张 栋,郭 璇,2
张 栋1,郭 璇1,2※
(1. 北京交通大学土木建筑工程学院,北京 100044;2. 北京交通大学城市地下工程教育部重点实验室,北京 100044)
试验地位于内蒙古河套灌区临河南边分干渠,107°6′E,40°31′N,属于季节性冻土地区,渠基土为易冻胀性粉土,年平均气温6.9 ℃,渠道基土初始含水率为25%,冻融期持续5.5个月,每年11月中旬开始冻结,至次年5月融通,持续160 d左右,冻深在70~140 cm之间。渠道是南北走向,由于太阳辐射时间不同,渠道边坡分为阴、阳坡,图 1a为试验原型渠道[18]。复合衬砌结构是一种由6 cm厚混凝土砌块、2 cm厚砂浆、聚乙烯薄膜、聚苯乙烯保温板或聚氨酯保温板共同组成的有效防冻胀衬砌结构,现场渠道边坡衬砌结构如图1b所示。只在渠道边坡铺设复合衬砌结构,渠底和渠顶无保温材料,原型渠道剖面如图2所示,图中保温板是指聚氨酯保温板和聚苯乙烯保温板。混凝土板具有低渗和高强度特性,砂浆砌筑混凝土砌块,聚乙烯薄膜是隔水层,聚苯乙烯板和聚氨酯板具有导热系数小、密度低特点。根据工程经验[18],为了研究不同保温材料复合衬砌结构的保温防冻胀效果,本文选择现场渠道工程铺设的厚度方案作为试验研究,将试验分为3种工况,如表1所示,工况1为无保温材料的传统衬砌结构,工况2为聚苯乙烯保温材料复合衬砌结构,工况3为聚氨酯保温材料复合衬砌结构。阴阳坡由于太阳光辐射不同,需要铺设不同厚度保温板。每一种工况下地温传感器(PT100)T1~T6分别布置在阳坡中部法向16、30、50、75、100、120 cm深度处,T7~T12分别布置在阴坡中部法向16、30、50、75、100、120 cm深度处,如图2所示,通过地温信号巡检仪接收数据端口和无线设备实现地温的采集、无线传输、存储。烘干法测量了边坡不同深度处土壤在冻结前、冻结后的基土含水率,位移传感器(WDL)D1和D2分别测量阳坡、阴坡中部衬砌表面法向冻胀量。本文试验数据监测周期是2015年11月1日至2016年4月30日。
图1 原型渠道及衬砌结构
表1 试验工况
渠道冻胀破坏是由于在负温下衬砌下面基土发生不均匀冻胀所致,本文主要分析对象是渠道基土,为了简化建模和节约计算成本将衬砌混凝土砌块当作整体来建模,在原型渠道基础上得到有限元模型,为了消除边界的影响,边界至少取3~5倍的冻结深度,从渠底向下取500 cm为底部边界,从衬砌边缘向左右两边分别取500 cm为左右边界,用有限元软件COMSOL Multiphysics建立渠道模型并进行分析计算,渠道计算剖面有限元网格划分模型如图3所示。渠道衬砌材料热力学参数列于表2[18]。由于冻土弹性模量()和冻胀率()受温度()影响,表3为冻土弹性模量和冻胀率[18,25]。
图3 渠道有限元网格划分模型
表2 渠道衬砌材料热力学参数
表3 冻土弹性模量及冻胀率
表4 渠基土试验参数
表5 基土蠕变参数
图5为各工况下边坡不同深度处地温试验值与模拟值分布。从图中可以看出地温沿着边坡法向深度增加而升高,同一深度处工况2和工况3处的地温值高于工况1处地温值,这种现象在阴坡尤其明显,例如工况1阴坡和阳坡法向16 cm深度处地温分别为-8.5和-2 ℃,工况 2同位置处地温分别为-2.8和-1.5 ℃,工况3同位置处地温分别为-3.0和-1.4 ℃,工况2和工况3阴坡地温分别提高67.1%和64.7%,说明工况2和工况3下衬砌结构起到了良好的保温功能。同时地温模拟值与试验值基本一致,最大绝对差值仅为0.4 ℃,说明此数值模型可以较精确地模拟渠道基土地温。
图4 各工况混凝土衬砌下基土最低地温分布
图5 不同工况下基土地温沿边坡法向深度分布
图6a为各工况下边坡法向最大冻深试验值与模拟值比较。从图中得出工况1冻深值远大于工况2和工况3的冻深值,阴坡工况1最大冻深试验值为138 cm,而工况2和3分别为40.0 cm和34.0 cm,最大冻深分别减小71%和75%,说明工况2和工况3的复合衬砌结构有效地提高地温,减小冻深。最大冻深模拟值与试验值基本吻合,最大误差仅为3.2%。
图6b为各工况冻结期边坡法向最大冻胀量的试验值和模拟值。从图中看出工况1法向最大冻胀量值远大于工况2和工况3下的最大冻胀量值,例如工况1阴坡和阳坡法向最大冻胀量试验值分别为14和4.7 cm,工况2同位置处分别为2.8 和2.1 cm,工况3同位置处分别为2.6和1.5 cm,工况2和工况3阴坡最大冻胀量分别减少80%和81%,这说明工况2和工况3的复合衬砌结构有效地减小最大冻胀量值。同时最大冻胀量模拟值与测量值基本一致,最大误差为9.5%,说明此模型可较好地描述冻胀量。
图7为各工况冻结前后含水量沿边坡法向深度的分布。从图中可以看出:阳坡法向80 cm深度范围内冻结后含水率大于冻结前含水率,阴坡法向100 cm深度范围内冻结后含水率大于冻结前含水率,这说明冻结前后土壤内发生水分迁移,深部土壤水分在冻结温度梯度下向浅部基土迁移。工况1冻结前后浅部基土迁移水分最多,阴坡和阳坡法向20 cm深度处最大迁移含水量分别约为13%和4%,工况2同位置最大迁移含水量分别为5%和2%,工况3同位置最大迁移含水量分别为4%和1.1%。与工况1比较,工况2和工况3阴坡最大迁移含水率分别减少8%和9%,这是因为工况2和工况3在保温衬砌结构下基土地温变化小,迁移水分少。
图8为各工况下最大Mises等效应力分布图。从图中得出工况1渠道边坡基土等效应力明显大于工况2和工况3边坡基土等效应力,这是由于工况1基土地温变化大,导致基土冻胀应变和应力大。同时在坡脚和坡顶拐点处会产生应力集中,比如工况1阴坡渠顶拐点处等效应力达到299 kPa,远大于冻土强度,极易发生冻胀破坏,因此后续渠道设计中应在渠底和渠顶也铺设保温板,以减小这些拐点处温差变化。
图6 各工况边坡法向最大冻深和冻胀量
图7 冻结前后含水量沿边坡法向深度分布
图8 不同工况下最大Mises等效应力分布
2)应用已有经典冻土水热力耦合模型计算的结果与现场实测值吻合较好,地温模拟值与试验值最大绝对差值仅为0.4 ℃,最大冻深模拟值与试验值最大误差仅为3.2%,最大冻胀量模拟值与试验值最大误差为9.5%,这可为寒区渠道的保温衬砌结构设计提供参考,利用该模型还可以准确描述渠道基土冻结过程中地温和冻胀量的变化。
3)根据现场试验资料,发现无保温衬砌结构渠道下地温分布受冬季气温的影响较大,阴坡最大冻深约为138 cm,浅部基土最大迁移含水量达到13%;阳坡最大冻深约为75 cm,浅部基土最大迁移含水量约为4%,迁移含水量造成的冻胀是衬砌破坏的主要因素。
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Effects of thermal insulation and anti-frost heaving in composite lining structures for a canal in colmatage frozen soil
Zhang Dong1, Guo Xuan1,2※
