
2021-01-04 09:57:48
海洋科学 2020年12期




海南岛近岸养殖区台风浪预报技术研究……………………………………………………尹 超,黄海军,王道儒,谢 琳(1)1


长江口水域营养盐时空分布及其迁移过程……………………………………………………牟京龙,张珊珊,梁 翠,线薇微,沈志良(1)19

盐场海芽孢杆菌与大洋铁锰结核相互作用……………………………………………………吕 靖,蓝 鑫,姜明玉,曹文瑞,萨仁高娃,于心科,常凤鸣(1)36

海南地热能海水淡化可行性探讨……………………………………………………刘睿贤,田 红,窦 斌(1)46

台湾岛以东黑潮热输运的季节及年际变化特征……………………………………………………杨 敏,孙 群,王思佳,郭新宇(2)1


印尼沿岸灾害性海浪模拟研究……………………………………………………徐福敏,俞茂玲,苗 琪(2)22

三亚大东海砂质潮间带小型底栖生物的时空分布及影响因素……………………………………………………骆 添,梁宸梓,孙 燕,杨丽莉,李亚男,臧 瑜,慕芳红(2)36

氮限制时间对海绿球藻和微绿球藻生长、总脂含量及脂肪酸组成的影响……………………………………………………梁 英,纪维玮,石伟杰,田传远,胡乃霞,闫译允(2)45

獐子岛岩相潮间带大型海藻有机碳含量及 δ13C 值的季节变化特征……………………………………………………张靖凡,蔡恒江,赵玥茹,陈文翰,胡思琪,刘 远,刘长发(2)56


吕宋海峡附近海域海表面高度季节内变化……………………………………………………袁 欣,王庆业(3)15

江苏辐射沙洲海区潮流对涌浪能量传播的影响……………………………………………………冯 曦,赵嘉静,冯卫兵,李慧超(3)23

基于BP人工神经网络平潭海域赤潮叶绿素浓度模型演算研究……………………………………………………许阳春,张明峰,苏玉萍,洪 颐,苏金洙,陈晶晶(3)34

干露胁迫对青蛤呼吸代谢及抗氧化相关酶活力的影响……………………………………………………段海宝,茆 双,杜 楠,张 敏,葛红星,魏 敏,孟学平,董志国(3)42

广东沿海香港牡蛎消化道异养菌统计及其耐药性研究……………………………………………………李 炳,王瑞旋,谢燕纯,舒 琥,牟红莉,郭子晗,王江勇(3)50

Pb2+对青蛤的急性毒性及对其血淋巴液中免疫相关酶活性的影响……………………………………………………王 瑞,黄雨辰,熊德东,黄 亚,田 甜,孟 彬,梁 健(3)59

中国东南沿海区域台风数值模拟与危险性分析……………………………………………………郭云霞,侯一筠,齐 鹏(4)1


1986—2017年胶州湾水体透明度时空变化及影响因素研究……………………………………………………殷子瑶,江 涛,杨广普,黄 珏,赵永芳(4)21


莺歌海三莺村岸段人工沙滩工程岸线数值模拟以及模型的验证方法……………………………………………………陈海洲,谢 琳(4)44

雷州半岛红树林短吻鲾形态性状与体质量的相关性及通径分析……………………………………………………蔡润佳,汤保贵,陈 刚,张健东,黄建盛,潘传豪,初庆柱,王忠良,张 静(4)52

多肽菌素在长牡蛎人工育苗生产中的应用……………………………………………………刘 洋,赵 强,于瑞海,李海昆,王永旺(4)59


我国海水养殖的区域比较优势与专业化分析……………………………………………………赵领娣,脱 颖,王亚薇,王小华(4)75

溢油对海洋生态系统内在价值损害的评估——以“塔斯曼海”轮溢油事故为例……………………………………………………严志宇,孙 冰,付红蕊,任 杰(4)85

冲绳海槽中部岩心沉积物中浮岩的物理性质和地球化学特征差异及其对岩浆活动的指示……………………………………………………方 雪,曾志刚,胡思谊,朱博文,齐海燕,万世明,徐兆凯(5)1

远区台风“三巴”对长江口波浪动力场的作用机制……………………………………………………任剑波,何 青,沈 健,徐 凡,郭磊城,谢卫明,朱 磊(5)12


起伏海面的雷电电磁场传播特征及其对闪电定位精度的影响……………………………………………………张源源,庞华基,刘 钊,宋 琳,邓 猛(5)34

新型壳寡糖γ-氨基丁酸衍生物的制备及其对小麦幼苗抗旱作用的研究……………………………………………………尹秀晶,刘 松,秦玉坤,邢荣娥,于春林,李克成,李鹏程(5)42


西北太平洋低纬度区域海水中溶解氨基酸的分布及组成研究……………………………………………………张 宁,陈 岩,高先池,杨桂朋(5)60

基于信息熵的溢油对天然渔业可持续承载力损害的评估……………………………………………………严志宇,王嘉琦,孙 冰,付红蕊,任 杰(5)71


基于分段自适应算法的浅海水深遥感反演融合模型研究……………………………………………………张雪纯,马 毅,张靖宇,程 洁(6)1


近44年来滦河口障壁岛演变过程及其影响因素研究——以唐山市龙岛为例……………………………………………………程 林,田海兰,刘西汉,王艳霞(6)22



2014年春季渤海浮游植物群落结构……………………………………………………张 雪,王 俊,高 燕,王 宏,马 武,刘克奉,陈 卫(6)45

牡蛎体内及其养殖水体中细菌耐药性研究……………………………………………………王瑞旋,李 炳,林华剑,陈 琦,陈秀程,牟红莉,王江勇(6)56

盐度胁迫对黄条鰤消化生理和抗应激指标的影响……………………………………………………史 宝,柳学周,曹亚男,刘永山,徐永江,姜 燕,王 滨(6)64

珠江口盆地白云深水区含气储层AVO模板的建立及应用……………………………………………………李 杰,郑金云,张忠涛,朱焱辉,陈兆明,张 明, 郭 佳,刘 灵,曾 婷(6)73

国产深海准实时传输潜标系统设计……………………………………………………于 非, 陈永华, 周 春, 张孝薇, 邓 锴, 韩云峰, 刘岩松, 刘庆奎, 王 蓓, 胡贺岗, 姜静波, 倪佐涛, 姜 斌, 李晓龙(7)194

浅海坐底式海洋环境监测系统开发应用及其回收方法研究……………………………………………………陈永华, 胡贺岗, 刘庆奎, 姜 斌, 李晓龙(7)201

海洋生物多糖/寡糖对鱼糜制品保水作用的研究……………………………………………………王雪芹, 邢荣娥, 于华华, 李鹏程(7)208

溶液中褐藻胶低聚糖在活性炭上的吸附特性与机制研究……………………………………………………于 宇, 曹为安(7)216


文蛤鳃组织内共生菌分离鉴定和多样性分析……………………………………………………刘凯旋, 岳 欣, 刘保忠(8)178

蜈蚣藻多糖的降解及其体外抗氧化活性研究……………………………………………………刘 宏, 陈晓琳, 孙雨豪, 刘 松, 邢荣娥, 王雪芹, 李鹏程(8)186

基于YOLOv3深度学习的海雾气象条件下海上船只实时检测……………………………………………………王 飞, 刘梦婷, 刘雪芹, 秦志亮, 马本俊, 郑 毅(8)197

3.7 Ma以来西菲律宾海XT-4孔沉积物元素特征及其古环境指示意义……………………………………………………王 晨, 徐方建, 胡邦琦, 徐 磊, 丁 雪, 王飞飞, 黄 威, 郭建卫(8)205

深海综合观测浮标研制及其在热带西太平洋的应用……………………………………………………陈永华, 于 非, 张林林, 王富军, 刘庆奎, 姜 斌, 姜静波, 倪佐涛, 李晓龙, 胡贺岗, 任 强(8)215

全水深多波束测深系统Seabeam3012在西太平洋马里亚纳海山区地形测量中的应用……………………………………………………龚旭东, 刁新源, 吕亚军, 卢志君, 陶泽丹, 张洪运(8)223

静电纺丝技术制备纳米纤维复合环氧涂层及其海洋防腐性能……………………………………………………袁 帅, 赵 霞, 金祖权, 段继周, 侯保荣(8)231

基于Bibexcel和Pajek的海洋生态环境保护领域科学计量与知识图谱分析……………………………………………………尹希刚, 吕 阳, 沙忠利(8)239

采水量对寡营养海域浮游真核微生物分子多样性评价的影响……………………………………………………赵荣杰, 赵 峰, 徐奎栋(9)1

80 Ma以来海水Os同位素组成曲线的精细特征: 中、西太平洋多金属结壳的记录……………………………………………………王 洋, 方念乔(9)21

北部湾北部海域潜在低氧分布及影响研究……………………………………………………马浩阳, 王丽莎, 吴敏兰, 郑爱榕(9)29

在流水系统中浒苔对营养盐吸收和转化的模拟实验……………………………………………………丁月旻, 颜 天, 耿慧霞, 周名江(9)38

牡蛎对浮游植物群落下行控制作用的围隔实验研究……………………………………………………王兆慧, 张光涛(9)47

基于大数据分析下的气候模型……………………………………………………张宸豪, 冯 曦, 冯卫兵, 刘 涛, 丁 坤(10)1

台风“灿鸿”影响下海浪的数值模拟研究……………………………………………………杜 艳, 刘国强, 何宜军, 韩 雪(10)12

基于Delft 3D模型的感潮河口示踪模拟……………………………………………………李 嘉, 郑向阳, 张 华, 姜德娟, 王玉琳, 蔡永兵(10)23

基于遗传算法和BP神经网络的海洋工程材料腐蚀预测研究……………………………………………………李海涛, 袁 森(10)33

琼胶/SiO2复合纤维的制备及性能研究……………………………………………………吴大伟, 颜廷波, 李腾飞, 王应霞, 肖玉斌, 薛志欣, 夏延致(10)39

天然气水合物降压开采过程中储层应力规律分析……………………………………………………金 颢, 张俊斌, 何玉发(11)1

海蒿子多糖的结构组分及生物活性研究……………………………………………………李溢真, 于志洋, 田 欣, 宋 琳(11)10

末次盛冰期以来冲绳海槽中部沉积物有机碳和磷的地球化学研究……………………………………………………马 奎, 李 铁, 孙治雷, 张现荣, 柳嘉怡, 朱茂旭(11)19

