China and Asia: Gems from the Collection of Chinese and Foreign Rare Books at Zhejiang University
展览沿 “中国古籍”与 “外国珍本”两条主线展开。其中“中国古籍”所呈现的,是古籍馆所藏宋、元、明、清四个朝代具有代表性的善本古籍,分為 “宋元遗珍”“明椠概览”“书林‘清’话”三个单元;“外国珍本”所展出的是方闻图书馆藏艺术与考古专题外国珍本图籍。
Organized by the National Library of China (National Rare Books Protection Center) and hosted by Zhejiang University Library and Zhejiang University Museum of Art and Archeology, the exhibition showcases 142 Chinese rare books dating to the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties and 82 foreign rare books on arts and archeology.
As well as promoting fine traditional culture, this exhibition aims to present a cultural feast to the world.
When: Starting from July 15, 2021
Where: Hall 1, Zhejiang University Museum of Art and Archeology