隔离区的大型居住区包含若干由5 个单元(最多可住两人)和两个双联单元(最多可住4 人)组成的独立建筑群。每个单元都有一个厨房角、盥洗室和淋浴设施、床铺,以及面向中央庭院的户外小平台。单元之间由矮栅栏隔开,既保持视觉上的联系又保证必要的社交距离。
这个特殊的项目支持要求是国际移民组织提出的,并最终促成了尼日利亚东北部自我隔离设施的建设。(尚晋 译)
项目信息/Credit and Data
设计团队/Design Team: Tέchne
建筑面积/Floor Area: 4200 m2
摄影/Photos: IOM
1 营地图示/Camp diagram
2 外景/Exterior view
This project is intended to describe the core objective of a COVID-19 Self-quarantine facility and its functioning as protective and preventive system for camps and camp-like setting. supporting governments in including people affected by humanitarian crises within the outbreak readiness and response strategies.
In the Global nor th, quarantine for asymptomatic individuals and mild, moderate cases is generally carried out at home. In most Global South countries, and especially in fragile contexts such as IDP Camps, informal settlements and refugee camps, quarantine is more difficult to carry out because of an obvious lack of facilities and infrastructures, but necessary in order to avoid the spread of the disease which would then prove even more difficult to be contained in an overcrowded and dense built environment. The facility proposed by Tέchne was meant to be placed next to the main camps in order to allows a safe, controlled, dignified and comfortable self-quarantine for new arrivals in order to:
(a) limit human to human transmission, including reducing secondary infections among close contacts and healthcare workers, preventing transmission amplification events, strengthening health facilities;
(b) identify and provide optimised care for infected patients early;
(c) communicate critical risk and information to all communities, and counter misinformation.
The large residential sector of the quarantine area consists in a series of clusters of independent structures containing five single units (hosting up to two people) and two double units (hosting up to four people). Each unit includes a cooking corner, latrine and shower facilities, bed, and small outside terrace that opens up towards the central courtyard, and is separated from other units by a low fence allowing visual communication while providing required distancing.
This specific support request was submitted by the International Organisation for Migration which finally launched the construction of the selfquarantine facility in the Northeast of Nigeria.
3 医疗分解轴测/Exploded axonometric (medical)
4 住宅分解轴测/Exploded axonometric (residential)
5 施工过程/Construction process
6 施工过程/Construction process
7 小屋首层平面及剖面/Small house ground floor plan and sections
8 首层平面/Ground floor plan