中性厌氧环境中硫酸盐还原菌导致锌的腐蚀行为研究……………………………………………………全 雨, 窦雯雯, 韩晓梅, 蒲亚男, 宋 翼, 陈守刚(11)28

温度与溶解态有机磷源对中肋骨条藻生长的影响……………………………………………………张小华, 刘东艳(11)36

不同紫外波段对中肋骨条藻光合生理特性的影响……………………………………………………朱镕军, 高嘉钰, 吴亚平, 徐军田(11)45

大辽河口营养物基准推导方法……………………………………………………王 蕾, 单阳阳, 边均翠, 李正炎(12)1

sp.在杀菌剂耐受条件下对X70管线钢的腐蚀行为研究……………………………………………………徐利婷, 马 岩, 张一梦, 管 方, 翟晓凡, 董续成, 段继周, 侯保荣(12)14

中国黄渤海真江蓠()群体遗传多样性研究……………………………………………………钟凯乐, 宋小含, 段德麟, 胡自民(12)23

九龙江口表层沉积物重金属的污染特征与来源分析……………………………………………………李青生, 王 翠, 蒋金龙, 黄金良, 吴耀建(12)32

基于GA-BP神经网络的临洪河口湿地土地覆盖分类算法研究……………………………………………………何 爽, 卢 霞, 张 森, 李 珊, 唐海童, 郑 薇, 林 辉, 罗庆龄(12)44


滨海湿地土地覆盖面向对象分类及变化监测……………………………………………………邵亚婷,卢 霞,叶 慧,张 森,孙 敏,林雅丽,赵 倩(1)52

EH36钢在黄海的初期腐蚀速率的空间变异特征的地统计分析……………………………………………………王 昭,孙虎元,孙立娟,田国东(1)67

海洋污损细菌分离纯化及金属离子抑菌研究……………………………………………………夏苏杭,全艳玲,周艳文,陈东旭,康宏伟,吕 哲,陈 爽,高乙宁,李 娜,解生权,高 鹏(1)75

LPS 胁迫下五个群体菲律宾蛤仔基因在鳃和肝胰腺中表达特性研究……………………………………………………刘 杰,聂鸿涛,姜坤银,王政兴,孙晓彤,霍忠明,闫喜武(1)81



快速光响应曲线的优化及在底栖甲藻光适应特性研究中的应用……………………………………………………黄凯旋,陈 亨,徐帅帅,刘莎莎,吕颂辉(1)106

马氏珠母贝黄壳色家系的生长、壳色分离及总抗氧化能力比较……………………………………………………许 濛,黄 文,刘文广,潘肖兰,刘惠茹,何毛贤(1)113

急性热应激对大菱鲆血液生化指标的影响……………………………………………………孟振,张鸿丽,刘新富,贾玉东,刘 滨,曲江波(1)122

不同长牡蛎群体对海水酸化的生理响应差异分析……………………………………………………宋宏策,姜秋云,李玲玲,战 蕊,魏 磊,王晓通(1)132

一种用于海洋综合观测浮标的多种通信方式集成系统……………………………………………………王春晓,王 旭,刘长华,贾思洋(1)142


模拟升温对滨海湿地盐地碱蓬生物量及其枯落物分解影响的研究……………………………………………………陈 琤,张贵文,陆 滢,徐 振,刘玉虹(2)66

大连金沙滩小型底栖生物时空分布特征及影响因素……………………………………………………臧 瑜,孙 燕,杨丽莉,李亚男,骆 添,慕芳红(2)76

舟山沿岸渔场甲壳类群落结构特征研究……………………………………………………刘 惠,郭朋军,俞存根,邓小艳,张 平,许永久,颜文超,谢 旭(2)90

基于18S rDNA条形码技术的珊瑚礁区塔形马蹄螺()食性分析……………………………………………………周天成,胡思敏,林先智,刘 胜,黄 晖(2)99

近江牡蛎()规模化人工育苗及养成……………………………………………………王 威,李 莉,黎 奥,王 冲,孙同秋,张国范(2)108

适宜浓度的维生素E促进半滑舌鳎生长激素基因的表达……………………………………………………王蔚芳,向 玲,王 琳,黄 滨,李会涛(2)113


海底麻坑内外土体物理力学特性差异研究……………………………………………………何旭涛,张秀峰,舒 琪,李世强,宋 湦,彭维龙(2)131

中尺度涡条件下的深海声场效应研究……………………………………………………张 林,刘 东,陈文景,孙雪海(3)66

长江口泥质区24Z孔沉积物粒度特征及对洪水事件的沉积响应……………………………………………………盛 琛,陈 彬,安郁辉,张 欣,陈立雷,刘 健(3)74

电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法(ICP-OES)测定海洋浮游生物中总磷的方法优化……………………………………………………孙玲玲,宋金明,刘 瑶,于 颖,孙 萱(3)85

环雷州半岛近海表层沉积物有机碳分布及其控制因素分析……………………………………………………韩永强,夏 嘉,谭靖千,Abarike Grace Awinmalsim,宋之光(3)93

不同养殖方式对皱纹盘鲍养殖效果及养殖水质的影响……………………………………………………陈俊男,郭永军,梁 健,李永仁,黄亚冬,梁 爽(3)104

大港原油对毛蚶部分抗氧化酶和代谢酶的影响研究……………………………………………………张 超,李永仁,郭永军,梁 健(3)113

香港牡蛎二倍体及三倍体幼虫生物学特征比较……………………………………………………秦艳平,张跃环,莫日馆,李 军,肖 述,马海涛,喻子牛(3)123

16S与基因联合建树快速鉴定海水中的一株地衣芽胞杆菌……………………………………………………傅 奇,林俊杰,甘美裕,卢源钦,肖玉娟(4)90

蟹鳃虱亚科(甲壳动物亚门: 等足目)的分类与地理分布研究……………………………………………………张 苗,席倩倩,陈如如,安建梅(4)96

不同流速和苗种规格对缢蛏平面流中间培育效果的影响……………………………………………………林兴管,张 翔,滕爽爽,肖国强,蔡逸龙(4)103

RP-HPLC法同时测定翅碱蓬中四种黄酮化合物的含量……………………………………………………郭丽霞,宁寰宇,曹 苇,李 慧,孔 亮,谭成玉(4)111


基于多场景生命周期评价的海岛小型风力发电机预安装评估……………………………………………………莫秋云,廖智强,刘伟豪,蒋 立,管会森,何声文(4)124


青岛地区海雾分布及大气边界层条件分析……………………………………………………任兆鹏,李昊倩,鞠 霞,王国清(5)96

混浊水域多波束反向散射强度传播损失改正……………………………………………………付桂合,马鑫程,冯成凯,印 萍,梅 赛,阳凡林(5)107

海带育苗过程光照强度监测系统的设计与实现……………………………………………………杜兴林,刘春娥,张启宇,刘 峰,宋玉娥,王承国(5)115

中肋骨条藻-裸甲藻-双毛纺锤水蚤营养传递的级联效应……………………………………………………张翠霞,高 歌,李世玥,吴宇佳,王 蕊,吴梦瑶,刘泽洋,刘宇轩,杨昊达(5)123

基于GIS的宁波梅山岛工程建设地质适宜性评价……………………………………………………杨国强,金 阳,李 云,姜月华,顾 轩,梅世嘉,张 鸿(5)133


V形防波堤与圆弧型防波堤之浅水波绕射作用的比较……………………………………………………才瀚涛,黄 华,苏 炜(6)91


莱州湾游泳动物群落结构研究……………………………………………………张焕君,刘淑德,刘元进,涂 忠,周全利,陈 玮,孙 伟,李 凡(6)110

疣荔枝螺(Kuster)人工繁育技术研究……………………………………………………田传远,夏珮伦,张嘉荣,于瑞海,郑小东,顾忠旗,黄 继(6)122

防腐高效溶样罐-ICP-MS 测定海洋生物体中微量元素……………………………………………………邱 军,孙 鹏,刘文琳,王晓婷,于卫松(6)131

一种移动式海水痕量元素洁净采集实验室的设计……………………………………………………倪佐涛,刁新源,张宗兵,丛石磊,孙 毅,陈 钊(6)137

基于R-FCN_ResNet的深海冷泉区生物的识别与分布研究……………………………………………………李海菊, 连 超, 管利聪, 李超伦, 栾振东(9)54

北部湾涠洲岛红色赤潮藻的分子鉴定……………………………………………………徐轶肖, 何喜林, 张 腾, 赵志娟, 韦光领(9)63

一种适用于海洋磁力测量的地磁日变观测系统的实测结果……………………………………………………贾富昊, 顾兆峰, 张振波, 周章国, 罗 强, 张骏韬, 付永涛(9)74

