
2021-01-26 12:06:22建筑设计英根霍芬建筑事务所
世界建筑 2021年1期


1 德雷施本大厦、米利佩德和霍夫加藤,1964年/Dreischeibenhaus, Tausendfüßler, Hofgarten, 1964(图片来源/Sources: city archive Düsseldorf)









在这个立体交通高速路一直占据主导之地,秉承着庭院建筑师海因里希·希勒布雷希特的精神,依托于以更多市民为本的城市规划策略,霍夫加藤公共花园在2013年重返城市中心。在杜塞尔多夫的新市中心,3个处于不同的位置的建筑汇聚形成了城市肌理:简洁冷峻的德雷施本大厦(赫尔穆特·亨特里奇和休伯特·派特克宁格设计,1960年),颜色明快、形态轻盈的城市剧院(波恩哈德·普福设计,1970年),以及通体绿色、具有动态立面的科伯格2号(英根霍芬建筑事务所设计,2020年)。每个建筑都代表着其所处的时代,互不争抢,各自伫立。(天妮 译)

Between City and Park – A New Type of Building

Kö-Bogen II, a two-part commercial and office building, was developed in response to the existing urban situation. With their sloping façades turned towards each other, the five-storey,trapezoidal main building, together with its smaller,triangular counterpart, form a dynamic entrance to Gustaf-Gründgens-Platz. Approaching the building from Schadowstrasse or Berliner Allee gives an unobstructed view of the icons of postwar modernism - the Dreischeibenhaus and the Schauspielhaus - and behind them the Hofgarten[the public garden] with its magnolia trees. The Kö-Bogen façades facing the plaza at Gustaf-Gründgens-Platz are entirely green, entering into a dialogue with the Hofgarten.

Functionally, Kö-Bogen II mediates between the different facets of urban life: between the pleasures of culture and of shopping. A variety of uses - retail,gastronomy, offices, and recreation - come together on a gross floor area of 42,000 square metres.Measuring 27 metres high and 120 metres long, the façade of the main building along Schadowstrasse -one of the busiest shopping streets in Germany - is completely glazed. Expanded metal slats structure the interior, varying in transparency from closed to open, depending on the perspective. The other façades including the roof are more tempered and planted with 8 kilometres of hornbeam hedges -Europe's largest green façade. The accessible sloping roof of the 10-metre-high building opposite is also completely green and invites visitors to relax and take in the sun. The composition of these green areas is inspired by Land Art, and enable Kö-Bogen II to oscillate in a deliberate indeterminacy between city and park.

Eight Kilometres of Hornbeam Hedges

The hornbeam was chosen as a native hardwood,and the selected varieties keep their leaves in winter. In spring the hedges glisten with their fresh, light green foliage, which deepen to rich, dark green in summer, then to golden brown in autumn.This greenery improves the city's microclimate -it protects against the sun's rays in summer and reduces urban heat, binds carbon dioxide, stores moisture, absorbs noise, and supports biodiversity.The ecological bene fit of the hornbeam hedges equals that of approximately 80 fully grown deciduous trees. Giving back as much green as possible to the city is a task that ingenhoven architects have been working on for decades and across different climate zones. With its supergreen concept the office is taking a comprehensive approach to sustainability.A bespoke planting concept is developed for each project according to the local context and marks a forward-thinking urban response to climate change.

For the project in Düsseldorf, a detailed phytotechnological plan was developed in collaboration with the botanist Prof. Dr. Strauch from Beuth University of Applied Sciences in Berlin,and tested in a trial installation. Based on a precise site analysis, structural requirements were de fined,such as the size and type of planters needed for the 1.3-metre-high hedges. A concept for the supply of water and nutrients along with plant maintenance,including regular pruning, was also developed.While the shrubs on the roof of Kö-Bogen II grow in conventional plant beds, those on the north- and west-facing façades are grown in a special system of horizontally arranged containers on a separate supporting structure that is firmly connected to the façade. The plants were supplied by a nursery where they had been growing since 2016, so they could be delivered to the construction site in autumn 2019with fully developed roots.

3 剖面/Sections

4 剖面/Sections

Impulses for Urban Development Since 1992

Christoph Ingenhoven has been pursuing the idea of redesigning the centre of Düsseldorf since 1992. With studies, urban planning concepts, and concrete projects, he has provided essential impulses for the evolution of a city that was long oriented towards cars and the unimpeded flow of traffic. In 2003 at the MIPIM, for example, he presented a design for comprehensive redevelopment in the area around Königsallee, Jan-Wellem-Platz, Hofgarten,and Gustaf-Gründgens-Platz, including the transfer of traffic into tunnels and the demolition of the elevated highway. In 2014, ingenhoven architects won the limited international competition for Kö-Bogen II. From 2018 to 2020, the office refurbished the Düsseldorfer Schauspielhaus. The approach was sensitive and understated, while undertaking a clear internal restructuring of the building towards Gustaf-Gründgens-Platz.