This study aims to explore the frost heaving failure of concrete lining in a canal in the Hetao Irrigation Area. Two composite lining structures were proposed, including polyurethane and polystyrene. A coupled heat-moisture-stress model was established for the channel soil. In-situ test and numerical simulation were combined to analyze the variation in soil temperature, moisture content, frost-heave capacity, and equivalent stress in different lining structures. The results showed that: The ground temperatures were -8.5 ℃ and -2 ℃ at the normal depth of 16 cm on the shady slope and sunny slope of non-thermal insulation lining structure; those were -2.8 ℃ and -1.5 ℃ at the same positions for the polystyrene composite lining structure; those were -3.0 ℃ and -1.4 ℃ for the polyurethane composite lining structure. The maximum water contents were approximately 13% and 4% at the normal depth of 20 cm on the shady slope and the sunny slope of non-thermal insulation lining structure before and after freezing; those were 5% and 2% at the same location for the polystyrene composite lining structure; those were roughly 4% and 1.1% for the polyurethane composite lining structure. The measured maximum normal capacity of frost heave were 14 cm and 4.7 cm on the shady slope and the sunny slope in the non-thermal insulation lining structure; those were 2.8 cm and 2.1 cm for the polystyrene composite lining structure; and those were 2.6 cm and 1.5 cm for the polyurethane composite lining structure. It infers that the maximum normal capacities of frost heave for the non-thermal insulation lining structure were far greater than those of the polystyrene and the polyurethane composite lining structure. The maximum normal capacities of frost heave were reduced by 80% and 81% on the shady slopes for the polystyrene and the polyurethane composite lining structure. The equivalent stress of channel soil for the non-thermal insulation lining structure was significantly greater than those of polystyrene and the polyurethane composite lining structure. This change can be attributed to the large difference in soil temperature for the non-thermal insulation lining structure, which can result in a large strain and stress of frost heaving in the canal soil. The stress concentration occurred at the inflection points of the top and bottom of a canal. The simulated values in numerical models were basically consistent with the experimental values, indicating that the mathematical model can be suitable to describe the changes of ground temperature and frost-heave capacity during the freezing process of channel soil. Two kinds of thermal insulation lining structures demonstrated the low permeability, low heat transfer, good function of heat preservation, and small deformation of frost heave. They can be excellent choices for seepage prevention and anti-frost heave of canal in seasonal frozen soil areas. The finding can be helpful to understand the frost heaving mechanism of channel soil, and further to provide a sound reference for the design and maintenance of channels in cold regions.
frozen soil; canal;lining structure; thermal insulation; anti-frost heaving; heat-moisture-stress coupled model
张栋,郭璇. 灌淤冻土复合衬砌渠道保温防冻胀效果分析[J]. 农业工程学报,2020,36(21):122-129. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2020.21.015 http://www.tcsae.org
Zhang Dong, Guo Xuan. Effects of thermal insulation and anti-frost heaving in composite lining structures for a canal in colmatage frozen soil[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2020, 36(21): 122-129. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2020.21.015 http://www.tcsae.org