短蛸对不同生物饵料利用的比较……………………………………………………赵捷杰, 陈四清, 常 青, 徐大凤, 李凤辉, 张鹏飞(9)83

基于快速数字锁相的溶解氧检测优化设计……………………………………………………夏彬标, 邓 云, 林 凌, 李 刚, 廖和琴, 吴 晟, 崔 琳(9)91

砾石单元法与SPH耦合模型在数值波浪水槽中的应用研究……………………………………………………李彦卿, 别社安, 李大鸣, 王 鑫(9)100

深海管道轴向定向移动消减方案研究……………………………………………………刘 润, 郝心童, 李成凤, 彭碧瑶(9)112

山东省滨海沙滩现状调查……………………………………………………刘宗宇, 杨丽中, 乔守文, 石洪源, 尤再进, 杨 乐(9)121

水下机器人-机械臂系统的滑模自抗扰控制……………………………………………………李小岗, 王红都, 黎 明, 刘 鑫(9)130

絮凝剂-树脂联合法从琼胶中制备琼脂糖工艺研究……………………………………………………鞠 豪, 张全斌(9)139

基于MEMS加速度计空投浮标的波浪测量方法试验研究……………………………………………………刘 宁, 魏晓辉, 王 斌, 董 涛(9)146

面向对象的无人机遥感影像海岸线提取方法研究……………………………………………………麻德明, 刘焱雄, 金永德, 程宝权(10)46

威海荣成桑沟湾海域海草床分布现状及其生态特征……………………………………………………李 政, 李文涛, 杨晓龙, 张彦浩, 张沛东(10)52

背景色对红螯螯虾生长、存活、体色及栖息行为的影响……………………………………………………魏 淼, 顾志峰, 潘 志, 石耀华, 黄智伟, 郑 兴, 廖秀睿, 李娇妮, 刘春胜, 王爱民(10)60

基于微卫星标记的真鲷放流群体与增殖海域群体遗传变异比较分析……………………………………………………赵 雨, 孙典荣, 单斌斌, 刘 岩, 杨长平, 周文礼(10)66

钻井液特征污染物的毒性评估和海洋测试生物的适用性比较……………………………………………………刘卫丽, 余露军, 李建军, 陈小曲, 张 磊(10)74

致病性海洋弧菌对氨基糖苷类药物的耐药传递机制初步研究……………………………………………………王瑞旋, 王江勇, 李韵萍, 郭子晗, 李 炳, 李 云, 朱 慧(10)81

黄河现行清水沟流路汊河运用方案探讨……………………………………………………王开荣, 凡姚申, 韩沙沙, 杜小康(10)91

海翼水下滑翔机温盐深剖面仪盐度修正……………………………………………………褚福硕, 庞重光, 司宗尚, 俞建成(10)101

基于最小二乘法与RBF神经网络的溶解氧检测系统设计……………………………………………………綦声波, 王 榕, 尹保安, 张 阳(10)107

海上风电场高桩承台群桩基础平台的设计研究……………………………………………………王 淼, 武东宽, 李近元, 祝 亮, 陈晓军, 刘建民, 赵乐川(10)114

离子色谱法测定海水中氯离子和硫酸根离子……………………………………………………王丕波, 曾艳敏, 闫 晶, 殷丽娜, 任登龙(11)52

海南黎安港海草床分布特征、健康状况及影响因素分析……………………………………………………陈石泉, 庞巧珠, 蔡泽富, 吴钟解, 沈 捷, 王道儒, 陈海鹰(11)57

饲料中添加戊糖乳杆菌HC-2对黄曲霉毒素B1刺激下的凡纳对虾肝胰腺显微结构、基因表达及酶活性的影响……………………………………………………房 涵, 刘 梅, 王宝杰, 蒋克勇, 王 雷(11)65

一种低功耗海洋定位信标的研制与应用……………………………………………………姜静波, 刘庆奎, 于 非, 陈永华, 倪佐涛(11)72

基于主成分分析法的闽江口及其近岸水域水质评价……………………………………………………林秀珠, 饶清华, 陈 琪, 林茂兹, 林云杉(11)78

近海海洋信息实时采集传输系统设计与实现……………………………………………………刘培学, 闫 东, 董 丽, 陈玉杰(11)87

基于无人机高光谱遥感的海岛岸线精准提取方法研究与应用……………………………………………………徐 栋, 杨 敏, 苗宇宏, 严 晋, 孙 苗(12)54

模拟夏季温排水温升对福宁湾常见海洋生物的热耐受性研究……………………………………………………李 毅, 周大颜, 陈晓磁, 许莉莉, 曹 亮(12)61

浙江沿岸水对“魔蝎”台风的响应……………………………………………………陶 宇, 仲伟凡, 胡锋涛(12)69

空白校正对元素分析仪测定海水中颗粒有机碳结果准确性的影响分析……………………………………………………刘 毅, 刘 群, 吴文广, 杨 珺, 刘 越, 姜雅斐, 张继红(12)78

南流江口洲滩景观过程研究……………………………………………………王日明, 黄 鹄(12)84


莫桑比克盆地构造演化与沉积充填特征……………………………………………………高 雅,唐 勇,解习农(1)157

国内裂流研究进展……………………………………………………董碧璇,冯卫兵,冯 曦(1)165


海底热液喷口流体中H2S浓度数据统计及其探测技术进展……………………………………………………马媛媛,辛 洋,蒋 磊(2)146

近岸海域水质模型研究现状及展望……………………………………………………陆耀烽,丁志斌,黎 炜,陈 鹏,陈 晓(2)161

美国大型海洋装备运维现状及对我国的启示……………………………………………………王建村,景春雷,田 旭(2)171



蛋白质精氨酸甲基转移酶1调控DNA损伤修复和细胞凋亡……………………………………………………张一超,吴韦韦,李 奥,刘宝华,庞秋香(3)146

无人船运动控制方法综述……………………………………………………裴志远,戴永寿,李立刚,金久才,邵 峰(3)153

台湾暖流变化特征及机制研究进展……………………………………………………王建丰,司广成,于 非(5)141

硅藻硅酸盐转运子(silicate transporter,SIT)研究进展……………………………………………………商晓梅,孙 军,信业宏,张 珊(5)149

基于旋翼无人机雷达的船只目标成像与类型识别研究进展综述……………………………………………………张 晰,张 杰,孟俊敏(6)141

富含半胱氨酸肠蛋白的研究进展……………………………………………………陈 燕,孙 晨(6)148

星康吉鳗生物学与生态学的研发现状与展望……………………………………………………杨 浩,史 宝,牛化欣,张代强,李 静(6)152


我国刺参种业态势分析与技术创新展望……………………………………………………杨红生, 孙景春, 茹小尚, 张灿影, 邢丽丽, 孙丽娜, 林承刚, 刘石林, 张立斌(7)2

经济海藻繁育、养殖及综合利用的回顾与展望……………………………………………………王秀良, 张全斌, 段德麟(7)10

对虾病害防控的理论与实践……………………………………………………刘 梅, 王宝杰, 蒋克勇, 王 雷(7)16

中国海洋无脊椎动物分类学与系统演化研究进展与展望……………………………………………………李新正, 寇 琦, 王金宝, 甘志彬, 杨 梅, 龚 琳, 隋吉星, 马 林, 曲寒雪, 初雁凌, 曾宥维, 王伟娜, 张 祺, 董 栋(7)26

中国海洋腹足类分类学研究进展——纪念中国科学院海洋研究所建所70周年……………………………………………………张素萍, 张树乾(7)71

海洋微塑料来源、分布及生态效应研究进展……………………………………………………王江涛, 赵婷, 谭丽菊, 黄文秋, 朱晓琳, 赵卫红(7)79

海洋浮游植物薄层的研究进展……………………………………………………王云峰, 颜天, 于仁成, 张清春, 孔凡洲, 周名江(7)86

环境DNA技术在生态保护和监测中的应用……………………………………………………张 辉, 线薇薇(7)96

回顾与展望: 关于有害藻华种类休眠体通过船舶压舱水底泥地理扩散的研究……………………………………………………胡章喜, 尚丽霞, 邓蕴彦, 唐赢中(7)103

有害藻华的宏条形码分析: 机会与挑战……………………………………………………陈楠生(7)116

具有抑制植物病原真菌活性的含氮、硫、磷壳聚糖衍生物的研究进展……………………………………………………邢荣娥, 秦玉坤, 李克成, 刘 松, 李鹏程(7)135

海底热液活动的环境与产物……………………………………………………曾志刚, 陈祖兴, 张玉祥, 杨娅敏, 李晓辉, 齐海燕(7)143

大洋铁锰结核的微生物成矿过程及其研究进展……………………………………………………姜明玉, 胡艺豪, 于心科, 曹文瑞, 萨仁高娃, 常凤鸣(7)156

海洋仪器测试海区综合环境信息监测系统的研发……………………………………………………姜静波, 王 鑫, 于 非(7)165

逆式回声测量仪在全球海洋中应用及前景展望……………………………………………………任 强, 于 非, 南 峰, 王建丰, 孙 凡, 陈子飞(7)171

副热带太平洋海气变异对ENSO影响的研究进展和展望……………………………………………………冯俊乔, 鲁云龙, 官 聪, 袁 欣, 惠玉超, 武 杰(8)1

基于层次分析法的海堤防御能力评估模型……………………………………………………李水清, 侯一筠, 王俊琰(8)8

海底有缆在线观测系统研究与应用综述……………………………………………………翟方国, 李培良, 顾艳镇, 李 欣, 陈 栋, 李 琳, 孙利元, 刘子洲, 姜庆岩, 吴文凡(8)14

水生经济动物性别遗传基础及其鉴定方式研究进展……………………………………………………张双艳, 张立斌(8)29

历史DNA在鱼类群体遗传与进化研究中的应用……………………………………………………徐 喆, 刘进贤(8)39

鱼类生殖细胞移植技术研究及进展……………………………………………………周 莉, 刘清华, 李 军(8)48

我国皱纹盘鲍底播增养殖历史、现状及未来发展趋势……………………………………………………吴富村, 阙华勇, 张国范(8)56

我国海水鱼类染色体操作研究与应用进展……………………………………………………尤 锋, 吴志昊(8)69

水生动物行为生态学研究进展……………………………………………………张立斌, 冯其明, 范鑫昊, 张双艳(8)85

浒苔()漂浮生态型的分枝表型及其可塑性……………………………………………………马莹莹, 赵 瑾, 解威峰, 姜 鹏(8)98

胶州湾的生态环境演变与营养盐变化的关系……………………………………………………宋金明, 袁华茂, 李学刚, 段丽琴(8)106

海洋脊椎动物甲状腺系统的研究与应用……………………………………………………杨皓月, 邢荣娥, 刘 松, 于华华, 李鹏程(8)118


土壤退化的原因与修复作用研究……………………………………………………张 辉, 宋 琳, 陈晓琳, 李鹏程(8)147

海洋水下设施生物污损及其控制技术研究进展……………………………………………………段继周, 刘 超, 刘会莲, 孙佳文, 张一梦, 王 楠, 翟晓凡, 管 方, 郑 萌, 张 杰, 王秀通, 侯保荣(8)162

