WANG Lanmin,a research professor at Lanzhou Institute of Seismology,China Earthquake Administration; Director of Key Lab for Loess Earthquake Engineering,China Earthquake Administration.He got his geotechnical engineering from Institute of Engineering Mechanics,China Earthquake Administration in 2000.He devoted himself in soil dynamics and geotechnical earthquake engineering for more than 40 years.His research interests include earthquake-induced landslides,liquefaction,settlement and site effects on loess sites.He chaired 6 NSFC projects (Key,General) and more than 20 national and provincial key research and international cooperative projects in China.He has authored 4 books including Loess Dynamics and 218 papers in the mechanism,prediction and prevention of earthquake disasters on loess sites.He also has obtained many awards and honors for his research achievements,including the National Scientific and Technological Progress Award of China in 2002,7 Provincial and Ministry’s Scientific and Technological Progress Awards from 1998 to 2016,and the honor of “The National Outstanding Scientists in Earthquake Science and Technology” respectively in 2007 and 2017.The Major Speaker of 23thHuang Wenxi Lecture in 2020.He is active in international academic exchange in soil dynamics and earthquake engineering as the members of Technical Committee of Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering and its Problems (TC203) and Technical Committee of Engineering Slopes Stability (TC208),International Society on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering.He is also a standing member of China Geophysical Society,and China Society on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering.
XU Chong,a research professor in National Institute of Natural Hazards,Ministry of Emergency Management of China (former Institute of Crustal Dynamics,China Earthquake Administration)from July 2019 to present and formerly worked at Institute of Geology,China Earthquake Administration.He got his Institute of Geology and Geophysics,Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2010.His research interests include earthquake-triggered landslides,rainfall-induced landslides,and geological hazards using GIS,remote sensing,and statistical analysis techniques.By virtue of the study of earthquake-triggered landslides over 10 years,he has obtained a series of scientific research achievements of this subject,including database construction and criteria of earthquake-triggered landslides,quantitative description of landslide distribution,addressing issues of earthquake geology,landslide volume modeling,and hazard assessment.He chaired four NSFC projects (Youth,General,and International Joint Research) and two sub-projects of National Key R&D Program of China.He has published 220 papers with about 6 300 citations.His research achievements,mainly on landslides triggered by recent large earthquakes,have been extended to about 50 research institutes and universities worldwide and are adopted directly by more than 100 research teams,significantly elevating the international status of China in the international community of seismic landslide research.He won several awards,such as “the Outstanding Young Scientist Award” in 2019 from ICGDR and “the 15th Youth Geological Science and Technology Award:Silver Hammer Award” in 2015 from Geological Society of China.His current work focuses on earthquake-triggered landslides on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and the Loess Plateau,fault mechanisms,real probability models,risk assessments and zonation of earthquake-triggered landslides.
XU Yueren,an associate researcher at Institute of Earthquake Forecasting,China Earthquake Administration.He got his PhD degree from Institute of Geology,China Earthquake Administration in 2013.He studied in Department of Earth Sciences,Durham University,UK as a visiting scholar in 2017.His research interests include paleoseismology,landslides triggered by both earthquakes and rainfalls,especially in the earthquake-triggered landslide mapping over Loess Plateau and its applications.Leading and in charge of more than 20 scientific research projects,including two NSFC projects (Youth,General),two sub-projects of Key Program for International Science and Technology Cooperation Project of China,and one sub-project of National Key R&D Program of China.More than 40 papers published,with more than 10 included in SCI and EI.Two translated books of Paleoseismology and Tectonically Active Landscapes published as the first,second translator,respectively.a Seismic Tectonic Map of Northeast China published as an edit-in-chief.
CAO Yanbo,an associate professor at School of Geological Engineering and Geomatics,Chang’an University.He got his PhD degree from Institute of Geology and Geophysics,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing.His research interests include engeering geology and geological hazards.Leading and in charge of eight scientific research projects,including three NSFC projects(Youth,General).More than ten papers published.
Earthquake Research Advances2020年4期