
2021-01-17 07:30:28
课堂内外(高中版) 2021年7期











24-years-old,live in London

A perfect job balances work & life

In the world today, all of the people needrecreation. We can't work all the time if we are goingto keep healthy and enjoy life. After my graduationfrom university, I have been an IT engineer. Butbecause of the pandemic, I have been working at homefor one and a half years. Nowadays, half of Britsfeel Covid-19 lockdown has given them the perfectchance of balancing work and life with more time toread, cook and exercise, so do I. The global pandemicand lockdown restrictions have had a huge impacton work-life balance for me for the better. I havemore time for myself, enjoying the slower life pace,exercising at home throughout the day and makingbreakfast in the morning. I think that my work-lifebalance to be perfect, and I could not achieve it withoutthe lockdown. Now, with the lifting of blockade, I amworried about maintaining it as life begins to returnto normal. Lockdown means I could slowdown, freeing up time I did not havebefore, and allowing myself to focus onthe things I enjoy and love themost. It is important to meto have a good work-lifebalance, and it makesme happier.


22-years-old,live in Scotland

A four- day week is more attractive

Different from David, I am not worried aboutwork-life balance. In order to keep the total number ofpeople in employment high in Scotland, the governmentwill establish a £10 million fund to allow companiesto pilot and explore the benefits of a four-dayworking week. It will identify additional employmentopportunities and assess the economic impact ofmoving to a four-day week. And the First Minister saidthat Scots would also have free dental care and billionswould be invested into the NHS and infrastructurein the nation. Looking around Europe and seeingindependent countries of similar size to Scotland, I amamong the wealthiest, fairest and happiest in the world.With so many social welfares, some companies hereare looking into the prospect anyway. In fact, most ofcompanies in Scotland are considering bringing in afour-day working week after the pandemic. It meansI would benefit from the new move, as businesseslook at how to be more flexible post-lockdown. If itwould come true, not just I would have more time formy daily life, also it would boost productivity. For themost important, I think that a four-day week wouldgive much more opportunities to the growing list ofunemployed people. Through increased productivity,a four-day week would bring multiple benefits tothe society, the environment and our economy. Oneof the biggest impacts would be better mental healthand well-being across the board with more timeavailable for socializing, family and community. Ialready supported a four-day working week beforethe coronavirus pandemic hit, and now had a tasteof working remotely and on different hours. It's in noone's interests to go back to the pressure and stressthat people were under before this pandemic.

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