海洋及其上空大气中有机磷酸酯的研究进展……………………………………………………房晓静, 杨圣文, 张洪海, 高先池, 杨桂朋(9)154

坛紫菜生活史的研究现状及存在的问题……………………………………………………黄冰心, 刘金梅, 马元元, 姜晶晶, 丁兰平(9)166

海洋酸化对浮游植物生理生态影响的研究进展……………………………………………………赵玉颖, 孙 军, 魏玉秋(10)121

鱼类疫苗浸泡免疫策略优化的研究现状……………………………………………………姚海静, 韩高尚, 高迎莉(10)133

构造分析方法在伸展盆地中的综合运用……………………………………………………王文龙, 董冬冬(11)94

海洋生物抗炎活性物质研究进展……………………………………………………杨超凡, 秦 松, 李文军(11)102

海洋投弃式温深剖面仪应用发展概述……………………………………………………陈文景, 张 林, 孙雪海, 段嘉希(11)114

硫化物胁迫对海草影响的研究进展……………………………………………………张 玉, 赵 鹏, 张晓梅, 周 毅(11)123

山东省海洋牧场观测网的建设与发展……………………………………………………翟方国, 顾艳镇, 李培良, 孙利元, 李 欣, 陈 栋, 李 琳, 刘子洲, 姜庆岩, 刘兴传, 刘鹏霞, 陈耀祖(12)93

“黑珍珠”波浪滑翔器研发综述……………………………………………………孙秀军, 桑宏强, 李 灿, 周 莹, 于佩元, 王 雷(12)107


沉积物源判别的地球化学方法……………………………………………………王 轲, 翟世奎(12)132

海洋生物功能肽构效关系研究进展……………………………………………………贺晓丽, 秦 松, 李文军, 唐志红(12)144



Marine Sciences Volume 44, 2020 Contents


Storm wave forecasting technique for the nearshore aquaculture area of Hainan Island……………………………………………………YIN Chao, HUANG Hai-jun, WANG Dao-ru, XIE Lin (1)7

Variations in the tropical Western Pacific gyre during, the 2015/2016 super El Niño event……………………………………………………WU Guo-li, LI Si-hang, LIU Zi-zhou, GU Yan-zhen, ZHAI Fang-guo, WANG Ji-chao, FENG Jun-qiao (1)18

Temporal and spatial distribution and mixing behavior of nutrients in the Changjiang River Estuary……………………………………………………MU Jing-long, ZHANG Shan-shan, LIANG Cui, XIAN Wei-wei, SHEN Zhi-liang (1)35

Interaction betweenand oceanic ferromanganese nodules……………………………………………………LYU Jing, LAN Xin, JIANG Ming-yu, CAO Wen-rui, SAREN Gao-wa, YU Xin-ke, CHANG Feng-ming (1)45

Feasibility of seawater desalination powered by geothermal energy in Hainan……………………………………………………LIU Rui-xian, TIAN Hong, DOU Bin (1)51

Seasonal and interannual variations of Kuroshio heat transport east of Taiwan Island……………………………………………………YANG Min, SUN Qun, WANG Si-jia, GUO Xin-yu (2)9

Variations of landfalling tropical cyclones in China since the 1950s……………………………………………………ZHANG Chun-yan, LIU Zhao-hua, WANG Xiao-li, HOU Xi-yong (2)21

Simulation study of disastrous waves along Indonesia coasts……………………………………………………XU Fu-min, YU Mao-ling, MIAO Qi (2)35

The spatio–temporal distribution of meiofauna in Dadonghai beach (Sanya, China) and its influcing factors……………………………………………………LUO Tian, LIANG Chen-zi, SUN Yan, YANG Li-li, LI Ya-nan, ZANG Yu, MU Fang-hong (2)44

Effects of nitrogen limitation time on growth, total lipid content, and fatty acid composition ofand……………………………………………………LIANG Ying, JI Wei-wei, SHI Wei-jie, TIAN Chuan-yuan, HU Nai-xia, YAN Yi-yun (2)55

Seasonal variation in the total organic carbon contents and the δ13C values of macroalgae in the rocky intertidal zone of the Zhangzi island……………………………………………………ZHANG Jing-fan, CAI Heng-jiang, ZHAO Yue-ru, CHEN Wen-han, HU Si-qi, LIU Yuan, LIU Chang-fa (2)65

Numerical study of the influence of river and warm advection on the temperature inversion in the eastern China seas……………………………………………………HAO Jia-jia (3)14

Intraseasonal variability of sea surface height near the Luzon Strait……………………………………………………YUAN Xin, WANG Qing-ye (3)22

Effect of tidal currents on the progress of swell energy propagation in Jiangsu radial sand ridges……………………………………………………FENG Xi, ZHAO Jia-jing, FENG Wei-bing, LI Hui-chao (3)33

Calculation of the Chlorophyll-concentration of red tide in the Pingtan Coastal Zone by a BP artificial neural network model……………………………………………………XU Yang-chun, ZHANG Ming-feng, SU Yu-ping, Hong Yi, SU Jin-zhu, CHEN Jing-jing (3)41

Effects desiccation on respiratory metabolism and antioxidant enzyme activities of clam……………………………………………………DUAN Hai-bao, MAO Shuang, DU Nan, ZHANG Min, GE Hong-xing, WEI Min, MENG Xue-ping, DONG Zhi-guo (3)49

Investigation on the quantity and species of bacteria and their antibiotic resistance infrom the coast in Guangdong province……………………………………………………LI Bing, WANG Rui-xuan, XIE Yan-chun, SHU Hu, MOU Hong-li, GUO Zi-han, WANG Jiang-yong (3)58

Acute Pb2+toxicity inand its effect on immune-related enzyme activity in hemolymph……………………………………………………WANG Rui, HUANG Yu-chen, XIONG De-dong, HUANG Ya, TIAN Tian, MENG Bin, LIANG Jian (3)65

Typhoon wind numerical simulation and risk analysis for southeast coastal region of China……………………………………………………GUO Yun-xia, HOU Yi-jun, QI Peng (4)12

Environmental capacity assessment of dissolved inorganic nitrogen in the Xiangshan Bay……………………………………………………ZHENG Jun-yong, MAO Xin-yan, SHENG Xiao-xuan, SUN Jian-an, JIANG Wen-sheng (4)20

The spatial–temporal variation of water clarity and its influencing factors in Jiaozhou Bay from 1986 to 2017……………………………………………………YIN Zi-yao, JIANG Tao, YANG Guang-pu, HUANG Jue, ZHAO Yong-fang (4)32

Community characteristics of zooplankton in the South Yellow Sea in early summer……………………………………………………LI Yi-xuan, GE Ru-ping, YE Zhen-jiang, CHEN Hong-ju, ZHUANG Yun-yun, LIU Guang-xing (4)43

Shoreline numerical simulation and model verification methods of artificial beach in Sanyingcun bank, Yinggehai……………………………………………………CHEN Hai-zhou, XIE Lin (4)51

Correlation and path coefficient analysis of the body weight and morphometric traits ofin Leizhou Peninsula……………………………………………………CAI Run-jia, TANG Bao-gui, CHEN Gang, ZHANG Jian-dong, HUANG Jian-sheng, PAN Chuan-hao, CHU Qing-zhu, WANG Zhong-liang, ZHANG Jing (4)58

Application of polypeptide fungicin in the artificial seedling production of Pacific oyster ()……………………………………………………LIU Yang, ZHAO Qiang, YU Rui-hai, LI Hai-kun, WANG Yong-wang (4)66

Effects of water temperature and velocity on the development of……………………………………………………YANG Cui-hua, WANG Wen-zhang, WANG Hai-ming (4)74

Comparative advantage and specialization analysis of regional marine aquaculture in China……………………………………………………ZHAO Ling-di, TUO Ying, WANG Ya-wei, WANG Xiao-hua (4)84

Assessment of the intrinsic value damage of marine ecosystems caused by oil spills: case study on the oil spill accident of the “Tasman Sea”……………………………………………………YAN Zhi-yu, SUN Bing, FU Hong-rui, REN Jie (4)89

Physical properties and geochemical characteristics of pumice rocks in core sediments from the middle Okinawa Trough and their indications of magmatism……………………………………………………FANG Xue, ZENG Zhi-gang, HU Si-yi, ZHU Bo-wen, QI Hai-yan, WAN Shi-ming, XU Zhao-kai (5)11

The effect mechanism of a remote typhoon “Sanba” on wave dynamics in the Changjiang Estuary……………………………………………………REN Jian-bo, HE Qing, SHEN Jian, XU Fan, GUO Lei-cheng, XIE Wei-ming, ZHU Lei (5)23

Comparative study on calculation of mean size of suspended particulate matter based on the LISST……………………………………………………LI Wen-jian, WANG Zhen-yan, HUANG Hai-jun (5)33

Propagation characteristics of the lightning electromagnetic fields along rough sea surface and the effects on the accuracy of ToA-based lightning location……………………………………………………ZHANG Yuan-yuan, PANG Hua-ji, LIU Zhao, SONG Lin, DENG Meng (5)41

Preparation of novel γ-aminobutyric acid-modified chitooligosaccharide and their effects on drought resistance of wheat seedlings……………………………………………………YIN Xiu-jing, LIU Song, QIN Yu-kun, XING Rong-e, YU Chun-lin, LI Ke-cheng, LI Peng-cheng (5)52

Mechanism of the antitumor activity of bromophenol-thiazolylhydrazone hybrids TSC-2c……………………………………………………ZHANG Jia-jia, GUO Chuan-long, WANG Li-jun, SHI Da-yong (5)59

