

pig out on 大吃;猛吃

Ⅱ. Theme-centered writing


1. 健康生活的方式;

2. 你的期望。


1. 词数80左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Hello, everyone._________________________________________________________________