Today, at the site where an elevated motorway dominated the landscape until 2013 - in the spirit of the garden architect Heinrich Hillebrecht - the Hofgarten has moved back into the heart of the city through a more people-oriented approach to urban planning. In Düsseldorf's new city centre,three different architectural positions converge to shape the urban fabric: the clear austerity of the Dreischeibenhaus by Helmut Hentrich and Hubert Petschnigg [1960], the buoyant lightness of the Schauspielhaus by Bernhard Pfau [1970],and the entirely green, dynamic façades of Kö-Bogen II by ingenhoven architects [2020]. Each representative of its time, none in competition with the others.

项目信息/Credits and Data

功能/Programme: 零售,餐饮,办公,地下停车/Retail,gastronomy, offices, underground car park

客户/Client: Düsseldorf Schadowstraße 50/52 GmbH & Co.KG, CENTRUM Projektentwicklung GmbH, Düsseldorf and B&L Group, Hamburg

建筑设计/Architects: ingenhoven architects

设计团队/Design Team: Christoph Ingenhoven, Peter Jan van Ouwerkerk, Cem Uzman, Mehmet Congara, Ben Dieckmann, Patrick Esser, Vanessa Garcia Carnicero, Yulia Grantovskikh, Tomoko Goi, Olga Hartmann, Jakob Hense,Melike Islek, Fabrice-Noel Köhler, Christian Monning,Daniel Pehl, Andres Pena Gomez, Peter Pistorius, Lukas Reichel, Jürgen Schreyer, Susana Somoza Parada, Jonas Unger, Nicolas Witsch, Dariusz Szczygielski, Stefan Boenicke, Thanh Dang

项目管理/Project Management: AIP Bauregie GmbH,Düsseldorf

结构规划/Structural Planning: Schüßler-Plan Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH, Düsseldorf

开发计划/Development Plan: Heinz Jahnen Pflüger -Stadtplaner und Architekten Partnerschaft, Aachen

土木工程咨询/Geotechnical Consulting: ICG Düsseldorf GmbH & Co. KG

绿色立面设计/Façade Planning - Green Façades & Green Roofs: ingenhoven architects

植物科技/Phytotechnology - Building Greenery: Strauch,Beuth University of Applied Sciences, Department of Life Sciences and Technology

植物生态咨询/Consultation on Vegetation Ecology: Prof.Dr. Reif, Albert Ludwigs University Freiburg, Chair of Site Classi fication and Vegetation Science

BGF办公楼面积/BGF Office Building: 41,370 m2

BGF地下车库面积/BGF Underground Car Park: 23,000 m2施工时间/Construction Period: 2017-2020

可持续认证/Sustainability Certi ficate: DGNB Platinum pre -certi ficate, supergreen®

摄影/Photos: ingenhoven architects/HGEsch

5 总平面/Site plan

6 屋顶平面/Roof plan

7 鸟瞰/Aerial view

8 首层平面/Ground floor plan

9 立面细部/Façade detail


鲍里斯·沙德-宾索夫:科伯格2号商业综合体既是一个强有力的建筑地标,也是一个卓越的生态标杆,从城市规划的角度它也很有趣:它完成了一个广义上的城市更新,标志着从汽车主导的街道向人本城市转型。该建筑是一个明确的绿色城市设计宣言,成就了古斯塔夫-格林德根斯广场的新建筑群。该项目将自然带入杜塞尔多夫城市中心。8km长的角木树篱以及超过30,000株植物形成欧洲最大的绿色外立面——这是一个前所未有的项目。(庞凌波 译)

Jury Statement

Boris Schade-Bünsow: Kö-Bogen II is both a strong architectural and ecological signature and interesting from an urban planning point of view: Completing an extensive urban renewal project marking a change from the car-dominated street towards a people-oriented city the building makes a clear green urban design statement accomplishing the new building ensemble at the Gustaf-Gründgens-Platz. The project brings nature to the centre of Düsseldorf. With eight kilometres of hornbeam hedges, over 30,000 plants - Europe's largest green façade - this is a project yet unseen here.

10 近景/Nearby view

11 欧洲最大的绿色立面,细节/Europe's biggest green façade, detail

12 欧洲最大的绿色立面,细节/Europe's biggest green façade, detail

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