Distribution and composition of dissolved amino acids in seawater of low-latitude Northwest Pacific……………………………………………………ZHANG Ning, CHEN Yan, GAO Xian-chi, YANG Gui-peng (5)70

Assessment of oil spill damage to the sustainable carrying capacity of natural fisheries based on information entropy……………………………………………………YAN Zhi-yu, WANG Jia-qi, SUN Bing, FU Hong-rui, REN Jie (5)75

Research on comprehensive evaluation and obstacles of ecological security of island-type tourism destination in China……………………………………………………LI Meng-cheng, LI Shi-tai, WANG Cheng-xin, QIN Wei-shan, SUN Jian-feng (5)86

Research on the remote sensing inversion fusion model of shallow water depth based on the piecewise adaptive algorithm……………………………………………………ZHANG Xue-chun, MA Yi, ZHANG Jing-yu, CHENG Jie (6)11

Response of the tropical Atlantic Ocean to global warming in CESM……………………………………………………DONG Wen-jing, LIU Fu-kai, LUO Yi-yong (6)21

Variations and influencing factors of the barrier islands near the Luan River estuary in the past 44 years—A case study of the Loong Island in Tangshan……………………………………………………CHENG Lin, TIAN Hai-lan, LlU Xi-han, WANG Yan-xia (6)30

Application of BP neural network based on particle swarm optimization in seawater quality assessmen……………………………………………………LI Hai-tao, WANG Bo-rui (6)36

Distribution characteristics and dynamic mechanism ofin the Yellow Sea in 2018……………………………………………………HAN Jun-jun, HUANG Hui-ming, ZHANG Wei-na, LIN Wei-bo (6)44

Phytoplankton community structure in the Bohai Sea in the spring of 2014……………………………………………………ZHANG Xue, WANG Jun, GAO Yan, WANG Hong, MA Wu, LIU Ke-feng, CHEN Wei (6)55

Study on antibiotic resistance of bacteria in oysters and their farming water……………………………………………………WANG Rui-xuan, LI Bing, LIN Hua-jian, CHEN Qi, CHEN Xiu-cheng, MOU Hong-li, WANG Jiang-yong (6)63

Effects of salinity stress on the digestive physiology and anti-stress index of Yellowtail Kingfish ()……………………………………………………SHI Bao, LIU Xue-zhou, CAO Ya-nan, LIU Yong-shan, XU Yong-jiang, JIANG Yan, WANG Bin (6)72

AVO template and its application for a gas-bearing reservoir in the deep water of the Baiyun area, the Pearl River Mouth Basin……………………………………………………LI Jie, ZHENG Jin-yun, ZHANG Zhong-tao, ZHU Yan-hui, CHEN Zhao-ming, ZHANG Ming, GUO Jia, LIU Ling, ZENG Ting (6)82

Design of deep-sea quasi-real-time-communication submerged buoy systems……………………………………………………YU Fei, CHEN Yong-hua, ZHOU Chun, ZHANG Xiao-wei, DENG Kai, HAN Yun-feng, LIU Yan-song, LIU Qing-kui, WANG Bei, HU He-gang, JIANG Jing-bo, NI Zuo-tao, JIANG Bin, LI Xiao-long (7)200

Development and application of an offshore bottom-mounted marine environmental monitoring system and its recovery method……………………………………………………CHEN Yong-hua, HU He-gang, LIU Qing-kui, JIANG Bin, LI Xiao-long (7)207

Study of the water-holding effects of marine polysaccharide/oligosaccharide on surimi product……………………………………………………WANG Xue-qin, XING Rong-e, YU Hua-hua, LI Peng-cheng (7)215

Study on the characteristics and mechanism for adsorption of alginate oligosaccharides on activated charcoal……………………………………………………YU Yu, CAO Wei-an (7)221

Isolation, identification, and diversity analysis of endosymbiotic bacteria in gill tissue of……………………………………………………LIU Kai-xuan, YUE Xin, LIU Bao-zhong (8)185

Degradation of sulfated polysaccharides fromand their antioxidant activities……………………………………………………LIU Hong, CHEN Xiao-lin, SUN Yu-hao, LIU Song, XING Rong-e, WANG Xue-qin, LI Peng-cheng (8)196

Real-time detection of marine vessels under sea fog weather conditions based on YOLOv3 deep learning……………………………………………………WANG Fei, LIU Meng-ting, LIU Xue-qin, QIN Zhi-liang, MA Ben-jun, ZHENG Yi (8)204

Elemental geochemistry of Core XT-4 sediments from the western Philippines Sea since 3.7 Ma and its paleoenvironmental implications……………………………………………………WANG Chen, XU Fang-jian, HU Bang-qi, XU Lei, DING Xue, WANG Fei-fei, HUANG Wei, GUO Jian-wei (8)214

Design and development of deep-sea buoys and their applications in the tropical western Pacific……………………………………………………CHEN Yong-hua, YU Fei, ZHANG Lin-lin, WANG Fu-jun, LIU Qing-kui, JIANG Bin, JIANG Jing-bo, NI Zuo-tao, LI Xiao-long, HU He-gang, REN Qiang (8)222

Application of the full ocean depth multibeam bathymetric system Seabeam3012 in the topographic surveys of Mariana seamounts in the Western Pacific……………………………………………………GONG Xu-dong, DIAO Xin-yuan, LÜ Ya-jun, LU Zhi-jun, TAO Ze-dan, ZHANG Hong-yun (8)230

Preparation of composite epoxy coating by electrospinning to enhance its anticorrosion performance under marine environment……………………………………………………YUAN Shuai, ZHAO Xia, JIN Zu-quan, DUAN Ji-zhou, HOU Bao-rong (8)238

Scientific measurement and knowledge map analysis in the field of marine ecological environmental protection based on Bibexcel and Pajek……………………………………………………YIN Xi-gang, LÜ Yang, SHA Zhong-li (8)251

Evaluation of the effects of sample size on estimating the molecular diversity of planktonic microeukaryotes in an oligotrophic oceanic region……………………………………………………ZHAO Rong-jie, ZHAO Feng, XU Kui-dong (9)8

Study on the temporal variation of bottom water dissolved oxygen concentration in the Xigang marine ranch……………………………………………………WANG Xin-yi, LIU Zi-zhou, GU Yan-zhen, ZHAI Fang-guo, SUN Li-yuan, SONG Hong-fang, LI Zi-niu, WANG Zhao-yu, JIA Nai-dong, QU Li-ru (9)20

Precise characteristics of Os isotopic composition of seawater since 80 Ma: recorded in polymetallic crusts from CW Pacific……………………………………………………WANG Yang, FANG Nian-qiao (9)28

Characteristics of potential hypoxic zone and its influencing factors in the northern Beibu Gulf……………………………………………………MA Hao-yang, WANG Li-sha, WU Min-lan, ZHENG Ai-rong (9)37

Experimental study of nutrients absorption and transformation byin a flowing water system……………………………………………………DING Yue-min, YAN Tian, GENG Hui-xia, ZHOU Ming-jiang (9)46

Top-down impacts ofon the phytoplankton community: Mesocosm experiments in a eutrophic pond……………………………………………………WANG Zhao-hui, ZHANG Guang-tao (9)53

Climate model based on big-data analysis……………………………………………………ZHANG Chen-hao, FENG Xi, FENG Wei-bing, LIU Tao, DING Kun (10)11

Numerical simulation of typhoon waves under the influence of Typhoon “Chan-Hom”……………………………………………………DU Yan, LIU Guo-qiang, HE Yi-jun, HAN Xue (10)22

Simulation of tracer experiment in the tidal estuary based on the Delft 3D model……………………………………………………LI Jia, ZHENG Xiang-yang, ZHANG Hua, JIANG De-juan, WANG Yu-lin, CAI Yong-bing (10)32

Corrosion prediction of marine engineering materials based on genetic algorithm and BP neural network……………………………………………………LI Hai-tao, YUAN Sen (10)38

Preparation and properties of agar/SiO2blend fibers……………………………………………………WU Da-wei, YAN Ting-bo, LI Teng-fei, WANG Ying-xia, XIAO Yu-bin, XUE Zhi-xin, XIA Yan-zhi (10)45

Geomechanical stress law analysis of hydrate reservoir for gas hydrate production by depressurization……………………………………………………JIN Hao, ZHANG Jun-bin, HE Yu-fa (11)9

Physicochemical properties and immunomodulatory activities of crude polysaccharides isolated from……………………………………………………LI Yi-zhen, YU Zhi-yang, TIAN Xin, SONG Lin (11)18

Characterizing the geochemical properties of organic carbon and phosphorus in the sediments of the middle Okinawa Trough since the Last Glacial Maximum for clarity……………………………………………………MA Kui, LI Tie, SUN Zhi-lei, ZHANG Xian-rong, LIU Jia-Yi, ZHU Mao-xu (11)27

Investigation of zinc corrosion by sulfate-reducing bacteria in a neutral anaerobic environment……………………………………………………QUAN Yu, DOU Wen-wen, HAN Xiao-mei, PU Ya-nan, SONG Yi, CHEN Shou-gang (11)35

Effects of temperature and dissolved organic phosphorus on the growth characteristics of……………………………………………………ZHANG Xiao-hua, LIU Dong-yan (11)44

Effects of different ultraviolet wavelength bands on the photosynthetic physiological characteristics of……………………………………………………ZHU Rong-jun, GAO Jia-yu, WU Ya-ping, XU Jun-tian (11)51

Study of derivation of nutrient criteria for the Daliaohe estuary……………………………………………………WANG Lei, SHAN Yang-yang, BIAN Jun-cui, LI Zheng-yan (12)13

Effect ofsp. on the corrosive behavior of metal materials under biocide resistance……………………………………………………XU Li-ting, MA Yan, ZHANG Yi-meng, GUAN Fang, ZHAI Xiao-fan, DONG Xu-cheng, DUAN Ji-zhou, HOU Bao-rong (12)22

Population genetic diversity of the red alga(Gigartinales, Rhodophyta) in the Yellow-Bohai Sea……………………………………………………ZHONG Kai-le, SONG Xiao-han, DUAN De-lin, HU Zi-min (12)31

Pollution characteristics and source apportionment of heavy metals in the surface sediments of the Jiulong River Estuary……………………………………………………LI Qing-sheng, WANG Cui, JIANG Jin-long, HUANG Jin-liang, WU Yao-jian (12)43

Research on classification algorithm of wetland land cover in the Linhong Estuary, Jiangsu Province……………………………………………………HE Shuang, LU Xia, ZHANG Sen, LI Shan, TANG Hai-tong, ZHENG Wei, LIN Hui, LUO Qing-ling (12)53


Object-oriented classification and change monitoring of coastal wetland land covers……………………………………………………SHAO Ya-ting, LU Xia, YE Hui, ZHANG Sen, SUN Min, LIN Ya-li, ZHAO Qian (1)66

Geostatistical analysis of the spatial variability of the initial corrosion rate of EH36 steel in the Yellow Sea……………………………………………………WANG Zhao, SUN Hu-yuan, SUN Li-juan, TIAN Guo-dong (1)74

Separation and purification of marine fouling bacteria and inhibition of metal ions……………………………………………………XIA Su-hang, QUAN Yan-ling, ZHOU Yan-wen, CHEN Dong-xu, KANG Hong-wei, LV Zhe, CHEN Shuang, GAO Yi-ning, LI Na, XIE Sheng-quan, GAO Peng (1)80

gene expression in gills and hepatopancreas of five populations ofunder LPS Stress……………………………………………………LIU Jie, NIE Hong-tao, Jiang Kun-yin, Wang Zheng-xing, Sun Xiao-tong, HUO Zhong-ming, YAN Xi-wu (1)88

Population genetic diversity ofalong the coast of China……………………………………………………SONG Xiao-han, SUN Zhong-min, HU Zi-min, DUAN De-lin (1)96

Nano- and microalgal contents in the stomachs of the main economic shellfish in Sanmen Bay……………………………………………………ZHU Gen-hai, FENG Wei-hua (1)105

Application of optimized rapid light curves in the study of photoacclimation characteristics of benthic dinoflagellates……………………………………………………HUANG Kai-xuan, CHEN Heng, XU Shuai-shuai, LIU Sha-sha, LV Song-hui (1)112

Growth, shell color segregation, and total antioxidant capacity studies of yellow shell color families selected from……………………………………………………XU Meng, HUANG Wen, LIU Wen-guang, PAN Xiao-lan, LIU Hui-ru, HE Mao-xian (1)121

Effect of acute heat stress on plasma biochemical indexes in turbot……………………………………………………MENG Zhen, ZHANG Hong-li, LIU Xin-fu, JIA Yu-dong, LIU Bin, QU Jiang-bo (1)131

Analysis of physiological responses in different populations ofto seawater acidification……………………………………………………SONG Hong-ce, JIANG Qiu-yun, LI Ling-ling, ZHAN Rui, WEI Lei, WANG Xiao-tong (1)141

A multi-communication system used for an integrated marine observation buoy……………………………………………………WANG Chun-xiao, WANG Xu, LIU Chang-hua, JIA Si-yang (1)147

Research and application of three-anchor buoy integrated observation platform……………………………………………………LIU Chang-hua, ZHANG Shu-wei, WANG Xu, WAN Xiao-zheng, JIA Si-yang, ZHAO Huan-yu, WANG Chun-xiao, LIU Ye, QI Yong, FAN Xiu-tao, LIU Shi-xuan (1)156

Studying and simulating the effects of global warming onpopulation growth and its litter decomposition in the coastal wetland of the Laizhou Bay……………………………………………………CHEN Cheng, ZHANG Gui-wen, LU Ying, XU Zhen, LIU Yu-hong (2)75

Spatiotemporal distribution pattern of meiofauna and its influencing factors in the Jinshatan Beach, Dalian……………………………………………………ZANG Yu, SUN Yan, YANG Li-li, LI Ya-nan, LUO Tian, MU Fang-hong (2)89

Community structure of crustaceans in the Zhoushan coastal fishery……………………………………………………LIU Hui, GUO Peng-jun, YU Cun-gen, DENG Xiao-yan, ZHANG Ping, XU Yong-jiu, YAN Wen-chao, XIE Xu (2)98

Study on the feeding habits ofin the coral reef ecosystem based on 18S rDNA barcoding……………………………………………………ZHOU Tian-cheng, HU Si-min, LIN Xian-zhi, LIU Sheng, HUANG Hui (2)107

Large-scale artificial reproduction and cultivation of the Jinjiang Oyster ()……………………………………………………WANG Wei, LI Li, LI Ao, WANG Chong, SUN Tong-qiu, ZHANG Guo-fan (2)112

An appropriate concentration of vitamin E promotes gene expression of growth hormone in……………………………………………………WANG Wei-fang, XIANG Ling, WANG Lin, HUANG Bin, LI Hui-tao (2)119

Adsorption of Cu2+in aquaculture water using carboxyethyl chitosan (CEC)/montmorillonite adsorbent……………………………………………………LI Jian-ping, ZHOU Xin-yu, DAI Jing-wei, SHEN Qing-zhou (2)130

Study on the differences in physical and mechanical properties of soil inside and outside a seabed pockmark……………………………………………………HE Xu-tao, ZHANG Xiu-feng, SHU Qi, LI Shi-qiang, SONG Sheng, PENG Wei-long (2)137

Deep-sea acoustic field effect under mesoscale eddy conditions……………………………………………………ZHANG Lin, LIU Dong, CHEN Wen-jing, SUN Xue-hai (3)73

Grain-size characteristics of sediments and sedimentary response to flood events from hole 24Z in muddy areas of the Yangtze Estuary……………………………………………………SHENG Chen, CHEN Bin, AN Yu-hui, ZHANG Xin, CHEN Li-lei, LIU Jian (3)84

Optimization of ICP-OES for the determination of total phosphorus in marine plankton……………………………………………………SUN Ling-ling, SONG Jin-ming, LIU Yao, YU Ying, SUN Xuan (3)92

Distribution and controlling factors of organic carbon in surface sediments of the coastal region surrounding Leizhou Peninsula……………………………………………………HAN Yong-qiang, XIA Jia, TAN Jing-qian, ABARIKE Grace Awinmalsim, SONG Zhi-guang (3)103

Influence of different culture methods on the feeding, survival, and water quality duringaquaculture……………………………………………………CHEN Jun-nan, GUO Yong-jun, LIANG Jian, LI Yong-ren, HUANG Ya-dong, LIANG Shuang (3)112

Effects of Dagang crude oil on partial antioxidant enzymes and metabolic enzymes inLischke……………………………………………………ZHANG Chao, LI Yong-ren, GUO Yong-jun, LIANG Jian (3)122

Comparison of biological characteristics between diploid and triploidlarvae……………………………………………………QIN Yan-ping, ZHANG Yue-huan, MO Ri-guan, LI Jun, XIAO Shu, MA Hai-tao, YU Zi-niu (3)128

Identification of astrain from seawater using a phylogenetic tree based on 16S andgene sequences……………………………………………………FU Qi, LIN Jun-jie, GAN Mei-yu, LU Yuan-qin, XIAO Yu-juan (4)95

Taxonomy and geographical distribution of the subfamily Keponinae (Crustacea: Isopoda)……………………………………………………ZHANG Miao, XI Qian-qian, CHEN Ru-ru, AN Jian-mei (4)102

Effect of different flow rates and sizes on the growth and survival ofjuveniles in the circulatory raceway system……………………………………………………LIN Xing-guan, ZHANG Xiang, TENG Shuang-shuang, XIAO Guo-qiang, CAI Yi-long (4)110

Simultaneous determination of four flavonoids inby RP-HPLC……………………………………………………GUO Li-xia, NING Huan-yu, CAO Wei, LI Hui, KONG Liang, TAN Cheng-yu (4)115

Structural analysis and design of single point mooring cage floating frame based on CFD simulation……………………………………………………CHEN Jun-chi, LIU Zuo-shi, CHEN Jun-hua, CHEN Xuan-guang (4)123

Pre-installation assessment of small island wind turbines based on multi-scenario life cycle assessment……………………………………………………MO Qiu-yun, LIAO Zhi-qiang, LIU Wei-hao, JIANG Li, GUAN Hui-sen, HE Sheng-wen (4)130

Taxonomic study of Lottioidea from the coast of China based on shell and radular morphology……………………………………………………ZHANG Shu-qian, ZHANG Su-ping (5)95

Distribution of sea fog and analysis of boundary layer conditions in Qingdao……………………………………………………REN Zhao-peng, LI Hao-qian, JU Xia, WANG Guo-qing (5)106

Transmission-loss correction of multibeam sonar backscatter strength in turbid waters……………………………………………………FU Gui-he, MA Xin-cheng, FENG Cheng-kai, YIN Ping, MEI Sai, YANG Fan-lin (5)114

Design and implementation of illumination monitoring system for kelp seedling cultivation……………………………………………………DU Xing-lin, LIU Chun-e, ZHANG Qi-yu, LIU Feng, SONG Yu-e, WANG Cheng-guo (5)122

Trophic cascading effect on the food chain ofsp.-……………………………………………………ZHANG Cui-xia, GAO Ge, LI Shi-yue, WU Yu-jia, WANG Rui, WU Meng-yao, LIU Ze-yang, LIU Yu-xuan, YANG Hao-da (5)132

GIS-based geological assessment for engineering construction in the Meishan Island, Ningbo……………………………………………………YANG Guo-qiang, JIN Yang, LI Yun, JIANG Yue-hua, GU Xuan, MEI Shi-jia, ZHANG Hong (5)140

Identification and validation of sea-wave echoes collected by a Doppler weather radar based on a Bayes classifier……………………………………………………SHEN Yan-yan, HUANG Xing-you, HUANG Shu-rong, SHEN Yan-qiu, CHEN Xiao-ying (6)90

Comparison of shallow water wave diffracted effects caused by a V-shaped breakwater and arc-shaped breakwater……………………………………………………CAI Han-tao, HUANG Hua, SU Wei (6)100

Diversity and community structure of the macrobenthos in Jiaozhou Bay in spring……………………………………………………CUI Wen-yao, YANG Xiang-jun, ZHANG Meng-sheng, CHEN Chen, YU Zi-shan (6)109

Community structure of nektons in Laizhou Bay, China……………………………………………………ZHANG Huan-jun, LIU Shu-de, LIU Yuan-jin, TU Zhong, ZHOU Quan-li, CHEN Wei, SUN Wei, LI Fan (6)121

Study on artificial breeding technique of……………………………………………………TIAN Chuan-yuan, XIA Pei-lun, ZHANG Jia-rong, YU Rui-hai, ZHENG Xiao-dong, GU Zhong-qi, HUANG Ji (6)130

Determination of trace elements in marine organisms by anticorrosive and efficient digestion bomb-ICP-MS method……………………………………………………QIU Jun, SUN Peng, LIU Wen-lin, WANG Xiao-ting, YU Wei-song (6)136

Design of a mobile clean collection laboratory for trace elements in seawater……………………………………………………NI Zuo-tao, DIAO Xin-yuan, ZHANG Zong-bing, CONG Shi-lei, SUN Yi, CHEN Zhao (6)140

Recognition and distribution of deep-sea cold-spring organisms based on R-FCN_ResNet……………………………………………………LI Hai-ju, LIAN Chao, GUAN Li-cong, LI Chao-lun, LUAN Zhen-dong (9)62

Molecular identification of Akashiwo sanguinea in Weizhou Island, Beibu Gulf……………………………………………………XU Yi-xiao, HE Xi-lin, ZHANG Teng, ZHAO Zhi-juan, WEI Guang-ling (9)73

Analysis of a terrestrial geomagnetic diurnal variation observation system for marine magnetic survey……………………………………………………JIA Fu-hao, GU Zhao-feng, ZHANG Zhen-bo, ZHOU Zhang-guo, LUO Qiang, ZHANG Jun-tao, FU Yong-tao (9)82

A comparative study of the influence of different natural diets on the growth and biochemical composition of(Mollusca: Cephalopoda)……………………………………………………ZHAO Jie-jie, CHEN Si-qing, CHANG Qing, XU Da-feng, LI Feng-hui, ZHANG Peng-fei (9)90

Optimized design of dissolved oxygen measurement based on fast digital lock-in……………………………………………………XIA Bin-biao, DENG Yun, LIN Ling, LI Gang, LIAO He-qin, WU Sheng, CUI Lin (9)99

Application research in channel waves with SPH and GEM coupling model……………………………………………………LI Yan-qing, BIE She-an, LI Da-ming, WANG Xin (9)111

Study on deep-sea pipeline walking mitigation……………………………………………………LIU Run, HAO Xin-tong, LI Cheng-feng, PENG Bi-yao (9)120

Investigation of coastal beaches in Shandong Province……………………………………………………LIU Zong-yu, YANG Li-zhong, QIAO Shou-wen, SHI Hong-yuan, YOU Zai-jin, YANG Le (9)129

Sliding mode active disturbance rejection control of underwater vehicle-manipulator system……………………………………………………LI Xiao-gang, WANG Hong-du, LI Ming, LIU Xin (9)138

Flocculant-resin combined method for preparation of agarose from agar……………………………………………………JU Hao, ZHANG Quan-bin (9)145

Experimental study on the new wave measurement method of air-launched buoys using a MEMS accelerometer……………………………………………………LIU Ning, WEI Xiao-hui, WANG Bin, DONG Tao (9)153

Research on object-oriented method of extracting coastline from unmanned aerial vehicle remote sensing image……………………………………………………MA De-ming, LIU Yan-xiong, JIN Yong-de, CHENG Bao-quan (10)51

Distribution and ecological characteristics of seagrass beds in Rongcheng Sanggou Bay, Weihai……………………………………………………LI Zheng, LI Wen-tao, YANG Xiao-long, ZHANG Yan-hao, ZHANG Pei-dong (10)59

Effects of background color on growth, survival, body color, and inhabiting behavior distribution of……………………………………………………WEI Miao, GU Zhi-feng, PAN Zhi, SHI Yao-hua, HUANG Zhi-wei, ZHENG Xing, LIAO Xiu-rui, LI Jiao-ni, LIU Chun-sheng, WANG Ai-min (10)65

Comparison and analysis of genetic variation between the released population and the population in the breeding area ofbased on microsatellite markers……………………………………………………ZHAO Yu, SUN Dian-rong, SHAN Bin-bin, LIU Yan, YANG Chang-ping, ZHOU Wen-li (10)73

Toxicity evaluation of drilling fluid characteristic pollutants and comparison of applicability of marine organisms for toxicity test……………………………………………………LIU Wei-li, YU Lu-jun, LI Jian-jun, CHEN Xiao-qu, ZHANG Lei (10)80

Primary research on the transmission mechanism of resistance to aminoglycoside for pathogenic marinestrains……………………………………………………WANG Rui-xuan, WANG Jiang-yong, LI Yun-ping, GUO Zi-han, LI Bing, LI Yun, ZHU Hui (10)90

Discussion on the operation scheme of the current Qingshuigou channel of the Yellow River……………………………………………………WANG Kai-rong, FAN Yao-shen, HAN Sha-sha, DU Xiao-kang (10)100

Salinity correction for sea-wing glider payload conductance-temperature-depth……………………………………………………CHU Fu-shuo, PANG Chong-guang, SI Zong-shang, YU Jian-cheng (10)106

Design of the dissolved oxygen detection system based on the least square method and RBF neural network……………………………………………………QI Sheng-bo, WANG Rong, YIN Bao-an, ZHANG Yang (10)113

Research for the design of the basis with pile group and high bearing platform of offshore wind farm……………………………………………………WANG Miao, WU Dong-kuan, LI Jin-yuan, ZHU Liang, CHEN Xiao-jun, LIU Jian-min, ZHAO Le-chuan (10)120

Determination of chloride and sulfate ion in seawater by ion chromatograph……………………………………………………WANG Pi-bo, ZENG Yan-min, YAN Jing, YIN Li-na, REN Deng-long (11)56

Analysis of distribution characteristics, health status, and influencing factors of seagrass bed in Li’an lagoon, Hainan Island……………………………………………………CHEN Shi-quan, PANG Qiaozhu, CAI Ze-fu, WU Zhong-jie, SHEN Jie, WANG Dao-ru, CHEN Hai-ying (11)64

Effects ofHC-2 on the morphology of hepatopancreas, immunity- related genes, and enzyme activity ofaffected by aflatoxin B1……………………………………………………FANG Han, LIU Mei, WANG Bao-jie, JIANG Ke-yong, WANG Lei (11)71

Research and development of integrated acoustic monitoring system for marine instrument test field ……………………………………………………JIANG Jing-bo, LIU Qing-kui, YU Fei, CHEN Yong-hua, NI Zuo-tao (11)77

Assessment of the Minjiang River estuary and its castal waters quality using principal component analysis ……………………………………………………LIN Xiu-zhu, RAO Qing-hua, CHEN Qi, LIN Mao-zi, LIN Yun-shan (11)86

Design and implementation of offshore marine forecast information acquisition system……………………………………………………LIU Pei-xue, YAN Dong, DONG Li, CHEN Yu-jie (11)93

Research and application of accurate extraction method of island shoreline based on hyperspectral remote sensing of unmanned aerial vehicle……………………………………………………XU Dong, YANG Min, MIAO Yu-hong, YAN Jin, SUN Miao (12)60

Thermal tolerance of common marine organisms in Funing Bay by simulation of temperature increase in summer from thermal drainage……………………………………………………LI Yi, ZHOU Da-yan, CHEN Xiao-ci, XU Li-li, CAO Liang (12)68

Response of Zhejiang coastal water to typhoon “Yagi”……………………………………………………TAO Yu, ZHONG Wei-fan, HU Feng-tao (12)77

Effects of different sampling methods on the accuracy of particulate organic carbon and particulate nitrogen samples in ocean……………………………………………………LIU Yi, LIU Qun, WU Wen-guang, YANG Jun, LIU Yue, JIANG Ya-fei, ZHANG Ji-hong (12)83

Research on the landscape process of the Nanliu estuary……………………………………………………WANG Ri-ming, HUANG Hu (12)92


The tectonic evolution and sedimentary filling characteristics of the Mozambique Basin……………………………………………………GAO Ya, TANG Yong, XIE Xi-nong (1)164

Progress of rip currents research in China……………………………………………………DONG Bi-xuan, FENG Wei-bing, FENG Xi (1)174

A review of Cretaceous ocean anoxia events……………………………………………………FAN Qing-chao, XU Zhao-kai (2)145

Concentration statistics and detection technology of hydrogen sulfide in submarine hydrothermal vent fluids……………………………………………………MA Yuan-yuan, XIN Yang, JIANG Lei (2)160

Review of coast quality models: Research process and outlook……………………………………………………LU Yao-feng, DING Zhi-bin, LI Wei, CHEN Peng, CHEN Xiao (2)170

Current status of the operation and maintenance of large-scale marine equipment in the United States and its enlightenment to China……………………………………………………WANG Jian-cun, JING Chun-lei, Tian Xu (2)179

Progress in research on the antitumor activities ofpolysaccharides and their underlying mechanisms……………………………………………………DING Hao-miao, HONG Jia-yao, CHEN Xue-jia, LI Qin-qing, LI Gui-feng,WANG Cai-sheng, QIAN Guo-ying (3)137

Research progress in the preparation and application of chitosan-based superabsorbent polymer……………………………………………………FANG Shi-xin, LI Xian-cui (3)145

Arginine methyltransferase 1 regulates DNA damage repair and apoptosis……………………………………………………ZHANG Yi-chao, WU Wei-wei, LI Ao, LIU Bao-hua, PANG Qiu-xiang (3)152

Overview of unmanned surface vehicle motion control methods……………………………………………………PEI Zhi-yuan, DAI Yong-shou, LI Li-gang, JIN Jiu-cai, SHAO Feng (3)162

Progress in studies of the characteristics and mechanisms of variations in the Taiwan Warm Current……………………………………………………WANG Jian-feng, SI Guang-cheng, YU Fei (5)148

Progress and perspectives on silicate transporter (SIT) in diatoms……………………………………………………SHANG Xiao-mei, SUN Jun, XIN Ye-hong, ZHANG Shan (5)155

Review of ship target imaging and type recognition by unmanned rotorcraft-borne radar…………………………………………………………………………………………………………ZHANG Xi, ZHANG Jie, MENG Jun-min (6)147

Research progress of cysteine-rich intestinal protein……………………………………………………CHEN Yan, SUN Chen (6)151

Advances and future prospects inresearch……………………………………………………YANG Hao, SHI Bao, NIU Hua-xin, ZHANG Dai-qiang, LI Jing (6)158

Preface……………………………………………………YANG Hong-sheng (7)1

Current advances and technological prospects of the sea cucumber seed industry in China……………………………………………………YANG Hong-sheng, SUN Jing-chun, RU Xiao-shang, ZHANG Can-ying, XING Li-li, SUN Li-na, LIN Cheng-gang, LIU Shi-lin, ZHANG Li-bin (7)9

Perspective on propagation, cultivation and utilization of economical seaweeds……………………………………………………WANG Xiu-liang, ZHANG Quan-bin, DUAN De-lin (7)15

Disease control in shrimps: theory and practice……………………………………………………LIU Mei, WANG Bao-jie, JIANG Ke-yong, WANG Lei (7)25

Advances and perspectives of researches on taxonomy and phylogeny of marine invertebrates in China……………………………………………………LI Xin-zheng, KOU Qi, WANG Jin-bao, GAN Zhi-bin, YANG Mei, GONG Lin, SUI Ji-xing, MA Lin, QU Han-xue, CHU Yan-ling, ZENG You-wei, WANG Wei-na, ZHANG Qi, DONG Dong (7)70

Research progress in gastropod taxonomy in China……………………………………………………ZHANG Su-ping, ZHANG Shu-qian (7)78

Research progress in sources, distributions, and ecological effects of marine microplastics……………………………………………………WANG Jiang-tao, ZHAO Ting, TAN Li-ju, HUANG Wen-qiu, ZHU Xiao-lin, ZHAO Wei-hong (7)85

Research progresses of thin phytoplankton layer in the ocean……………………………………………………WANG Yun-feng, YAN Tian, YU Ren-cheng, ZHANG Qing-chun, KONG Fan-zhou, ZHOU Ming-jiang (7)95

Application of environmental DNA technology in ecological conservation and monitoring……………………………………………………ZHANG Hui, XIAN Wei-wei (7)102

Retrospect and prospect: studies on geographical expansion of resting cysts of non-indigenous harmful algal bloom (HAB)-forming dinoflagellates via ships’ ballast tanks……………………………………………………HU Zhang-xi, SHANG Li-xia, DENG Yun-yan, TANG Ying-zhong (7)115

Metabarcoding analysis of harmful algal blooms: Opportunities and challenges……………………………………………………CHEN Nan-sheng (7)134

Research progress of chitosan derivatives containing nitrogen, sulfur and phosphorus with inhibitory activity on plant pathogenic fungi……………………………………………………XING Rong-e, YIN Yu-kun, LI Ke-cheng, LIU Song, LI Peng-cheng (7)142

Seafloor hydrothermal activities and their geological environments and products……………………………………………………ZENG Zhi-gang, CHEN Zu-xing, ZHANG Yu-xiang, YANG Ya-min, LI Xiao-hui, QI Hai-yan (7)155

Advances in research on biological mineralization process of marine ferromanganese nodules……………………………………………………JIANG Ming-yu, HU Yi-hao, YU Xin-ke, CAO Wen-rui, SAREN Gao-wa, CHANG Feng-ming (7)164

Research and development of integrated environmental monitoring system for marine instrument test area……………………………………………………JIANG Jing-bo, WANG Xin, YU Fei (7)170

Application and prospect of inverted echo sounder in global ocean……………………………………………………REN Qiang, YU Fei, NAN Feng, WANG Jian-feng, SUN Fan, CHEN Zi-fei (7)178

Influence of subtropical Pacific variability on ENSO: Review and advance……………………………………………………FENG Jun-qiao, LU Yun-long, GUAN Cong, YUAN Xin, HUI Yu-chao, WU Jie (8)7

Active defense assessment model of a seawall……………………………………………………LI Shui-qing, HOU Yi-jun, WANG Jun-yan (8)13

Review of the research and application of the submarine cable online observation system……………………………………………………ZHAI Fang-guo, LI Pei-liang, GU Yan-zhen, LI Xin, CHEN Dong, LI Lin, SUN Li-yuan, LIU Zi-zhou, JIANG Qing-yan, WU Wen-fan (8)28

Research progress in the genetic basis of sex determination and sex identification methods in economically important aquatic animals……………………………………………………ZHANG Shuang-yan, ZHANG Li-bin (8)38

Application of historical DNA in study of fish population genetics and evolution……………………………………………………XU Zhe, LIU Jin-xian (8)47

Fish germ cell transplantation technology: Research and progress……………………………………………………ZHOU Li, LIU Qing-hua, LI Jun (8)55

History, current status, and future development of the Pacific abalone seed release and sea ranching in China……………………………………………………WU Fu-cun, QUE Hua-yong, ZHANG Guo-fan (8)68

Progress in study and application on chromosome manipulation of marine fishes from China……………………………………………………YOU Feng, WU Zhi-hao (8)84

Advances and prospects in behavioral ecology of aquatic animals……………………………………………………ZHANG Li-bin, FENG Qi-ming, FAN Xin-hao, ZHANG Shuang-yan (8)97

Branching phenotype and plasticity in floating ecotype of(Ulvophyceae, Chlorophyta)……………………………………………………MA Ying-ying, ZHAO Jin, XIE Wei-feng, JIANG Peng (8)105

Ecological environment evolution and nutrient variations in Jiaozhou Bay……………………………………………………SONG Jin-ming, YUAN Hua-mao, LI Xue-gang, DUAN Li-qin (8)117

Study and application of thyroid system in marine vertebrates……………………………………………………YANG Hao-yue, XING Rong-e, LIU Song, YU Hua-hua, LI Peng-cheng (8)129

Development history and future prospects of culturingfor natural astaxanthin……………………………………………………LIU Jian-guo (8)146

Study on the causes and remediation of soil degradation……………………………………………………ZHANG Hui, SONG Lin, CHEN Xiao-lin, LI Peng-cheng (8)161

Research progress of biofouling and its control technology in marine underwater facilities……………………………………………………DUAN Ji-zhou, LIU Chao, LIU Hui-lian, SUN Jia-wen, ZHANG Yi-meng, WANG Nan, ZHAI Xiao-fan, GUAN Fang, ZHENG Meng, ZHANG Jie, WANG Xiu-tong, HOU Bao-rong (8)177

Review of organophosphate esters in oceans and atmospheres……………………………………………………FANG Xiao-jing, YANG Sheng-wen, ZHANG Hong-hai, GAO Xian-chi, YANG Gui-peng (9)165

Current situation and problems in the study of the life history of……………………………………………………HUANG Bing-xin, LIU Jin-mei, MA Yuan-yuan, JIANG Jing-jing, DING Lan-ping (9)175

Research progress in the effects of ocean acidification on phytoplankton physiology……………………………………………………ZHAO Yu-ying, SUN Jun, WEI Yu-Qiu (10)132

Current investigation status of immerison vaccination strategy optimization in fish……………………………………………………YAO Hai-jing, HAN Gao-shang, GAO Ying-li (10)142

The integrated application of structural analysis methods in stretch basins……………………………………………………WANG Wen-long, DONG Dong-dong (11)101

Advances in anti-inflammatory bioactive substances derived from marine organisms……………………………………………………YANG Chao-fan, QIN Song, LI Wen-jun (11)113

Review on the application and development of Expendable Bathythermograph……………………………………………………CHEN Wen-jing, ZHANG Lin, SUN Xue-hai, DUAN Jia-xi (11)122

A review of the effects of sulfide stress on seagrass ……………………………………………………ZHANG Yu, ZHAO Peng, ZHANG Xiao-mei, ZHOU Yi (11)131

Construction and development of marine ranch observation network in Shandong Province……………………………………………………ZHAI Fang-guo, GU Yan-zhen, LI Pei-liang, SUN Li-yuan, LI Xin, CHEN Dong, LI Lin, LIU Zi-zhou, JIANG Qing-yan, LIU Xing-chuan, LIU Peng-xia, CHEN Yao-zu (12)106

Research review on “Black Pearl” Wave Glider……………………………………………………SUN Xiu-jun, SANG Hong-qiang, LI Can, ZHOU Ying, YU Pei-yuan, WANG Lei (12)115

Virus and its relationship with the ocean by a natural thought……………………………………………………LI Nai-sheng (12)122

Advances in studies of artificial breeding and culturing techniques and the comprehensive utilization of……………………………………………………HUANG Dong, QIN Song, PU Yang, JIAO Xu-Dong (12)131

Geochemical methods for identification of sedimentary provenance……………………………………………………WANG Ke, ZHAI Shi-kui (12)143

Research progress on structure-activity relationship of marine biological functional peptides……………………………………………………HE Xiao-li, QIN Song, LI Wen-jun, TANG Zhi-hong (12)152


My passion for the corrosion protection of ocean splash zone……………………………………………………Hou Bao-rong (7)193

科技传播(2019年22期)2020-01-14 03:06:54
中成药(2017年9期)2017-12-19 13:34:44
中国塑料(2016年4期)2016-06-27 06:33:22